HomeMy WebLinkAbout311828 05/30/17 9CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 00350965 ONE CIVIC SQUARE OMNI CENTRE FOR PUBLIC MEDIA, INC CHECK AMOUNT: S'""'5,380.82' ��:' CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 Po Box 302 CHECK NUMBER: 311828 «i oN�. CARMEL IN 46082-0302 CHECK DATE: 05/30/17 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1110 4341999 OC6122 85.41 OTHER PROFESSIONAL FE 1110 4341999 100423 OC6171 5,193.41 RECRUITMENT VIDEO PRO 1110 4341999 100423 OC6240 102.00 RECRUITMENT VIDEO PRO o 0 -u O $ « a � o � D O mC O \ \ k \ O 0 & Cl) C # D x 0 # 2 rr n 2 k k z $ 0 0 \ k k } 2 ) A 0 # % q $ . _ ^ ] -n / £ -0 § G \ / / C / 0 9 © CL ® q 7 2 § ^ > > D �_ 2 22 _ 7 2 -nO iO E k CA) C: m | m B � z = o a » J a 3 9 - z > z I o ) PL k/ S 0 k § k $ $ 7 a ; 'n o © n k 3 R - ƒ q - m 2 CD F ; 2 - k o E 2 / 0 ( % f E ; C - i 0 a CD § \ ] o E a B -4 ƒ a 9 k CD K3 � < 0) w ( C 0 7 p * ƒ § CD / C CL E 7 7 q o f 7 \ CD § m } \/ _ / \ 0 / � a z \ C 0, z ) \ Q ( ƒ2 k t 2 2 q ) / ° ^ ^ D 0 z > o %k 3 \ --1 \ of f 7 2 _0 CA D 2 2 � ° D [ & ) §o 9 ? = 0 @ E & & q CL � CD f q / \ M 0 / L CL 0 j _E / r I { ƒ CD =r t7 a C Q CD /CL » R 7 ) CD � -CD CL & 7 � n � ƒ / 2 f M \ E ; m ] CD ^ \ § ( / co� \ 0 < q S E CD § 6 5 / omni Centre ProfessionalServices vOIcQ The OMNI Centre for Public Media,Inc. 12316 Brookshire Pkwy P.O.Box 302 Date Invoice # Carmel,IN 46082-0302 USA Phone# 317-846-2345 omni@omnicentre.org 11/29/2016 OC6171 Fax# 317-574-6620 http://www.omnicentre.org Bill To City of Carmel POLICE DEPARTMENT 3 Civic Square Carmel,IN 46032 Attn: Chief Tim Green P.O.No. Terms Due Date Ship Date Project NET 15 Days 12/14/2016 11/29/2016 CA2388 CPD Recrui... Item Description Quantity Rate Amount For the production of the CPD Recruitment Video-23:39 Accident Investigation-3:31 Bicycle Patrol Unit-4:50 Defensive Tactics-4:09 Event Response Group-3:38 Field Evidence-3:19 Honor Guard-3:11 K-9-4:08 Motorcycle Traffic Unit-3:34 School Resource Unit-5:06 SWAT-4:50 Producer Time 3-7-16 reading Chief Green transcription 1.25 85.00 106.25 Video Edit 3-7-16 edit recruitment video 0.9 130.00 117.00 Video Edit 3-7-16 edit recruitment video 0.7 130.00 91.00 Video Edit 3-8-16 edit CPD Recruitment video 2.78333 130.00 361.83 Video Edit 3-8-16 edit Recruitment video 3.65 130.00 474.50 Video Edit 3-9-16 edit Recruitment video 2.91667 130.00 379.17 EDL-Capture 3-9-16 capture 0.41667 90.00 37.50 EDL-Capture 3-9-16 capture Recruitment video 0.76667 90.00 69.00 Video Edit 3-9-16 edit Recruitment video 2.65 130.00 344.50 Video Edit 3-10-16 edit Recruitment video 0.2 130.00 26.00 Video Edit 3-10-16 edit Recruitment video 3.66667 130.00 476.67 Video Edit 3-11-16 edit Recruitment video 2.25 130.00 292.50 EDL-Capture 3-11-16 capture Teen Academy footage 0.3 90.00 27.00 Producer Time 3-11-16 email about planning and scheduling filming of police cars 0.25 85.00 21.25 Video Edit 3-11-16 edit Recruitment video 0.75 130.00 97.50 EDL-Capture 3-14-16 capture Teen Academy footage 1 0.81667 1 90.001 