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Vectren Energy/Eng/41,109.59/Reimbursement Agreement for 116th Street and Towne Road Roundabout Project
VECTREN REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this 28 day of March , 20�, by and between the City of Carmel , Party of the First Part, hereinafter referred to as the City of Carmel , and Vectren, Energy Deliveryof Indiana, Inc. of the Second Part, hereinafter referred to as VECTREN. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the City of Carmel desires to make certain changes, improvements and/or adjustments to their property or facilities located at or near, xi6h Street &Towne Road hereinafter referred to as the "Project". WHEREAS, said changes, .improvements and/or adjustments will adversely affect VECTREN'S operation and maintenance capabilities to its natural gas system. WHEREAS, due to said. construction, certain adjustments, removals, alterations and/or relocations of existing VECTREN facilities will have to be made as shown on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by this reference made a part of this agreement. WHEREAS, it is in the best interests of both VECTREN and the City of Carmel for VECTREN to malte these adjustments, removals, alterations and/or relocations of its existing facilities with the their regular construction and maintenance forces, or by a contractor(s) paid under a contract let by VECTREN. NOW THEREFORE,.for and in consideration of the mutual.covenantherein recited, both VECTREN and the City of Carmel do herein agree as follows: SECTION I VECTREN agrees and covenants to the following: To provide a complete and detailed drawing of the workthat will be required byVECTREN to adjust, remove, alter and/or relocate its facilities in a manner that will allowVECTRENto maintain and operate its facility in an approved and acceptable manner, said drawing is referenced above and attached to this agreement as Exhibit "A".. Page i of 5 T ,qcbinplete with its reg4larconstruction or maintenance crew andpersonnelgito.stgnd4rd s4edII16:ofWage8 and working hours,. or by.:a VECTREN approved contractor(s) the necessary aditistiileiits.,removals;lzalterations.and/or=rel6c'afionstbits exist iiig,faciliiies.ai§,shown -i�n.tx , hibit "A".'The;prel urinary cost estimate thereofbein lilogiSgi .qs:shownon'the:esLiinateattached_ g$ _ 4_ marked Exhibit "WvhMi said Exhibit :"B"his hereby niade.a part _Ofthi8agreement, .11 To.keep accurate and complettredords of all the wgrk and ch - u* to complete othi6. workidetailectin Exh tbit Wand to make these to or th auditors a. :documents.aticesAble eir pello of, (8) threeyears from :the : date -final pgym o pptj8,rce ., ivedby-vECTREN. Should these recordsbeauditpdand dis V` c epancies found that resulted in an overpaymentby the City of :Carmel; 'sup.OYPr paymepArnd shall authorized for xepqymei�t- to ,the My of Carmel :Within 60 caleridat days from the' day. -the: discrepancy :is s disco ed, provided that bath VECrREN anti. the City of arlftO :con6ur,.thatan over payment has Uerrmado.. to govidetto, thdCla'-0 . f . Carmel a written explanation if total ' project charges exceed. the :..6st'matedPtQj04;t esd)414t ..._ .q,shown:iii.M..Iibit'.'