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Morgan .Co. Inc. Primary Plat Application Cluster Housing Option Lake Forest Subdivision September, 1988 11 1 Lake Forest /I Project Description ri Parcel Size: 70.325 Zoning: S - 1 Homesites: 158 Density: 2.25 units per acre Preserved Open Space: 5.5 acres of mature woods 110 6 acres of existing lake 11.5 acres total (16% of total parcel) 14 h Additional Open Space: 2 man-made lakes small vista parks at each pond 20` landscaped buffering around the perimeter PI to shield aggregate mining and processing walking path around the large lake I I II r r Fil i; II 1 S 89'49'16"8 132E.8/ 152 141 151 \ 1 i]..• 183 142 ` ." P ( 143 III 71-3 ------s---==- -. .,,, - ,, 1 bailil li, ill , 130 ;poi � 122 !.'� .... 29 f I 128 - *xw,r ® ! , J, FX!571NU LAKE . 110 . . • k , ,.114 2; il 1 1 Sala 91 69 '•-••':/'' Al ski . :, 71 38 • • -_ 76 , - - 29 37 95 § 73 28 - 96 ]af- ----='- .-_. 35 rXi 25 24 23 34 1 .4 ,<.‘...._._ ........ , . ,,,. ,..‹.. . .. i,..v 241 '. 20 4 iii • , ,, 1.4>...: so 1 100 ,.. f/, 101 I...� \\ e 40 2 0/ '-'i1 L. ,J`IEv 1,04,11-1- • 51: S [\,. 41111 L" a •i its !.MDSCAPE PLAN .� .4111 LAKE FOREST _. __ I i,,.,, , ro,...w N 89157'23-E 849.72 , 'c *, �� �t , i i I II' ' • li,11 • • • 1 1 :It'it-,-4, ' "'"' ' ',kV 1 #. . ., P it, ii I li f t' i * lit, : I:ay • y) •, - 1 *. Yi 1 . 1. I I '4! tis, UN I - .a''.‘"-a.,i,..'••..,,IF4 ; 14 ..- , • • .442. ( ,Ns '''(''''c- ` v `h fVk,\ 5` //1 , / ;k c 4 1 ',, .1 , . ,i,.. ...y.,4 ie.' • ; ,... �''' +' + 1 ' \\\\ �i t.� TAO, .• �' ti s • 1. ,:ki:;:.L.:. , , \-,,:.J ..' 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IL W r,'rpw' LAKE FOREST 4 '11\\I 73A41,4-t(P I cciz ;,44:445 ,,444w goiv 97-C 'IV -14A061W tl/ 17, MMIGrON CP• IN• /",,,:,' •• •'i•A . re-fc,r MANCE:11/4&" 9 6?'JMTE i II .1♦ 1♦ia 7 Il Mai ilAV B-3 L •; SHIRE Zi "LYNNWOOD FARMS" "���:it E S — IllmiitiTIAL)i { ,, 0 ♦ � (Farm Land) 11, Q .'0R p-2 (Farm Land) mi, 4111110;>: • m/���,lt� r i J■• 24g1Tirtrttli -: �j�s11.y wl11 m 33 (Lake NOlh ��r�•its: +�� K Ars , ii.�;�;',:: (Aggregate Mining) -i�v 'k i!� ♦��n� air4. o S-{ ,SITE" S-{ �,►��� �� ���� I sj ��� �� I_ (Aggregate Mining) I WA.�. I 1, , lkiios. 116 th Street , • AIM 7ii / /',, N warp D \ N 41�11%itc ; vi. BE'' H (RA II1 11/ = MT .Se vpyIDElltD� �G1* m �� N NMI NE >-An saw le . • / : ANalio L.'Imo . a moo Siv.4 j wil ill Ka ro LI 4.44.00 II NWI, El Mien mi S-2. Aggregate I 1111&, kk "KINGSWOOD" 4 C-i (RESIDENTIAL) D .i ZONING MAP (NO SCALE) PROPOSED CONDITIONS It is the intention of the Petitioner to subdivide the real estate into 158 lots. The Petitioner is requesting that this parcel be developed under the "Cluster Option" which allows a density of 2.4 units/acre. The Comprehensive Plan places this real estate in Planning Sub-Area Twelve, which is bordered by 146th Street, 116th Street, Gray Road and Hazeldell Road. The Comprehensive Plan states: The plan proposed "moderate intensity residential uses". The Comprehensive Land Use Plan places the proposed development inside a "Moderate Intensity Residential" area. Moderate Intensity Residential is defined in the Comprehensive Plan as follows: This level of development recommends more intensive types of single family and cluster types of residential development. It is intended to be suburban in character and to provide for the infilling of vacant developable sites with suitable supporting community facilities and services, generally located between Meridian Street and Gray Road. The category also provides for "new" development areas cast of Gray Road and between Meridian Street and Spring Mill Road. The Petitioner feels that the proposed development would be a proper use adjacent to other moderate residential areas and its proximity to major thoroughfares. This subdivision will be annexed by the City of Carmel. The Carmel/Clay Recommended Circulation Plan proposed 116th Street as a Primary Thoroughfare. The pavement is currently asphalt and will require