73.50 It is our privilege to serve you! The OMNI Centre Staff. Total Payments/Credits Balance Due Page 1 omni Centre Professional QQ vIpJ Invoice The OMNI Centre for Public Media,Inc. 12316 Brookshire Pkwy P.O.Box 302 Date Invoice# Carmel,IN 46082-0302 USA Phone# 317-846-2345 omni@omnicentre.org 11/29/2016 OC6171 Fax# 317-574-6620 http://www.omnicentre.org Bill To City of Carmel POLICE DEPARTMENT 3 Civic Square Carmel,IN 46032 Attn: Chief Tim Green P.O.No. Terms Due Date Ship Date Project NET 15 Days 12/14/2016 11/29/2016 CA2388 CPD Recrui... Item Description Quantity Rate Amount Video Edit 3-14-16 edit Recruitment video 1.75 130.00 227.50 Video Edit 3-14-16 edit Recruitment video 0.45 130.00 58.50 Short Pak-Hourly 3-18-16 film police car,one camera,one person 1.86667 120.00 224.00 Producer Time 3-18-16 log videotape in archive library database 0.16667 85.00 14.17 EDL-Capture 3-18-16 capture police car footage 0.38333 90.00 34.50 Video Edit 3-23-16 edit 1.6 130.00 208.00 Video Edit 3-23-16 edit 0.83333 130.00 108.33 Producer Time 3-28-16 review video and confirming name supers 1.66667 85.00 141.67 Executive Producer 1.01667 135.00 137.25 Video Edit 3-28-16 edit opening 3.76667 130.00 489.67 Video Edit 3-29-16 edit open 0.43333 130.00 56.33 Video Edit 3-29-16 edit open 1.33333 130.00 173.33 Video Edit 3-29-16 edit open 0.3 130.00 39.00 Video Edit 3-30-16 edit open 0.7 130.00 91.00 Video Edit 3-30-16 edit open 0.21667 130.00 28.17 Executive Producer Picking out sound bites from Tim Greens interview 1.35 135.00 182.25 Video Edit 3-31-16 edit 3.66667 130.00 476.67 Video Edit 3-31-16 edit 0.53333 130.00 69.33 Video Edit 3-31-16 edit 1.33333 130.00 173.33 Video Edit 4-1-16 edit 2.88333 130.00 374.83 Video Edit 4-1-16 edit 2.45 130.00 318.50 Video Edit 4-1-16 edit 0.95 130.00 123.50 Video Edit 4-4-16 edit 1.56667 130.00 203.67 Video Edit 4-4-16 edit 1.31667 130.00 171.17 Executive Producer Review overview with Chief Green,plan for next b-roll,calls and 2.71667 135.00 366.75 scheduling follow up Short Pak-Hourly 4-5-16 film patrol car in neighborhood 0.9 120.00 108.00 Producer Time 4-5-16 review with Chief Green and Sandra 0.58333 85.00 49.58 Producer Time 4-11-16 meeting with Aaron Dietz and Sandra 1 0.5 1 85.001 42.50 It is our privilege to serve you! The OMNI Centre Staff. Total Payments/Credits Balance Due Page 2 omni Centre The OMNI Centre for Public Media,Ina P ro f e S S i o n a l Services Invoice 12316 Brookshire Pkwy P.O.Box 302 Date Invoice# Carmel,IN 46082-0302 USA Phone# 317-846-2345 omni@omnicentre.org 11/29/2016 OC6171 Fax# 317-574-6620 http://www.omnicentre.org Bill To City of Carmel POLICE DEPARTMENT 3 Civic Square Carmel,IN 46032 Attn: Chief Tim Green P.O.No. Terms Due Date Ship Date Project NET 15 Days 12/14/2016 11/29/2016 CA2388 CPD Recrui... Item Description Quantity Rate Amount Producer Time 4-25-16 emails,scheduling interviews,planning,etc... 0.6 85.00 51.00 Producer Time 4-25-16 emails,scheduling filming of Police Academy 0.23333 85.00 19.83 Executive Producer Arron