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February 16, 2017
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NVA CPRP Renewal 1�
National Recreationr�, '
and Park Association Application �� ,c ,
Title(e.g.Mr./Mrs.):_ First Name: �'ti1 AU MI: W, Last Name: (.C1NA I
Address(Vlork/Home): I*L 6S C4j tiYDIt ra* Vviyt EAS-F
City: CGLVtrhel State: (t-1 Zip: Lo D 3 2.
Home Phone: 3
! Work Phone: I'll•�?3•C21:516Email address: Swavn^leyidti le N^w DO•C,DYYtI NRPA member?tYes-Membership# 'LD53 i No
Renewal Application Fee Exam Fee(If needed) TOTAL
NRPA Member:$65.00 PRP Exam$195.00 Application Fee
Non-NRPA Member:$75.00 *Only if you have not obtained Exam Fee(*If needed*)+
Current Student:$50.00 required 2.0 CEUs* Total Due e
SAVE $5 by filling out your CPRP Renewal Application Online through the Online Certification at
Y{(a51,rnak�chc�ks_payafil�to�l3alio-"neral Rwrcahi�p apii,pf�rk��gsgtiatt}t(tn(NJiP,�)„--�-,��;s,,�
*Check Ci,dit Card. .t0OV .
isa �O3�M_a�t'rC �rrd
Credit Card Number: _ Expiration Date:
Name on Credit Card: CVV:
Billing Address:
Continuation of certification shall be contingent upon completion of a minimum of two(2.0)Continuing Education Units or
equivalent academic course work from an accredited college or university in each 24-month period. Note change:Please do not
send official documentation of continuing education to NRPA unless you are requested to do so as part of the audit process. The
second page of this application must be completed and submitted as proof of your CEU requirement completion. Upon receipt of
the recertification application, NRPA will select a random percentage of applications for audit. Certificants who are selected for
audit will be directly notified by NRPA. Certificants will have 30 days to submit their continuing education materials for the audit
process. Failure to submit the continuing education materials in a timely manner will result in a denial for recertification. If you do
not have your required 2.0 CEUs you must re-take the current CPRP exam within your certification cycle.
NRPA Transcript Page 1 of 2
.- National Recreation A•ld+_n,VA 201-1843ct
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n'[.� Park +.T.JFc� +4i! ! #e.ro'1A:,uniaa
Of Thinscrip►t
Shauna Lewallen
Carmel Clay Parks& Recreation
1235 Central Park Dr E Print —_
Carmel, IN 46032-4421 J
This transcript displays a history of CEU's completed with NRPA starting on 10/01/2007.
If you wish to select a different"End Date„ than today, do so by clicking on the date below.
Start Date: 10/1/2007 End Date: 2/16/2017 I Reset Dates
Date Event Title Location Knowledge CEU's
10/14/2014 Congress 2014 112-Building Your Brand Around Charlotte, 0.10
Customer Service NC
10/15/2014 Congress 2014 213-A Day Without Recognition is Like Charlotte, 0.10
a Day Without Employees NC
10/14/2014 Congress 2014 140-Unengaged Employees?The Charlotte, 0.10
Power of Play in the Workplace NC
10/16/2014 Congress 2014 317-Run it Like a Business- Charlotte, 0.10
Embracing an Entrepreneurial Spirit NC
233-Shaping Powerful Park Charlotte,
10/15/2014 Congress 2014 Experiences Embracing Creativity and NC 0.10
Principals of Art
2015 NRPA 298-Delivering Your TED Talk: How To Las Vegas,
9/16/2015 Annual ,Speak So People Listen NV 0.00
2015 Annuall 102-Customer Service Boot Camp: Las Vegas,
9/15/2015 AnnConference Back To The Basics For Professionals NV 0.10
2015 NRPA Las Vegas
„ 9/15/2015 nnual 139-The Three is of Success NV 0.20
A Conference
9/16/2015 Annual 12015 NRPA 242-National Economic Impact of Las Vegas, 0.10
Conference Parks and Recreation NV
2015 NRPA
9/16/2015 �Annual 249-If You Dona€TM't Feed the .Las Vegas, 0.10
Conference Supervisors, They Eat the Staff1 NV
2016 NRPA 340-Counting What Counts: Using St. Louis,
. IOM2016 Annual Data to Drive Real Change MO 0.10
http://apps.nrpa.org/transcript/ 2/16/2017
Professional Service Experience Form
Please send this form along with all documentation to:
National Recreation and Park Association attn.:Certification
22377 Belmont Ridge Rd,Ashburn,VA 20148
Or email to certification@nrpa.org
To obtain Professional Service Experience Points:
1. Complete and submit this form with your renewal application.Be sure to include all PSE points you are requesting
and the date(s)of service or publication.
2. Please submit all supporting documentation with this form(PSE points will not be granted without
3. Keep a copy of this form and supporting documentation for your records.
4. You may use up to 10 PSE Points(1.0 CEU equivalency credits)toward your 2.0 CEU required for renewal for
CPRPs and 15 PSE Points(1.5 CEU equivalency credits)toward your 3.0 CEU required renewal for CPREs.
