HomeMy WebLinkAbout313399 7/10/2017 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 364196 KELLER MACALUSO LLC CHECK AMOUNT: S"""5,609.00' ONE CIVIC SQUARE 760 3RD AVE SW#210 CHECK NUMBER: 313399 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 CARMEL IN 46032 CHECK DATE: 07/10/17 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 601 5023990 5357 142.00 OTHER EXPENSES OTHER EXPENSES 601 5023990 5417 674.50 OTHER EXPENSES 601 5023990 5418 745.50 OTHER EXPENSES 610 5023990 5430 639.00 601 5023990 5439 1,597.50 OTHER EXPENSES 651 5023990 5439 1,597.50 OTHER EXPENSES 601 5023990 5486 213.00 OTHER EXPENSES ani -a L 3� W 406- U- 0 O G W Ln ME o Ln Ln Lq o Li %D N Ln N O 4dl- 4A- id�- {b 0 Z o 0 0 0 0 `~ c a O o h 0 0 0 M M M M M +� tG �O tp %D � f0 Q o 0 0 0 0 cm 2 s O Vf12 d O LL. w rn r C) W c (5 N N o o rn %D u - n J Z O > M er v I- � O C N ...� W V �n Ln Ln to Ln to > � c Q z a J Z a% W OC W O M 4t 4 N Y o O cn `11 V v E a� f i k O W E _ 30 En � 3 J a o 0 Ln LM rn rn QQ 40�- S j P k co is c '+o� � 3 Q ¢ o cn 3 r i Ch Z0 C f Q z Q �p Z N W O N c� M E o uJ� u c� X C) a c� MEMORANDUM TO: John Duffy, Utilities FROM: Douglas C. Haney, Corporation Couns RE: Keller Macaluso, LLC Invoice No. 543 Carmel Hut Site—Metro Fibernet DATE: June 15, 2017 John, Attached is Keller Macaluso's Invoice No. 5439 dated June 13, 2017 in the amount of$3,195.00 regarding services provided in the referenced matter. I recommend you issue payment to Keller Macaluso LLC in the amount of$3,195.00 in payment of this invoice. Please let me know PROMPTLY if you believe that your Department is not responsible for the payment of the attached invoice or if you have any questions regarding this memorandum. DCH/ab l _ G CO .. J 1 � deb:msword:v:kharedlabenne monevbutsidecounsel\kcller macaluso,IlcWulitieslca [but sitdcarmel but site-metro fibema-5439.doc:6/15/171 Keller Macaluso LLC Date 6/13/2017 760 3rd Avenue SW, Suite 210 Invoice Invoice# 5439 Carmel,Indiana 46032 Phone# 317-660-3400 (317)660-3400 Fax# 317-660-3401 www.kellermacalnso.com Biu To Federal ID:27-1716316 City of Carmel c/o Douglas Haney Department of Law One Civic Square Cannel,Indiana 46032 01007-247:Utilities-Carmel Hut Site-Metro Fibemet (�C Professional Fees O6-14-� '1PC5 �$ Service Date Initials Description of Services Time Amount 05/03/2017 TH Telephone conferences and correspondence regarding 0.50 177.50 structure. 05/04/2017 TH Work on process;telephone conferences and correspondence 0.90 319.50 regarding same. 05/10/2017 TH Work on issues regarding structure of transaction;telephone 1.30 461.50 conferences and correspondence regarding same. 05/15/2017 TH Work on structure of agreement. 0.80 284.00 05/16/2017 TH Meeting regarding process and terms of agreement. 0.60 213.00 05/17/2017 TH Work on agreement and process;telephone conferences and 0.60 213.00 correspondence regarding same. 05/18/2017 TH Telephone conferences and correspondent regarding terms of 0.80 284.00 agreement and process. 05/22/2017 TH Research regarding possible transaction structures;telephone 0.90 319.50 conferences and correspondence regarding same. 05/24/2017 TH Research regarding structure of agreement;telephone 1.20 426.00 conferences and correspondence regarding same. 05/31/2017 TH Meeting with J.Duffy regarding structure of transaction; 1.40 497.00 telephone conferences and correspondence regarding same. Sub-total Fees: $3,195.00 Total Current Billing: $3,195.00 TK-Too Keller EJN-Eric Neidlinger KH-Kaye Howard Page 1 of 1 MM-Matthewk Macaluso JS-Jennifer Schulz TH-Tammy Haney EL-Erica Leath MEMORANDUM TO: John Duffy, Utilities FROM: Douglas C. Haney, Corporation Couns� RE: Keller Macaluso, LLC Invoice No. 5357 Wood Park HOA Fence DATE: May 30, 2017 John, Attached is Keller Macaluso's Invoice No. 5357 dated May 18, 2017 in the amount of $142.00 regarding services provided in the referenced