Deitz interview 1 135.00 135.00 Short Pak-Hourly 4-25-16 interview with Aaron Dietz,and film ti-roll of front desk ani 2.66667 120.00 320.00 records Short Pak-Hourly 4-25-16 film Citizen's Academy 2.46667 120.00 296.00 Producer Time 4-25-16 looking up video footage of Mobile Command Unit to use ii 0.33333 85.00 28.33 the video Producer Time 5-5-16 emails,scheduling 0.23333 85.00 19.83 EDL-Capture 5-10-16 capture 1.5 90.00 135.00 EDL-Capture 5-10-16 capture 0.63333 90.00 57.00 Producer Time 5-10-16 log videotapes in archive library database 0.36667 85.00 31.17 Video Edit 5-10-16 edit 0.73333 130.00 95.33 Video Edit 5-10-16 edit 0.6 130.00 78.00 Short Pak-Hourly 5-19-16 setup for interview with Randy Schalburg 1.03333 120.00 124.00 Short Pak-Hourly 5-19-16 interview Randy Schalburg 0.95 120.00 114.00 Executive Producer Questions prep,meeting,interview 1.75 135.00 236.25 Grip 5-19-16-Held reflector 0.73333 60.00 44.00 Video Edit 5-19-16 edit 1.65 130.00 214.50 Duplication-4 5-20-16 make DVD of Aaron Dietz and Randy Schalburg interview 1.3 5.00 6.50 for transcription,and quality check DVD Producer Time 5-20-16 planning and scheduling filming date for Mohawk School 0.28333 85.00 24.08 kids Video Edit 5-31-16 edit 1 130.00 130.00 EDL-Capture 5-31-16 Capture 0.6 90.00 54.00 Video Edit 6-1-16 edit 0.31667 130.00 41.17 Video Edit 6-1-16 edit 0.81667 130.00 106.17 Video Edit 6-1-16 edit 3.75 130.00 487.50 Executive Producer 1 1 1.38333 1 135.001 186.75 It is our privilege to serve you! The OMNI Centre Staff. Total Payments/Credits Balance Due Page 3 omni Centre Professional Services vpJ vOIce The OMNI Centre for Public Media,Inc. 12316 Brookshire Pkwy P.O.Box 302 Date Invoice# Cannel,IN 46082-0302 USA Phone# 317-846-2345 omni@omnicentre.org 11/29/2016 OC6171 Fax# 317-574-6620 http://www.omnicentre.org Bill To City of Cannel POLICE DEPARTMENT 3 Civic Square Cannel,IN 46032 Attn: Chief Tim Green P.O.No. Terms Due Date Ship Date Project NET 15 Days 12/14/2016 11/29/2016 CA2388 CPD Recrui... Item Description Quantity Rate Amount EDL-Capture 6-2-16 capture 0.75 90.00 67.50 EDL-Capture 6-2-16 capture 0.23333 90.00 21.00 Short Pak-Hourly 6-2-16-Evidence room B-roll Shoot 1.36667 120.00 164.00 Video Edit 6-2-16 edit 2.01667 130.00 262.17 EDL-Capture 6-2-16 capture 0.36667 90.00 33.00 Video Edit 6-2-16 edit 0.56667 130.00 73.67 Producer Time 6-2-16 log videotapes in archive library database 0.33333 85.00 28.33 Video Edit 6-3-16 edit 3.55 130.00 461.50 Video Edit 6-3-16 edit 0.58333 130.00 75.83 Producer Time 6-3-16 review with Sandra 0.35 85.00 29.75 Video Edit 6-3-16 edit 2.38333 130.00 309.83 Video Edit 6-7-16 edit 3.46667 130.00 450.67 Rendering 6-8-16 render.mov and.mp4 files 0.58333 75.00 43.75 Upload File(s) 6-8-16 upload.mp4 file video to Vimeo 0.61667 30.00 18.50 Rendering 6-21-16 render Blu-ray disc for review 1.5 75.00 112.50 Producer Time 6-22-16 review with Chief Green 0.66667 85.00 56.67 Video Edit 6-22-16 edit 3.21667 130.00 418.17 Rendering 6-22-16 render.mpeg file for Thom Wilkins 