HomeMy WebLinkAbout310022 04/10/17 9 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 363271 ONE CIVIC SQUARE KENWORTH OF INDIANAPOLIS CHECK AMOUNT: $***"1,255.17* CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 2929 S.HOLT ROAD CHECK NUMBER: 310022 INDIANAPOLIS IN 46241 CHECK DATE: 04/10/17 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 651 5023990 297230 1,065.42 OTHER EXPENSES 651 5023990 299032 189.75 OTHER EXPENSES Lo N co .G E N t OO LL O W O Z Lfi a z 4P o _ z N O c c Q 0 ? Q >. i Z N a0 N L ' ap Q a x co p 0 ,4; a U O .� m LL O Z L_ Q c ~ N r 0 v� F=. 00 W = a E0 ? > o X Vj Z U ' fy; N < V z a* O y E ' Y N Z 0 a � I U z Kenworth of Indianapolis REPRINT 2929 South Holt Road CUSTOMER INVOICE fpalmerTrucks Indianapolis, IN 46241 page 1 of 1 (317) 247-8421 Customer: CARMEL UTILITIES 003041 Repair Order Number Address: 9609 HAZEL DELL PKWY �-� 299032 FF City,Prov.Postal: CARMEL IN 46280 sartal No.; 2NKBL50X8CM309571 Phone: : 317 571-2443 Involt:ry Date:: 02-03-17 Year/Make/.Model: 2012 KENWORTH T470 untt. 117 Mleape: '. 11666 Eng Model%Serial ISL9 73279005 P,o:number:.: - # 4kense:. 1661 Trans Model/;Sega):. `. 3000RDS 6511027091 complete: 02-01-17 cPUA►►D: Open Date/Time 02-01-17 09:41AM Rngiae Hours: Tilg"#: DelWeeryb-W` 05-06-13 I beo%wy'WI& open By: cml*dlf parked In over flow 1 Check and advise, unit was just here under 297230 for same complaint unit has a air leak at the ggovernor. pulled unit in shop and fi7led out inspection sheets. aired system up and began looking for air leaks at governor. sprayed with soapy water. could not find anything. shut truck down and hooked up shop air to unit. began spraying again and listening for leaks. still can not find any leaks. unit is holding pressure. no leaks at this time. had foreman inspect and parked in service line. TOTAL LABOR $172.50 MISCELLANEOUS SHOP CHG $17.25 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - CUSTOMER LABOR SERV 461 5172.50 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLY 461C $17.25 PLEASE PAY THIS TOTAL 220 $189.75 Received By: Printed Name: Statement of Disclaimer:Any warrantles on the products sold hereby are those made by the manufacturer,Kany.The Seiler hereby expressly disclaims all warranties either express or Implied.hduding any Ynpled warranty or merchardabilty or fitness for a particular purpose,and Seller neither assumes nor authorizes any other person to assume for M any liability In connection with the sale of said products. Kenworth of Indianapolis REPRINT 2929 South Holt Road CUSTOMER INVOICE kS Indianapolis, IN 46241 page 1 of 1 fpalmerTruc (317) 247-8421 customer. CARMEL UTILITIES C03041 Repair Order Number Address: 9609 HAZEL DELL PKWY 297230 FF City,Prov.Postal: CARMEL, IN 46280 seiisl_No,::: 2NKBLSOXBCM309571 Phone: 317 571-2443 InvoiGepate: :,. 11-19-16 Year.%.Make%Model: 2012 KENWORTH T47D unR%#:. 117 Mlleriyei°i r: ;.. .; 11141 Eng Model/Sena[: ;.> ISL9 73279005 P,o,:number: # L[eense: > 1661 Trans Model.I serial: 300ORDS 6511027091 com 11-16-16 open Date/,Tlrne 11-16-16 03:51PM I Engine tjours:.`:' Tic DeWery'Date . 05-06-13 (Delivery Mlile: Opt n By;. cml*BJS parked In oft and Its white 1 check and advise Passenger window and door lock is inop and will not work with either door. HOOKED UP TO CECU AND FOUND UPDATE, UPDATED, CHECKED FUSES AND FOUND FUSE BLOWN, REPLACED, STILL INOP. CHECKED GROUNDS, CHECKED SWITCHES FOR POWER, GOOD. REMOVED PASSENGER DOOR PANEL AND CHECKED FOR POWER, NO POWER. STARTED WIGGLING HARNESS WHILE CHECKING FOR POWER AND FOUND POWER WHEN WIGGLING THE CONNECTOR IN THE PASSENGER DOOR JAMB. CHECKED ALL WIRES AT THE CONNECTOR AND FOUND PIN WAS LOOSE IN THE CONNECTOR AND PULLING OUT. REPLACED THE PIN AND REINSTALLED. CHECKED OPERATION AND WINDOW AND LOCKS ARE WORKING PROPERLY. REINSTALLED DOOR PANEL. TOTAL LABOR $621..00 TOTAL PARTS $1.98 Qty Part Number Desc Unit Extended -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 F-ATC-25 FUSE 0.99 1.98 2 check and advise unit has am air leak, it leaks out over night. BUILT AIR PRESSURE UP AND SPRAYED ENTIRE AIR SYSTEM DOWN WITH SOAPY WATER. FOUND PLUG AT PRESSURE SIDE OF GOVENER LEAKING AND RIGHT SIDE CAB AIRBAG FITTING LEAKING. REMOVED AND REPLACED PLUG AND FITTING. AIRED BACK UP AND RECHECKED, FINDING NO FURTHER LEAKS AT THIS TIME. TOTAL LABOR $345.00 TOTAL PARTS $0.84 Qty Part Number Desc Unit Extended ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 928931-2 CONNECTOR 0.42 0.84 MISCELLANEOUS SHOP CHG $96.60 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CUSTOMER LABOR SERV 461 $966.00 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLY 4610 $96.60 PARTS RO SERVICE 468 $2.82 PLEASE PAY THIS TOTAL 220 $1,065.42 Received By: Printed Name: Statement of Disclaimer.My warranties on the products sold hereby are those ninde by the manuhrdurar,I any. The Serer hereby expressly dWAlms a@ wanarrdes eftherexproas or Iran ied,including any Impled warranty or merchardablity or Wmas for a particrdar propose,and Seller neither assumes nor authorizes any other person to assume for d any IiabSty in connection with the sale of add products.