HomeMy WebLinkAbout310483 04/24/17 ��'`'• CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 027700 >; CHECK AMOUNT: $ .....177.57' ONE CIVIC SQUARE BRADEN BUSINESS SYS,INC : �� CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 9430 PRIORITY WAY,WEST DR CHECK NUMBER: 310483 INDIANAPOLIS IN 46240 CHECK DATE: 04/24/17 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1203 4353004 407037 100.57 COPIER 1203 4353004 407042 77.00 COPIER @ $ « / i q - O b 2 " 0 co 2 j j 2 2 z m ° » > I 2 m \ 0 k < Ck O / \ \ § 2 2 q o [ / ] m ] O� & 0 k m k co �p 0 D \ § $ § § CL K m m 2 2 - k m 7 z az z E > /_ \ o k q z CD 8 q / $ 3 r- z R 0 g k CD c § % A / § m (D » e s E A m O D $ay m f _ _ co 9 CL }/X J - k - f 2 ! 3 G \ § =_ f k R o ƒ - k k & # / w § B J 0 f - £ ƒ § Z 3 3 0 7 _ @ = w w o t 7 CL m § a@ a m oCLE - kƒ \ C \ j m k § Ch CD \/ - / n » CD 0 # # � 0 & [ // \ \ m k C R ; g ® - * I E 2z » � ° CD } B § %k k E U # � � e0 ,S D }ƒ CD / 7 $q & 0 D o = / \ % \ 0 n D \ \ 0 � + � � ) CD C ell o ® ■ C / E m a : 0 B k 2 _CD M \ 8 CD - ] . R k ° \ _ % D _ $ E . \ \ g z ° / CONTRACT INVOICE Invoice Number: 407037 Invoice Date: 03/31/2017 EIUSINES SYSTEMS 9430 Priority Way West Drive Indianapolis, IN 46240-1470 P: 317-580-0100 F: 317-580-2500 Bill To: City of Carmel Dept. of Community Relations Customer: City of Carmel Dept. of Community Relations Melanie Lentz/Nancy Heck 1 Civic Square, 3rd Fir(Community Relations Office) 1 Civic Square, 3rd Fir(Community Relations Office) Carmel, IN 46032 Carmel, IN 46032 PntT DuoDaLe -okeToW C057 10 Days 04/10/2017 $ 100.57 $ 100.57 KC35-C9826L-01 Nancy Heck 317-571-2495 $ 100.57 05/03/2012 04/02/2017 **Final lease payment covered in new equipment upgrade.This is the final invoice for copy usage only. ** Summary: Contract base rate charge for this billing period $0.00 Contract overage charge for the 03/03/2017 to 04/02/2017 overage period $100.57** *Sum of equipment base charges **See overage details below $100.57 Detail: Equipment included under this contract Konica Minolta/KC35 Number Serial Number Base Charge Location C9826 A121011017706 $0.00 City of Carmel Dept.of Community Relations 1 Civic Square,3rd Fir(Community Relations Office) Carmel,IN 46032 Meter Type Meter Group Begin Meter End Meter Credits Total Covered Billable Rate Overage B\W BW 34,230 34,655 425 0 425 $0.028100 $11.94 Color Color 36,765 37,469 704 0 704 $0.125900 $88.63 $100.57 Invoice SubTotal $100.57 Tax: $0.00 Invoice Total $100.57 Balance Due: $100.57 "If estimated meters appear on this invoice,this is because we tried to reach you via emaillfax/phone,and we did not receive a response Page I of I by the billing date.Please contact us with a corrected meter and we can work with you to find the best method for collecting your meter(s). Contact info:317-522-2115 Customer Service or customer.serviceO-bradenonline.com. CONTRACT INVOICE Invoice Number: 407042 Invoice Date: 03/31/2017 8 U S I N E S S Y S1 E M S 9430 Priority Way West Drive Indianapolis, IN 46240-1470 P: 317-580-0100 F: 317-580-2500 Bill To: City of Carmel Dept. of Community Relations Customer: City of Carmel Dept. of Community Relations Melanie Lentz/ Nancy Heck 1 Civic Square, 3rd Flr(Community Relations Office) 1 Civic Square, 3rd Flr(Community Relations Office) Carmel, IN 46032 Carmel, IN 46032 biro Pay Tett Due om In"oioa 7o#al C057 10 Days 04/10/2017 $77.00 $ 77.00 TK406d-G0735L-01 Melanie Lentz 317-571-2495 $77.00 03/30/2017 1 03/29/2020 s Summary: Contract base rate charge for the 03/30/2017 to 04/29/2017 billing period $0.00 Contract overage charge for this overage period $0.00** Contract Lease Charge: $77.00 *Sum of equipment base charges **See overage details below $77.00 Detail: Equipment included under this contract Kyocera Mita/TK406CI Number Serial Number Base Charge Location G0735 V786302429 $0.00 City of Carmel Dept.of Community Relations 1 Civic Square,3rd Fir(Community Relations Office) Carmel,IN 46032 Meter Type Meter Group Credits Covered Rate B\W BW 0 $0.011000 Color Color 0 $0.065000 uol� 1'Qin Invoice SubTotal $77.00 Tax: $0.00 Invoice Total $77.00 Balance Due: $77.00 **If estimated meters appear on this invoice,this is because we tried to reach you via emaiVfax/phone,and we did not receive a response Page 1 of 1 by the billing date.Please contact us with a corrected meter and we can work with you to find the best method for collecting your meter(s). Contact info:317-522-2115 Customer Service or customer.servicea-bradenonline.com .