1.03333 75.00 77.50 Rendering 6-23-16 render audio files for Thom Wilkins 0.46667 75.00 35.00 Upload File(s) 6-23-16 upload.mpeg file to FTP 0.41667 30.00 12.50 Upload File(s) 6-23-16 upload audio files to FTP site 0.11667 30.00 3.50 Producer Time 6-23-16 send email about audio uploads for Thom Wilkins 0.11667 85.00 9.92 Rendering 6-23-16 render.mov and.mp4 files 0.6 75.00 45.00 Upload File(s) 6-23-16 upload.mp4 file to Vimeo for review 0.25 30.00 7.50 Producer Time 6-23-16 send email for Vimeo link 0.16667 85.00 14.17 Upload File(s) 6-27-16 downloading audio files from Thom Wilkins,having troubl 0.83333 30.00 25.00 with this download will try again later Upload File(s) 6-27-16 download audio files from Thom Wilkins 0.63333 30.00 19.00 Producer Time 6-27-16 review video with new audio track 1 0.88333 85.001 75.08 It is our privilege to serve you! The OMNI Centre Staff. Total Payments/Credits Balance Due Page 4 omni Centre Professional pQ vIce Invoice The OMNI Centre for Public Media,Inc. 12316 Brookshire Pkwy P.O.Box 302 Date Invoice# Carmel,IN 46082-0302 USA Phone# 317-846-2345 omni@omnicentre.org 11/29/2016 OC6171 Fax# 317-574-6620 http://www.omnicentre.org Bill To City of Carmel POLICE DEPARTMENT 3 Civic Square Carmel,IN 46032 Attn: Chief Tim Green P.O.No. Terms Due Date Ship Date Project NET 15 Days 12/14/2016 11/29/2016 CA2388 CPD Recrui... Item Description Quantity Rate Amount EDL-Capture 6-27-16 capture 0.53333 90.00 48.00 Video Edit 6-27-16 edit 0.33333 130.00 43.33 EDL-Capture 6-28-16 capture US Conference footage 1 90.00 90.00 Video Edit 6-28-16 edit 1 130.00 130.00 EDL-Capture 6-28-16 capture 0.83333 90.00 75.00 Video Edit 6-28-16 edit 2.26667 130.00 294.67 Rendering 6-28-16 render.mov 0.33333 75.00 25.00 Producer Time 6-29-16 review video 1.01667 85.00 86.42 Video Edit 6-29-16 edit,mix audio 2.93333 130.00 381.33 Producer Time 6-29-16 review video 0.68333 85.00 58.08 Rendering 6-29-16 render.mpeg file 0.58333 75.00 43.75 Rendering 6-29-16 render Blu-ray disc for review 1.36667 75.00 102.50 Producer Time 6-30-16 review video 0.95 85.00 80.75 Video Edit 6-30-16 edit adjust audio levels 2.41667 130.00 314.17 Rendering 6-30-16 render.mov and.mp4 files 1.3 75.00 97.50 Upload File(s) 7-7-16 download new audio track 0.48333 30.00 14.50 Video Edit 7-7-16 edit 0.45 130.00 58.50 Rendering 7-7-16 render.mov and.mp4 files 0.98333 75.00 73.75 Upload File(s) 7-7-16 upload.mp4 file to Vimeo 0.36667 30.00 11.00 Producer Time 7-19-16 scheduling interview 0.1 85.00 8.50 Producer Time 7-19-16 schedule interview 0.25 85.00 21.25 Short Pak-Hourly 7-20-16 one camera one person,interview Scotty Moore 1.33333 120.00 160.00 Producer Time 7-20-16 log videotape in archive database library 0.23333 85.00 19.83 Producer Time 7-20-16 phone call,scheduling 0.13333 85.00 11.33 EDL-Capture 7-20-16 capture 0.41667 90.00 37.50 Video Edit 7-20-16 edit 1.16667 130.00 151.67 Video Edit 7-21-16 edit 2.25 130.00 292.50 Video Edit 7-21-16 edit 0.7 130.00 91.00 Video Edit 7-21-16 edit 1 0.46667 1 130.001 60.67 