HomeMy WebLinkAbout310078 04/10/17 F,4+u�Cqq�' ,;; i' CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 354867 ONE CIVIC SQUARE RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL CHECK AMOUNT: $"**""**759 68" f3 ra; CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 410 W CARMEL DRIVE CHECK NUMBER: 310078 v CARMEL IN 46032 CHECK DATE: 04/10117 N�row�°. DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 651 5023990 421985-1 17.18 OTHER EXPENSES 601 5023990 422482-1 40.00 OTHER EXPENSES 2201 4353099 422736-1 660.00 OTHER RENTAL & LEASES 2201 4236400 422740-1 9.50 PAINT 2201 4353099 422783-1 33.00 OTHER RENTAL & LEASES � } LLJ } . C0 0 Z < Go Go OD F- z F- z 0 LL 0 16Z 2 0 < < z .2 a w \ � : Ix AW 0CL F- 0) w a.CL V- z pr a. C-4 < a ce) LL k .k k 0 ;j c UJ E 7 z D k r: 0 > W z z cm 0 cc 0 co >- 0 2 z co z 0 3 5 0 0 0 m > I ce) I VIII)IIID(IIII IIIIII'll/Illll IIII IIII Page 1 of 1 RU NYONStatus: Closed 410 West Carmel Drive Invoice#: 421985-1 EQUIPMENT RENTAL Carmel,IN 46032 Invoice Date: Mon 3/20/2017 www.runyonrental.com Date Out: Mon 3/20/2017 3:51PM 1-800-276-Tool(8665) 317-566-8888 Phone `Don't be a tool•Roof one" 317-566-2990 Fax Operator: WINNIE HELMS Customer#: 9985 Terms: On Account CARMEL WASTE WATER 317-571-2645 Phone 9609 HAZEL DELL PARKWAY SUITE 110 INDIANAPOLIS,IN 46280 Open Monday-Friday 7:00am-5:30pm,Saturday 7:00am-4:30pm,Sunday 9:00am-3:00pm Picked up by: KYLE Salesman: NONE Qty Key Items Returned Date Status Each Price 2 1102-1 PROPANE 40 POUND REFILL Pulled $32.24 $64.48 Thank You for your Business Rental Contract You understand that:(a)it is unauthorized for me to lend the Rented Items)to any other person;(b)THE RENTED ITEM(S) IS/ARE FULL OF FUEL AND MUST BE RETURNED AS SUCH OR ADDITIONAL CHARGES WILL APPLY(c)use of alternative fuels(e.g.Biodiesel,E85,etc.)in Rented Item(s)is prohibited and you are responsible for all damages and repairs resulting from Sales: $64.48 alternative fuel;(d)no electrical tools are supplied with safety grounded plugs for use in grounded outlets(except for double-insulated safety-approved tools),and you are responsible for not cutting off the ground lug;(d)Runyon is authorized to charge my debit or credit card for all amounts coming due hereunder,including for damage to the Rented Item(s)which is discovered after the Rented Item(s)have been returned;and(e)labor rate is charged at$85.00 per hour. X (Initial) I have been instructed and demonstrated on the safe and proper operation of the above equipment,and I fully understand those instructions. X (Initial) I have provided Runyon with proof of insurance(insurance that covers all damage to or loss of Equipment)and am declining the Subtotal: $64.48 Equipment Protection Plan(Damage Waiver)as described on the back of this Contract.x (Initial) The undersigned has carefully read and fully understands the Terms and Conditions on the back of this Contract and personally guarantees the Customers prompt payment and performance of its obligations arising under this Contract. Printed Name: Total: $64.48 Paid: $0.00 Signature: KYLE Amount Due- $64.48 y'L3D I-1.100 Runyon Equipment Rental Status: Credit Invoice#: c4892 410 West Carmel Drive 317-566-8888 Phone Invoice Date: Thu 3/912017 Carmel,IN 46032 317-566-2990 Fax Will Call: Thu 3/9/2017 www.runyonrental.com Operator: Liz Bowen Customer M 9985 CARMEL WASTE WATER 317-571-2645 Phone 9609 HAZEL DELL PARKWAY Job Descr: Credit on Account SUITE 110 INDIANAPOLIS,IN 46280 Open Monday-Friday 7:00am-5:30pm,Saturday 7:00am-4:30pm,Sunday 9:00am-3:00pm Open Seven Days a Week Total: Paid: Amount Due: $0.00 $47.30 ($47.30) @ @ � E @ } E 7 � 0 ) C13 ] . U- 0 s UJ D \ } C } O Z e ci Q J } � . � � @ o \ 0 2 ) Z L Q ! Q 0 � « = } w CL § e ) W 0 ee� � } LU IX � C b § } « 9 a ] 0 � k2 , W V ® f t ) ) W w — M = C 0 -0 M 0 > $ R a c O \ 2 OD Z # La E ) > � U a U 75 111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Page 1 of 1 Q►U N�C�N Status: Closed 410 West Carmel Drive Invoice#: 422482-1 EQUIPMENT RENTAL www.rCarmel,IN nren Invoice Date: Fri 3/24/2017 1-800-276-Tool(8665) 17-566 8888 Phone om Date Out: Fri 3/24/2017 9:46AM 317-566-8888 Phone V"'f be s few-Rent°oe' 317-566-2990 Fax Operator: Dave G Chemoff customer a: 1101 "'� CARMEL WATER 317-733-2855 Phone Terms: On Account 317-733-2053 Fax 3450 W.131ST STREET CARMEL,IN 46074 Open Monday-Friday 7:00am-5:30pm,Saturday 7:00am-4:30pm,Sunday 9:00am-3:00pm Picked up by:COOKSEY, SHAWN Salesman:NONE Qty Key items Returned Date Status Each Price 20 MS PULL CORD Pulled $2.001 $40.00 Thank You for your Business Rental Contract You understand that:(a)4 is unauthorized for me to lend the Rented Item(s)to any other person;(b)THE RENTED ITEM(S) IS/ARE FULL OF FUEL AND MUST BE RETURNED AS SUCH OR ADDITIONAL CHARGES WILL APPLY(c)use of alternative fuels(e.g.Biodiesel,E85,etc.)in Rented Item(s)is prohibited and you are responsible for all damages and repairs resulting from Sales: $40.00 aftemative fuel;(d)no electrical tools are supplied with safety grounded plugs for use in grounded outlets(except for double-insulated safety-approved tools),and you are responsible for not cutting off the ground lug;(d)Runyon is authorized to charge my debit or credit card for all amounts coming due hereunder,including for damage to the Rented Item(s)which is discovered after the Rented Item(s)have been returned;and(e)labor rate is charged at$85.00 per hour. X (Initial) I have been instructed and demonstrated on the safe and proper operation of the above equipment,and I fully understand those instructions. X (Initial) I have provided Runyon with proof of insurance(insurance that covers all damage to or loss of Equipment)and am declining the Subtotal: $40.00 Equipment Protection Plan(Damage Waiver)as described on the back of this Contract.x (Initial) The undersigned has carefully read and fully understands the Terms and Conditions on the back of this Contract and personally guarantees the Customer's prompt payment and performance of its obligations arising under this Contract. Printed Name: Total: $40.00 Signature: Paid: $0.00 COOKSEY,SHAWN Amount Due: $40.00 WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGE DONE WHEN LOADING/UNLOADING EQUIPMENT. 111111111111111111111111 IN Page 1 of 1 Status: Closed RV NYON 410 West Carmel Drive Invoice#: 422482-1 EQu19M+vNT RCNTiAL Carmel,IN 46032 Invoice Date: Fri 3/24/2017 1-800-276-Tool(8665) www.runyonrental.com Date Out: Fri 3/24/2017 9:46AM _ 317.566-8888 Phone �eep't be Ilaol'Rapt°"e 317-566-2990 Fax Operator: Dave G Chernoff us omer Terms: On Account CARMEL WATER 317-733-2855 Phone 317-733-2053 Fax 3450 W. 131ST STREET CARMEL, IN 46074 Open Monday-Friday 7:00am-5:30pm, Saturday 7:00am-4:30pm, Sunday 9:00am-3:00pm Picked up by: COOKSEY, SHAWN Salesman: NONE Oty Key Items Returned Date Status Eac Price 20 MS PULL CORD Pulled $2.001 $40.00 6r Thank You for your Business Rental Contract You understand that:(a)it is unauthorized for me to lend the Rented Item(s)to any other person;(b)THE RENTED ITEM(S) IS/ARE FULL OF FUEL AND MUST BE RETURNED AS SUCH OR ADDITIONAL CHARGES WILL APPLY(c)use of alternative fuels(e.g.Biodiesel,E85,etc.)in Rented