HomeMy WebLinkAbout313161 06/28/17 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 355824 ONE CIVIC SQUARE VERMEER OF INDIANA INC CHECK AMOUNT: $*****1,123.31 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 13402 BRITTON PARK ROAD CHECK NUMBER: 313161 . FISHERS IN 46038 CHECK DATE: 06/28/17 ` ioN�. DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1192 4350000 S16654 1,123.31 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS & M 0 « < « A 7 0 O ? / g § ¥ ■ 2 m p) F. o q / n � q m } Em O CD 2 u e a c / 2 G o 0 � S -0 0 A m o k " � > > 3 q z e -n > §_, m v k § § k \ ¢ 2 6 ° © CD ; 0 2 � z 2 0 > O O } / � / m I @ z | « a t3 7 - 2 r- £ k g § ` c 0 . P6 g 7 � CL 0 k m 0) -ng o w x 2 oCD R _ E k 2 f k 5 . § I , . CL (D \ & ) $ ¢ § & . q E a N . @ % ° E O 2 C I k - 0 \ k § - ; k 3 . ; ' � eO § # J ffa � _ u § I E , rr ~ -4 * m - k (D ` 0 & 0 ■ 2) k Cl) -n < ID 0 co I a @ § 0 -u ( ° © \ 0_ Z > ( § k %k k k g | 06 \ E 2 _0 CA0 . \_$ 0 \ ( -n � _ £ - > �e # £ o £ r > D � � 0 \ 0 K n 2 / } 0 U 3 =r- 0 $ / 2 u) % � C a CD ' & C A R § CLE 2 $ ƒ M -n U B C ¥ ( § 2 s e f ƒk $ K = 0 . 2 z � � � ® Vermeer of Indiana, Inc. ermeer Fishers, Britton Park Rd.. IVVFishers, IN 46038 Ph 317 842 1040 Midwest FX 317 577 1179 Branch PICKED UP Pi IN '6 Date Time Page n n Account No. Phone No. Invoice No. CARME005 3175712417 S16654 Ship Via Purchase Order 6 City of Carmel Community NICOLE i Service > One Civic Sq Carmel IN 46032-2584 Salesperson MSH SERVICE INVOICE STK#/FLEET# HRS SN/EIN WARRANTY DATE HRS F9008041 BRUSH CHIPPER CAT 590 1VRU1614861003122 01/18/07 BC1400 X REPAIR# 1 C CLINP OOOOV 06/07/17 06/08/17 0000 - Diagnostics Remove chute crank assembly clean and grease, reinstalled and tested. LABOR 210.00 11110001 REPAIR TOTAL==> 210.00 REPAIR# 2 C CLINP 5238V 06/09/17 06/09/17 5238 - Belt Idler Arm Tightener R&R CMP****************** 5238 - Belt Idler Arm Tightener R&R CMP****************** 163677773 BC1500XL REPLAC 1 239.14 239.14 PARTS 239.14 LABOR 157.50 11110001 REPAIR TOTAL==> 396.64 REPAIR# 3 C CLINP 5030V 06/09/17 06/09/17 5030 - Cutter Wheel/Drum Belt R&R CMP '5030 - Cutter Wheel/Drum Belt R&R CMP 153641001 BELT - 5 - 5VX- 1 155.76 155.76 PARTS 155.76 LABOR 157.50 11110001 REPAIR TOTAL==> 313.26 REPAIR# 4 C CLINP NA 06/07/17 06/13/17 Parts customer purchase from parts dept 515394 Jameson Fibergl 1 34.99 34.99 156811009 BC1400/1500 KNI 1 115.92 115.92 PARTS 150.91 11110001 REPAIR TOTAL==> 150.91 CONTINUED ON PAGE 02 Received By Payment for all services rendered shall be due within(30)days from the date on the invoice from Vermeer of Indiana, Inc. Interest shall accrue on all amounts at the rate of one and one-half percent(1 1/2%)monthly(eighteen percent[18%]per annum)to any outstanding amounts more than(30)days past due. You agree to pay all of Vermeer of Indiana, Inc.costs of collection or attempted collection, including,but not limited to,reasonable attorneys' fees made necessary by your nonpayment pursuant to these terms. All Merchandise returned is subject to a 15%restocking charge and must be returned within 30 days of receipt. ® Vermeer of Indiana, Inc. Vermeer Fishers, Britton Park Rd.. Fishers, IN 46038 Ph 317 842 1040 VIV Midwest FX 317 577 1179 Branch PICKED UP o Date Time Page a U) Account No. Phone No. Invoice No. CARME005 3175712417 516654 Ship Via Purchase Order o City of Carmel Community NICOLE c3 Service c One Civic Sq Salesperson Carmel IN 46032-2584 MSH SERVICE INVOICE STK#/FLEET# HRS SN/EIN WARRANTY DATE HRS F9008041 BRUSH CHIPPER CAT 590 1VRU1614861003122 01/18/07 BC1400 X ****** WORK ORDER TOTALS ****** PARTS 545.81 LABOR 525.00 SHOP SUPPLIES 52.50 CHARGE ON ACCOUNT 1123.31 Received By Payment for all services rendered shall be due within(30)days from the date on the invoice from Vermeer of Indiana, Inc. Interest shall accrue on all amounts at the rate of one and one-half percent(1 1/2%)monthly(eighteen percent[18%]per annum)to any outstanding amounts more than(30)days past due. You agree to pay all of Vermeer of Indiana, Inc.costs of collection or attempted collection,including,but not limited to,reasonable attorneys' fees made necessary by your nonpayment pursuant to these terms. All Merchandise returned is subject to a 15%restocking charge and must be returned within 30 days of receipt.