It is our privilege to serve you! The OMNI Centre Staff. Total Payments/Credits Balance Due Page 5 omni Centre Professional Services Invoice The OMNI Centre for Public Media,Ina 12316 Brookshire Pkwy P.O.Box 302 Date Invoice# Carmel,IN 46082-0302 USA Phone# 317-846-2345 omni@omnicentre.org 11/29/2016 OC6171 Fax# 317-574-6620 http://www.omnicentre.org Bill To City of Carmel POLICE DEPARTMENT 3 Civic Square Carmel,IN 46032 Attn: Chief Tim Green P.O.No. Terms Due Date Ship Date Project NET 15 Days 12/14/2016 11/29/2016 CA2388 CPD Recrui... Item Description Quantity Rate Amount Producer Time 7-26-16 phone calls,scheduling film date 0.26667 85.00 22.67 Short Pak-Hourly 7-29-16 film Police Officer at Dooley O'Toole's 0.91667 120.00 110.00 Producer Time 8-1-16 log videotape in archive library database 0.2 85.00 17.00 EDL-Capture 8-1-16 capture Dooley O'Toole's footage 0.36667 90.00 33.00 Video Edit 8-1-16 edit 0.88333 130.00 114.83 Rendering 8-1-16 render.mov and.mp4 files 1.5 75.00 112.50 Producer Time 8-1-16 email Vimeo link for review 0.18333 85.00 15.58 Producer Time 8-11-16 emails 0.3 85.00 25.50 Producer Time 8-12-16 sending final Vimeo link for distribution 0.25 85.00 21.25 Rendering 8-17-16 render.mpeg file 1.01667 75.00 76.25 Upload File(s) 8-18-16 upload to YouTube 0.6 30.00 18.00 Upload File(s) 8-18-16 upload.mpeg file to TelVue video server 0.95 30.00 28.50 Producer Time 8-19-16 send YouTube link for website 0.3 85.00 25.50 Rendering 8-19-16 render DVD disc 0.55 75.00 41.25 Rendering 8-19-16-Render 3 Blu-Rays(2 for archive database,I for Police 3.83333 75.00 287.50 Chief) Producer Time 8-23-16 review audio 0.35 85.00 29.75 Video Edit 8-23-16 remix audio 1.8 130.00 234.00 Video Edit 8-23-16 remix audio 1.18333 130.00 153.83 Producer Time 8-23-16 review video 0.35 85.00 29.75 Tape HD Mini 8-23-16 used 8-83min.HDV videotapes and 10-60min HDV 0 35.00 0.00 videotapes Rendering 8-23-16 render.mov,.mp4,.mpeg 1.75 75.00 131.25 Upload File(s) 8-24-16 copy final.mov file to video server 0.16667 30.00 5.00 Producer Time 8-24-16 meeting with Chief Green,and review individual videos 0.86667 85.00 73.67 Rendering 8-25-16 render.mov files of individual segments 0.91667 75.00 68.75 Upload File(s) 8-26-16 upload to Vimeo 0.55 30.00 16.50 Rendering 8-29-16 render.mov files of individual segments 0.31667 75.00 23.75 Rendering 8-29-16 render.mov files of individual segments 1 0.3 1 75.001 22.50 It is our privilege to serve you! The OMNI Centre Staff. Total Payments/Credits Balance Due Page 6 omni Centre Professional pvIpJ Invoice The OMNI Centre for Public Media,Inc. 12316 Brookshire Pkwy P.O.Box 302 Date Invoice # Carmel,IN 46082-0302 USA Phone# 317-846-2345 omni(oomnicentre.org 11/29/2016 OC6171 Fax# 317-574-6620 http://www.omnicentre.org Bill To City of Carmel POLICE DEPARTMENT 3 Civic Square Carmel,IN 46032 Attn: Chief Tim Green P.O.No. Terms Due Date Ship Date Project NET 15 Days 12/14/2016 11/29/2016 CA2388 CPD Recrui... Item Description Quantity Rate Amount Rendering 8-30-16 render