HomeMy WebLinkAbout308673 02/28/17 +u "p'' CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 00350366 `� '�, CHECKAMOUNT: $*******405.14* ONE CIVIC SQUARE THE TIMES ;. ?� CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 641 WESTFIELD ROAD CHECK NUMBER: 308673 vM__ �:. NOBLESVILLEIN 46060 CHECK DATE: 02/28/17 ITON�� DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1701 4345500 TL10341 52.67 PUBLICATION OF LEGAL 1701 4345500 TL10765 159.70 PUBLICATION OF LEGAL 1701 4345500 TL10827 24.63 PUBLICATION OF LEGAL 1701 4345500 TL10845 18.69 PUBLICATION OF LEGAL 1110 4346000 TL11692 6.11 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISIN 1701 4345500 TL9597 143.34 PUBLICATION OF LEGAL VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201(Rev.1995) Vendor# 00350366 ALLOWED 20 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER THE TIMES IN SUM OF$ CITY OF CARMEL 641 W ESTFI ELD ROAD An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show:kind of service,where performed,dates service rendered,by whom,rates per day,number of hours,rate per hour,number of units,price per unit,etc. NOBLESVILLE, IN 46060 Payee $6.11 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Purchase Order# Carmel Police Terms Date Due PO# ACCT# DATE INVOICE# DESCRIPTION DEPT# INVOICE# Fund# AMOUNT. Board Members DEPT# FUND# (or note attached invoice(s)or bill(s)) AMOUNT TL11692 43-460.00 $6.11 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or 2/10/17 TL11692 Merit Board meeting notice $6.11 1110 101 1110 101 bill(s)is(are)true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Friday, February 24, 2017 _ Green,Tim Chief of Police I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s),is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 ,20— Cost 20Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund. Clerk-Treasurer WSa`gam IV.a, Invoice �"hePaper +• �1ieTrues Date Invoice# "� ,"�-- °' '1'`htsl?flee"kly•;ShendunNews. *^, ITD B.ox?72 2/10/2017 TLI1692 Grawfordsvaille,rT 47933, i Bill To City of Carmel One Civic Square i{!y''`. Carmel,IN 46032 PLEASE NOTE:Our Remittance address has changed.Please update our account information to reflect the Rep LR Corporate Business Office address and to avoid late payments.Thank you! Remit payment by 3/12/2017 After this date a late fee of 5% will be added to your account.. cription b Qty =Rate <- Amount` meeting notice CPD 6.11 6.11 Sagamore News Media is converting our billing system. Soon, we will be sending you your bills electronically. Please provide us an e-mail address you would like for us to use. You can send that address to business @thepaper24-7.com. Thank you for your help! Thank you for choosing The Times of Noblesville.We value your local business! Total $6.11 This invoice states that you have agreed to purchase an.ad,or ad package from us. If you have any questions you can contact your sales rep or call the Business Office at 765-361-0100 x12. Balance Due $6.11 VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. Prescribed by State Board of Accounts :City Form No,201 (Rev.1995) ALLOWED 20 . ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER Vendor# 00350366 IN SUM OF$ THE TIMESCITY OF CARMEL 641 WESTFI ELD ROAD An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show:kind of service,where performed,dates service rendered,by whom,rates per day,number of hours,rate per hour,number of units,price per unit,etc. NOBLESVILLE, IN 46060 Payee $399.03 Purchase Order# ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Terms Clerk Treasurer Date Due PO# ACCT# DATE INVOICE# DESCRIPTION. DEPT# INVOICE# Fund#. AMOUNT Board Members. DEPT# FUND# (or note attached invoice(s)or bill(s)) AMOUNT TL 10827 43-455.00 $24.63 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or 9/7/16 TL 10827 AD FOR ORD D-2321-16(RAN 9/7/16) $24.63 1701 101 Prior Year 1701 101 bill(s)is(are)true and correct and that the TL 10845 43-455.00 $18.69 9/9/16 TL 10845 AD FOR ORD D-2320-16(RAN 919116) $18.69 1701 101 1 Prior Year materials or services itemized thereon for 1701 101 TL 10341 437455.00 $52.67 7/2/16 TL 10341 AD FOR ORD,D-2293-16(RAN 7/2/16) $52.67 1701 101 Prior Year which charge is made were ordered and 1701 101 TL 9597 43-455.00 $143.34 received except 2/29/16 TL 9597 AD FOR ANNUAL REPORT(RAN 2/29/16) $143.34 1701 101 Prior Year 1701 101, TL 10765' - 43-455.00 $159.70 8/31/16 TL 1.0765 AD FOR ORD,D-2313-16(RAN 8/31/16) $159:70 1701 101 Prior Year 1701 . 101 Thursday, February 23,2017 5 an�a�,� �`, o T�—l�� �2't Harvey, Linda Chief Deputy Clerk Treasurer S z5 CD0153_ I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s), is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 20 - Clerk-Treasurer -- -- _ . The Times . . Invoice` 920 Logan St.,Suite 101: Noblesville,IN 46.060 :. w -Date invoice#: 8/31/2016 TL 10765 Bill To _. . . City of Carmel One Civic Square: :. . Carmel, IN 46032 ATTN: Jacob Quinn 1 oo," ... .. . ' _. .. Description Qty Rate Amount ORDINANCE NO. D=2313-16' $159.70 $159.70 _ .. . Ad Ran:.! 8/31/2016 _ .. . _ .. . : _. .. . _ .. _. .. . PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR INVOICE NUMBER(TL10765) ON. . : YOUR CHECK WHEN MAKING A PAYMENT Subtotal $159.70 _. .. _ - Total $159.70 Balance Due'.. .. .. . HWS AFF PUBLISE ._. IDAViT wq State;of Indiana ) .. . ... .. . ss Hamilton County Personally appeared before me, a notary public in and for said county and state, the. undersigned Tim Timmons who:being duly sivorn,says that he is,Publishe�t.of The Times newspaper of geneial�circulation printed.and.published in the English language in the c ty Of Noblesville in,state and count afore sand and that the printed matter attached liereto is,a true co y py,which was duly published in said paper for 1 time(s),the dates)of publication being as follows: 8/31/2016 � . Subscribed and,sworn to before me this Wednesday;.August 31,2016,- - No. tary Public . .:My commission:expires: 05/28/2020 , Jennifer Louise May: Resident of Marion County Publisher's Fee::$.159.70 SE MAY 5C3} i - Stare af nd�,nz My. Cvrrrmis lon E;<pires Play 2b G0'ut ' y TL X 07' ORDINANCE NO.D-2313-16 East. Park Lane AN ORDINANCE OFTHE COMMON COUNCIL Brierley Way Parkview Place OF THE CITY OF CARMEL,INDIANA, Broad Street Parson's Gate AMENDING CITY CODE CHAPTER 8, Broughton Street Pawnee Road ARTICLE 3,SECTION 8-19 Buckland Street Pebblebrook Lane Synopsisi Amends speed limit zones ou certain City Bull Court b.. Pettigni Street streets. . .' Bunty Laue Prairie Place WHEREAS;the City of Camie%Indiana,has- - Burke Drive President Street the authority to:establish motor vehicle speed limits . Burnett Court r Queen's Troop Close . ' pursuant to Indiana Code§9-21-5-6 and City'Code Carlin Court Rhett Street Section 8-15;and .:. . Carlin Drive . Rhettsbury Street WHEREAS,the Common Council now finds it Carmelaire Way: Rosebery Street necessary to establish certain speed limits on certain Carmelview Drive E. Shady Lane City streets.: Carn elview Drive:W. Shaftsbury Road NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT ORDAINED,by. CecilStreet Sherman Drive. the Common Council of the City ofC,armel,Indiana, Chapel Square Street Shieling Court as follows: Chartwell Street ShoshoneDrive Section 1.The foregoing Recitals are fully 'Chelmsford Street Sleepy Hollow Lane incorporated herein by this reference. Chew Street Songbird Lane Section 2.Carmel City Code Section 8-19(a) _ College Way South New Market Street should be and the same is hereby amended to read as Concord Lane Spotswood Street follows: = Congress Street St:Julian Street (a).No person shall drive a motor vehicle in excess .Cool Ridge Drive Stanhope Street of20 miles per hour on the following'streets: Deerstyne Green Street Sylvan Lane 110th Street a Denali Drive: Telfair Street ob 1st Avenue N.E' Deny.Lane Timber lane . . 