.B"-,skdwr.ittenexPlaildti.on:wll.lbe.vtov.idedto: the City qf.Carmel iii.a.tjinely-ti6nn6t't,.bo.ugh.itis,to;be,tinderstood,that .some ..prp.i` pt disckooan . e.s,maynat be Idontifieduiltil the -time offihal billing. SIBCTION II_The _'City OfCarmel agree§and .covenants to,thefdllo following"";; TO; t�6imbtirsp.toVECTRENttli.6actual e6stiiicuiTedbyVECTR-ENito.complete.'ifsw.ot.Ic -which—is estimated to.' 0 —;,the. amountshown-in exhibit `B" of this A greome:At, wk n 6o balendar,d#�. fibro the J t the�p aymentigrequested-in writing byVE in one, J pm.. e a e, Cr ltiftipsg4payment, said Exhibit".1B"total being :cfnly-the;esflmateddollar amount for VECTREN to complete the work described in Exhibit*" "Aiidptesente'd:atthetimeofthefi . nal'billing. SECTYON M NOtherih �Ci ofCariiielnor its :conti-actor(s),6rstibc6iiqg(ptors,if any, --shall discriminate against,a4y.6paployee or ap nt for employment, to be,employed 'ih , eps 1 0 I?epforj�aiin6d 6fdiisbjnttadt,,vnth respect to his hirej tenura,terms,:con'dAprivileges ioh9 or —'' employment, .Oi.4ny'iyiatt6r'dikectly,.6r. indirectly, related:ta.employment because.,pf hisvqcq..color, national origin orancestiy.,Brea6liaf''this ,convening maybpregardpdasarnateri'Ed bri ad .of the contract:. -Page 2:,O.t S. SF,CTIQN,W 'the.Qjjy6f.CarhieI ,its emplqyees, agents.andrepresentatives, Shall indeinnify,,Protect.tind'hgld.hAtmle stV;-ECTREN*oman.d.' against any andall.legol liabilities and other ex losses, suits judgments for damages, or Injuties A o or death of persons or damage to ordeStruction-of property (hereinafter "Claim"), arisin&'out: ofintentional, tortuous or sole negligenbebf . the Cftof Carmel ,.its employees or agents or coiitracfors; in relationto or,in conhecfion with any wbrl ,.perforrne&orto be performed pursuantFtolhisAgreement; providedowev,erithat -where�VEC,T]kEN" ih f or jagw y a � �negligence occunences;:girnng rise to. the Claim,,.tlie City of-Carinel.....,shall have no duty to'ind 6hinffy, protect, .q hqldIarmlbssVEOTREM SECTION V The Cfty;of Carmel i its.econtractor(8)::and,gubcontrAdtors, if any, shaltabide:erm all'i San conditions of VF T��N)anU/or other agencies for the State County. the Ubite states,A±myC6 of ' e tt *,s Et gin 6 Indiana.DdbartmetitbfEnAToiiiiienp1htal'.Mana ent ana.India"n'a'De" tri '6fttof . Natural ReSo'u-r-ces. SECTION' W NO portion of this Agrebiffentghallbec ome.,legally bindihguntil Said Agreement is;fi lly signed and. executed byb6fh,partles. IXWITNESS WHEREOF, the p ,parties,hetOto��e at andoov erally have caused1his histniheot1be bxOdutedbi their-rqspqctive names .b.y and -through their duly authorized Mp,'ahy. officials and/6-r-'ptoportyownets. 'Page,3 6f :5 v belivm of Indiana, Inc. ~ �u� .p- .. I of � Approved and Adopted this �� �p s day of im ctv 20L-1. CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA By and through its Board of Public Works and Safety - 494 J mes Brainard, Pre idi Officer Date: cS 17 )214-� zu-A Mary Burke Member Date: 5-1 V/ 7 EXHIBIT "N', -PAGE 1 -OF 11 Wqst.110h Str.6et a d Tdwn6lRoA4 Mundjabotit, Date: March 17, �10' 11 Sib est: UtIrlityAn' location Wotk.Plan for Ueclr.. 