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313392 7/10/2017
oSM,y CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 370161 CHECK AMOUNT: $"""1,312.75' e ONE CIVIC SQUARE INDYTROLLEY LLC CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 135 EDGEWATER DRIVE CHECK NUMBER: 313392 NOBLESVILLE IN 46062 CHECK DATE: 07/10/17 Mtron DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1203 4359300 100152 2017-0715 1,312.75 EVENTS: 27-1-1—,--77151 E 2 $ « w \ 0 7 \ ~ n k 0 0 ^ m m / m / z m CL \ \ 0 z / § m 3 0 D. 0 ■ a 2 -nC �. D \ ¢ 7 CA4 9 -n > 3 ƒ § § k \ / k 2 3 § © # B CL " � 0 2 \ _ > -n O i 2 R ¥ § m | \ -4 ¥ $ e % g a m c o % i g \ / $ § m x k U) :2 2 o 0 ƒ \ \- . c a E n 2 I m 3 ° & a q Sr 0 E \ . A ± -4 C I \ E - ® 0 J k \ E f - B ƒ § I y � | � 7 , - � _ #@ %« § m § CL s \ cr �ƒ \ § m } CD ) # r > / .« a \ § § k § -n < a 0 c e # ] /m \ k0 ƒ C 20 ° m / \ = k %E § k CD A . | B< 7 7 ( \f =rm 71 D �£ 0 0 ( §o ) o « > Up a« \ q \ r m 0 f 0 / / j E / \ \ r- 0 ¥ ± \ ) \ E ] % ¢ $ E E/ } � n CL \ � (D m \ U § m f \ X § � z 2 G CL $ 2 A \ E ° C" k \ IndyTrolley, LLC Invoice 13 5 Edgewater Drive Noblesville, IN 46062 Date Invoice# Owner: Jack Carr Boyd 1/26/2017 2017-07-15 Bill To City of Carmel 7/15/2017 City of Carmel-Art of Wine Attn:Nancy Heck 1 Civic Drive REVISED DATE Carmel,IN 46032 1/26/2017 Hours Description Amount TROLLEY#1 Date of Event: Saturday,July 15,2017 Event Description: City of Carmel Event-Art of Wine #of Hours of Service: 5.5 hours Booking Time: 5:00pm- 10:30pm Responsible Person: Meg Gates Osbourne Contact Phone: 317-590-7522 Instructions: TBD 2.5 2017 Trolley Service-Trolley#1 ($220.00/per hour for first 2.5hrs) 550.00 1.5 2017 Trolley Service-Trolley#1 ($200.00/per hour for 3rd-4th hour) 300.00 1.5 2017 Trolley Service-Trolley#I ($175.00/per hour for 4.5-5.5 hour) 262.50 18%Gratuity (�ji {� 200.25 Payment Received: v — �.0 . k ,(um_� J, RESERVATION DETAILS: Reservations are time and date sensitive,please reserve the time required to completely satisfy your event.We book in front and behind your reserved times of need stated above.Any changes to itinerary will be billed to you. Your Trolley#1=$649.00 or Trolley#2=$749.00 deposit reserves the first 2.5 hours of local service including 18%Driver gratuity.If there are more than 2.5 hours on your reservation,the balance is due in our office 60 days prior to the event. REFUNDS: All deposit funds are 50%refundable up to the 61 days before the event.Deposit is non-refundable 0-60 days prior to the event. SPECIAL NOTES: *The Wednesday prior to event,please call us at 317-843-1700 to finalize your itinerary. *Please designate I person to be the responsible contact.We will need their name and cell phone#. *Glass containers and/or bottles and styrofoam coolers are NOT allowed on the Trolley. Your deposit is your agreement to the conditions of the invoice. Please remit payment to Indy Trolley,LLC at the above address. Thank you for your business! Total $1,312.75 Phone# Web Site E-mail Payments/Credits $0.00 317-776-2121 www.indytrolley.com jack 0indytrolley.com Balance Due $1,312.75