1st Avenue N.W. Duke.of York Street. Tmdd Street:_ . 1st Avenue S.E: p Dumbarton Street Treaty Line Street 1 st Avenue S.W. East 98th Street between Keystone Avenue and Troupe Street 2nd Avenue N.E. Lakeshore Drive East. Trowbridge High Street ' 2nd Avenue N.W.. .. East New Market Street ... .. University.Cresecut... . 2nd Avenue S.W. Emerson Road from Sherman Drive to Guilford' Ute Drive' 3rd Avenue N.E. Road Vanderhorst Street 3rd Avenue N.W.from Parkview•Place to Lark_ Evergreen Trail . Way Drive Fairmount Street:' West New Market Street 3rd Avenue S.W.from W.Main Streetto1st Street Featherbell Boulevard Westwood Drive S.W. Filson Street Whispering Trail 4th'Avenue N.E: Finchley Road' WillowickRoad 4th Avenue S.E' Forest Lane Wilson Drive ' 4th Avenue S.W,from Main Street to 2nd Street Forsyth Street Wmding Way. S.W. Friar's Lane Wmona Drive . Ist Street N.E. Frogmore.Street Woodley Street 1st Street N.W. .:. Garden Circle South . . . York Drive 1st Street S.E. Glebe Street Section 3.The Carmel Street Department is 1st Street S.W._ 'Grafton Street directed to promptly add the appropriate signage to 2nd Street Greencroft Streetfulfill the mandates contained idtbisOrdinance upon 2nd Street N.E.. ... Grenville Street its passage. 2nd Street N.W. Gwinnett Street S6ction 4'.lie remaining provisions of Carmel City 3rd'Street N.E. Halifax Street Code Sections 8-19 are not affected'by this Ordinance 3idStreet N.W.:;: Hamilton Lane' and shall remain in full force and effect.::: 3499 eet S.E. Harleston-Street Section'S.All prior_ordinances or pans thereof 3rd Street S;W Haverford Street inconsistent with any provision of this Ordinance are 4th Street - - Hayne Street hereby repealed;to the extent of such inconsistency 4th Street N.E. Heather Drive only,as of the effective date of this Ordinance. 4th.Street N.W.. Hermitage Lane However,the repeal or amendment by this Ordinance 5th Street N.E. Hickory Drive of any-other ordinance does not affect any-rights or 51h:Street N.W.:: :' Highmount Court (abilities accrued,penalties incurred or proceedings 6th Street Horbeck Street begun prior to the effective date of this Ordinance. 6th Street N.E. Horesham Sheet .:. Those rights,liabilities and proceedings are continued- 6th StreetN..W.: Horseferry Road :_ and penalties shall be imposed and enforced under: 7th Street N.E. Horseguard Close such repealed or amended ordinance as if this Sth'Street N.E. Hoster Road _ Ordinance bad not beenadopted. Sth.Street N.W.... .. . Hourglass Drive. Section 6..Ifany portion ofthis Ordinancels 98th Street from Keystone Parkway to Lakeshore Humbolt Lane for any reason declared to be unconstitutional or Drive'Fasv.. Jenny Lane invalid,such decision shall not affect the validity of . Abercwrn Street Jordan.Road the remaining portions.ofthis Ordinance so long as' . Academy Lane Iodiak Drive enforcement of same can be given the same effect Academy Lane East Drive Lantern Lane Section 7.This Ordinance shall be in full force and Academy Lane West Drive Lark Court effect from and after the date of its passage,execution Alcott Street Lark Drive by the Mayor,and publication as required by law. Altam Avenue Lasalle Road PASSED by the Common Council'of the City of Alwyn Road Laura Vista Drive Carmel,Indiana;this 15th day ofAugust,2016,bya Apsley Lane Leighton Court :: vote of 7 ayes and 0 nays Archdale Street Limehouse Street COMMON COUNCIL FORTHE CITY OF Ash Drive Main Street from 4th Avenue.NWlSW to 4th:. '. CARMEL. . Ashworth Street Avenue NESE Ronald E.Carter,President- Audubon Drive Malcombe Street Kevin D.Rider Beaufain.Street Manigault Street :. . . Sue Finkam;Vice- President Beechmont Drive Maple.Drive Carol Schleif. .. BeldewDrive N. Meadow Lane Laura D.Campbell Belden Drive S. Meetinghouse Road Jeff Worrell Bellingrath Street: '. hlelazk Drive H.Bruce Kimball .. Berwick Lane Mercer Street 'ATTEST: Bexhill Drive Milford Street Christine S.Pauley,Clerk-Treasurer Bird Cage Walk Millgate Court Presented by me to the Mayor of the City of - Birkenhead Street Montcalm Street Cannel,Indianathis 15th day ofAugust 2016,at 7.25 Blairsden Avenue Moonseed Drive P.M. . Btisland Street Moultrie Street Christine S:Pauley,Clerk-Treasurer Blore Heath Mowbmy:Street: Approved by me,Mayor:ofthe City of Carmel, Blythe Street Napanee Drive Indiana,this 15th day.ofAugust 2016,at 7:30 P.M. Bonaventure Avenue North New Market Street James Brainard;-Mayor Brandenburg Drive Northwood Drive ATTEST: Branford Street Oak Drive Christine S.Pauley,Clerk-Treasurer Briar Drive from Lasalle Road to Lakeshore Drive Oswego Road TL'10765 8/31 11 iu axl The Times Invoice 920 Logan St:,Suite 101: Noblesville,IN 46060 Date Invoice#: .- 2/29/ 2016 ; TL 9597 _ .. _ .. . . Bilf To City of Carmel . . . One Civic Square: :.. - - .- . Carmel, IN 46032 --- -. - - -. .. . ... -- . Description Qty Rate Amount Annual=Report $143.34 $143.34- _ .. . w w Ad Ran:, : - 2/29/2016 ... .. . ..- .. . - _ . _ . PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR INVOICE NUMBER(TL9597)ON YOUR CHECK:WHEN MAKING A PAYMENT: _ . . Subtotal $143.34 Total -$143.34 Balance: Due. 143.34 _. .. . .. . _ . .-- .. . _. .. . _ . _ . HEW AIJBLIS AF,, FIDAVIT State bf_India."na: : ss. Hamilton County Personally appeared before me a nota ry public in and for said county and state,the - undersigned Tim Timmons,who, being duly'sworn, says that he:is Publisher.of The Times newspaper of general circulation printed and published in the English language in the city of Noblesville in,state and county afore-said,and;that the printed matter attached hereto:: . is a true.co py,:which was duly published in said paper,for.1 time(s),the date(s)of p'I eation being as:follows 2/b/'20i6 .. - Subscribed and'sworn:to before me this Monday,:February 29;2016. i Notary-Public Nlycoinmission expires: 05%2.8/2020 Jennifer Louise May Resident of marion County P.ublisher's Fee.X143:34:: JENNIFER LOME MAY, ivoary Puhtia-Seal. Slate ohlndana. . My Commission Expires Fday 28,2020 Y n9597 . Carmel Civil City,Hamilton County,Indiana .Cash&Investments Combined Statement-.2015. ... . ... .. Local LocalFund B.eg Cash End Cash Fund Name &Inv Bal &Inv Bal Number Jan 1,2015- Receipts "Disbursements Dec 31,2015 Governmental 0... .. Carmel City Court .$190,229.29... $1,973,812.22.. $4008,094:28. .$155,947.73. .. . Activities' 0' Payroll Fund $109,903.49- $48,998,470.74- $48,925,135.44 $183,238.79 1 General $4,549,035.14 $73,524,624:10 $73,225,707.23 54,847,952.01 102 Ambulance Fund $826,806:24 $1,153;987.04 $1,463,833.94 $516,959.34 103 Parks Capital $459,405.37 $725.97 $399.00 $459,732.34 106 Park Impact Fee Fund $1,740,438.01 $2;295,427.96 $207,980.96 $3,827,885.01 107 Hazardous Material . Response Fund $13,194.31, $20.86 $0.00 =$13,215.17 108 Parks Program Fund 52,084,858.20 $4,129,17451 $3,623,398.95 $2,590,633.76 .109 Parks Motion Fund 51,897,348:91 $5,557,139.80 $5,026,967.54 $2,427,521:17 110 Parks Facilities Fund' :: $0:00 $38,637.98 $27,525.14 $11,112.84 201 Motor Vebicle Highway. $2,092,349.62. $14,506,609.59 $13,470,507.56 $3,728,451.65 262 Local Road And Street .$427,618.88.: $1,251,485.22:. $1,010;771':81'.. .