1, P Section- l :Genera Uffiformi0pa A, City of C.ar,rhei'Pr,01.ect.Infbrtiiatl4n, Bi: Utillfy Dje lgria6j Co6Ud-Ihfdcfnarjbp I. Designated Contact Name: I, koute Number- IM ti. 4., Work Ty Y�ab'qut !m I p bodth, i ti�, 5, Wdbate.- k 16. Date;lNork,P.,lan.Needed ,%24J1. b.6 dutof odnflldwlih;.Fro eft" Bi: Utillfy Dje lgria6j Co6Ud-Ihfdcfnarjbp I. Designated Contact Name: Mian Swok .1. OMC06100066e, `3. Nlobiletele hone A: k Rile G. Address; A,- 8.: ;CnTistructian:Emer$entyConEact: M "N :Number.. X17 776 55:49 G :By sigiiing>here, the Uflllty;has determined to the best of their ob. H. that.3h oV#q not have fodiji tie's hli lheprojedwea: o u ,S19 atre:fbiii4kep r ba . n . , Tqentativb� P . I IN pate Welfhdrequiremefitto:0 6.61 fol I ls I t niplbte the r6qbUthis form ;;acid 6,fflpms thelt, c.loh'ta-c.t.,I.nfd.ti.i6d,ti6.h,`ab'6ve'lscorrect EXHIBIT "A", P. 6E.2 OF 11 Do. West.110.Street and Towne Road Roundabout ,li 'WilityCoorcilhafa Name;` D' Wl 4, tmal(Addikv.�. 5. Agenc y.Name: 6 I.Address.. I .7i j'.Cltyj!Swt%llp,Co4b I SWI6 Z&narrativadescelption of th(i.fac ity,relocklon that will b A. Describe .whattypesof existing :active ,and.'Inacflve:tacilliles are present.. PE.easNaln f3', D'eserCbe,the IrlactivefacliltIm 6"'. P t Gas' m m n Nm,Ao . ilgi . 16 - rth,'91.de.,of W 11 16`h ik Sired nporoftatelyAa'north Pfthe cehteflinoi and . runs St-and:541,t C� Rescrbe whit wi11 be.itone with exlstii�g active "and lnactivefacllities, Appraxlmate(y 54'2' le of side Of W,',l need t. �O relocated lue to conflicts with new storm -sewer sirtic tures bild% uhderdf ains, APptOxjr,6AWy249"tf 6' PE'Gas MbIn.allong4ownettoadvillf fteed be Nib ateO du to Undb dr . Wns. .", 11- I I I ., � .. . I Illp , I . . �'I dueto a ., � T., , ", - D. bbscrl.be the,d 6.6 B'of the.pro posed new-fAcil Itlas, All ta d1l'WeslfhatVa 6.1 Og r.'6jb cafted' vAl be, replacedln kind/in size. f, Describe the proposed;lo..catloti ofthe new facilities,. Please see the attached layout far allfnformxtiari relating #ti the lo�atfutr@nd depth of Ehe new:fac!litles; Dine #o the,clase pcP dmityof the eitistIngiacliffidslathe roadway, a partial lane 'cloAtite,wIff beliecep order t� complete the work in a safe Arid .tfrrtely 'erpe'rAilttft'wlllbellled, th#11,Wyof carmellh. ordertolpdrformthe closure F.- 'by.;sig6fng,here,lhe UtIfItly hasOetermined.to the best .oFtbeJr'9bllltythatthey .h VeTacllftle v vjd thin" the vrolp' t.area.and.th6ficiiities.ate not inconfifetWiththe p b u veazon Signature of Uillit' Riepyesen I tative Print Nahie Date -Note, Astert4tuireb' 'I s ritative a !cq pie the restofilils,foeM. yltheuti.RVrepre e, at,item requirement to te 217.P��alve EXHIBIT "K., PAGE 3 OF 19 WestllO:Rreet,and Towhe Road Round0out .,=1213�temomIo_r t hef.acilifytelocatton*rls06t.,de)eident.oltlle,ac uls mon ot.witlonal property inlerntsWlthaddescription ofthatwork, -The relocailbif w.ark,for :Vectrer,'sfadlifile.s Is not dependent:o(p.ft. at#lshldhd,addlflolial property interests for this, prof ecty; reqtilred'W"drkas'p h gh,,kay:�oqtr4 aft�6 , f;the e,� .1 d Vectr6h ViOgy Ueiiueryls NOT willfn'9,t6,qI1oW the ,'Cltyof.Ca(mdlcdnt rtctofto.ccilipletethp Wotks e contract; ' �pirtoftIl Section 5, RotWtW44te'tIIeIwork p-I'an fszap. ptoved;b bothpu ties; pidate.p(ovide tffig:Utill.tys:.Or6-construction: khed(illinginfer. ftiatto4i A, rq0lre0-per6llts.