improvement along property frontage. The petitioner will dedicate 40 feet for right-of-way purposed off of the entire south end of the property. The internal street system is proposed to consist of one entrance on 116th Street and extension of proposed streets to the north as well as connection to the adjoining property to the west. The entrance will have the standard acceleration lanes, deceleration lanes and tapers. Interior streets will be 30 feet in width, with the exception of the cul-de-sac streets, which will be 26 feet in width. These streets will be dedicated to the City of Carmel. The Petitioner anticipates the use of some decorative mounding along the frontage of 116th Street and property perimeter. (See Landscape Detail) Domestic water will be provided by the City of Carmel which has existing mains along the south side of the adjacent development. Additionally, proposed water mains inside the project will be looped as required. The Petitioner will also be 111 extending water mains across their frontage per Carmel Master Water Plan. I It is proposed to serve the sanitation needs of the project with a sanitary sewer system. The Petitioner will also extend sewer mains across their frontage from an existing interceptor located approximately 1/4 mile east of the site. The storm drainage system for the development will consist of curb inlets, storm sewers, and swales leading to the proposed lakes. The lakes will account for approximately 10 acres of water surface area. Detention of storm water will be accomplished in the lakes with the final outfall being Cool Creek. Steps will be taken to ensure that drainage problems will not be created downstream of the development because of the above-mentioned storm sewer system configuration. Flood Insurance maps show no existing flood plains for either the 100-year or 500- - year storms on the subject property. All the disturbed areas within the subdivision are to be either seeded and mulched or sodded. Any swales in which erosion is anticipated will either be sodded or lined with riprap to prevent erosion. Erosion control blankets and straw bales will be used to control erosion and siltation during construction. Developer may install street lights which the homeowner's association shall pay for the usage and maintenance of same, but if not, each builder shall provide on its lot a dusk to dawn light by means of erecting a post light with a sensor device just inside (within 3 feet) the right-of-way line between the right-of-way line and the building set back line. A St -- _ LAKE We I ' SOIL LEGEND FnA \ I FnA Fox loom, 0 to 2 percent slopes St 1 FnB2 Fox loam, 2 to 6 percent slopes, eroded We St Sleeth loom We Westland silty clay loam St FnA FnB2 OcA 116 th STREET I SOILS MAP (No SCALE) I HAMILTON COUNTY, INDIANA 21 washed over the original surface layer. In places the sub- of 60 inches, is calcareous and is gray sand and gravelly soil has layers of sandy clay loam or sandy loam. sand. In some places the upper part of the subsoil is silty Included with this soil in mapping are small areas of clay loam as much as 24 inches thick. In places, lighter Shoals soils on slight rises. Also included are small areas colored soil material has washed over the original surface of Patton and Westland soils. layer. In a few areas the surface layer is mucky silt loam. Permeability is moderate. The water table is at the sur- In some areas the underlying material is sand and silt. face or is at a depth of less than 6 inches in winter and Thickness of the sand and gravel ranges from a few feet spring. Available water capacity is moderate. The content to more than 50 feet along White River. of organic matter in the surface layer is high. The surface Included with this soil in mapping are areas of Patton layer is cloddy and difficult to work if the soil is tilled soils and areas of Sleeth and Whitaker soils on slight when it is too wet. rises. In small areas in the southern part of the county, In most