matter. I recommend you issue payment to .Keller Macaluso LLC in the amount of$142.00 in payment of this invoice. Please let me know PROMPTLY if you believe that your Department is not responsible for the payment of the attached invoice or if you have any questions regarding this memorandum. DCH/ab [eb:mewocd:r.Wo labennettOimney\outsidemun Dkella macalus,IkWliGtim\wood park hoa f�hxa 5M. 17] (i I Keller Macaluso LLC Date 5/18/2017 760 3rd Avenue SW, Suite 210 Invoice Invoice# 5357 Carmel,Indiana 46032 Phone# 317-660-3400 (317)660.3400 Fax# 317-660-3401 www.kefermacaluso.com Biu To Federal ID:27-1716316 City of Cannel c/o Douglas Haney Department of Law One Civic Square Cannel,Indiana 46032 05-26-1 �PO`s : 20 RCVD 01007-279:Utilities-Wood Park HOA-Fence Professional Fees SerAce Date Initials Description of Services Time Amount 04/18/2017 TH Review documents regarding consent to encroach; 0.40 142.00 correspondence regarding same. Sub-total Fees: $142.00 Total Current Billing: $142.00 TK-Too Keifer EJN-Eric Neidlinger KH-Kaye Howard Page lofI MM-Matthew IL Macaluso JS-Jennifer Schulz TH-Tammy Haney EL-Erica Leath MEMORANDUM TO: John Duffy, Director of Carmel Utilities Department FROM: Douglas C. Haney, Corporation Coun RE: Keller Macaluso, LLC Invoice No. 5486 Walters—Water Line Easement DATE: June 15, 2017 John, Attached is Keller Macaluso's Invoice No. 5486 dated June 13, 2017 in the amount of$213.00 for legal services provided to the Utilities Department regarding the referenced matter. I recommend you issue a claim in favor of Keller Macaluso LLC in the amount of$213.00 in payment of this invoice. Please let me know PROMPTLY if you believe that your Department is not responsible for the payment of the attached invoice or if you have any questions regarding this memorandum. /ab V" deb:msword:v:\shaved\ebenneuVm y\outsideco=Nwller maealuso.116aterline easements\Halters water line easement\—Iters water line easement 5486.doc:6/15/171 Keller Macaluso LLC Date 6/13/2017 760 3rd Avenue SW, Suite 210 Invoice Invoice# 5486 Carmel, Indiana 46032 Phone# 317-660-3400 (317)660-3400 Fax# 317-660-3401 www.keHermacaluso.com B'p TO Federal ID:27-1716316 City of Carmel c/o Douglas Haney Department of Law One Civic Square Carmel,Indiana 46032 01007-316:Utilities-WaIters Water Line Easement Professional FeesV D ��-14-1 9?0b:03 �C Service Date Initials Description of Services Tlme Amount 05/26/2017 TH Review easement;correspondence regarding same. 0.60 213.00 Sub-total Fees: $213.00 Total Current Billing: $213.00 TK-Too Keller M-Eric Neidlinger KH-Kaye Howard Page 1 of 1 MM-Matthew R Macaluso IS-Jennifer Schulz TH-Tammy Haney EL-Erica Leath MEMORANDUM TO: John Duffy, Director of Utilities FROM: Douglas C. Haney, Corporation Couns�/ RE: Keller Macaluso, LLC Invoice No. 5417 Verizon Water Tower Lease DATE: June 15, 2017 John, Attached is Keller Macaluso's Invoice No. 5417 dated June 13, 2017 in the amount of$674.50 for legal services provided to the City regarding the referenced matter. I recommend you issue a payment to Keller Macaluso LLC in the amount of$674.50 in payment of this invoice. Please let me know PROMPTLY if you believe that your Department is not responsible for the payment of the attached invoice or if you have any questions regarding this memorandum. DCH/ab Attachment WAP deb:m ord:v:Waredlabennaftmeybutsideco=)Weller macaluso,116wrimn water tower lease\veriz water Waver lease N5417A=6/15/171 i Keller Macaluso LLC Date 6/13/2017 760 3rd Avemx SW, Suite 210 1nvolce Invoice# 5417 Carmel,Indiana 46032 Phone# 317-660-3400 (317)660-3400 Fax# 317-660-3401 www.kelleimacalaso.com Bill To Federal ID:27-1716316 City of Carmel c/o Douglas Haney Department ofLaw One Civic Square Cannel,Indiana 46032 a6_14—1 7 P 0 5 `�3 CVD R 01007-078:Utilities-Verizon Water Tower lease Professional Fees Service Date Initials Description ofServices Time Amount 05/05/2017 TH Telephone conferences and correspondence regarding revisions 0.40 142.00 to lease. 