HomeMy WebLinkAboutWindemere Subdivision/Cost Sharing Agreement/Detention PondCOST-SHARING AGREEMENT. FOR RECONSTRUCTION OF DETENTION POND IN WINDEMERE SUBDIVISION This Agreement entered into by and between the Hamilton County Drainage Board :('`the Drainage Board') and the City of Carmel, acting by its Board of Public Works and Safety ("the City'-) on the dates set out herein. WHEREAS, the Windermere Subdivision. is served by a detention pond ("the PonT%,and the Pond discharges into the Williams Creek regulated diain, -,vhi6h is controlled and maintained by the Drainage Boaid- and; WHEREAS, the Windemdre Subdivision is within the City; and, WHEREAS, the Drainage -Board and the City are desirous of entering: into an Agreement to. split the construction cost of a Project Which w.*i I Ih 4) idwer the af §6hatge: p1pe from the Pond fn6hes,jo pprmii the Pond to retain more excess. stolen water in significant - rain event; and and b) to seed and provide erosion control for the portion of the bank of the. pond which �becomts exposed because of loweftqg the water table mithe�pond ("the Project''); and; WHEREAS, the Project will be divided, into two parts which are: a) locohstruct aliew -discharge pipe and other imprOvenleiits.fiom.the Pond, which will,pprinit the -Pond to retain more excess storm water in a-sigpificant ram event ("the -Draihage'Board Proj ect"") -and b). to seed' grade -aid provide erosion. control, for the Vortion.ofthe bahk of th!.Vohd wlia.,ch.becorhe8 exposed because of loweringthewater table. in the Pond ("the City PrqJecV);,-and,. 'WHEREAS., theparties are desirous of entering into, an Agreement -to construct the Project and to divide t1icpost.,assoriateawith the Project. IT IS TH8REBY'AGREED as -follows; 1. The Hamilton County Surveyor's Office, onbehalf .oftho Drainage Board, shall complete the design of the Project, competitively bid the Project, and Manage the 0J, Project.. 2. The, preliminary engineer's neer'.s estimate of the cost of the Project q - Ject is attached as Exhibit A. which .estimates the cost of the Drain e -Board. Project to Eighty Thousand Six X. Hundred Sixty-six. Dollars and Seventy; -five Cents ($80,666.75) and the; cost of the City Project to be T hirty=six Thousand One Hunch -ed Sixty-seven Dollars and Pifty Cents -($36,16-7.59). 3. The bid specifications for the Project shall divide the cost of the Drainage Board Project and the City Project as set. on Exhibit A, and the parties agree to pay the r0i cost associated with th6irportion of the Project. 4.. Within fpny—five (45): days .of bid,.the City shall pay to: the Drainage Board, the cost of the. City Project as defined in the. bid. 5. The Drainage Board shall pay its cost of the Projectfrom the `Williams Creek Maintenance Fund. - 6. Itis:agreed. between the parties that the Drainage Board shall complete the plans: for the .Project and cause it to be .bid on or before, the 201 day of July, 2017, with the anticipated completion date.. -of the Project boijijg oil -thq ,34 "t day '-f'D- Q eceMber,207. ALL OFAWII.CH ISAGREED bythe Drainage Board and the -City on the dates setout herein. APPROVED by the Hamilton County Drainage Board this. 22 day of may 2017. HAMILTON COUNTY DRAINAGE Steven,C. Dillinger ATTEST: sba ette Mosbadgh, Secretary - APPROVED by the Board of Public Works. and Safety of the City of Carmel this day of 1 .2017. BOARD OF PUBLIC WORK'S AND SAFETY OF THE CITY OF CARMEL Aayor James Braitiatd Lori son Mary ,mm/ F,$TIMTEED <,QNSTRWTlQN CQ$ -J OPINION for W.In.damata Raconstm.06n jpdColaind(fad Solution Date: 5119016 By- 'TL -W;.7— Oesoclgaticttti qualltit unit Unit Ainotmt ROM 1NO, PrIC& 'i 3 9 3 ea&, V TrbzH Raq0_RUb6C.--96oi —1 M 5UBN ECS EA S 6=0.00 $6'*400.00 2 z x Z Box W1. GI.Sting T.RU'PIAP 13 Tons S 200M S2,6M.00 3 ZX2.5rBoxwCasung. 1 EA S 2,75D,00 $2,750.00 4 18" RCP outside 5 4$66dlq�.-. LFT S 1=00 50—moo, 5 15" RCpv-izftin 5' 1.4 LFT 5 95.00 59;880,E10 a 12" Rr-p outside Ep 30 L.FT -S 75-00 U,2a4,00 7 -l1Z1RCF1weh1n-57.—f2 LF -T 5 85M $1,020-00 .dut :B Casmg�-d b1ccIm&g f LFT S 75aD0 $4.5.:0,00 9 'Eqd.S.&vbon!s- . . . EA S ljmpo S1.7-50.00 1 LS 5 $5,000.00 p3U0ECB 5y6' L12 Shorm" '00 !'a f, 13 N %v 4' --40 Inc v' 4w 6F;T s ----Woo S12.580=1 SBY:[tlt re wall pf st 14S is Remove 15" ERCP 8 LFT $ ISM IsJReme',ggl.LS S .2;.500.07 52,500,00 17 1 Seeding & Muth 12.50D-00 SI2.500.00 Total S 70145,00 Wit Total P.0m; Maftillfoft County.1ndlarw . mw >DcSaiip#ion .............. Unit Mut AMOU aT 'ptlce �1 . I M 5UBN ECS '89U Syl) S '10.W �o,850.00 .-2 T.RU'PIAP 13 Tons S 200M S2,6M.00 3 Po;W Bap kGoadirig -m f I LS ff S I ' 10' m S -49.00p 49 .4 4$66dlq�.-. L$ L$ T 1c'ec�m -cu-CE-0 SSM 2 Total S31.450.00 Joseph L. Milleke, P.E. CFM Project Engineer Baliffigg Engine-,edhg PC' 853 Columbia Rd, SUitb-1,01 .)707 .[Plainfield, IN 461681 Oh: -.(317 -MOJ Fax: (317) 707-806 :imi . 1lert3bannin(3-eng*.cgrn I Bah6inqEn6fneering,com Over 20 Yeats of Making Ybdr PrqI6&t Our Pfibrity