*: A%pm B. The':ek0c'iod.1'etd�tinio,in.calendar,d4.ys-tb:.obtain.rnAterials. 7 45 C. The 0006tedlqadllmeln calendar"doVsla'scheduleVork crews E. 1. The expected headllme-ln=palendaedays to obt6lh new ptop&ty,lnte'feSts, The eirliest datehn,theutilitycodlbegno implemedt.the,pre.v construction acOitles of thewofk,olay.. Go The,,(6fathum eecif,'caleh,dar.days�forore-constructi'on,o6ilvities"* (j) S'A "'This,InformationLis,bas6d.oh the CURRENT backlog of jPipollne:,c6nsttuctiorlsc.h,edulingaii4 orderin':.g .ofmaterials does fiotlile'pifdeuntil'Vec ten Notice to -P> oceed aud: all All"Bigiit-of-Waym4stb9-6%kodd-.b Ahedty:of Sec Idff I 6i The A Astaterneritviiethertl I ielul . I lkyreloca , tion.i§ orfs not dependent :on..Work.to be done 'by;anotherliti . I - I I t, milth -a dosdio lo.n -of that work. 3. Uti11tYQ.'Niti p::descrip(ivp of the req1tilredwork!'. NA 2. [ltlliky 13, with a , e d 6 iption.6f the. . r qqired *pik. NA 3. Willty-C, with a description oI f, the reoukedmork. West liO StreetandTowne'Roact,Rounclabout NA EXHIBIT "A", 4 OF 11. R, Astatement t4betligr,thefacilltyrelo.c6floii.i.s,or.1s,nd.td.dpendent.onwork ,iiDbe,done b.Y,Oiedepartment or.thedep8etmerit!s contractor wlthwd.dscrlptlon offfim, work. I Woikitem k 'NA-,, 0 ,NA PA ,c: kow.manypiEkod—ar days,afierthe:events,tdentined,'In!Sec 6 A andt are completed camtheutility .begin' construction: NA The number o(cile6dardays -to complete the relootionwork:'30pays ,.�eetIon" 7.Adrawing,,,,qfsufflcleh(detail with statlori, of(tpt, eleVa,tldhsiatid tcaldto show the'prop6s%i location c the facility r'elo.cAtl.o-hl whIct'lakd"pTe.cedQpoepyer 0.6,tiarha'tived dstripti mqffi e work, ,needs 14.6 be on City Of Cumo[C6hstrudiqndroW0ng�; CAD pref6ried, P§n��h)tto WtWoik Plan Document; :§eeAh6-,aftached,dr;awTn 9'Ide inorotrifdrf*60100, .SedW.&.For each Workpla,n'the dillity shall lrlcludp,4 cpw6ttfirnate fortlib faqjIltty.. relc)c5t.lon4.Por::refmbur,sD.ble OR:t.4pesilmai,6.will.idtntity.b.etternienti,otids.6yWh .1 Is'not-yelfilbursa bid. gpproxaoe i V$7AbiM4 ($Al f69.59.1i1mbursabid) ,5octl6h., . property compensable For wot . ktl I ie utility I , . . i I sonti . UO -d to,he.,cOmpenspted',by thetitytheVor�,pliah of landrights: See 'the.4(ta lied easehicht d6c "'.0 um Motion, Sktl6n IM. thd,lrhplbtteintati'ohk6tihis;gpproVed work.plar0s.,dependent upoh tfiejssUaWce:of,,`(a noticetoproceed ,will 4p provided when'itemsin s . ec , tion.6'a're.accomplisheO. . Yes NotA*00livable. pq RI (Note': Double-click oil t box-in'Nes or NA.