$668,332.29 . 203 Cumulative Capital _ Improvement $19,610.63 $198,983.82 $34,709.59 $183,884.86 '206 Cumulative Capital Server $285;556:94 547974 $0.00 $286,036.68 209 ..Deferral Fund .. $587,152.56 $106,079.91 $156,987.50 $536,244.97 210 User Fee Fund: $138,045.89 $118,088.46 $94,455.43 $161,678.92 211 Cumulative_Captial 212 Illinois St Cons Development'. :$162,523.00:: $1;918,211.31_: $1,764;704.16: :$316,030.15 truction Fund $2,201,728.22 $87,88250 $1,335,984.95 $953,625.77 220 Barrett Law Fund $5.67 $0.00 $0.00 -$5.67 221 Barrett Law Surplus $165867:63 $230.96 $0.00 $166,098.59 . 252 . . ' MIHPFmul $0.00. $50,008.28 $17;000:00 $33,008.28 301 Health Insurance Fund $1550,117.89- $12,315,244.34 $11,389,016.74 $2,476,345.49 302 : Workers Comp Fund :$137,058.05::- :-$425,996.44:- $354,698.79. :5208,355.70 . 403 Lease Rental Fund 53,843.75 $6.09 $0.00 $3,849.84 .405 2004 Road Bond Fund $4,368.96 $6.90 $0.00 $4,375.86 . a. 450 Old Town/126Th Street; .$458:75 - 50.74 $0.00 5459.49 501 DndhecCity = $51,116.32 $11',714.21 $0.00 562,830.53.. 502. Clerk's Record Perpetuation;$123,719.73 $30,349.19 53;654.33 $150,414.51' 503 Court Interpetter Fund _ $44.91-. .. $15.10.. _ $0.00. .. - $60.01 504 Support For The Arts $17,154.06- $700,029.71 $698,050.06 $19,133.77. 505 Public Defenders Fund $1,607.34 $1,822:31 $0.00 53,429.65 506 JUDICIAL SALARY FEES $164,917.42 $44;973:86 51.1,756.88 $198,134.40,' 80I' "Police Pension Fund $148;671.16 $534,285.71 $535,11.8.56 $147,848.31 802 -_ Fire Pension Fund $31,100.30 " $562,315AI. $553,947.35. $39,468.36 ' 851' Fire Gift Fund $9,556.95 '$35,071:16 $19,953.56' $24,674.55 852 Police Gift $20,724.46 ' $19,158.57: $15,183.21 =$24,699.82' 853 Parks Gift Fund 547,305.63 $24,394'.50 $26,166.10 545,534.03 854 Community Relations. ::Gift Fund $120,989.05 $93;486.08 $132,481.86 $81,993.27 900 Grant Fund. $211,483.53, $3,069,757.66 $3,527,450.04 7$246,208.85• 962 . Redevelopment Commission $8,860,530.74 $22,573,340.19: 528,903,615.80.$2,530,255.13. 903 Economic Fund $48,461.43 $76.60 $0.00 $48,538.03 . '.904 I9611singAuthority $58;739.45 $92:84 50.00 $581832.29 911 Drug Task Force.. $560,120.55 $222,929.02 $204,528.43 $578,521.14 912 -Rainy Day $8,475;374.70 $13,380.95 $68,433.30 $8,420,322.35 919 Tbroughfare Fund $444,953.71' $68,944.61. $0.00 $513,898.32 920: - Keystoup:AyeFund $166,555.72_ :.$144,383.37;, --$122,424.00;_ $188,515.09: 999 Levy Excess Fund $567.31.-' $0.00 $567.13 $0.18 WASTEWATER 0 Wastewater Bond&Interest At Bony $2,684;355.05 $2,003,061.23 $1,919,785.79 $2,767,630.49 . .. 2012 . -Sewage Works Revenue Bonds. .$226,461.56. $94.11 5226,555.02 50.65 651 Sewer Operating $2,683.46 $9,427,840.19 $9,149,614.42 $280,909.23 652 : Sewer Depreciating $0.58.: :$595,367.99: : $595,368.49' $0.08 - 659 Sewer Connection Fund $1,764.19 $679152157 $476,815.39 $204,472.37 --- - .660 :Sewer Availability Fund $954:49 $309,849.46 $310,101.07 $694.88 WATER 601Water.Opemting - -$11365;984.62 $27,958,355.37 $30,092,449.10 -$3,500,078.35 602 Hydrant Meter Deposit Fund $40,650.00 $2,025.00 $75.00 $42,600.00 ... . 604. Water Depreciation $0.03 $332,083.12:. $332,083.04_ $0.11:, 605. Water Bond&Interest .$1,300,573.00... .. $80,574.00. $0.00.$1,381,147.00 . 606 Water Sinking Fund $419.05 - $5,319,489.46 $5,319,850.06 - 558.51 .'609 Water Connection $958,809.54 $3,239,397:20 $1,589,149.35 $2,609,057.39 610 Witer.Availability, -$1,347942.64 5615;775.19 $1,254,362.24 51,986,529.69 STORM WATER 250 Non Reverting Storm Water $88;512.34 $2,970,617.73 $949,927.40 $2109,202.67 Total All Funds $42,402,47590 ,$250,335,902.07.$251,177,335.87$41,561,042.10 TL9597 2/29 1r hpaxlp., The Times . -. Invoice 641 Westfield Rd. Noblesville, IN 46060 date ]nvoice# . 7/212016 TL 10341 Bill To City of Carmel One Civic Square: - - . ... Carmel, IN 46032 . . - ATTN: Jacob Quinn _. .. . 4. P✓ Description aQty Rate : Amount ORDINANCE NO. D=2293-16 a $.52:67 $52.67 _ .. . Ad Ran: 7/2/2016 - q , _ . _. .. . - . PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR INVOICE NUMBER(TL10341) ON. ,YOUR:CHECK WHEN MAKING A PAYMENT Subtotal $52:67 Total $52.67 :Balance;Due. $52.67 _. . . PUBLISHERS AFFIDAVIT State of.Indiana. : ) ss• Hamilton County ) . Personally.appeared before me;a notary public in and for said county and state, the . undersigned Tim Timmons who;being duly sworn,"says that heAs.Publisher ofThe Times newspaper of general.circulation printed and published in;the English language in the city of Noblesville instate and county afore-said,and that the:printed matter attached hereto is a true copy,which was duly'published in said paper for 1 time(s), the date(sj of publication being as follows: 7/2./2016 Subscribed and 9NIVOn to before me this Saturday;July 02:2016. Notary Public . 1Viy commission expires: :::06/28/2020: 'ADrinifer Louise May Resident of Marion County Publisher's Fee:$52.67 pm 7_.my }'Publ'ic-ScMY ar . . . .. m EExpkes:,say ZB:20n Ti 1041. ... .. . ... .. . ... .. . -- "- ORDINANCE NO.D-2293-16 AN ORDINANCE OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF:" ::,CARMEL,INDIANA. ADDING CHAPTER 8.ARTICLE.7,SECTION 8-71.TO THE CARMEL . CITY CODE SYNOPSIS;This ordinanceyegulates the use of compression release engine brakes. WHEREAS,the City of Carmel,Hamilton County,Indiana has several.:. , major truck routes running through it;and WHEREAS,these roadways pass through residential areas as they pass through the City;and WHEREAS,many trucks use compression release"engine brakes which make loud,annoying and discontent noises while traveling through the City;and WHEREAS,theuse of compression release engine brakes and similar braking systems substantially bothers and annoys persons who reside along City. . " roadways,thereby causing a nuisance and preventing these persons from enjoying their property in peace,comfort and repose: -NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT ORDAINED by Common Council of the City of Carmel,Indiana,as follows: Section 1,The foregoing Reeitals are fully incorporated herein'by this - .:. reference.:. Section 2.Chapter 8,.Article 7,Section 8-71 o£the Carmel City Code is-" hereby adopted and shall read as follows: "Sec.571.Compression Release Engine Brakes Prohibited., 'No vehicle operator shall;while located on any public street within the City's corporate limits;use compres§ion release engine brakes or any mechanically similar braking system to stop or slow a vehicle if the same causes.the vehicle's motor to emit"a loud;cracking,:backfiring,or:staccato noise that either exceeds 85 dB when measured fifty(50)feet from the sound source or can be heard from a distance greater than one hundred(100)feet from the sound source.""- Section 3.Each violation of this ordinance shall be punishable by a fine of not to exceed the Hundred Dollars(S500.00). Section 4.The Carmel Street Department is hereby directed to promptly. post signs at or near the Citydimits indicating that the use of engine brakes within the City of Carmel is prohibited: Section 5.This Section supplements and does not limit any other remedy or action available in law or inequity regarding the subject matter hereof:. - ma a Section 6.Ap prior"City ordinances or parts thereof that are inconsistent with any provision of this Ordinance are hereby repealed as of the effective date of this Ordiaanco: Section 7.This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after the. date of its passage,execution by the Mayor,-and publication as required by law. By a vote of-7-0.' COMMON COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF CARMEL; Laura D.Camphell Ronald F,:Carier - Sue'Finkam H.Bruce Kimball Kevin D.Rider. . Carol Schleif. JeffWorre p p — . ATTEST: :. Chrisiine S Paulei Clerk-Treasurer . Presented by me to the Mayor of the City of Carmel,Indiana this 6th day.of June,2016 at 7:30 p.m. ' Christine S PaaJeX Clerk-Treasurer Approved by me,Mayor of the City of Carmel,Indiana,this 6th day of June,2016 at 7:30 p.m. . . James Brainard Mayor ' ATTEST:. Christine S Paulev.Clerk-Treasurer.' Ordinance D-2293-16 - TL10341 7/1 D hspoxlpl - The Times . - I:nv oice . 