Items)is prohibited and you are responsible for all damages and repairs resulting from Sales: $40.00 alternative fuel;(d)no electrical tools are supplied with safety grounded plugs for use in grounded outlets(except for double-insulated safety-approved tools),and you are responsible for not cutting off the ground lug;(d)Runyon is authorized to charge my debit or credit card for all amounts coming due hereunder,including for damage to the Rented Item(s)which is discovered after the Rented Item(s)have been returned;and(e)labor rate is charged at$85.00 per hour.X (Initial) I have been instructed and demonstrated on the safe and proper operation of the above equipment,and I fully understand those instructions. X (Initial) 1 have provided Runyon with proof of insurance(insurance that covers mage to or loss of Equipment)and am declining the Subtotal: $40.00 Equipment Protection Plan(Damage Waiver)as described on th ck of t is Contract.x (Initial) The undersigned has carefully read and fu �erstands the rms and nditions on the back of this Contract and personally guarantees the Customer's prompt ant an performa of its oblig ions arising under this Contract. Printed Name: Total: $40.00 Paid: $0.00 i( Signature: OOKSEY,SHAWN Amount Due: $40.00 WE CHARGE FOR TIME OUT,NOT TIME USED. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL TIRES,FUEL AND ELECTRIC CURRENT. RENTAL FEES DO NOT APPLY TO PURCHASES. NO ADJUSTMENTS OR CREDITS will be made on equipment malfunctions unless Runyon has been notified. A LARGER-FONT VERSION OF THIS CONTRACT IS AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST. 00 o, ;a < « / § § \ \ § k k ? ¥ o / 0 Z # ? 0 z / C) % � t t A < k / r- k / 7 4 M Q G w (A) 0 K ® [ § 7 § m (D O ~ — # R .69 z 4 / / E q m CA Z 0 # t § ƒ / / k / / a a 3 2 — / — / § � / _ § w 2 ° > 2 / 0 w < > O CD 0 $ \ CF) \ q CD a � 7 k § a / P « p — 2 > 2 % \ f e m & f ® c 2 % i g / E 7 I / § e 7 i q § 0) m f $ 2CL e ƒ E 8 } CD / 2 ƒ ® A ) s § 7 / ! 3 / / _ 7 \ \ } $ \ \ & } . © a « = 5 3 S 0 — m w m q \ E C / z ƒ B » 2 § ) [ k\ N) / e / / q c - \ % # = \®k -w w w m ;\ cr& CD - 2/ / k > 7 - - ) ' / 0 ■ / k t t .9, -n 0 Q CD O \ } \ § \ § \ / ƒ C o O ® # f 2 Z I % CD / ) n CD k ) 0 7� ; a / o< \ k T \\ } \ -n > §/ k CD / C) D \ / qD \ \ \ \ \ m 0 / / j E / \ CD = r- O E _ z E ] \ C / 0 2 c (n 2 CDcrCD � ° 0 / \ ] } a CD \ / \ _ $ / » D < $ q /CD / C> § E cD 111111111111111111111111111111111 Page 1 of 1 RU NYON 410 West Carmel Drive Status: Closed Invoice#: 422783-1 EQUIPMENT RENTAL Carmel,IN 46032 Invoice Date: Mon 3/27/2017 www.runyonrental.com Date Out: Mon 3/27/2017 1:57PM 1-800-276-Tool(8665) 317-566-8888 Phone "Doo'll be a tool-Rent one" 317-566-2990 Fax Operator: BECKY POWERS Customer#: 1384 Terms: On Account CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT 317-733-2001 Phone 317-733-2005 Fax 3400 WEST 131ST STREET CARMEL,IN 46074 Open Monday-Friday 7:00am-5:30pm,Saturday 7:00am-4:30pm,Sunday 9:00am-3:00pm Picked up by: DAVIS,WILL Salesman: NONE Qty Key Items Returned Date Status Each Price 1 1-1,60"0001 DOLLY TREE 1600#CAP Mon 3/27/2017 3:11 PM Returned $30.00 $30.00 lday$30.00 1week$120.00 4weeks$360.00 Thank You for your Business Rental Contract Rental: $30.00 You understand that:(a)it is unauthorized for me to lend the Rented Item(s)to any other person;(b)THE RENTED ITEM(S) IS/ARE FULL OF FUEL AND MUST BE RETURNED AS SUCH OR ADDITIONAL CHARGES WILL APPLY(c)use of alternative Damage Waiver: $3.00 fuels(e.g.Biodiesel,E85,etc.)in Rented Item(s)is prohibited and you are responsible for all damages and repairs resulting from