HomeMy WebLinkAbout309654 03/27/17 "� CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 369138 CHECK AMOUNT: S"""""`263.18" ONE CIVIC SQUARE SAGAMORE NEWS MEDIA ? ,=q CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 PO Box 272 CHECK NUMBER: 309654 ♦• CRAWFORDSVILLE IN 47933 CHECK DATE: 03/27/17 _roe DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1801 4345500 TL11799 141.41 PUBLICATION OF LEGAL 2201 4345500 TL11873 32.73 PUBLICATION OF LEGAL 2201 4345500 TL11879 89.04 PUBLICATION OF LEGAL r < « O C) 0 0 ^ n ® m n X \ O 2 f7 \ C/) q \ \ m CD O [ © £ ® # / E � _ [ T j ■ \ § G / / � \ � / \ § ® # J / 2 0 2 >CD 0 O | / \ r) ? , \ 2 ) Z � ± 3 - 2 > / < \ / D k \ i & k k m CD « 0 o § g 7 R e CD _. m # / \ \ [ C ƒ ƒ ° - 0- CDk 7 \3 3 G k 0 c (D m ! - m @ 0 f R 0 $ \ + i [ / w w b 7 / a E 7 k \ ) m 2 e ) / , - , y Q m e E S t c \ _ �7 - & w * m \ \ cr CD U) CL= 2a r \ .« ] \ t k � c < 44 o 0 0} C) o\ \ m ƒ \ / 77 w ® # } ƒ 3 / 2 %k k k C \ a$ 7 ® 2 \/ } { f_7 CD ) \ §/ ) o co a� nq r { \ / / 0 / \ j O E f nz 7 ] 0 CCDDL C ° C � \ \ / / _ k 0 / - CL ] CD J # 7 0 CD CL > R. -< ¥ 0p CD < t \ c 2 ® o n Invoice Sagamore News Media The Paper • The Times Date Invoice# The Weekly•Sheridan News P.O.Box 272 3/20/2017 TL11873 LJ Crawfordsville.IN 47933 Bill To The T F City of Carmel 1 Lu Street Department Serving Noblesville&Hamillos County One Civic Square Carmel,IN 46032 PLEASE NOTE:Our Remittance address has changed.Please update our account information to reflect the Rep LR Corporate Business Office address and to avoid late payments.Thank you! Remit payment by 4/19/2017 After this date a late fee of 5% will be added to your account.. Description Qty Rate Amount 2017 paving 32.73 32.73 Sagamore News Media is converting our billing system. Soon, we will be sending you your bills electronically. Please provide us an e-mail address you would like for us to use. You can send that address to business @thepaper24-7.com. Thank you for your help! Thank you for choosing The Times of Noblesville.We value your local business! Total $32.73 This invoice states that you have agreed to purchase an ad,or ad package from us. If you have any questions you can contact your sales rep or call the Business Office at 765-361-0100 x12. Balance Due $32.73 Sagamore News Media Invoice % The Paper • The Tunes Date Invoice# The Weekly•Sheridan News P.O.Box 272 3/21/2017 TLI1879 a Crawfordsville.IN 47933 Bill ofC The IME City of Carmel o One Civic Square Serving Noblesville&Nomiltoe Cownty Carmel,IN 46032 PLEASE NOTE:Our Remittance address has changed.Please update our account information to reflect the Rep LR Corporate Business Office address and to avoid late payments.Thank you! Remit payment by 4/20/2017 After this date a late fee of 5% will be added to your account.. Description Qty Rate Amount Keystone Parkway Masonry Coating or Staining of Walls and Bridges 89.04 89.04 Sagamore News Media is converting our billing system. Soon, we will be sending you your bills electronically. Please provide us an e-mail address you would like for us to use. You can send that address to business@thepaper24-7.com. Thank you for your help! Thank you for choosing The Times of Noblesville.We value your local business! Total $89.04 This invoice states that you have agreed to purchase an ad,or ad package from us. If you have any questions you can contact your sales rep or call the Business Office at 765-361-0100 x12. Balance Due $89.04 NOTICE TO BIDDERS CITY OF CARMEL Notice is hereby given that the Board of Public Works and Safety for the City of Carmel,Hamilton County,lndiana,will receive sealed bids,until 10:00 a.m.,local time,on Wednesday,April 19 2017 the office of the Clerk-Treasurer, One Civic Square,3rd Floor,Carmel,Indiana,46032,for the following project: 2017 Paving All bids are to be sealed with the words"BID-2017 PAVING"on the lower left hand comer of the envelope. Bids will be opened and read aloud at 1000 AM.on April 19th,2017 at the Board of Public Works meeting on the 2nd floor of Carmel City Hall,One Civic Square,Carmel,IN.All persons interested in bidding shall register a contact name and address with the Street Department to ensure that all changes or questions and answers are available for review by all interested parties. The specifications are set forth in detailed documents on file at the Cannel Street Department,3400 W. 131st Street,Carmel,IN 46074. Questions regarding this solicitation must be written and delivered to the Carmel Street Department.All responses will be written and made available with the specifications at the Street Department.Please call the Street Department to confirm whether or