641 Westfield Rd. : Noblesville,IN 46.060 Date invoice#:: : 91912016 TL 10845 Bill To _. City of Carmel One Civic Square: :. Carmel, IN 46032 ATTN: Jacob Quinn ... Description Qty Rate Amount Additional Appropriation (Ordinance D-2320-16) $.18:69 $18.69 Ad Ran:. 9/9/2016 _ _ . _. .. . q as -- -. . PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR INVOICE NUMBER(TL10846) ON, . YOUR:CHECK WHEN MAKING A PAYMENT _ . _ . Subtotal $18.69 _ . Total $18.69 . Balance Due. $18.69 w :w_. .. . PUBLLSHER'S AFFIDAVIT State:of Indiana. ss• Hamilton:County ):. . .. - ... .. Personally appeared before me,a notaiy public.in and for said county and state,:the. undersigned Tim Timmons-who,being duly,sworn, says.that he s.Publish6r:of The Times newspaper of general circulation rimed and ublished in;the.;En heli°language p p g' in the city of Noblesville in state and county afore-said, and that the-.-printed matter.attached hereto:. .. is a"true co py,which was dulypublished in said paper for 1 time(s),the date.(s)of publication being as-&Hows: _ -. . _ .. . ... .. . 9/9729/6 _ . w, _ .. . ... .. . _. .. . ... .. . Subscribed and:sworn-to before me this-Friday,:September 09,:2016: - . . . Notary Public. Mr6mm ssion expires; 05/28/2020 - Jennife. Louise May Resdent-of Marion County _. . . Publisher's Fee:$18:69 , JCU@3thG�i toU>5L MAY :. Y Notary Putrl36.Seal S#au 4#inAiana my co rtn E �:tes F•?k}2�,220 1 10845 ... . . ... .. . ... .. . ... .. . _. .. . _ .. . . . . NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS .CARMEL,INDLINA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING FORADDITIONALAPPROPRIATION from the GENERAL FUND(101): Ordinance 0-2320-16.-- . Notice is hereby"given'to the taxpayers of the City of Cannel;liamilton " County,Indiana;that the proper legal officers.of the City of Cannel,at their regular meeting place at Carmel City Hall,One Civic Square,Council'Chambers at 6 pin. on the 19th day of Septembe,2016,will con_iidei the following appropriation in excess of the budget for 2016: $900,000.00 -ft'om the Operating Balance ofthe GENERAL FUND(FUND#101) to The source of revenue for the above is the.General Fund(#101): Taxpayers appearing at the meeting shall have a right to be heard.The additional appropriation as finally made' be referred to the Department of Local Government Finance.The Department will make a written determination as to the sufficiency of funds within fifteen(15)days of ieceipt of a certified copy of the actioutaken: Christine Pauley,Clerk-Treasurer September 1,2016 TL10845 9/9 It hs 1 The Times Invoice 641 Westfield Rd. Noblesville:, IN 46.060 Date Invoice#:. : W712016 TL 10827 , Bill To City of Carmel One Civic Square . . .Carmel, IN 46032 . . Descriptionsm Qty 'Rate Amount Ordinance D-2321=16 $24.63 $24.63 Ad Ran:.: ... .. . 9/7/2016 ... .. . _ .. . .. .. . - . _. .. . _ . . _ .. . - ... .. . ... .. . PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR INVOICE NUMBER(TL10827) ON. . YOUR:CHECK WHEN MAKING A PAYMENT _. . . Subtotal $24:63 .. _ . Total .$24.63 ;Balance Due. _. . _. .. . . . P.UBLISHEWS AFFIDAVIT State of Indiana ) _. . . . - )ss Ha nilton,,County ):. . .. --- Personally appeared before me, a notary public in and for;said county and"state,the undersigned Tim Tunnions wlo,,being duly s}vorn,.'says that he is Publisher of The Times newspaper of general circulation printed and.published in.the English language in the city of Noblesville iristate and county afore-said,and,that the printeed matter attached hereto is:a truecopy,which was:dulyipublished in said paper for 1.time(s), the.date(s):of publication being-as follows: .. 0/7/2016. Subscribed andatvorn to before me this-Wednesday,September 07,2016. Notary Public My commission.expires: 05/;8/2,020. Jennifer Louise May Resident of Marion County Pubhsher's Feer$M.6.3 JENtdtrc.k t.4U'aE P;lh'Y P0110-Seat _. .. "t iR 3f kn�JEraR P- � . My 44Err.s=f n C ;17 28,2020: . T�rose .NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS CARMEL,INDIANA NOTICE OF PUBLIC •HEARING FOR ADD ITIONALAPPROPRIATION from the GENERAL ... .. . ... .. . FUND(101) Ordinance D-2321-16 Notice is hereby given to the taxpayers of the City of Carmel;Hamilton County,Indiana,that the proper legal officers of the'City of Caimel,at their regular meeting place at Carmel City Hall,One Civic Square,Council Chambers at 6 p.m. on the 19th day of September,20161 will consider the following appropriation in excess'of the budget for 2016: $669,000.00 from the Operating Balance of the GENERAL FUND(FUND11101)to .:. . Human Resources Department(1201):Line item 4110000 Full-Thne$21,000 Law Department(1180):Line item 4340000 Legal Fees$40,000 Department of Community Services(1192):Line Items 4350400 Grounds Maintenance$15,000;4350900 Other Contracted Services$10,000;and 4359029 Historic Preservation Commission$15,000 Carmel Fire Department(1120):Line item 4112002 Unscheduled Overtime. $208,000: ,. Building Operations(1208):Line items 4348000 Electricity$60,000;and 4350900 ' Other Contracted Services$300,000 The source of revenue for the above is the General Fund @101). Taxpayers appearing at the meeting shall have a right to be heard.The additional appropriation as finally made will be referred to the Department of- Local Government Finance-The Department will make a written determination as to the sufficiency of funds within fiflceq(15)days ofreceipt ofa certified copy of theactiontaken. .:. Christine Pauley,Clerk-Treasurer. . August 31,2016 TL10827 9/7 It hs arl AB - - - Riday,Feb.10,2017 TheThrles,serving Noblesville and Hamilton County - - _ an '�;tPUBLI4YN0_T(CES'a r�VJANT:TO BUY.'+,� BIdSINESS$,SERVICES' •-,-, -�;POEL-Ic'NQTICES "u Jewelry Gdad or SWEETS HEATING 8 COOLING a 'Mr ad Bad,New or OldN�¢ m�b°�2°= r Aono RON u�eFno`aFw"`..`n`on . . - _ •: 9 xJnoa Please Call: NEwfumaces Nam,m 0$147D cFarex.iTrm pm' r'aui4ri pOAu FREE S,rdd CNnbns ... - - -um.gxB:,mias:Juww•anp' M.n �a x4vuwa eau:3se6937-674-2674 F•w-Y.��r Wppl�o.b� o,�^P^°erym.wavemR,aMm--a4m9ugroGgaaepTyu�y.. " . ... - �•aru-`s mv°°!-ww'°',-. "�`"' °. d''<,�FOF2 SALE„ tbo4e+FaszCwrsaM . _ _ aau �,..1 s m, 'Aiv te¢N¢ra Reps+ °�°Fui+ArF,inoer°ao _ '��du3 wMti.a ypay�aa�v JI w•Ti.�i9 REFURBISHEDAl O1 '353 _ u e<wdLail ULUA7!+art c,�' �a CGs(AIT Lmenem.l1aY01nvmN0 Fm - "-k<°r•cwe.ncma �'��1°'•mw�'m•mn U11m•°r STORAGE CABINET OIwano/R¢U3Ed 13D.00 Used -®ca—c-4 1r-1 mmi.,.uwrauwuro Fm $170.00 CBG Smr6y81131.ro. °"`1x Ptaso Ca9317357�01 T%�nm a�rrow..o�:�es«a'im:sm-ma - - xwrrwow,.r.ao..HawrzH�naascar.ca o„re (317)703-9681 RUN IT`TIL °es °�^ EMPLOYMENT�;ri rm�y 1T SELLS!: m r 174 a a a e � H° ,m� Sell Nat re eratoy ray couch,oldaPPpla .raormal� µ. Lm+aa� CvtidaasaiNm::L®va. r a husband...well,maybe not . ®-��a.,. a1+.a-a:eaS,:JN..Ns..amu,<li<s e� .�=••°0"",°°'"� the husband.But I:aa®ew°mlu.;a.n�T7.nu:° r�m.mror:mcm. - - whatever u12 of for$5 for .. ,u,T"im:mumo .m.:.