05/16/2017 TH Telephone conferences and correspondence regarding revised 0.40 142.00 landscape plan. 05/19/2017 TH Telephone conferences and correspondence regarding lease. 0.50 177.50 05/23/2017 TH Telephone conferences and correspondence regarding 0.60 213.00 remaining issues. Sub-total Fees: $674.50 Total Current Billing: $674.50 TK-Too Keller EJN-Eric Neidlinger KH-Kaye Howard Page 1 of 1 MM-Matthewk Macaluso JS-Jennifer Schulz TH-Tammy Haney EL-Erica Leath MEMORANDUM TO: John Duffy, Utilities FROM: Douglas C. Haney, Corporation Couns RE: Keller Macaluso, LLC Invoice No. 5418 Utilities—Water Tower lease review DATE: June 15, 2017 John, Attached is Keller Macaluso's Invoice No. 5418 dated June 13, 2017 in the amount of $745.50 regarding services provided in the referenced matter. I recommend you issue payment to Keller Macaluso LLC in the amount of$745.50 in payment of this invoice. Please let me know PROMPTLY if you believe that your Department is not responsible for the payment of the attached invoice or if you have any questions regarding this memorandum. DCH/ab deb:msword:v:\vharcdlabennctt4noneybutsidecounsd\kcllcr macalm,IkWalitiah"ter to%ver lease\water toww lease review 5418.doc:6/15/171 Keller Macaluso LLC Date 6/13/2017 • 760 3rd Avenue SW,Suite 210 hivolce Invoice#5418 Carmel, Indiana 46032 Phone# 317-660-3400 (317)660-3400 Fax# 317-660-3401 www.keUermacaluso.com Bill To Federal ID:27-1716316 City of Carmel c/o Douglas Haney Department of Law One Civic Square Carmel,Indiana 46032 01007-112:Utilities-Water Tower lease review C 6-1 4—1 7 P 0 5 :5 3 R C V D Professional Fees Service Date Initials Description of Services Time t 05/18/2017 TH Review request ase;telephone 1.20 426.00 conferences and correspondence regarding same. 05/23/2017 TH Review request for )tension. 0.90 319.50 Sub-total Fees: $745.50 Total Current Billing: $745.50 TK-Too Keller EJN-Eric Neidlinger KH-Kaye Howard Page 1 of 1 MM-Matthew R Macaluso JS•Jennifer Schulz TH-Tammy Haney EL-Erica Leath MEMORANDUM TO: John Duffy, Director of Carmel Utilities Department FROM: Douglas C. Haney, Corporation Counse RE: Keller Macaluso, LLC Invoice No. 5430 IU Health—Waterline Easement DATE: June 15, 2017 John, Attached is Keller Macaluso's Invoice No. 5430 dated June 13, 2017 in the amount of$639.00 for legal services provided to the Utilities Department regarding the referenced matter. I recommend you issue a claim in favor of Keller Macaluso LLC in the amount of$639.00 in payment of this invoice. Please let me know PROMPTLY if you believe that your Department is not responsible for the payment of the attached invoice or if you have any questions regarding this memorandum. /ab 3 [6:ms rd:v:\sharcdW)minett\moneybutsidecounsclVmller macalum,Ildwatcrline easemcntsVu health waterline eascmentliu health 5430.dm:6/15/171 Keller Macaluso LLC Date 6/13/2017 760 3rd Ave=SW,Suite 210 Invoice Invoice# 5430 Carmel,Indiana 46032 Phone# 317-660-3400 (317)660-3400 Fax# 317-660-3401 www.keHenmealuso.com Bill To Federal ID:27-1716316 City of Carmel c/o Douglas Haney Departtrent of One CivcW Square05-14-1�p05 5b RC\! Carmel,Indiana 46032 01007-223:Utilities-N Health-Waterline Easement Professional Fees Service Date Initials Description of Services lime Amount 05/12/2017 TH Telephone conferences and correspondence regarding 0.20 71.00 easements. 05/18/2017 TH Prepare addition easements;telephone conferences and 0.80 284.00 correspondence regarding same. 05/24/2017 TH Revise easements;telephone conferences and correspondence 0.80 284.00 regarding same. Sub-total Fees: $639.00 Total Current Billing: $639.00 TK-Too Keller EJN-Eric Neidlinger KH-Kaye Howard Page 1 of 1 MM-MatthewIL Macaluso JS-Jennifer Schulz TH-Tammy Haney EL-Erica Leath