not any such written questions and/or responses exist. The submitted proposal must be in compliance with IC 36-1-9 et seq.The Board of Public Works reserves the right to reject any and all bids. /s/David Huffman Street Commissioner T1,1/873 3/23 3/30 21 hspcvr1pJ i I i I I i I I I� I 1 I I NOTICE TO BIDDERS CITY OF CARMEL Department Board of Public Works and Safety One Civic Square City of Carmel,Indiana 46032 Project: Keystone Parkway Masonry Coating or Staining of Walls and Bridges Notice is hereby given that the Board of Public Works and Safety for the City of Carmel,Hamilton County,Indiana will receive sealed bids for the above described"Project"at the office of the Clerk Treasurer,One Civic Square,Carmel, Indiana(City Hall)until 9:45 EST and in the Council Chambers at the same address between the hours of 9:45 a.m.and 10:00 a.m.EST on or before April 19,2017,and commencing as soon as practicable thereafter on the same date such bids will be publicly opened and read aloud in the Council Chambers of City Hall. No late bids will be accepted. All bids and proposals shall be properly and completely executed on the proposal forms provided with the plans and specifications,which will include the noncollusion affidavit as required by the State of Indiana. The bid envelope must be sealed and have the words"BID—Keystone Parkway Masonry Coming or Staining of Walls and Bridges" A bid bond or certified check in an amount not less than ten percent(10%) of the amount bid must be submitted with each bid.A one hundred percent(100%) performance and payment bond will also be required of the successful bidder. It is intended that actual construction of all work divisions shall be started as soon as practicable,and each bidder shall be prepared to enter promptly into a construction contract,famish a performance bond,and begin work without delay in the event the award is made to him. The Project consists of,but is not necessarily limited to,the following: Cleaning furnishing and applying masonry coating oi.staining to a kdng Mechanically.Stabilizer/Earth Retaining Walls and Bridges along Keystone Parkway,at the interchanges of 106th Street,116th.Street,126th Street,136th Street,and Main.Street. Contract Documents for the Project have been assembled into one bound project manual,which together with drawings,may be examined at the following locations: City of Carmel Department of Engineering-1 st Floor One Civic Square Carmel,IN 46032 (317)571-2441 Copies of such drawings and project manuals must be obtained from Reprographix(Reprographix.com). Payments and costs of Contract Documents are non-refundable. Bidders shall assure that they have obtained complete sets of drawings and Contract Documents and shall assume the risk of any errors or omissions in bids prepared in reliance on incomplete sets o£drawings and Contract Documents. This Project will be funded by the City of Carmel. A pre-bid conference for discussions of the Project,the bidding requirements and other important matters will be held on April 12,2017 from 9:00 am to 10:00 a.m.in the Caucus Room on the 2nd Floor of City Hall(One Civic Square).All prospective bidders are invited to attend the pre-bid conference. The pre-bid conference is not mandatory. For special accommodations needed by handicapped individuals planning to attend the pre-bid conference or public bid opening meeting,please call or notify the city of Carmel,Engineer's Office,at(317)571-2441 at least forty-eight(48) hours prior thereto. No bidder may withdraw any bid or proposal within a period of thirty(30) days following the date set for receiving bids or proposals.The Carmel Board of Public Works and Safety reserves the right to hold any or all bids or proposals for a period of not more than thirty(30)days and said bids or proposal shall remain in full force and effect during said period.The City of Carmel reserves the right to reject and/or cancel any and all bids,solicitations and/or offers in whole or in part as specified in the solicitations when it is not in the best interests of the governmental body as determined by the purchasing agency in accordance with IC 5-22-18-2 Christine S.Pauley Clerk-Treasurer TL11878 3123 3,30 2t hsjocurlpl III �I IIS I II SII i I I I � n 0 -0 @ « « ( q OD -0 00 O / \ O 9k z \ / r " 0 \ 0 0 ^ m CA) m @ O / m w E 2 2 2 $ / ƒ R / 2 % O m / k § k 2 k / 2 » A c_ tn o / o @ 0 D \ CL j k ; o ] D CL CD z 3 3 o ° 2 2 $ > -n 0 \ \ O o � \ 6 Z $ J a i a 9 - z > z % - - I ? r n E s a o PL i � - F 2 § K � ; / a a m o _ § @ § _ 2CD { m at f CL ƒ 2 / , k n \ CD _CD CD ( R cl \ o a \ / / \ { \ E / C? 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