•v v""a+:° fro 9 xml .urn-®�"merm <9 n<aa:merora��' .mipex .whole Week ws- a°9» pnr `al xommnroouwz.wa.se . aa,a m �'.. _amanomm°ra:n<mJ-wx-wm Call Dam773:9960Ex1.128 dJ1®.,�a+ sassW-.-nay.Hdsi'c c '."te m e,,... wo- NEED IMMEDIATE INCOME? ,,;F„OR-RENT r aura r WANT SOMETHING THATS svt*x•.sn<ebr�plLL asl e.minwmmr.xf u�asao� ®axis• onaou MORETHANJUSTA JOB? ryom ram- a f.9RRENT. °REAL'.ESTATE” LOOKING FOR AFLEMBLE 283 BR available, P�;°wM<eee .. .. ... .. SCHEDULE? ,pu-:>er4�-13x1 . . 1eD6N.0awxsrMluApr. Swing N$400mo. : �^-^•F•r-.,aB,,oe•5,,,,rr.�o-, Io-wunNONes�le. Singled Damkuidelloblie Rome$ iFYOU ARE:. Ask about the free rent! Priv la Pacing,NewR APT ca a.vmuncm@mmre A",lee711king N hno..dap. TamryA9Bdd� w mx.o 765-552-9520 Swe NLti05 Nduded. Rea to mom Into -I OFFER (3M774-1955 - .uDFxrsswwmxiruFORRENT2017 EN i tx I�rs,,,;,,0.sm a®m,nxaem,aa �o®em.m�"`e. _ I.awOo✓m-tmvUolyPayme.N n.er-.coop,--.na:m-<n-d°., �u=•�rore< gip•gna en°Txxoramll..,Ia. mY,n (�kEMPLOYM ¢,.��n�'nmtxme..w,w.sae u-ramp.wm,.�uw;c-ya Ti.aca 8eetelLrcations M 100TIlableAcres :.�<.,m�A�mn�reeF�.,s�-,ro,•�.;a-,' DRIVERS ry ) SDuth of Sheridan " ud"an pnan.N•r«-e,JD,.nw-n,xmA.+1 " 68 778.8282 m�Nwmnd�®�e+e o.y-s:muam,--Jxr-mx31. UTOAUCTIONDRIVE S. 317-756-6254 ... a oau.i7an,Dois we��°r . PART-TIME DRIVERS. � � :�e�mnyi�rsxsl o<.,mso-<x,xa:l,.-u>wvao CaR31J]69-])1) • .• • • • stln+bmummuwr<miumu M1 I rcaemamaveraag7aSCv,uT° um:Tr�wamyoaMee '+''EMPLOYMENT+ ,g FOR RENT 51815.Irtlian.4607s G - -wlareslon IN aso7s' BUSINESS:&.SERMCES'--� WflIGHf TREE SERVICE 2BA,ICA Giga,laundry ml aro m•d<umt+-ea,.l-q m.,m-,a,� Is aarenlly h'u'mp Una Clearance All ekanc,5700.00 mN rw.x�im a�.mum ammNwrzm:.,.••e,^mm.0-Kua� DARRaLYooEB -rex=.-m.i,max-a xa�y Graammen, Triorron, and R81.V:xnwrmaa wu tn9 PL noaoo..9r .x��mc-msgmin"r've F.QRREENT..,' S300.rod d Forces fie be MundNAnt True'. ¢� jy-�jy Oan•-w) Nomesyse area.Wont Tres WH s: Cd11:317.7T12Na elu .sir t NOBLESWLLE SeDicesHresuayye5,5pedfKallY - Fire Hova CaswM*ani .. ._. .. - - 2 Bdrm;1-12 Bath C-D.wFa y—. Ihe'v'vegeavon management � - lstnoaratolderlgme depzdmenI& crews pdmoly Jsx.sslasxe ENOBLESVILLELE ,m,<: mxep¢dwm Wiib Gne.tle6Nnd¢, A.4Z-,-<srNd:mearstheyprorehemand THISovated, P sxe..c1mrvegunuunnearp�wernnes. aa¢ns UTOI 8street i •�Safety Is WrightTree Se-xes •�A"x•�� FuvaluNWeo.ANIMALS= f yes no.made,redrmbla-ok history °w 2 �. °°tee - andgeoddrivingreowd �v'°mim1 eoa�„5u;xy - - .. - Apply ohne at: tvrMnt4R P�bt'a, EMPLOYMENT..? erwa Se•-ne•e] Dm wYAvwriahfhee mm 2 r41x'r<iGt oaoDaaaa¢veBuc Rn E.M.resume to: M" mm saxvf+aH<:s•aLdao 1150-27< wD1ANA uw1Eo eNc rx p"mosax°w' HR45®wdghttreecom a rd a-scMaae a.nd 195QaaNa�.mn B1b597d31a - d i v oma• ani NETHOBST CMIDmWS HOMEI1mDw.xe,�w.ro°wNnvumttf.rmmT-en°imiBm�i, _ orewltad Dan at: die a iia SM'nyu¢1 �. RE50ENTKLTHEAAPIST �ro°y 'g-x°Ton..ucxmmiln.m.u°asme°n°mm-aoem•e L. e ;P-ERSONAL ': 317-339-1993 mE Re 0e WTMapN h x" •� mr--gip -dre���rn .. YJdaHT Servae Han nwW ruola l8jv.:Pard WuT/ wDk y+naaaa yerx-m,xon,naueo-wiam.-e,•mem. oa br -Fm`<maJO°i<.nlefasm muwnmxxmmv..wuoca,m<r _ . VEBv_SEHDNEWAL opfomway Enm���aemplasme ="�+- �- �im�l uak Mvs�are sea a�.m'.' �:P'va°rm<�,°rte ww.cm�n.rm�a�.sFm- ' , ngalxn Oda 5:300.m+veN nNaug aherfm:rr wm,.�r®t--< ena,e.en5,8 eammemwnae Isad'ug s9.erdan w2pmdMIM My onraa.T,evuh sanedule s" M�asm� °m`an'I - -.n �s. e-aesF�s .. lwhetlda1eS81MmeMaieni. h Matle m meal dw reeds for �n�amleM- -'a e`®<u�owrosaesm4m�or<A " - IEmemldaD addy -AEMP110YMENT wj I� ammaaylnealy case �"' a rm<I�T-.tea, M oHerecash wwudd found regameN aeovmo ir:tlude � N r- ewe-mm a°m-,<x-mma,IImn `I• deebpneN and 'rel of m mom Q®m axWam - Mom Can:317.3707199 V�MeN p'a pore _ 'Part-Time Manager Wanted .I`�n a,d nor* .- .. WANT TO°BUYm"«' Team Mees_ ww mm ',-"-°a°e7' �n� er,°m-.ak.m<eomsme..ax- ApartflineManageriswanted for an apartment complex in appeararwEs yp.rase .-w000raammrotilrmmo�omxf - wn„a,d-� Arcadia,IN area.Hours are flolhers Candidate needs toor cava w. pas reepp NSWn5VAa DIfIGLSW.LCSs .. OWN—TED able le dommunicote well wdh others and not mind papelwrork. we(enM-_Nainem d figs Is WMARyms"fs - Must be ableto pass a criminal check and he banded. eandePedwmmaresd - .Fm nrivaNCaawaon. . - abrent Ra9mm. MUM be . Ly 9w wa]m vre smm a wwre anis„,s -WLK-V—U.S; Please send qualiflrations ta:- and m cera�ed m Dei;TRCBT. - O-Jw:wesa.uraonm.lkadgear, Arcadia Apts.,PO Box 703,Wabash,IN 46992 MUMha`weWen `udkln9!"o' °'"""o'w Irmardt.N Eq,pneN,Gw4 d itren Wn hoe sdlwetl wrnus Fioa p .. - - - KMes.s'.aros•.a:ydm9 mamryelc .. ;Info 6a;dmarl03 - .and re amid w'm mJarenIn loss. - Email:info®landmarhngt.org _ ¢,p¢y rig mentN beano Issues xAnnn> :ne - 3118588593 - ndavnkngeNcbehavum. - - - -. ' - lA x»Bun - Emal rtswem:k'.AmlvnCwid,wg God BleBUSINESS`;&SERVICES.e e�� a• d Vet ..CATHY'S HOUSE euslNEssasERtnces” HARBERS HOME REPAIR: cLEAHINc3ERVlCIcs. w a-<,nnnu asnuimr,me„�e �ax.U�',akm« p°rm<xolelNs°raaFm<-x�m 'BroI-uWgehelyyDaneYoDnuNrwy ayll 4UYearSEX erence .,O—mu,,m,,w�a<,Nm„emRae,AmwcourrO,Av OF.°uw—w BEAVER; Need Ydgr,H6r ReCal paired? Please l:317.691.OMO uaa xu~�xa1 �111a�NHON NSF He EN�YoF NNa3ex —r tea,r0FT— a ��M HEATING:& Painting-Cabinets-Tile HOUSECLEANINGiui'arouMxomwu COOLING' Decks and Much More. TEAM Member Mm-� �-N,aS Call:Ed Haber —°"` q°� turnit. SEARCH OUR (317)538-7557 x -emed«a5 wwnmgnaaweewnes - REVIEWS. oppomWnmadaeamaL n„ff:-n" °e M-01113 THE MAIDS i`a7o- x.•e°Myo<.n`a ox'<"-`d OF NOBLES VILLE pin-v'°`Ix•rw - - " 6IG C A:ONSTRUC�'tON _ - - r-�mnF ' ryy NawYulxs� Tx s5re••0«-mcuamem� � ' _,Pat vaeeABial Wand lla$B, eau oc•] ( ,30.,00.5 "` ' •. . IhE8f�53 tl3dC(YaxEB60n 7x'c„m•w,u.•.<�n- t. Ha.ouwt .. r�e°.c�u - . pafrenta!M1 for Side yKai i R.u-.wM-nef 1 N=C-1 sxAlEu. i„a - likes br51hyiev.we am yr'c °M °e r"". s' a N-C...d _q l - atnexTlacbr 51ireAi ..w< ��� �•��,�„� -- m �� we"on bang iuot kb lavamae tk it caxwees = NOWImDgFOR Nu.ro am .,w m°d°-m a w ne uw braPOnsfnTradasl¢PIY -e<dF .�..a Logis6es,FoodProduct.n, ssexS�'avla mn.uunamd�a.00.rocmem-.,,am�mn .. . StCVeSiatBreBilPPld BISQ "'-"'"-' -"-` ^"' Am6N,Januodal,Main- e+axoM�w.wuow.me r-my:1 .aa<e.y:tam ffpn2-4p.rtl.and On�Sl' tenarrce.Warch—,ane - Bro6grSarDadhml0a:m, aria®WS more. n�nw°-`mm x Qau PS m w "d IWCn.Yra Dhad'pRga dd! mm Dnd"wrer 1909XCSrMM St u-• Asx-ua<ooxonwxmdawuolasvxe--, r21 cIX 63issv °d by Phil _ L.nm on m.S ram°m�-�n dw`u c e a.mue m 5l�Jp 2449 E Wabash Y7ashir>g'amkllnd'BnapoBs. NufYeawryls Fmnidat NaTcns3.nYE V80GAa aL .- R4hb 1 .. .Hk L-Frl.7mn-4pmGanow Construction AO�A�'•„aF'�m e1<amro.00. 7115,411=1 1.11 mx•s3a t(CS,Iq OIfC@ke5.:,:' :10PLI1STE8RS9i6U507E59 - wnih1°n°a PteaseTmdrt eor�e 765552.3076 'P,opertoramrmDmers WWw�et eo3mcrby Phil Hobbs ueaneeslate s aeal ane ss ptrcnei311!2033060. Luirnro `Cell:765.635.7247 ca,a«e�nneeerrata $agau ore News Wdia nvo lice .� The;Paper The Tunes Date Invoice# The.Weekl ,ER haan News P.O.Box 27? 