HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes PC 01-17-89 CARMEL PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES - JANUARY 17 , 1989 Page 1 4� The regular meeting of the Carmel Plan Comission was called to order by Jeff Davis, President, at 7 : 35 P.M. , January 17 , 1989 at the City Meeting Hall . The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance. The township appointees, Henrietta Lamb and Richard Klar were sworn in by Mr. Paul Ayres . The city appointees, Vaughn Story, Alan Potasnik, Frank Fleming and Jim O'Neal, were sworn in by Mayor Hancock. The roll was called and members present were as follows : Jeff Davis, Ila Badger, Sue McMullen, Max Moore, Henrietta Lamb, Sandra Long, Jim O'Neal, Bob Boone, Frank Fleming, Alan Potasnik, Vaughn Story and Richard Kiar. Betty Stevenson was absent . Mrs . Badger nominated Jeff Davis for President of the Planning Commission for 1989. Mr. Jim O'Neal seconded. Motion was made and seconded that nominations be closed. Voice vote was taken electing Jeff Davis as President . Mrs . Badger nominated Sue McMullen for Vice President of the Planning Commission for 1989. Mr. O'Neal seconded. Motion was made and seconded that nominations be closed. Voice vote was taken electing Sue McMullen as Vice President . Mrs. Badger nominated Dorthy Neisler for Secretary of the Planning Commission for 1989. Mr. O'Neal seconded. Motion was made and seconded that nominations be closed. Voice vote was taken electing Dorthy Neisler as Secretary. Staff members present were: Dave Cunningham, Rick Brandau, Gordon Byers and Dorthy Neisler. Mrs . Sue McMullen moved that minutes from December 20, 1988 meeting be approved as submitted. Mr. Bob Boone seconded. Mr. Davis stated that a consultant, HNTB has been selected to update the Comprehensive Plan. It has been scheduled to be done by October and November. Mr. Davis stated that members of the public would be selected to be on the committee for the updating of the Comprehensive Plan. 4 DOCKET NO. 120-88 P.P. , A PRELIMINARY PLAT FILED BY GEORGE SWEET/BRENWICK DEVELOPMENT CORP. WAS NOT HEARD DUE TO PUBLIC NOTICE PROBLEMS. I . PUBLIC HEARING: lh. 7 : 30 P.M. , Public Hearing on Docket No. 122-88 DP a Development Plan for Meridian at the Crossing, (Duke Project) . Site is located South of I465, east of Meridian (US 31) , North of 96th Street, West of College Ave. , Clay Township, Hamilton County, IN. Site is 61 .855 acres, zoned B-6 . Filed by Philip A. Nicely for Duke Associates. Mr. Philip Nicely requested that Docket No. 122-88 DP and Docket NO. 123-88 ADLS be heard together. 4 DU CARMEL PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES - JANUARY 17, 1989 Page 2 K. NEW BUSINESS: 1K. Commission to consider Docket No. 123-88 ADLS, an Architectural Design Lighting and Signage Application for Building One of Meridian at the Crossing (Duke Project) . Project consists of 110, 212 square feet, 5 story building to be located at the Southeast corner of the development. Site is zoned B-6 and consists of 6. 245 acres . Filed by Philip A. Nicely for Duke Associates . The public hearing opened at 7 : 55 P.M. Mr. Philip Nicely, attorney made presentation, a copy of which is on file at the Carmel Department of Community Development. Mr. Bob Scknell, Mark Disney, John Russell, Ray Lawrence, Steve Granier, and John Sutherland was present . An aerial view, site plan, landscape plan, each individual phase plan, signage plan and first phase rendering of building were shown. Mr. Greg Silver representing Century Mortgage Co. , the owner of 8 lots within the proposed development, spoke and indicated that his client had no objection to the development provided the developer provided his client with an easement to the lots over and across the private roads in the development. Mr. Nicely agreed to provide such an easement. Ms . Sue Dillon, 507 Cornwall Court, Carmel spoke with concern of the trees on this project . (a copy of which is a part of the official minutes and attached to the Master Copy) . Mr. Anthony Collazue, 101 E. 96th Street, questioned if a study had been done on the highway and how will it effect the houses along 96th Street? Also, will there be a three lane highway along 96th Street. Mr. Nicely responded that the property value had been discussed in detail at the meeting regarding the rezoning of the property. Petitioner does not feel that it will effect the homes along 96th Street . There will be curbed streets on both sides and a sidewalk will go down the South side of street. The expenses of the road will be funded by Duke Associates . The taxes will not be effected. The public hearing was closed at 8 : 30 P.M. Mr. Potasnik questioned the height of the first building, the lighting on the building and if there was a trash receptacle . Mr. John Russell, Vice President of Duke Construction stated that the first building will be 5 stories in height, the building will have low level landscape lighting, there will be one trash receptacle and the service door will face Northwest . Mrs. Badger requested that the petitioner have an exterior lighting plan finalized before the committee meeting. Mr. Davis questioned if the drainage was a part of the county legal drainage. Mr. Nicely stated that it is a part of the county legal drain. This project was sent to the Land Use and Industrial and Commercial Committee on February 7, 1989 at City Meeting Hall at 7 : 30 P.M. . DI CARMEL PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES - JANUARY 17 , 1989 Page 3 J. OLD BUSINESS: lj . Commission to consider Docket No. 90-88 P.P. , a Primary Plat (Cluster Housing) application for Lake Forest Subdivision. This plat includes 148 lots on 70 . 65 acres of land located on the 1 North side of 116th Street , 1/2 mile east of Gray Road, Clay Township, Hamilton County, Indiana. Site is zoned S-1, single family residential. No variances are requested. Filed by Mr. Mark Boyce for the C.P.Morgan Co. , Inc. Mr. Jim Nelson, 3663 Brumley Way, Carmel, made presentation, a copy of which is on file at Carmel Department of Community Development . Mr. Mark Boyce of C.P.Morgan was present. Mr. Davis read the Subdivision Committee report (which is a part of the official minutes and attached to the Master Copy) . Mr. Potasnik moved to approve Docket No. 90-88 P.P. as presented. Dr. Long seconded. Mrs. Badger questioned if there was a report on the traffic study made on 116th Street. Mr. Jim Klausmeier of Pflum, Klausmeier and Gehrum passed out a traffic study statement that his firm had done (a copy which is a part of the official minutes and attached to the Master Copy) . Mr. Boone stated that from the way the map looks the road is sure to come through the site at some point in time. Parallel to property on through property. Mr. Mark Boyce stated that the Comprehensive Plan calls for connection 11 from River Road North. There was further discussion regarding the traffic study and the connecting road going North and South. Mr. Jeff Davis stated the road was further East than proposed project . Mr. Davis felt there was adequate room to put in a road to align with River Road to the South. Findings of fact were completed by all board members . Mr. Vaughn Story stated that he would abstain from voting on any projects this evening due to not having knowledge of any of the previous projects. Project was approved 10-1 . 1 abstaining, Vaughn Story and Mrs . Ila Badger voted against. 2j . Commission to consider Docket No. 94-88 Z a Rezone Application for 11 . 538 acres of land located at the Southeast corner of State Highway 431 (Keystone Ave . ) . Site is currently zoned B-5 . Filed by Thomas Leonard for Bayview Development Corporation. Petitoner requested this project be withdrawn at the committee level. 3j . Commission to consider Docket No. 99-88 O.A. an ordinance amendment to the Carmel/Clay Zoning Ordinance Z-160 as amended to the following sections of the ordinance. 1. Zoning Ordinance 2-211 - Satellite Receiving Antennas . 4/4.1 CARMEL PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES - JANUARY 17, 1989 This item was Tabled at Committee level . Page 4 4j . Commission to consider Docket No. 106-88 ADLS, Sign change Carmel Knoll Apartments . Project is located at 14 Knoll Cfor ourt Carmel, IN. Site is zoned R-4 . is re change in an existing sign located eontthe eNorthsideeof1404aWest Main Street, Cannel, IN. Filed by Mr. John F. Sweeney for Carmel Knoll Associates . TABLED AT DECEMBER PLANNING COMMISSION DUE TO NO SHOW BY PETITION ER. Mr. Davis read the Industrial and Commercial Committee report is is a part of the official minutes and attached to the Master C Mr. Moore moved to approvedP (which Dr. Long seconded, Docket No. 106-88 as presented. Mrs. Badger questioned if the sign is actually located on the property. Mr. Boone stated it was located on the property and not on the right- of-way. i - of-way, Mr. Rick Brandau stated that the sign is located 10 ' from t ght Petition was approved 8 for and 3 against, bein Mr. he curb. McMullen and Mr. Potasnik and 1 (Mr. Vaughn Stor g Mrs . y) abstainingng.. 5j . Commission to consider Docket No. 109-88 DP/ADLS, a Develo Plan, Architectural Design, Lighting, Landscape and Signa ement Application for a new Facial Plastic Surgical Center to be located at 170 West 106th Street, Clay Township, IN. Site is zoned B-5 and 1 . 219 acres in size. Site is located within the US 31 Corridor Overlay Zone. Filed by E. Davis Coots for Dr. Stephen W. Perkins . Mr. Davis noted the Land Use Committee report (which is a part of the official minutes and attached to the Master Co Mrs . Badger moved to approved Docket No. 1C9-88 DP/ADLS as presented. Mr. O'Neal seconded. Approved 11-0, and 1, (Mr. Vaughn Story) abstaining. 6j . Commission to consider Docket No. 111-88 P.P. , (replat of Harry Bowsers Northridge Subdivision) applicationtfor Fox Wood Subdivision, this plat includes 33 lots on 14 . 7 acres of land to be located at the intersection of 104th Street and Washington Blvd. in Clay Township R-1 . Subdivision variance is requested �forlte reliefiszoned from Sec. 6. 33 requiring internal streets be extended to tract boundary. Filed by Jim Nelson for Paul Estridge/Estridge Development Corp. Mr. Davis noted the Subdivision committee report f the official minutes and attached to the Master Copy) . (which is a part of Mr. Potasnik moved to approved Docket No. 111- P.P, Dr. Long seconded. as presented. Findings of fact were completed by all board members. Approved 9-1 . 1 against (Dr. Long) and 2 abstaining (Mr. Boone and y) � Mr. Story) . CARMEL PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES - JANUARY 17, 1989 Page 5 53 7j . Commission to consider Docket No. 112-88 P.P. /ADLS, a Development Plan, Architectural Design, Lighting, Landscape and Signage Application for a new 46, 516 sq. ft . multi story office building to be located to the Southeast of the existing Duke Medical St. Vincent Hospital . Site is zoned B-6 and 5 . 65 acres in size. Site is located within the US 31 Corridor Overlay Zone. Filed by Philip A. Nicely for Mark Disney/Duke Associates No. 59 Limited Partnership. Mr. Davis noted the Industrial and Commercial committee report (which is a part of the official minutes and attached to the Master Copy) . Mr. Boone stated that the questions that Dick Albright had about the fire resistance of the exterior material that is used in this particular project. The petitioner did give an extensive report regarding the exterior material. Mr. Brandau stated that the staff did review the report and as far as they could tell it was satisfactory that the material did inhibit the smoke that Mr. Albright was concerned about . Mrs. Badger stated that according to the minutes of the committee meeting the report was not detailed adequately to meet the ordinance. Mr. Brandau stated it was discussed at the committee level and they primarily approved the concept of the plan. Whether it met the ordinance or not were going to work out with staff, they are going to have letters symmetrically on the east elevation of the building above the doors to be visible from the parking lot and will also have directory signs that meet the ordinance to the north of the doors and also the south elevation ,ignage will be in conjunction with the signage on the north elevation. Mr. Boone stated at committee level that discussion was what the -ppropriate size would be? It was our desire to have the signage as symmetrically as possible. Duke Associates had agreed to do whatever the Plan Commission desires. Mr. Brandau stated that Duke was prepared to make a presentation tonight for the signage if necessary and is willing to work with the Plan Commission. Mr. Boone moved that Docket No. 112-88 PP/ADLS be approved as presented including signs as displayed on this exhibit must in fact meet the ordinance and the approval of the staff as would be customary in all respects, letters will in fact be above the building as they are shown. Mr. Moore seconded. Mrs . Badger questioned if the sign will be a part of the total sign package, will they match the signs that have been used elsewhere? Mr. Nicely answered that they will . Approved 9 for and 1 against (Mr. Potasnik voting against) , 1 abstaining and 1 absent. 8j . Commission to consider Docket No. 114-88 ADLS/Sign Proposal for Travelers Insurance Company. Sign is 71 . 4 sq. ft. in size individual block letters with red umbrella logo. Sign is a second sign on the Northwest elevation of the Three Meridian Plaza building located at the Northeast corner of 103rd Street and US 31 Meridian Street. The Carmel/Clay Board of Zoning 54 CARMEL PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES - JANUARY 17, 1989 Page 6 Appeals approved the third sign and granted a variance for the color subject to approval by the Plan Commission. Filed by Rusty Richardson for Travelers Insurance/Eaton & Lauth, Inc. Mr. E.Davis Coots, 255 E. Carmel Drive, made presentation, a copy of which is on file at Carmel Department of Community Development. Mr. Boone noted the committee report (which is a part of the official minutes and attached to the Master Copy) . Mr. Boone moved to approve Docket No. 114-88 ADLS per petitioners request that sign be black with red umbrella. Mrs . Badger seconded. Project denied 0-11, 1 abstaining (Mr. Story) . There was no further business brought before the Planning Commission and meeting was adjourned at 9 : 35 P.M. . President Secretary 1