alternative fuel;(d)no electrical tools are supplied with safety grounded plugs for use in grounded outlets(except for double-insulated safety-approved tools),and you are responsible for not cutting off the ground lug;(d)Runyon is authorized to charge my debit or credit card for all amounts coming due hereunder,including for damage to the Rented Item(s)which is discovered after the Rented Item(s)have been returned;and(e)labor rate is charged at$85.00 per hour. X (Initial) I have been instructed and demonstrated on the safe and proper operation of the above equipment,and I fully understand those instructions. X (Initial) I have provided Runyon with proof of insurance(insurance that covers all damage to or loss of Equipment)and am declining the Subtotal: $33.00 Equipment Protection Plan(Damage Waiver)as described on the back of this Contract.x (Initial) The undersigned has carefully read and fully understands the Terms and Conditions on the back of this Contract and personally guarantees the Customer's prompt payment and performance of its obligations arising under this Contract. Printed Name: Total: $33.00 Paid: $0.00 Signature: DAVIS,WILL Amount Due: 533.00 111111111111111111111111111111111 Page 1 of RU NYON 410 West Carmel Drive Status: Closed Invoice#: 422736-1 EQUIPMENT RENTAL Carmel,IN 46032 Invoice Date: Mon 3/27/2017 www.runyonrental.com Date Out: Mon 3/27/2017 9:22AM 1-800-276-Tool(8665) 317-566-8888 Phone "Don't be a tool-Rent one, 317-566-2990 Fax Operator: Dave G Chernoff Customer#: 1384 Terms: On Account CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT 317-733-2001 Phone 317-733-2005 Fax 3400 WEST 131ST STREET CARMEL,1N 46074 Open Monday-Friday 7:00am-5:30pm,Saturday 7:00am-4:30pm,Sunday 9:00am-3:00pm Picked up by: HICKS,JEFFREY D Salesman: NONE Qty Key Items Returned Date Status Each Price 1 5645#0001 FORKLIFT 56'10,000 POUND Mon 3/27/2017 2:19PM Returned $550.00 $550.00 Meter Out:2236.5 Meter In:2236.5 Total hours on meter:0.0 lday$550.00 lweek$1,595.00 4weeks$3,650.00 CUSTOMER IS TOTALLY LIABLE FOR TIRE REPAIR,PLEASE CHECK TIRES PRIOR TO LEAVING LOT X EQUIPMENT IS FOR LOCAL RENTAL ONLY 25 MILE RADIUS FROM OUR STORE YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR RETURN AND/OR RECOVERY X 1 5623#0001 FORKLIFT FRONT BUCKET 1 YAR Mon 3/27/2017 2:20PM Returned $50.00 $50.00 tday$50.00 lweek$200.00 4weeks$600.00 Thank You for your Business Rental Contract Rental: $600.00 You understand that:(a)it is unauthorized for me to lend the Rented Item(s)to any other person;(b)THE RENTED ITEM(S) IS/ARE FULL OF FUEL AND MUST BE RETURNED AS SUCH OR ADDITIONAL CHARGES WILL APPLY(c)use of alternative Damage Waiver: $60.00 fuels(e.g.Biodiesel,E85,etc.)in Rented Item(s)is prohibited and you are responsible for all damages and repairs resulting from alternative fuel;(d)no electrical tools are supplied with safety grounded plugs for use in grounded outlets(except for double-insulated safety-approved tools),and you are responsible for not cutting off the ground lug;(d)Runyon is authorized to charge my debit or credit card for all amounts coming due hereunder,including for damage to the Rented Item(s)which is discovered after the Rented Item(s)have been returned;and(e)labor rate is charged at$85.00 per hour. X (Initial) I have been instructed and demonstrated on the safe and proper operation of the above equipment,and I fully understand those instructions. X (Initial) I have provided Runyon with proof of insurance(insurance that covers all damage to or loss of Equipment)and am declining the Subtotal: $660.00 Equipment