2/10/2017. TL11691 ..V Crawfordsville JN 47933 Bill To Tete ; IME PLEASE NOTE:Our Remittance address has changed.Please update our account hiforination to reflect the Rep LR.: Corporate Business Office address and to avoid late payments.Thank you! Remit payment by 3/12/2017 After this date a late fee of 50/o-will be added to :your account.. Description Qty Rate t Amoun ` General Fund-CFD. 24.44 24.44 Sagamore News Media is eonverting our billing system. Soon, we will be.sending you your bills electronically.Please provide.us an e-mail address you would like for us to use. You can send that:address to business @thepaper24-7.c0m. Thank you for your help! Thank you for choosing The Times of Noblesville.We value your local business! . Total $24.44 This:invoice states that you have agreed to purchase an ad,or ad package from us. If you have any questions you cancontact your sales rep or call the Business Office - at 765-361-0100 x12. Balance Due $24.44 PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT State of Indiana ) ss: Hamilton County ) Personally appeared before me, a notary public in and for said.county and state, the undersigned Tim Timmons who,-being duly sworn, says that he is. Publisher of The.Times newspaper of,general:circulation printed and published in the English language in the city of Noblesville in state and county afore-said,.and that-the printed matter attached hereto is a true copy, which was duly published in said paper for 1 time(s), the date(s).-of publication:being as:follows: ::. : . 2/10/2017 . Subscribed and sworn to-before me this 10 day of February, 2017. l+lotar:..Pub My commission expires: 04/27/2022 Jennifer Rebecca Callis Resident ofMontgomery County :Publisher's Fee:.$24.44 JIrNNJFF=P"'RFt ECOA •CALLIS Notary"F? ikli`c Stst�df l�dan�t" P.�y GQmmissJc�Ex ices A nl 21,Zd22: : - Cause # TICKET: TL11691 PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT State of Indiana. ) ss: Hamilton:County . ) Personally appeared before me, a notary public in and for said county and state, the undersigned Tim Timmons who,being,duly sworn,.says that he is Publisher of The Times newspaper=of general circulation printed:and published in the English language in the city of Noblesville in state and county afore-said,. and that the printed matter attached hereto is a true copy, which was duly published in said paper for 1 time(s), the date(s).of publication being as-follows: :. 2/10/2017 Subscribed and sworn to before me this 10 day of February, 2017. iVotary-. My.commission_ expires:: 04/27/2022.. : Jennifer 4/27/2022:. - Jennifer Rebecca Callis Resident of Montgomery County Publisher's Fee: $24.44 ANNTER •REBI;.GCA CALLIS :... IVoiary I' Yalt'c . . ... . . .SEAL. Stag of Indiana, R -r1 i rnissiraa�x Ir6sA 0 41:27,:2022_ Cause # TICKET: TL11691 .. - AB Friday,Feb.10,2017 TheTtms,wrving Noblesvllleand Hamihnn County - - LtdNOTICES;'°'+ -t „=', ;Ts.WANTt7o BUY,,„ BUSINESSBSERVICES3.ay.,, „v eP,U6LICINOTICES ;a,, y I Buy Jeixelry,GGod or SWEETS HEATING B COOLING cunss� eiiw� . nO.+Y.s"�exuaxV�41o� Bad,New cu Old Fumacnrherk nnN31995 "A- aEnoN - aos'= Please Call NEW kumaces Brodine OSt d]0 aott. - .. - Q zr n, r 317-6742674 FREE Second Opinions Nona m.s�® r�..�za,a n�4N�mocam✓ Call:a17406-5e6e �am��rypgc �o a yorc.®e. 'm,mu�me� Mol' _j lk'ti f ces.0mlT.' r`®P01 RUN IT`TIL - " - e•EMPCOYMENi - e�.a4 � - {m IT SELLS! rzaa n a awNE�a �a�x�w Es.rE�a L ama.a.tw �wa,,.r.�rr�'I°r IeeN.mnp>raaa.. •4mm,pRa,rm.km er omoq y'�ennrm�0'p,noaAmui�' 1�°aha 6mkNaum'mWna w-m.uT¢awf°rera6.sw,eF ... - SeS that refrigerator,coy �, • �,,,�reH®.Emnytm.-Tm.W.c.as�a pp. Y n�Ro,w'r�r'°+; 'new, - « wuch,olda Gancebrma w,. rww -,pama.�H�, _ ahusband...well,maybe mt ® .� a`�1daxm .-a.•"0�"'"'ad'" the husband.But advertise ;�rve,.eu,omamim���a whale4erytluhRgotfor$6tor ...�.. :" awholeweek Lerasu,.w°,c c oamvm mxmuv�comurm�. Am.galei r"`i sp:uadhm ���� ... plat (rreva�Wobvl n�mN ice "'easmmr,na - Call Dana 773-9960E2t:126 ,6.�Ni.. � ooyaMemvv ww.,®,"„Wcv� a aeow, a . TORRENT' s c NEEDIMOEMIEINCOME7 RtN°/mtaetara ame.uaa000 WANT SOMETHING THAT'S suge,.xaa.unor LLcir m « MORE THAN FORJUST FAJOB7 ,FOR RENT, ` i2EAL ESTATE LOOKING FOR A FLE%IaLE 2&3 RR ava!lah!e, _ _ _ .. .. - ... .. SCHEDULE? .. id.plme:'toy,, - leoxu.OavxsTuasAar. staAingN$400mo. Ax..„ra",n'"°s°-Fr�l,.,�,..�a,.,�-M InloamNabe3vlle. Single80ot&klkideB961k HamesiProuARE:. Ask ab out the free rent! _ - ... Prrate Pafang,NewBmirg. ,G0"6,,,x'01m,r'o;;`,„`o”" n�c`p`s„v rn vas,x, Awlatle2lts.s57sM1ro.eaeR Tol*Re dd d wpa«.p•w«�a.xp,N�ra 765-552-9520. - . SNre uls6e5Oduded. Ret,S,tdROVF.0110 WE OFFEFl��' aH..w�rti:ctVum''wimumx �e x ° ”! ucaW ory.meu Spe:t�N u,dOm6dW� _ 31 n4 ts56 Lawlian-LosU9NhIyRa,mell :FOR RENT2017 . ENIQLOY7JIENT7,"°rv` Seaeral Laatim9 - x a Ir Saw auws:oue i MA.w - .. m. Lern+wekma7iou.�.wsw kepaA m4 aop,ola..fid.mgar 100711a61eAcres DRIVERS Rg77H732 - SouthotSheridan . AUTO AUCTION NEEDS 317.7SB-6254 - " u Onu-tTaniopisaom PART-TIME DRIVERS. ` --� ���d rivls� Issss�so-.,,,Noelmw.wuaa - Wn3t7.'la9= _ s ,u-,amuo w.ewmmnormvamm5eeivom�s,v�beim paeed�y. (aeamal-Ia63uFrnEo,m,9suia ean°rmecamry. Nasmva«ekayb+pewan au '">EMP.LOYMENT.,. star sloe wp Ra. FOR RENT .Whkeatoww IN aRD76 BUSINESSBSERNCES. ' WRIGHr TREE SERWDe' '2BR,1CRGrge,IeUfdly rill � aovnm.m,aov e„waa.m m.rmo„ora: - ... Is wnenlly hving line Cimme -Al Nedrfe,$700.002N �.s�rtmaeeli="tl` :wa"x,.,,.mpm�....aa,md.uo,rF,a..u. GmuMnm, Trunmere, eM DARREL YODFA wgy:,orrmir.pq�.svmry F.:QR RENTS <'a �oo.00 d Foremen in me M«delAndemeN Re LVwn Waauxer�uu 0m9 P� lapsowgl n�urmk:wwysmry r7 .: ... -: NaNenTm area W69M Mea ewes va,wu«cr' Cab 317-7/32348 NOGLESV?BILLE Sersimsenesu9ites,spedl'xaly F"who ^C *'°'p!' . - - 2Bdrm,1-1128a1h met"vegetation management - Cu4DaaaaYkxm letlmr.f.1de home deprtnnnt. Crews primxdly rusat.rska- NOBLESVILLE $a75MIa$3W CeR 1 yr.lease. pontoon uutiy We.deawca, c,.aeO.Omko(ata+al .. .Reremae,ereguired." wNwmeanemeypmneseesand �THISOUTHI 3BR1BA,netvtyrenorated, oo9e �,omVTnX. ,,,gip . ". :Cal Sebaw1600am88'00 m. dearvegem0onnearpowerMes. rHaa�s yardwi0lhadcdeck,olfstreet 'ram Salet Wight Tree service'S ama¢am lar,)e6Fsw5000a NO-1.wue.we are seekingNr°fie - z'ANIMALS e„ wnddams..nae gone ��"- gmK N Na uaMkmm attitude,wnfiaHe workehttory 317-0323292 andgooddd.irgrewd It. CASHPND ... ApplyrI nest' m4nTm'ww kshNrcecrm n=vEmailaresumelo: 5R .. WDIANAuhnTo HR45®WfighNee.mm. ,r' ."„ ruaraoDISTMILORMSHOYE c,�t'tj 6k.'Ha°w.s,wve� - - _ IXCMIad Dans" TM""eva'�yf wm.54.w 8 RESMENIALTHEiAPIST' ¢ e.t°von..uaxmmY.suwrornso¢°rr°&mmammeEL. . - E ' -317-3391995 E m pmsia mtib�duw wo. mr�ac,w®ek 2,7P._ERSONAL n Tx d «mkdrxmwao w EmamamTaw-e .b a o� ... .. WrONnw Serveeaen Equi merag6rupmrywa endtammr bvnaHJJa_meNm aleimcmuemme axmewtrw � .._ uxaP t m a Basis x� VFAY$DIrINENTAL DPWm'W.owr4_IRWMmeN -,`.'•••: 3 TY➢celuarklmsare4.Deam.. °r H.r�s` atFr1n�m>:;,`®°''a'°"",.a>. dngxrex reWuee' S30 Rm,uim mmlt9 eleetww - comm ro .0°w-Lorin emw of ws �aiee Istermg sls ltlaNw2 PeManLS - ky mr10 The wok sNedule sooaauaow ocvem reN eawesw. . .wAiNWams Bnamem Aem neaNe mmeel ere re«t mr `°�4fsmm0�masos"n-0' �� �..asai� t6mammlua�mdoff EMP.I;OYMENTr- . -WAcleracestImealdlmuM aawmRmnt eM lrel m s _ Please Cal 31737P7799 _ aen4ea,.Np6ptwvoprass core a.c ,'^^°"„�"' :"'-" .� Part-Time Manager Wanted .:. Pa,mpau«, aad,,,e F�y a°'r' w.rvaaa ' �,awaoF- UVkNTr.'TOiBUYt A part time Manager is wanted toren apartment mmple.x in apaeara '� -ca W �m msirtw 9 n�xA .. - ce aw4mJme ®feaium Amentia,IN area.Hours are BedNe.Candidate deeds to be Bass Ta prom rep w.rra.° .Rte,,,;® eoawosnm NSWABw,«DI IHC.LSW.LC3W ' NTED able to communicate well with others and not mind Paperwork. Petemee:-Muimun d lse(51 . - rmuraarrteMs Must be able to passa criminal cheek and be bonded. eannem `P�rm. .e - naresm M.Ee �. WNy RwNeflJbfon. -. -. . Please ualiBcations lo; m°'°oat m IFC91 ir%sd:;,v„,« wA1,wsAtIo—les—US., 9 aM be cen9ad n DBT;TFcaT. I n u� - semwnJapmaa.URes-Hesapear, Arcadia Apts.,PO Boz 703,Wabash,IN 46992 Muse w«k'vi9 nWr - . Irapria EEedaS EgipmeN,Gwa, -MiMken unto lrae w�Il«ed vulao r -- FAX:260.563x2703 Traumas t bpm-abrse sl.,;m.o�.wpoaaa,amwowa- xde4s.