individual segments 0.81667 75.00 61.25 Producer Time 8-30-16 contact Chief Green about adding footage to individual 0.23333 85.00 19.83 segments Upload File(s) 8-31-16 upload to YouTube and Te1Vue video server 1.16667 30.00 35.00 Rendering 9-2-16 render.mov and.mp4 files 1.41667 75.00 106.25 Upload File(s) 9-2-16 upload.mp4 files to Vimeo for approval 2.03333 30.00 61.00 Producer Time 9-6-16 sending links for individual segments for review 0.5 85.00 42.50 Graphics Creation 9-9-16 develop DVD and Blu-ray labels and print 0.36667 120.00 44.00 Rendering 9-9-16 bum 3 Blu-ray discs and 1 DVD disc 2.9 75.00 217.50 Credit Credit to be applied from EOY Invoice issued 12/14/16 -1 4,881.00 -4,881.00 It is our privilege to serve you! The OMNI Centre Staff. Total $14,000.00 Payments/Credits -$8,806.59 Balance Due $5,193.41 Page 7 omni Centre Professional pQ vQc Invoice The OMNI Centre for Public Media,Inc. 12316 Brookshire Pkwy P.O.Box 302 Date Invoice# Cannel,IN 46082-0302 USA Phone# 317-846-2345 omni@omnicentre.org 5/1/2017 OC6240 Fax# 317-574-6620 http://www.omnicentre.org Bill To City of Cannel POLICE DEPARTMENT 3 Civic Square Carmel,IN 46032 Attn: Chief Tim Green P.O.No. Terms Due Date Ship Date Project NET 15 Days 5/16/2017 5/1/2017 CA2601 CPD Overis... Item Description Quantity Rate Amount Producer Time 4-6-17 resend Vimeo links for individual Police segments 0.2 85.00 17.00 Producer Time 4-17-17 review short versions of videos with Chief Green 1 85.00 85.00 It is our privilege to serve you! The OMNI Centre Staff. Total $102.00 Payments/Credits $0.00 Balance Due $102.00 : o _ q Q 2 3 2 / p \ / ® 4t z O ° A i- / M n ^ m . E q 2 q o m ' # X w 2 / / § q ƒ -n 2 O E § q O \ q $ , # w k A E \ 0 2 0 \ j � CD m 0 X CL2 z 2 ~ n 2 o { 2 CD7 0 / z | = w � « , 3 9 - 2 > z Ig R k / CD § g E F 2 I (D a) ? n k § CL 2 k CD � 7 - , 2 - ; f CD / 9 . k o E § / k CD / + - » - i � . CD , 0 a f " CD / . 2 , o } a B ƒ e k . 0 \ � / 7 » ƒ § 3 g 0 7 , , - 00 0 a ƒ ƒ K@ 2 � � _ /� k k , CD - / \ 0 / ) } Rik \ \ Q \ 2 k k 4t M ƒ C o ( \ ~ ^ ^ / / 0 Z Cc 0 7E k % C a0. 7 ®§ , = D }_ƒ ( \ ( � � )o £ ) 0 a E �E + q 7 # E 2 / Q / / } } CD m O _ $ ] E 2 0 { ƒ , 8 m m m / } n d k / 2 CD � M \ CD ] CD \ / \ { [_ > ƒ ƒ » - § \ 7 $ k :Nw � omni Centre `, c The OMNI Centre for Public Media,Inc. Professional v I Invoice 12316 Brookshire Pkwy P.O.Box 302 Date Invoice# Carmel,IN 46082-0302 USA Phone# 317-846-2345 omni@omnicentre.org 8/24/2016 OC6122 Fax# 317-574-6620 http://www.omnicentre.org Bill To City of Carmel LEGAL DEPARTMENT 1 Civic Square Carmel,IN 46032 Attn: Chief Tim Green P.O.No. Terms Due Date Ship Date Project NET 15 Days 9/8/2016 8/24/2016 CA2470 Police 911 c... Item Description Quantity Rate Amount Redaction services-911 call Producer Time 7-28-16-Picking up DVD from City Hall 0.33333 85.00 28.33 Video Edit 7-28-16-Edit 0.33333 130.00 43.33 Rendering 7-28-16-Bum.wav file onto DVD 0.18333 75.00 13.75 It is our privilege to serve you! The OMNI Centre Staff. Total $85.41 Payments/Credits $0.00 Balance Due $85.41