areas this soil is drained with subsurface tile soils that have a high iron content and many hard iron and open ditches and used for corn and soybeans. It is concretions on the surface are also included. Small areas — well suited to these crops if it is adequately drained.Wet- of soils that are wet for long periods are also included. ness is the major limitation, and flooding is a major Permeability is slow. The water table is commonly at hazard. Small grains that are planted in fall and early in the surface or is at a depth of less than 1 foot in winter _ spring can be damaged by ponded water or floodwater in and early in spring. Available water capacity is high. Con- winter and early in spring, even if satisfactory drainage tent of organic matter in the surface layer is high. Sur- has been installed for row crops.Minimum tillage and the face runoff is ponded or is very slow. The surface layer is use of crop residue and cover crops help to maintain con- cloddy and difficult to work if the soil is tilled when it is tent of organic matter and good tilth. too wet. Fall plowing helps to make tillage of this soil A few areas of this soil are used for hay and pasture easier in spring. If this soil is adequately drained, it is suited to corn, crops. However, grasses and legumes do not grow well unless adequate drainage is installed. Ponding is a hazard soybeans, and small grains. In most areas it is drained in winter and early in spring. The major problem in and is used for corn and soybeans. Drainage consists of pasture management is overgrazing and grazing when the subsurface tile, surface drains, or open ditches, or some soil is wet. Proper stocking rates, timely grazing, and combination of these. Wetness is the major limitation to - restricting grazing in wet periods. help to keep the the use of this soil. Minimum tillage and the proper use of pasture plants and soil in good condition crop residue help to improve and maintain tilth and to in- Water-tolerant species of trees grow well on this soil; crease content of organic matter. in a few areas the soil is undrained, and the vegetation This soil is suited to grasses and legumes for hay and consists mainly of water-tolerant species of weeds and pasture, and a few areas are used for these crops. trees. The hazards and limitations in woodland manage- Drainage is necessary to obtain optimum production ment are severe, except the hazard of erosion is slight. Overgrazing or grazing when the soil is too wet causes surface compaction and poor tilth. Proper stocking Seedlings survive and grow well if competing vegetation stocking rates, timely grazing, and restricting grazing in wet periods help is controlled. This soil is generally unsuitable for urban development. sity.reduce compaction and to maintain tilth and plant den- This The main soil features that adversely affect engineering This soil is suited to trees, and a few areas are used for uses of this soil are a seasonal high water table, high trees. The equipment limitation, plant competition, potential frost action, and moderate permeability. Also, seedling mortality,and hazard of windthrow are severe. this soil is subject to frequent flooding. The main soil features that adversely affect engineer- This soil has severe limitations for building sites and ing uses of this soil are a seasonal high water table, high — sanitary facilities because of a high water table and the potential frost action, moderate shrink-swell potential, hazard of flooding. Capability subclass IIIw; woodland and slow permeability. suitability subclass 2w. This soil has severe limitations for building sites We—Westland silty clay loam. This nearly level, deep, because of a seasonal high water table. The sites need to '" very poorly drained soil is in depressions, swales, and nar- be artificially drained and protected from flooding. row drainageways on outwash plains. Runoff from higher Dwellings and small buildings with basements should not adjacent soils