«m.NAlrpapewvnL Email:Info®landm,trlan o --- —el - am n m um wieren .�..•o .a�,.awsav,.kba'L etaae-rase.. 9L r9 e.pcnemnp mamas IraM.iuues •osoT?Q o . - MTassasxs emk«pimJedceena�pm. .. . nun4-artn EmNresmpela Lehwalm9Nrchap - God Ble BUSINES$�'&'SERVICE$__, ,`�' - �^�^r•�"a °%'�_" °�°r"�'ti, - ce�serxwpm, Vet CATHY'S HOUSE '- - .CLEANING SERVICES" BDSINEssaSERVICE6t `HARBERS.HOME-REPAIR: 4UYear's Experience Thoroughty DaneYouiWay!! Na m dm wul�aa�e�c�vor orxo. . - Bi-weeldyaMonthly m0"c"Rx m��E TesssanFF�- ... BEAVER NeedyourHomeRepaired? ReaseCel:3n691-0fiao HEATING Painting-,Cabinets-Tile 1-M—arm;,��ora " COOLING` HOUSECLEANING IuskuToxwr"mraxaaw"�"OaExo asuaw sr�ilCOEe - Decks and Much More. TEAM Membar Call:Ed Harber h So a�^ ream.a 'txwre rr� �.. SEARCH OUR (31Z)538 7557 "" "" "N°'""g REVIEWS. pmweae.N gins kenos. OpporwRy brads ttme L ... .. .. ... .. C 317-770-13M : Apoo.s. N.yaamem . 773-8013 - MAIDS NOBL 1iieaOr�'w� crn`.� d EMAIOS OF NOBLE$WLLE (�i�°0°r"r�i - - IIIG C COIvSTIHUCTlON' - - .. PEI YaeGll=Ofer�has a. .. ao.T ta,es raosoow " NarYeAR's ReaakmDlm: o.�m�a - salie55dt5C(vdctelasA, Barr smwrna+ne-:b. ' - - a .,�o>aec°�iseo _ h.n novo i i>. T. Hear mru aL mcou 'Ilaadve to SM, Pw.Wa• ce vo�O0.a.n - .- poi lor90ty aLYyeam n..w k dl c. a.se R 2. Hear rza,,v,r - " aPdDes Ia521y6�et.VfNia891 `�'�•.• a H4.C.r 1a.am.ta„�am.- .. .. - Wre$Ia on EV�S=day' .-..A:� NOW NCo'FOR.' kom24p M 2mae lF.c -F rimae 4 _ ... brio hlT2L�rSly Logistics:Fuad Production, m` a.ior n°armihemlz..rm.uoaart. rzm�.«w,u...,m . SlGeaalGRenfetlSSp: — Assembly,Jantodal,Main - �.�No�„ta1°ver%w a.w u..ea,oNaaa kiBf2.4pmaldante$t tena mWershouse,and m mp. o es.a®m &a6kreraadf9m10am +ly 6aq o.�° wtiP 4 braatWaa3ohaeaa9 �Wiwdid S ,sosvAswmsr N ip1aN wmaaw ,.a rr !sal9nbrd�s ofd $°fT - t�belion r �,Nw�mama,oc.�aw..uta.m.s,�' calsztasdrica�63t5W '' Ytesh tn!nrBnzpoSs e+s,eued my;SBmdgg R.nldcrt Vaccee5oradpeRlea6va$ flaohlDedol& Odten Yon-FL7mn-4pmT'�a8w«aw m are Samela�as!Rw�01B3 (Iff" istAldmn 785 11 an I.1Ji X10 dALS;In uf teyeas_;' _ - .IOPIUSYFAR5N6USNES9 we ep . P6 Gndnaeorke PmperlD eyarert Dd arc am« lwa�et2 rsecomcrhy Phil Hobbs 765MU076 upensermTe�malaandss �°rTmp.m<'w � phcr4(317)203,T060. USi710 Cell:765.635.7247 ?9 . "1 v11 SagaiiioYe News Modia Invoice A The Paper The Tunes Date Invoice# •� "€` °• The Weekly•.Sheridan News P.O.Bos 272 2/10/2017 TL11690 r 6-awfoidsvlle,IN 4;r933 Bill To The :1 M PLEASE NOTE:Our Remittance address has changed.Please update our account information to reflect the Rep LR Corporate Business Office address and to avoid late payments.Thank.you! Remit payment by 3%12/2017 : After this date a late fee of 50/o will be added to your account.. Description Qty ,' Rate =Amount General-Fund C-T's 22.70 22.70 Sagamore News Media is converting our billing system. Soon, we will be sending you your bills electronically. Please provide us an e-mail address you would like for us to use. You can send that address to business@thepaper24-7.com. Thank you for your help! Thank you for choosing The Times of Noblesville.We value your local business! ..Total $22.70 This invoice states that you have agreed to purchase an ad,or ad package from us. If you_have any questions you can contact your sales rep or call the Business Office BalDe at 765-361-0100 Balance $22.70 The Times,servinghoblesville and Hamilton County - Friday,Feb.10,2017 AS Pro Wrestling comes to Freedom Church FLIP The rimes In order to purchase tick- Fmm Page A4- - Seven professional els,either call 929-3565397 90•s for our team score," -"It was certainly the- sectionals on Sanirday at Connersville at I l a.m. wrestling moathes will be or email desdnyskeySMO Miller head coach Jody largest group I.have ever , - - heldatFreedomChurch gnsail.com Tickets are also Ramey said."As we pre- graduated in all 15 years loffgNPLUEL'ICiN_OTICES_T K this Saturday starting at 6 available at the door. _pare for Smdo els in'just. of coaching,"Rame m Ringside seats,which The'at&&Thrills' Y - - . P Ss a couple weeks coatisten- said."We will miss all of Icpx T include the fust three rows, night feamres a rematch ne, cy is very key." the greatly but send our ro . arc S20 while general ad- holds barred grudge match The team graduates best wishes for everyone.. _ nn) mission is$15. between Fiji Wildman and six senior gymnasts and in the years m come." c4rezup'T ]E�I.xma,mrmmmlaP6a The event is put on by 'Blast fontleriy 1/2 tag team your managers after this Noblesville(SA)headsep�,� �m� e �m�'^d -Destiny's Keys Imemational the new demolition. season. to their fival invite before in association with PWR& This event is a ministry oI wA�'m8oa"m'mn.',°o New Wrest Ing Promotions fundraiser. m.N „-r g R mPU13LICjNO,T10E$ , F o rat PUBLICaNOTICES aT,rzOFae W 9S 7& m =2a. i coconwUR On�.rt .mm40. cNNT)'oFHI.NILTW CA°ENOJ >dldu lM �,pmNy,�k.Tmme - . THE ow Rao TE NOA a'PF t�HKu]ECHaNO60F: ) Fmwy43ul] .Wd:SGaOtP.Pm CJ . eyi.md�mroxeN�aImFPM ml�m�rm Smmyluymuu m AfYXAv➢FRJfAff1GR018CEAaai.Ea'libg mro'°Imdoxff�ilifl°mmdni�tra�Huml,m��nnvvaa�vIm,�dd NGum� N Uma 4�}.HlvdlV.vCa"v„4dmoM.FYew,uaa Fera✓. �Cm ff•menu nreiim y'm+na me�,m]ibe�Fek d�ro• ' A Nam'gTLekNFmmOaE( Me n0a H4IV�V�arwfnr.na+p FUMMmvI• H.� Cm�Imli - M .mini'C FLveN xove0l Srdvma mdeY dmd•m.arEl'A +�m�ams IXCOme oras Nati ni�Rmdlu4aK ' . ]'iTm-p�T FL,ylm F`N f &®mBam mlTmt eym�Oe�gmhaadr"Ylm.4NuamlPum,m NNAloy Jme-n f� u•,�Fply,�� Mpovidef fauuJ Oefm�lauem,a Wua pmiJM( Q.MmMm•OYim�N"9e �N C�ca°u°am '°IoJP�e• I3duP utasJ�e3W .. ... E®ylyimmm whinamuJmuaIvMgiq SMYPW Earn WAuem fa40)e mL J°��.bd��fa . �tlnmaa.maaondvm"vbummml P.ka ravmgiBmmmsfl Rol O,m JmmyA}ul]au dAm°amamamommemA.mlam �� a.Pemnxn°�'..das.mb.r,rnln::b��.,i,� . mymeu�pdLa�mM�glm�milvrN A,mn,u]mP]LmWJday,a oak NWeH�I,m Gmyonw]Cmt uau]n 4Na nV�Wm NEw aG.i9,lb(n ampaafuu pJm:iL, .YenipNHmmP NeNImn)�le•'S��QmmnnA f�iw m• . a4se a&d�mAdmu Tm pH CamxlNniu IT Pvm. - - - x.Hd �• � rPmm.s,°•nmm;am.ns�m W:swj . .. amend :4 mmPNmw eY dQrosea—`a.--J —,® am,.�.d w mM mw a hp ramp L m� rsn%ma t0.•¢ �1°vmra r uue � k)amsmay P9B Tw. nAdIY 11�'�m ,N��°mmmSm�'I tl.ad6YbiOa.;Nm PPm LTp NaEl Rvee ss a�nv,a, Nut�u¢T]w nmuR nmry d a�wmwealam lTu,•mmmygaGa maammm o---..)-% 4 d __am4 Nn 'm'Bma4ap N• (maaW o dd4 ,N tlaz,W o+Ym,oMla O•WSYI mewEN W­ )•Lm N 04mN ENaOem� Nta�� WLI,d LWm f � ql Nib �m U �"'hVmfP*d�lm Pvrlm'.va�WNvem M1UOm.mmaa iYml puv amfmm•Ead M1tlu(5]d]brAd��ai6,dilmc�nmadxd dry. ]mi NaNmill�a4akma m.fm wm°.�]mgga,NvmyemaN.Maiaym••maay -FvmM P uuBaa melbunbn1:nme 3mmro�lyv� u6iet��Pd Euamm Hvnil,m CmM'°uhau,_ df:Ff.P - �m,u ma,�nmh�m�Wml mC„amc 53.f)�mart�. 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T A G E 5 BF'aAv be Written fonvmd,backward,or even 1 Bad o P r U P T S diagonally.T1)esoludon Will be In the Idnd of DOWN N E S P L T next edition of The Timer. - situation 1 D.C. II r i 1 6 Broken player NS B ESE T 1e. 1 T.Y D B B D I M I RI 11BM-CW 2Buiring. PANATE LA i' house, cheer O N E I R O N _ HENRY B A B Y S I T E P L�, keeper. 3 Book Dy LT 3 REN D E C T T N N M A Y P 121sawe site Sherwood I S T E D of 1836 Anderson estertle a ! T E R R I I E P N AI Y3 Bacnerl�0 or .4 symbols p Y' ens D Yen 18 Departed 33 FCC w �.! B T P A T A U L C I 14A-std 5Booish 19.rh Co.. 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The Times1 5 2 8 aasl�aaeze�a 5 9 4 e 11'.'ass 4 e I W Ycierda s C r fo RuG e A MAN P WOULD s a j DO .NOTHING IF L HATTEO UNTIL HE '� e 1 sal•2 l 0 a B 9] COULD DO Tr SO WELL THAT NO ONE COULD I 7__T_ FIND FAULT.