-to,JliarkTtwlLl,i aq:''r) .4 I.P'0,9.,e EXHIBIT "A", PAGE SO IF IJ West Street.amd TPwne-.Rand.Rour*,b.ou.t S116ml-tter Slgnatiure D6te Submitter N�me;Frinteu; CITY OF CARMFLuseonly belJowthispotrit--- - ---- --------------CITY 00 GA.RMELuse,only 40owthis T 6101 wln w.t eutilifyFolotation 0 le h (,r4o(ia:=t)otible7clickon.box.'uh4.0r.,Yes ,Ot.0t0wekltmithap..14 Comments on any sectlonsflA"IMAhA46t� ryiEirhd Na , 3-28,2017 Reviewer .signa(ure Deborah K.E.. - Porter` Revievaer N*.e printed' SeC66K_12i A pprpved Wbikplan, 1 haverevlewedthevofk, plamand.-found. if:acde'gtablg.. :5 Vp a 9 -6 Yes...... Nib Intflals (1:a}" is compatible viltft Git permit requirements. M M- D Is',compalible wit'hlh6,qohUdU649c Pdki e DKET KEP- :(2, - IDKEP. (21).;Ws.,a.rea'soriibl� mstfdt coffiOensable'Work RIA U [DKFP (,r4o(ia:=t)otible7clickon.box.'uh4.0r.,Yes ,Ot.0t0wekltmithap..14 Comments on any sectlonsflA"IMAhA46t� ryiEirhd Na , 3-28,2017 Reviewer .signa(ure Deborah K.E.. - Porter` Revievaer N*.e printed' SeC66K_12i A pprpved Wbikplan, 1 haverevlewedthevofk, plamand.-found. if:acde'gtablg.. :5 Vp a 9 -6 West 110'StreetindTowne RoadROLltyd6b6qt 4*14 n 0 @aer Olr'ntld.d EXHIBIT "N, PAGE .6'OF 1:1 .z Ala .pate. g, o: a.._ sxwaiT a:gaar�� otm�� ... C4YMv, jo LLU¢LTUH CbY+/{Y: ..NNCTW Rl ----`WbUNX^ I . '..I IiM 6t!®M91QQ EZGIH PAOII'(.T' 3�]C6"6'!ri`.3b'S£fi�� ..coTt�k. a91wv h BETijJ IIIStHIP .s.L•rstiw 3*71- 1 , :- Lf it. '41laY{IW- iyCQ{ •aCPLu.�' l36U1 Sf'. , iw �e..y IL+E Pll•M-0.A1.9:Sa-Line.. ♦ 1 t. ercuili;aoEHriu.Eoiistnucncrr ¢ m•Irn•P: � ua i ..N."e,...=° ... - a ��+r � -�t� � a"�A"` yati�sa•_ { - . �.,� �... ala°tiNs.. i"$. � I � .'� � �Ivrv`�"<++uwaay...iL�oe:mx°'. BrS�s- -• {evw.TM.ra,cr may. [7`J � aki{ ttOWc 4 � 1�. � �I.M1'.Ittl!P iN futraTY 4'mmU O. .. r... Uri {a ir'', - , lT.;.ymy+MpNaWLmipYll¢ 0 a _ /` J taxlti. -m rPnw+ed�n.i ccc l4:w•+ua� _� SHQa19 J. PISH'� b��f1M1 + ,%'. LTJ VM' '1I'•uIIP¢IYaC+I?MlifG a cmzx iPpCMIL y 1 -an6 • t 6yWLSN�41dV la . T. 1: Pnl.�a{bi.gr4ATs.!,.�• p1o9¢I!W 911f1+ �I ' �SVrIt1011E ©f¢fadav tmxi,hpa E• i .{ .. © h,Yr�t1Yv101PTaCN 'y JIl C+4plff OLKA7IDfkAv191C•HVF'. �yyy1 .U415501YLYASE SIVNt. � •. \. . ij4 T, TalA,A18" OAYTR9:. -- '1HNM1fUit6' � 'W afd4iNID.dLa¢+.Ipaaocli' Ctarlo�ietz_ 'Ci .[� aiwl.LSatlGr94T4 µwbf[rPNl+Fnhaxiw �RP17+Y .rs�l:bTsa'MttC,."pFstjj. f <J(Hi8IT A' FACiEB' ti`s 4 aQ waivainin�lvLr $yl 1 z �v.na.u1. . wrrvv.. 1. NG'GRTON M fY.nitY rnw uruwRlw+w� ty 3' JHttaYA9oiiacPun d. .:vaon 'HCtIR&nt8110I'.A n5ar�.ne 1 I � lG+a�mndlrn. .. k � sr i +«Ftilia ilial nLrn {.nwltoP ayo, --- -I rR s..w 4ly Mad. I- ,R ie �- r. � V _( I.n Jtl•��,7+,�- �4 �.- .;'{ l Wl4.nfbYNLYiIQravi. P.P. IP=mo.em _n.aatafxPwfw .. w- 11 i Lvd.4 4!rN - . r•- f .^,- � lJl(E PR{ + � -A �. FY4s1.1M1%' ...._f� .,.. :} i'J•VY-... '� Gs 1p TAwU11r..nrsMc qn naw � Loa 1 Y � kR Sx X, � �a rGmto�r4Lhwr,.u...n. x It ,� _ tlIWV�L' -a C.Gsa..,a N i j ie` .1.c w � •: �--•�" 3 WsxVhlj'iU!✓�n.Ti1 'r ®rmfwrw n �.:v+•�y ���,N *il.. •Pd�—. Ih iSLAiC FUAl1A .® D+bFWR q.ir.YNn• L?l1,MRn.,:l, • n� � `NBLIY � Y � '.11lfiPRC � 'I f � `�', �. Qa+. a.oP.p �•'r���1j tF - . � .fie. [r.Oemyr! ! ,. � �• .. � t Q ,GPitn�. YaU/AY=IIFS ell' ' Y�irlYiyr. '•Y9 531... r`S - +... 33 ,.. yy .. •Ji b RSNW .f:a.rf... U'tlYtVJ ��� 1L.�i1aMh Arlin W9AYNi - .. 4"uP. •: C .. r _ Gry lY4 4isuMKd 11'h!.,. 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