HomeMy WebLinkAbout312250 6/9/2017 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 366705 ONE CIVIC SQUARE GRUNAU COMPANY INC OF INDIANA CHECK AMOUNT: $`**"***375.00* rte; CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 6011 E HANNA AVENUE CHECK NUMBER: 312250 SUITE A CHECK DATE: 06/09/17 INDIANAPOLIS IN 46203 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 110 4350100 9754135 410.00 BUILDING REPAIRS & MA 110 4350100 9754266 -35.00 BUILDING REPAIRS & MA \ 2 - % § 0 0 o O q / z a 2 2 0 P . a 0 m k / /?F. \ \ /k \ Ln Ln 2 m ) \ k k § q ƒ a E -_ / 7 # # n -n > m m w w o % -u Ln / \ - ; 0) % / \ RR / C / k k � Z i / 40 69 � \ E P \ k CD > $ C) \ 0 2 o R § \ 2 K / CD ¢ f ) ƒ $ & \ & E ] a X 0 Q & > E q io a + q 2 cn R C- ® n C \ @ E m q / ƒ k CD io m3 0 w co C 0 k \ 0 S 7 & $ m i & / J . \ � \ \ / o / § | / o Grunau Company,Inc. HQ Phone 414.216.6900 P O Box 479 Toll-free 800.365.7 920 Milwaukee, WI 53201 HQ Fax 414.768.7950 Customer focused. Built on values. www.grunau.com OUR LOCATIONS: Wisconsin ::: Florida ::: Indiana ::: Ohio ::: Pennsylvania REMIT TO ADDRESS: See bottom left section 59634 INVOICE # : 9754135 CARMEL CLAY PARKS & REC 1411 E 116TH ST 05/23/17 DATE : CARMEL IN 46032 Mike Kirkpatrick L YOUR ORDER #: TERMS: NET 30 DAYS Labor and material to perform the necessary service work per our attached work order. wilfong Pavilion 6 ;U Annual Inspection I LBT. Project: 40741 10035376 Invoice Amount $ 410.00 Tax .00 Total Invoice Due $ 410.00 --------------- --------------- Thank you for your continued business! Please remit payment to: Grunau Company 6011 E Hanna Avenue Suite A Indianapolis, IN 46203 USGBC logo is a trademark owned by the U.S.Green BUilding Caunci! design :.: installation :.: service and is used mth permission. hvac ::: plumbing ::: piping ::: electrical ::: refrigeration ::: fire protection ::: structural & specialty metals ::: underground utilities FORM 402 Mlrevl0-2014 s Work Order Details Work Order# SV1705091668 Date Created 5/9/201712:00:00 AM Date Completed 5/10/2017 6:37:00 AM Lead Technician CHRIS HUSKISSON Customer P.O. # Mike Kirkpatrick 6011 E Hanna Ave STE A Reference# 40741 Indianapolis, IN 46203 Caller Name Mike Kilpatrick PHONE: (317) 872-7360 Caller# 317-753-7971 Sales Rep DARREN HILL ORDER BILLING SUMMARY REPORT Job Site Address Billing Address CARMEL CLAY PARKS& REC CARMEL CLAY PARKS& REC 1411 E 116TH ST 1411 E 116TH ST CARMEL, IN 46032 CARMEL, IN 46032 UNITED STATES UNITED STATES (317) 571-4136 s • JDE: 10035376 ASTEA: SV1705091668@51 Carmel Clay Parks-Wilfong Pavilion -Annual Private Fire Hydrant and Backflow Preventer Test and Inspection 5/10/2017 7:37 AM CHRIS HUSKISSON: Fire alarm inspection and fire hydrant inspection and semi-annual backflow preventer inspection. Date Description Technician Qty or Hrs Total Pricp rINKLER INSPECTION LABOR ICRIS!HUSKISSON 4 0.00 Sub Total : 0.00 705/167/2017AnnualFire Alarm Inspection CHRIS HUSKISSON 1 300.00 Private Fire Hydrant Inspection CHRIS HUSKISSON 1 25.00 05/16/2017 Backflow Preventer Inspection CHRIS HUSKISSON 1 85.00 Sub Total : 410.00 Total Price 410.00 Total price does not include applicable sales tax. r VE � GRU NAUGrunau Company,Inc. HQ Phone 414.216.6900 AN 0 6 2 Q ] P O Box 479 Toll-free 800.365.1920 Milwaukee, WI S3201 HQ Fax 414.768.7950 Customer focused. Built on values. www.grunau.com L .............................. OUR LOCATIONS: Wisconsin ::: Florida ::: Indiana REMIT TO ADDRESS: See bottom left section F34 9754266 CARMEL CLAY PARKS REC INVOICE # : 1411 E 116TH ST 06/06/17 DATE : -- CARMEL IN 46032ice Kirkpatrick L YOUR OR # : I TE AYS Labor and material to perform.the necessary service work per our attached work order. wilfong Pavilion Annual Inspection Overcharge Credit Project: 40741 10035376 Invoice Amount $ 35.00- Tax .00 Total Invoice Due $ 35.00- T Thank you for your continued business! Please remit payment to: Grunau Company 6011 E Hanna Avenue Suite A Indianapolis, IDI 46203 VSG6C loco s a tridernatk o:•med is 6r the U.S.Green Sulddmy Co mol design :.: installation :.: service and"u<ed�'.tth perm."'on hvac ::: plumbing ::: piping ::: electrical ::: refrigeration ::: fire protection ::: structural & specialty metals ::: underground utilities FORM 402 MI rev 10-2014