Name:Last Lt W cuteyi First ,,SkA V h dl M.I._
Email: SI'I V14t kW6LUW C_/ l Ah DD' CAM Phone:t3 f 1i_ 5073 -'6a 2-3Lr
Job Title: R_f L SWO U S rY 0100111W Agency COW t V '%jk4$ <agthoYl
Address: Street (1— '5 (',Q�(f yA.( �G 1�►�f.VB
City State Zip (s D-S 2,
please complete
Available Points
(please refer to the PSE Information sheet for maximum points available in each area)
Service Requested Dates)of Service/Publication
LElected Officer............................................,..,.. 5 points/year
2.Committee Chairperson„............................................ 5 points/year
3.Committee Member_......._........................................ 2 points/year _
4.Presenter/Co-presenter..............._........................... 1 points/session hour
S.NRPA Research Session.__._..._......._..._................... 1 points/session
6.Legisiative/Lobbying Representative........................._ 5 points/year
7Accreditation Visitor Chairperson(for CAPRA and/or COA).. 5 points/year
B.Accreditation Visitor(for CAPRA and/or COA).................. 2 points/year
t)terary/rraining Material Contribution
9.Author of published books/textbooks/training manuals/training
software 15 points/boak
10Authored/edited chapter(s)of published Books/textbooks—... 5 polnts/book
11.Refereed Journal Articles_..............................._.. 5 points/article
12.Unpublished masters and/or doctoral thesis/applied research..... 10 points
13.Articles far NRPA or State Affiliate magazines_............ 3 points/article
14.Manuscripts/Artidesfor NRPA or State Affiliate professional
publications or research abstracts 2 points/article W+a. AL . q %
Cettlflcation Iclrcle one)
Total PAE.Points
Requested CPRP(10pt max) CPRE(15pt maxi
For NRPA Use Only
Total PSE Points Awarded Total Credit for Certificatio_n Renewal Date
Authorized Signature
Please return this form with documentation to NRPA,22377 Belmont Ridge Rd,Ashburn,VA 20148 or certification@nrpa.org
change requests need to be submitted no later than Friday,June 17,201.6.
1 _
' Session i
;Role Session Title Code Date Time Location
104-00 PM- 232-
CAPRA Accreditation: You can do it! 42 110/06/16 05:15 PM America's
Speaker Conference Registration will open on Monday,May 16,2016. You
'will receive more information concerning registration prior to this date.
Speaker Service Center
You will access the Speaker Service Center to sign your speaker agreement,
complete your Audio Visual Request Form,submit your session materials,etc. To
access the Speaker Service Center,use the login information below:
Webaddress: https://s3.goeshow.com/nrparklannual/2016/speaker login.cfm
? . Username: slewaRen@carmelclayparks.com
• Password:TLNU5459
Audio Visual Equipment
To ensure we have the proper audio visual(AV) equipment on-site for your session,
please visit the Speaker Service Center to submit the required information no later
than Friday, May 27,2016. Only one AV form needs to be completed per
isession. *AV Forms are not required to be submitted for the Off-Site Institutes (OSIS).
`Session Material and Handouts
In an effort to"Go Green" NRPA will not provide handouts,but we will provide
free online access via our website to the presentations/handouts to the registered
attendees. The online access to the presentations and handouts will be available pre-
`and post-conference to the attendees. If your presentation and additional handouts
Eare not submitted by the deadline your session outline may be posted until it is
All education session speakers must submit an electronic copy their session
PowerPoint presentation and additional handouts by Friday, August 26,2016(this
date is subject to change). Presentations and handouts will be uploaded via
the Speaker Service Center. *Off-Site Institute (OSI)presenters are encouraged, but not
1 required, to submit their presentation material.
Z. .
Indiana Park & Recreation
Association e
Spring 2016
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reenfield Parks.Update
ow to Innovate from the 'inside Out
ce Rink at Central Park Plaza
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Fostering an environment of innovation Creating an organizational culture in employees to spend time reflecting
in the workplace is essential for agencies which employees know that their ideas upon and planning how to effectively.
striving to be Parks&Recreation are not just accepted,but valued, transform an idea into a reality.Just
champions. Embracing suggestions doesn't happen overnight.Even the hest as management has a responsibility to
from all levels of employees in the managers have moments where they establish parameters and expectations,
organization,not just management,leads don't truly take the time to listen when staff has a responsibility to work within
to generation and implementation of new their team members bring them an idea. those guidelines to thoughtfully prepare
ideas,products and processes.In other Without parameters and expectations on their presentation. I
words,innovation!The struggle that how ideas are presented,it can be easy
many agencies face is not channeling to overlook an Idea that could be a game The Recommendation Report is broken
new ideas properly and failing to provide changer for the agency. down into four key areas:Introduction,
tools and resources for staff to fully Background&Issues,Options,and
develop and present their innovations. Formalize the Process Recommendation.The Introduction
At Carmel Clay Parks&Recreation, provides a brief synopsis regarding the
recommendation being presented.This
This may sound easy in theory,but
the platform for idea submission is rtion of the report is brief but highlights
having the tools and processes in place called the Recommendation Report: Po
is critical for employee-driven ideas The Recommendation Report requires the overall concept pt of the idea.
to potentially become a reality.Have
you ever been in a meeting where
an outstanding idea was posed and
then met with a blank stare from the
manager sitting across the table?Off
the cuff conversations with management
shouldn't be where great ideas meet
I ;
their doom I
Create a Culture U , I .a
of Excitement for New Ideas
All levels of employees in an
organization have valuable ideas to s ,,
share.Each person interacts with
different processes,paperwork, s
equipment,etc.in their day-to-day r
work and as they become the expert in
their area,they will likely see room for
Improvements.Are those improvements �' Y§
going to be gigantic,mind-blowing, s
wholesale changes?Maybe not,
but small ideas and incremental
improvements become significant over
time and allow organizations to remain
relevant and ahead of the curve.
An additional benefit to innovating
from the inside out is an exceptional
Increase in employee engagement and
buy-in.Some new ideas will come from
a recognized need,a predetermined
issue,or a challenge communicated i
from management, but some will come '
directly from imaginative employees.
Empowering and enabling employees,
by creating a formal process to legitimize
their ideas,takes aspiration and turns it
into action.
16 theProfile