Protection Plan(Damage Waiver)as described on the back of this Contract.x (Initial) The undersigned has carefully read and fully understands the Terms and Conditions on the back of this Contract and personally guarantees the Customer's prompt payment and performance of its obligations arising under this Contract. Printed Name: Total: $660.00 Paid: $0.00 Signature: HICKS,JEFFREY D Amount Due: $660.00 11111111111111111111111111111 IN Page 1 of RU NYON 410 West Carmel Drive Status: Closed Invoice#: 422740-1 EQUIPMENT RENTAL Carmel,IN 46032 Invoice Date: Mon 3/27/2017 1-800-276-TOol(8665) www.runyonrental.com Date Out: Mon 3/27/2017 9:33AM 317-566-8888 Phone "Don't be a tool-Rent one" 317-566-2990 Fax Operator: WINNIE HELMS Customer#: 1384 Terms: On Account CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT 317-733-2001 Phone 317-733-2005 Fax 3400 WEST 131ST STREET CARMEL,IN 46074 Open Monday-Friday 7:00am-5:30pm,Saturday 7:00am-4:30pm,Sunday 9:00am-3:00pm Picked up by: MORRIS, NATHAN Salesman: NONE Qty Key Items Returned Date Status Each Price 2 043281002004-1 PAINT MARKING RED 20 OZ SEY Pulled $4.75 $9.50 Thank You for your Business Rental Contract You understand that:(a)it is unauthorized for me to lend the Rented Item(s)to any other person;(b)THE RENTED ITEM(S) IS/ARE FULL OF FUEL AND MUST BE RETURNED AS SUCH OR ADDITIONAL CHARGES WILL APPLY(c)use of alternative fuels(e.g.Biodiesel,E85,etc.)in Rented Item(s)is prohibited and you are responsible for all damages and repairs resulting from Sales: $9.50 alternative fuel;(d)no electrical tools are supplied with safety grounded plugs for use in grounded outlets(except for double-insulated safety-approved tools),and you are responsible for not cutting off the ground lug;(d)Runyon is authorized to charge my debit or credit card for all amounts coming due hereunder,including for damage to the Rented Item(s)which is discovered after the Rented Item(s)have been returned;and(e)labor rate is charged at$85.00 per hour. X (Initial) I have been instructed and demonstrated on the safe and proper operation of the above equipment,and I fully understand those instructions. X (Initial) I have provided Runyon with proof of insurance(insurance that covers all damage to or loss of Equipment)and am declining the Subtotal: $9.50 Equipment Protection Plan(Damage Waiver)as described on the back of this Contract.x (Initial) The undersigned has carefully read and fully understands the Terms and Conditions on the back of this Contract and personally guarantees the Customer's prompt payment and performance of its obligations arising under this Contract. Printed Name: Total: $9.50 Paid: $0.00 Signature: MORRIS,NATHAN Amount Due: $9.50 WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGE DONE WHEN LOADING/UNLOADING EQUIPMENT. a 111111111111111111111111 IN Page 1 of 1 Status: Open RU NYON 410 West Carmel Drive Contract#: 422783-1 f.QUIVMENT RENTAL Carmel,IN 46032 1-800-276-Tool(8665) www.runyonrental.com Date Out: Mon 3/27/2017 1:57PM 317-566-8888 Phone 'Poa't W a heel-Re"f 0" 317-566-2990 Fax Operator: BECKY POWERS (Customer Terms: On Account CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT 317-733-2001 Phone 317-733-2005 Fax 3400 WEST 131ST STREET CARMEL, IN 46074 Open Monday-Friday 7:00am-5:30pm, Saturday 7:00am-4:30pm, Sunday 9:00am-3:00pm Picked up by: DAVIS,WILL Salesman: NONE Qty Key Items Agreed Return Date Status Each Price 1 5609 DOLLY TREE 1600#CAP Tue 3/28/2017 1:57PM Out $30.0 Ida $30.00 lweek$120.00 4weeks$360.00 Open Seven Days a Week Rental Contract You understand that:(a)it is