is ponded on this soil. The mapped areas be constructed on this soil. Using properly designed foun- - are mostly elongated and are parallel to streams. The dations and footings helps to prevent structural damage areas range from 3 to 200 acres in size. from low strength and shrinking and swelling of the soil. In a typical profile the upper 9 inches of the surface This soil has severe limitations for local roads and layer is very dark gray silty clay loam, and the lower 7 streets because of a seasonal high water table and high — inches is very dark gray, mottled silty clay loam. The sub- potential frost action Installation of drainage ditches soil is about 30 inches thick. The upper part of the subsoil along roads helps to lower the water table and to prevent is dark gray, mottled, firm clay loam and the lower part is damage from frost action. The base material for roads gray, mottled, firm and friable gravelly clay loam and needs to be replaced or strengthened with suitable -- gravelly sandy loam. The underlying material, to a depth material. NOTE: EACH LOT WILL HAVE 2 ON SITE AND L OFFSITE PARKING SPACES VAILABLE AS REQUIRED BY CLUSTER ORDINANCE, SECTION 7.1.8 Go' :,REENBELT LANDSCAPE BUFFER fir€T I • 20'BULDNG SET-BMC L 20'BULDNG SE 46. 6CY BUILDING PAD1 w BUILDING q- $ PAD 22 BULONG SET-BACK UNE lilt /2z BULDNO 3-- 4'CONI UNIX .—• • �4'COIIC.IIYX 2 CONC.ROLL cum �_ _--___ ___ y.• ., /It CNK ROLL C IU' *Cr �20 BILDNO SET-1 2Q B.LD2N 367.144 0(LPE\ - \ 1- 7• S BUQ ING. 7.5• g p BUILDING psi PAD zt'LLCM SET-a ac UNE —— �BILONQ SET-8I ODBC,wCLK •.r�. 4•CONC.'MILK IMAM= • COE.ROLL CUM • . . . . . rt CQIC R0.L CUQ 7-77 TYPICAL LOT DEVELOPMENT • (NO SCALE) LAKE FOREST TREE PRESERVATION PLAN Developed by Lee Engledow Mid-Western Tree Experts, Inc. 1. Equipment will be kept away from trees to prevent trunk and root damage. Show fence will be installed around trees from drip line to trunk during construction. 2. Roots which are exposed and are cut shall be sterilized and a fungicide shall be applied to stop decay and infection. These trees be fertilized to help them over these conditions and shock and to promote new fibros feeding roots to those areas lost. • 3. Where scale and leaf eating insects are present these trees will be sprayed or injected with proper insecticides and/or fungicides for the control of these diseases or insects. 4. Large dead and unsightly wood will be removed from the trees and the dead trees shall be removed and other proper sanitation completed on the trees inside, and on perimeters and grounds around the complex, for the health and safety of these areas. I.F: dh (l THE C. P. MORGAN HOMES CONCEPT At the C. P. Morgan Co., Inc. our major objective is to have satisfied homeowners. Our homeowners are satisfied because the communities in which they live are the result of extensive research and innovation. We understand our homeowners' need for a quality product that works and we back our homes with uncompromising customer service. We continue to respond to what our homeowners want and need--building quality communities in the very best •� areas, each offering growth, excellent access and city services. We offer our homeowners a superior lifestyle and community, not just a new house. From its inception, a community evolves through the land plan to include a dramatic entryway and pleasing streetscapes with careful attention n paid to the colors and the entire living environment. The professional building team at each community strives to make the home buying process as fun and as easy as possible. It is this tradition of professionalism and customer satisfaction that is now offered to you at Williamson Run, Hunters Knoll, Charleston Crossing, The Pines, Roxbury, and Homestead at Sunset, and at the successfully completed communities of Waterwood at Eagle Creek, Charter Pointe and The Maples of Carmel. n r C.P. Morgan STEELE op — C10 Imo & M4 - C vn — 0 iN. 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