—JOHN HENRY NEWMAN 8 4 21 2 9 e 7 Thanks for reading The Times PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT' State of Indiana ) ss: Hamilton County ) Personally appeared before me, a notary public in and for said county and state,-the undersigned Tim Timmons who, being duly sworn, says that he is Publisher of The Times newspaper of general circulation printed and published in the English language in the city of Noblesville in state and county afore-said-, and that-the printed matter attached hereto is a true copy, which was duly published in said paper for 1 time(s), the date(s) of publication being as follows: 2/10/2017 Subscribed and sworn to before me this 10 day of February, 2017. 1Wotaiy-Pub.;.;, My commission_ expires: 04/27/2022 Jennifer Rebecca Calli's Resident of.Montgomery County Publisher's Fee: $6.11 . . . JENNIFER`REBECCA .CALLIS Nota"ry Pt 3 lic . SEAL State of Mdiarta j4y GQmmission Ex ices A ti121,2022. Cause# TICKET: TL11692 a Macy.: invoice: 252486 491.8.5.°Skybrook Rd:�:Ma"ndev.lle LA�-70:4:7:4. CuSt NO: -CFD7 72 ::::8777329=0575 toll=free .......: :: :::877 329=0573 faz Bill To: Ship To: Carmel Fire Department Carmel Fire Department 2 Civic Square Keith Freer Carmel, IN 46032 2 Civic Square USA Carmel, IN 46032 USA 317-571-4245 2/22/2017 100112 JAW 53203 Net 15 'ryw <� ,: Q ran4tlt}r ,, ltem�Number�x. Y _ .� Descn ptia[� M ME �:�,���nN Urn�t�Pr�ce��� ETxfende�irP�Ice� 5,000 FH01 Red Childrens Fire Hat Price Includes FREE 0.50 2,500.00T Pers. On Hats 5,000 LABEL-A-PERS Fire Chief Hat Shield-PERSONALIZED 0.00 O.00T 5,000 .CHIN-STRAP Elastic Chin Strap 0.10 500.00T 1 NOTE Order per Keith Freer 0.00 O.00T FREE SHIPPING Out-of-state sale, exempt from sales tax 0.00% 0.00 ��9 Request for Taxpayer Give Form to the Form .• requester.Do not (Rev.December 2014) Identification Number and Cejj tificatlon send to the IRS. Department of the Treasury . internal Revenue Service 1 Name(as shown on your income tax retum).Name Is required on this line;do not leave this line blank. Education Specialty Publishing LLC 2 Business name/disregarded entity name,if different from above N ' Fire Safety Education CR 3 Check appropriate box for federal tax classification;check only one of the following seven boxes: 4 Exemptions(codes apply only to C certain entities,not individuals;see o ❑individual/sole proprietor or ❑ C Corporation ❑ S Corporation ❑ Partnership ❑Trust/estate instructions on page 3): M c single-member LLC Exempt payee code(if any) > ° ❑✓ Limited liability company.Enter the tax classification(CtC corporation,S=S corporation,P=partnership)) C Exemption from FATCA reporting Note.For a single-member LLC that Is disregarded,do not check LLC;checkthe appropriate box in the line above for code(if any) r H the tax classification of the single-member owner. C •(Applies to accounts malnfafnedoulstde the U.S.) ry C ❑Other(see instructions)) °- ArldrAss number street and act.or suite no.) Requester's Hama and address(optional 0 69185 Skybrook Road N m 6 City,state,and ZIP code CO Mandeville LA 70471 7 Ust account number(s)here(optional) M. Taxpayer Identification Number(TIN)' soolal security number Enter your TIN in the appropriate box.The TIN provided must match the name given on line 1 to avoid backup withholding.For Individuals,this Is generally your social security number(SSN).However,for a resident alien,sole proprietor,or disregarded entity,see the Part I instructions an page 3.For other . entities,it is your employer identification number(EiN).If you do not have a number,see Now to get a or TiN on page 3. Note.if the account Is in more than one name,see the instructions for line 1 and the chart on page 4 for Employer identification number guidelines on whose number to enter. 2 7 ..Fil 8 9 5 6 4 0 194:71111 rl Certification Under penalties of perjury,I certify that: 1. The number shown on this form is my correct taxpayer identification number(or I am waiting for a numberto be issued to me);and 2. 1 am not subject to backup withholding because:(a)I am exempt from backup withholding,or(b)I have not been notified by the Internal Revenue Service(IRS)that I am subject to.backup withholding as a result of a failure to report all interest or dividends,or(c)the IRS has notified me that I am no longer subject to backup withholding:and 3. 1 am a U.S,citizen or other U.S.person(defined below):and 4.The FATCA code(s)entered on this form(if any)Indicating that l am exempt from FATCA reporting is correct. Certification instructions.You must cross out item 2 above if you have been notified by the IRS that you are currently subject to backup withholding because you have failed to report all interest•Ahd dividends on your tax return.For real estate transactions,item 2 does not apply.For mortgage Interest paid,acquisition or abandonment of secured property,cancellation of debt,contributions to an Individual retirement arrangement(iRA),and e not required to sign the certification,but you must provide your correct TIN.See the generally,payments other than interest and dividends,you ar instructions on page 3. Sign Signature,of f / Here U.S.person) J Date rP Genera' Instructi s •Form 1098(home mortgage interest),1098-E(student loan Interesti,1098-T (tuition) Section references are to the Internal Revenue Code unless otherwise noted. .Form 1099-0(canceled debt) Future developments.Information about developments affecting Form W-9(such •Form 1099-A(acquisition or abandonment of secured property) as legislation enacted after we release it)Is at www.irs.gov/fw9. Use Form W-9 only if you are a U.S.p$rson(including a resident alien),td Purpose of Form provide your correct TIN. ifyou do not return Form W--9 to the requesterwith a TIN,you mfghtbe subject An individual or entity(Form W-9 requester)who is required to file an information to backup withholding.See What Is backup withholding?on page 2. return with the IRS must obtain your correct taxpayer identification number(TIN) which may be your social security number(SSN),individual taxpayer identification By signing the filled-out form,you: number(ITIN),adoption taxpayer identification number(ATIN),or employer 1.Certify that the TIN you are giving Is correct(or you are waiting for a number Identification number(EIN),to report on an information return the amount paid to to be issued), you,or other amount reportable on an Information return.Examples of information 2.Certify that you are not subject to backup withholding,or returns Include,but are not limited to,the following: •Form 1099-INT(Interest earned or paid) 3.Claim exemption from backup withholding if you are a U.S.exempt payee.If applicable,you are also certifying that as a U.S,person,your allocable share of •Form 1099-DIV(dividends,including those from stocks or mutual funds) any partnership income from a U.S.trade or business Is not subject to the •Form 10g9-MISC(various types of income,prizes,awards,or gross proceeds) withholding tax on foreign partners'share of effectively connected income,and •Form 1099-B(stock or mutual fund sales and certain other transactions by 4.Certify that FATCA code(s)entered on this form(if any)indicating that you are exempt from the FATCA reporting,is correct.See What Is FATCA reporting?on brokers • page 2 for further information. Form 1099-S(proceeds from real estate transactions) •Form 1099-K(merchant card and third party network transactions) Cat.No.10231X Form W-9(Rev,12-2014)