unauthorized for me to lend the Rented Item(s)to any other person;(b)THE RENTED ITEM(S) IS/ARE FULL OF FUEL AND MUST BE RETURNED AS SUCH OR ADDITIONAL CHARGES WILL APPLY(c)use of alternative fuels(e.g.Biodiesel,E85,etc.)in Rented Item(s)is prohibited and you are responsible for all damages and repairs resulting from alternative fuel;(d)no electrical tools are supplied with safety grounded plugs for use in grounded outlets(except for double-insulated safety-approved tools),and you are responsible for not cutting off the ground lug;(d)Runyon is authorized to charge my debit or credit card for all amounts coming due hereunder,including for damage to the Rented Item(s)which is discovered after the Rented Item(s)have been returned;and(e)labor rate is charged at$85.00 per hour. X (Initial) I have been instructed and demonstrated on the safe and proper operation of the above equipment,and I fully understand those instructions. X (Initial) I have provided Runyon with proof of insurance(insurance that covers all damage to or loss of Equipment)and am declining the Equipment Protection Plan(Damage Waiver)as described on the back of this Contract.x (Initial) The undersigned has carefully read and fully understands the Terms and Conditions on the back of this Contract and personally guarantees the Customer's prompt payment and performance of its obligations arising under this Contract. Printed Name: 11 Signature: DAVIS,WILL WE CHARGE FOR TIME OUT,NOT TIME USED. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL TIRES,FUEL AND ELECTRIC CURRENT. RENTAL FEES DO NOT APPLY TO PURCHASES. NO ADJUSTMENTS OR CREDITS will be made on equipment malfunctions unless Runyon has been notified. A LARGER-FONT VERSION OF THIS CONTRACT IS AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST. WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGE DONE WHEN LOADING/UNLOADING EQUIPMENT. 1111111111111111Page 1 of 1 Status: Open RU NYON 410 West Carmel Drive Contract#: 422783-1 EQLIIPMEN7!n1 L Carmel, IN 46032 1-800-276-Tool(8665) www.runyonrental.com Date Out: Mon 3/27/2017 1:57PM 317-566-8888 Phone 'Dea'f be a tool-Roof*as' 317-566-2990 Fax Operator: BECKY POWERS (Customer Terms: On Account CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT 317-733-2001 Phone 317-733-2005 Fax 3400 WEST 131ST STREET CARMEL,IN 46074 Open Monday-Friday 7:00am-5:30pm, Saturday 7:00am4:30pm, Sunday 9:00am-3:00pm Picked up by: DAVIS, WILL Salesman: NONE Qty Key Items Agreed Return Date Status Each Price 1 5609 DOLLY TREE 1600#CAP Tue 3/28/2017 1:57PM Out $30.00 Ida $30.00 lweek$120.00 4weeks$360.00 Open Seven Days a Week Rental Contract You understand that:(a)it is unauthorized for me to lend the Rented Item(s)to any other person;(b)THE RENTED ITEM(S) IS/ARE FULL OF FUEL AND MUST BE RETURNED AS SUCH OR ADDITIONAL CHARGES WILL APPLY(c)use of alternative fuels(e.g.Biodiesel,E85,etc.)in Rented Item(s)is prohibited and you are responsible for all damages and repairs resulting from alternative fuel;(d)no electrical tools are supplied with safety grounded plugs for use in grounded outlets(except for double-insulated safety-approved tools),and you are responsible for not cutting off the ground lug;(d)Runyon is authorized to charge my debit or credit card for all amounts coming due hereunder,including for damage to the Rented Item(s)which is discovered after the Rented Item(s)have been returned;and(e)labor rate is charged at$85.00 per hour. X (Initial) I have been instructed and demonstrated on the safe and proper operation of the above equipment,and 1 fully understand those