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313461 7/10/2017
CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 369138 CHECK AMOUNT: $********95.58* ONE CIVIC SQUARE SAGAMORE NEWS MEDIA =a, CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 PO Box 272 CHECK NUMBER: 313461 CRAWFORDSVILLE IN 47933 CHECK DATE: 07/10/17 �'iraH DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 2201 4345500 TL12255 32.73 PUBLICATION OF LEGAL 1801 4345500 TL12322 62.85 PUBLICATION OF LEGAL 2 N) m Q q 3 % / O k CL C 0 k 0 0 2 \ 0 0 / f % q e w > cz \ f 0 ƒ 0 ® r- * OD a § m CD 0 m « \ ° ^ % > f z f a O / 4 ¥ \ co / 2 / / 0 / 3 \ CL CD # j 7 ° w 2 w \ > -n O 0 / \ q C ) Z | Sr » $ g LT - 2 / / ) 0 + E 3 { i = ƒ / $ m § / - / k § ± _ - $ # « I / e { \ 9 / 2 [ _ Z - k 7 G % \ S ƒ 0 CD E . / \ k = CD } \ k / 2 CL 0) §® { g E = k ƒ R ) [ m - m = , t ƒ %M © ~ m = - [ƒ k ® - cr w _ m Cr0 CD CD CL ; ; CD & � \ �® 0 / C # j \ / 2 < CD o 0 o= -z 2 ƒ\ § 2m ƒ - ° ) ° ® {D Z// /k J\ _00 D 7\ }f m \ C?o co % \ CD 2 0 / G 0 2 / j E / \ \ O E 7 « 5 $ C O m / / C) % { § q & § k 2 _CO m \ 8 m - CL ] § k ^ CD P CL e » 0 ƒ ° o Sagamore News Media ■ The Paper . The Times Invoice ° The Weekly•Sheridan News P.O.Box 272 Date Invoice# i Crawfordsville.11- 47933 6/13/2017 TL12255 Bill To City of Carmel I1te F One Civic Square T M L Carmel,IN 46032 1 Semi.g Nod/rJoilk&Hamihon Co..ty Due 7/13/2017 PLEASE NOTE:Our Remittance address has changed.Please update our account information to reflect the Rep LR Corporate Business Office address and to avoid late payments.Thank you! Balances over 90 days past due will be turned over to collections. Please contact our Business office to make a payment or a payment plan. Customers in a "pay-by-the-month" plan are exempt from collections while payments are beinq made. Description Qty Rate Amount 2017—ADDITIONAL PAVING 32.73 32.73 If you would like your invoices sent electronically. Please provide us with your e-mail address. You can send that address to bus!ness@thepaper24-7.com. Thank you for choosing The Times of Noblesville. We value your local business! Total $32.73 This invoice states that you have agreed to purchase an ad,or ad package from us. If you have any questions you can contact your sales rep or call the Business Office Balance Due at 765-361-0100 x12. $32.73 PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT State of Indiana ) ) ss: Hamilton County ) Personally appeared before me, a notary public in and for said county and state, the undersigned Tim Timmons who, being duly sworn, says that he is Publisher of The Times newspaper of general circulation printed and published in the English language in the city of Noblesville in state and county afore-said, and that the printed matter attached hereto is a true copy, which was duly published in said paper for 2 time(s), the date(s) of publication being as follows: 6/15/2017 6/22/2017 Subscribed and sworn to before me this 22 day of June, 2017. Notary Puble My commission expires: 04/27/2022 Jennifer Rebecca Callis Resident of Montgomery County Publisher's Fee: $32.73 JENNIFER REBECCA CALLIS Notary Public SEAL State of Indiana My Commission Ex ires A Til 27,2022 Cause #2017 -ADDITIONAL PAVING TICKET: TL12255 NOTICE TO BIDDERS City of Carmel.Indiana Notice is hereby given that the Board of Public Works and Safety for the City of Carmel,Hamilton County,Indiana,will receive sealed bids until 10:00 a.m.,local time,on Wednesday,July 5th,2017 at the office of the Clerk-Treasurer, One Civic Square,3rd Floor,Carmel,Indiana,46032,for the following project: 2017—ADDITIONAL PAVING All bids are to be sealed with the word"BID—2017 ADDITIONAL PAVING PROGRAM"on the lower left hand comer of the envelope. Bids will j be opened and read aloud at 10:00 a.m.on Wednesday,July 5th at the Board of Public Works meeting on the 2nd floor of Carmel City Hall,One Civic Square, I Carmel,IN. All persons interested in bidding shall register a contact name and address with the Street Department to ensure that ail changes or questions and answers are available for review by all interested parties. The specifications are set forth in detailed documents on file at the Carmel Street Department,3400 W. 131st Street,Carmel,IN 46074. Questions regarding this solicitation must be written and delivered to the Carmel Street Department. All responses will be written and made available with the specifications at the Street Department. Please call the Street Department to confirm whether or not any such written questions and/or responses exist. The submitted proposal must be in compliance with IC 36-1-9 et seq. The Board of Public Works reserves the right to reject any and all bids. David Huffman Street Commissioner TL12255 6'15 6'22 21 hs axl n n -0 @ « « ƒ o w # OD T 0 CL z / k > 0 7 > E cr 0 m o k / m % ® @ 2 2 / § q / cn 2 % O ( § 57 kI � 3 D 2 2 m CD _0 d C D Cl) - > CA)� 3 / k § § & q @ k 3 ° ? \ e ° 2 \ d ° z z o i - § / ) % k 0 \ 2 f I (n § £ £ g £ 3 C E o % i g i £ f 0 m m � e ? , k q & § 7 $ - 2 7 - m / - l 2 \ \ , J CD c m .& G 3 $ a ; 0 w m Q E °3. 2 o a\CD N) °; k v i % ± < / ; , J ƒ C § - » ƒ N C 2 o [ c � e o a f ƒ _%, � mo TL Cr - \ ® m k } CD \ D Cl) �® ) Ir 0 7 07 -nf , 0 w @ g zQ ( ] 0 k \ k M } / C / ; ; $ \ / 0_ § o %k § Err k | of G / co 2 of PD ;_ / / D � C) D §o / ) 2 a 7 �E nm D 3 I q / r a r f M n \ } j E \ r 0 I ƒ � 2 z E j % F ] c � \ \ E ) / } 0 q CD ; / o Z) ] # m a 3 { § CD CL f # & 0 ) § k > V * d PD =r _ § § 7 b, k CA ® / Saganiore News Media ■ The Paper o The Times Invoice The Weekly o Sheridan Nears P.O.Box 272 Date Invoice# Crawfordsville.IN 47933 P 6/27/2017 TL12322 Bill To City of Carmel ThTiME One Civic Square Carmel,IN 46032 Serving Nob/rrvilk&Hamilton Coenry Due 7/27/2017 PLEASE NOTE:Our Remittance address has changed.Please update our account information to reflect the Rep LR Corporate Business Office address and to avoid late payments.Thank you! Balances over 90 days past due will be turned over to collections. Please contact our Business office to make a payment or a payment plan. Customers in a "pay-by-the-month" plan are exempt from collections while payments are beinq made. Description Qty Rate Amount CARMEL CENTER GREEN SITE IMPROVEMENTS 62.85 62.85 If you would like your invoices sent electronically. Please provide us with your e-mail address. You can send that address to bus!ness@thepaper24-7.com. Thank you for choosing The Times of Noblesville.We value your local business! Total $62.85 This invoice states that you have agreed to purchase an ad,or ad package from us. If you have any questions you can contact your sales rep or call the Business Office Balance Due at 765-361-0100 x12. $62.85