HomeMy WebLinkAbout310736 04/26/17 �`� �''''*. CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 359959 AMERICAN RED CROSS-HLTH &SFTY K AMOUNT: $*******908.00* ONE CIVIC SQUARE 25688 NETWORK PLACE CHECK NUMBER: 310736 f =a CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 CHICAGO IL 60673-1256 CHECK DATE: 04/26/17 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 22005570 873.00 OTHER FEES & LICENSES 1096 4358300 1096 4358300 22007833 35.00 OTHER FEES & LICENSES 0 00 00 % 0 o k k / 0 0 > c 2 n 0 0 P E \ 0 0 © > 3gt % N) ) 0 7E ] # A o 0 0_ E B 2 CD 3 k -4 k m 0 CD z m w w z 0 ƒ q ( w o p 0 k :E ;u \ C > 0 > o0E a � SS 0 m � E � 0 $ � Q as ® m 2 $ d ƒ 0 m ƒ k k k j $ q o / k ( X CD ® 0 2 . \ \ w + � \ OD % k R / w k 0 2 q S k3 \ _ > n 7 ; Z ¢ - � ƒ $ & & U l a > § d / \ 0 ID 0 E K $ g @ �_ m . a 7 \ ƒ k 2 § k = 2 \ m m § 0 o a = C w C » q & 0 @ ° a 5' f §m §7 A ] o / \ ƒ � | 0 % Send Payment To: Page 1 of 1 American American Red Cross Health&Safety Services Red Cross 25688 Network Place Invoice No: 22005570 Chicago IL 60673-1256 Invoice Date: 03-31-2017 Customer Number: P0002586 Org ID: 14164CCPR Invoice Total: $873.00 Payment Terms: NET 30 Due Date: 04-30-2017 CARMEL CLAY PARKS AND RECREATION PAULA SCHLEMMER 1411 E 116TH ST CARMEL IN 46032-3455 RECEIVED 1n11ll111111111Jill Rill 1lllr11111111111 APR 1 3 201 BY:. Your invoice for training services is in a new format. We have enclosed an insert to explain the changes. If you have questions about how line items are priced, we encourage you to review your agreement and compare to your invoice. 18865266 7106754 02-26-17 Lifeguarding 2 Weprich,Leah $70.00 18862868 7106217 03-12-17 Lifeguarding 5 Hohn,Kathryn $175.00 18872547 7109909 03-22-17 Adult and Pediatric First 2 Robert,Sean Martin $54.00 Aid/CPR/AED 18888932 7114687 03-22-17 Adult and Pediatric First 7 Weprich,Leah $189.00 Aid/CPR/AED 18923324 7130012 03-26-17 Lifeguarding Review 8 Martin,Aaron $280.00 18946238 7141285 03-26-17 Lifeguarding Review 3 Martin,Aaron $105.00 Subtotal $873.00 Payment $0.00 Invoice Total: $873.00 Thank you for supporting the American Red Cross!Visit us at www.redcross.org/PHSSBIIling to learn how to read your invoice.For questions or to make a credit card payment,please call 888-284-0607.You may also email your questions to billing@redcross.org. Page 1 of 1 Send Payment To: American American Red Cross Health 8 Safety Services Red Cross 25688 Network Place Invoice No: 22007833 Chicago IL 60673-1256 R������D Invoice Date: 04-12-2017 Customer Number: P0002586 A F R 1 7 2017 Org ID: 14164CCPR Invoice Total: $35.00 BY: Payment Terms: NET 30 Due Date: 05-12-2017 CARMEL CLAY PARKS AND RECREATION PAULA SCHLEMMER r ` 1411 E 116TH ST CARMEL IN 46032-3455 II�I�II�'�'I�III �II ��II �J�I�IJI �11� 111111111�1'�"� Your invoice for training services is in a new format. We have enclosed an insert to explain the changes. If you have questions about how line items are priced, we encourage you to review your agreement and compare to your invoice. fv ,N 18961939 7147467 03-28-17 Lifeguarding 1 Weprich,Leah $35.00 Subtotal $35.00 Payment $0.00 Invoice Total: $35.00 Thank you for supporting the American Red Cross!visit us at www.redcross.org/PHSSBilling to learn how to read your invoice.For questions or to make a credit card payment,please call 888-284-0607.You may also email your questions to billing@redcross.org.