instructions. X (Initial) I have provided Runyon with proof of insurance(insurance that covers all damage to or loss of Equipment)and am declining the Equipment Protection Plan(Damage Waiver)as described on the back of this Contract.x (Initial) The undersigned has carefully read and fully understands the Terms and Conditions on the back of this Contract and personally guarantees the Customer's prompt payment and performance of its obligations arising under this Contract. Printed Name: l ave Signature: DAVIS,WILL WE CHARGE FOR TIME OUT,NOT TIME USED. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL TIRES,FUEL AND ELECTRIC CURRENT. RENTAL FEES DO NOT APPLY TO PURCHASES. NO ADJUSTMENTS OR CREDITS will be made on equipment malfunctions unless Runyon has been notified. A LARGER-FONT VERSION OF THIS CONTRACT IS AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST. WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGE DONE WHEN LOADING/UNLOADING EQUIPMENT. 11111111111111111111111111 Page 1 of Status: Closed RU NYON 410 West Carmel Drive Invoice#: 422736-1 EQUIPMENT RENTAL Carmel, IN 46032 Invoice Date: Mon 3/27/2017 1-800-276-Tool(8665) www.runyonrental.com Date Out: Mon 3/27/2017 9:22AM 317-566-8888 Phone Vos't be e feel-Root ono' 317-566-2990 Fax Operator: Dave G Chernoff us omen Terms: On Account CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT 317-733-2001 Phone 317-733-2005 Fax 3400 WEST 131ST STREET CARMEL, IN 46074 Open Monday-Friday 7.00am-5:30pm, Saturday 7:00am-4:30pm, Sunday 9:00am-3:00pm Picked up by: HICKS, JEFFREY D Salesman: NONE Qty Key Items Returned Date Status Each Price 1 5645#0001 FORKLIFT 56'10,000 POUND Mon 3/27/2017 2:19PM Returned $550.00 $550.00 Meter Out:2236.5 Meter In:2236.5 Total hours on meter:0.0 1day$550.00 1week$1,595.00 4weeks$3,650.00 CUSTOMER IS TOTALLY LIABLE FOR TIRE REPAIR,PLEASE CHECK TIRES PRIOR TO LEAVING LOT X EQUIPMENT IS FOR LOCAL RENTAL ONLY 25 MILE RADIUS FROM OUR STORE YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR RETURN AND/OR RECOVERY X 1 5623#0001 FORKLIFT FRONT BUCKET 1 YAR Mon 3/27/2017 2:20PM Returned $50.00 $50.00 1day$50.00 1week$200.00 4weeks$600.00 Thank You for your Business Rental Contract Rental: $600.00 You understand that:(a)it is unauthorized for me to lend the Rented Item(s)to any other person;(b)THE RENTED ITEM(S) Damage Waiver: $60.00 IS/ARE FULL OF FUEL AND MUST BE RETURNED AS SUCH OR ADDITIONAL CHARGES WILL APPLY(c)use of alternative fuels(e.g.Biodiesel,E85,etc.)in Rented Item(s)is prohibited and you are responsible for all damages and repairs resulting from alternative fuel;(d)no electrical tools are supplied with safety grounded plugs for use in grounded outlets(except for double-insulated safety-approved tools),and you are responsible for not cutting off the ground lug;(d)Runyon is authorized to charge my debit or credit card for all amounts coming due hereunder,including for damage to the Rented Item(s)which is discovered after the Rented Item(s)have been returned;and(e)labor rate is charged at$85.00 per hour.X (Initial) I have been instructed and demonstrated on the safe and proper operation of the above equipment,and I fully understand those instructions. X (Initial) 1 have provided Runyon with proof of insurance(insurance that covers all damage to or loss of Equipment)and am declining the Subtotal: $660.00 Equipment Protection Plan(Damage Waiver)as described on the back of this Contract.x (Initial) The undersigned has carefully read and fully understands the Terms and Conditions on the back of this Contract and personally guarantees the Customer's prompt payment and performance of its obligations arising under this Contract. Printed Name: Total: $660.00 Paid: $0.00 Signature: HICKS,JEFFREY D Amount Due: $660.00 WE CHARGE FOR TIME OUT,NOT TIME USED. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL TIRES,FUEL AND ELECTRIC CURRENT. RENTAL FEES DO NOT APPLY TO PURCHASES. NO ADJUSTMENTS OR CREDITS will be made on equipment malfunctions unless Runyon has been notified. A LARGER-FONT VERSION OF THIS CONTRACT IS AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST. ` WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGE DONE WHEN LOADING/UNLOADING EQUIPMENT. 111111111111111 IN 11111111 Page 1 of 1 Status: Open RU MYON 410 West Carmel Drive Contract#: 422736-1 • EQu19MEN7 RENTAL Carmel,IN 46032 1-800-276-Tool(8665) www.runyonrental.com Date Out: Mon 3/27/2017 9:22AM 317-566.8888 Phone 'Peat be a Mel-Roo see' 317-566-2990 Fax Operator: WINNIE HELMS ,CCustomer : 13 Terms: On Account CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT 317-733-2001 Phone 317-733-2005 Fax 3400 WEST 131ST STREET CARMEL,IN 46074 Open Monday-Friday 7:00am-5:30pm, Saturday 7:00am-4:30pm, Sunday 9:00am-3:00pm Picked up by: HICKS, JEFFREY D Salesman: NONE Oty Key Items Agreed Return Date Status Each Price 1 5645 FORKLIFT 56'10,000 POUND Tue 3/28/2017 9:22AM Out $550.0 /day$550.00 1week$1,595.00 4weeks$3,650.00 CUSTOMER IS TOTALLY LIABLE FOR TIRE REPAIR,PLEASE CHECK TIRES PRIOR TO LEAVING LOT X EQUIPMENT IS FOR LOCAL RENTAL ONLY 25 MILE RADIUS FROM OUR STORE YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR RETURN AND/OR RECOVERY X 1 5623 FORKLIFT FRONT BUCKET 1 YAR Tue 3/28/2017 9:22AM Out $50.0 Ida $50.00 lweek$200.00 4weeks$600.00 Open Seven Days a Week Rental Contract You understand that:(a)it is unauthorized for me to lend the Rented Item(s)to any other person;(b)THE RENTED ITEM(S) IS/ARE FULL OF FUEL AND MUST BE RETURNED AS SUCH OR ADDITIONAL CHARGES WILL APPLY(c)use of alternative fuels(e.g.Biodiesel,E85,etc.)in Rented Items)is prohibited and you are responsible for all damages and repairs resulting from alternative fuel;(d)no electrical tools are supplied with safety grounded plugs for use in grounded outlets(except for double-insulated safety-approved tools),and you are responsible for not cutting off the ground lug;(d)Runyon is authorized to charge my debit or credit card for all amounts coming due hereunder,including for damage to the Rented Item(s)which is discovered after the Rented Item(s)have been returned;and(e)labor rate is charged at$85.00 per hour. X (Initial) I have been instructed and demonstrated on the safe and proper operation of the above equipment,and I fully understand those instructions. X (Initial) I have provided Runyon with proof of insurance(insurance that covers all damage to or loss of Equipment)and am declining the Equipment Protection Plan(Damage Waiver)as described on the back of this Contract.x (Initial) The undersigned has carefully read and fully understands the Terms and Conditions on the back of this Contract and personally guarantees the Customer's prompt payment and performance of its obligations arising under this Contract. Printed Name: Signature: HICKS,JEFFREY D WE CHARGE FOR TIME OUT,NOT TIME USED. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL TIRES,FUEL AND ELECTRIC CURRENT. RENTAL FEES DO NOT APPLY TO PURCHASES. NO ADJUSTMENTS OR CREDITS will be made on equipment malfunctions unless Runyon has been notified. A LARGER-FONT VERSION OF THIS CONTRACT IS AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST.