HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket A APPLICATION FOR ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN, LIGHTING, AND SIGNAGE MAY 1998 sz,f� +'f- `LLS Date DOCKET NO.1i4)� APPLICATION for ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN LIGHTING and,` '1g FEE: $500.00 Name of Project: Merchants ' Square Address: 116th Street and Keystone Avenue Type of Project: Shopping Center Applicant: Ben Mar, LLC Phone No. ( 31 7)844-4313 Contact Person: Craig Hessee (317)844-5313 Phone No. Address: 8555 North River Road, Suite 375, Indianapolis, IN 46240 Legal Description: To be typewritten on a separate sheet Area (in acres) 2 . 5 Zoning B-8 Business District Owner of Real Estate: Ben Mar, LLC Carmel: X Clay Township: Annexation: Y or N Other Approvals Needed: None PARKING No. of Spaces Provided: 40 No. Spaces Required: 33 DESIGN INFORMATION Type of Building:Brick & Stucco No. of Buildings: One Square Footage: 6.500 � 25'4" No . of Stories Height: One Exterior Materials: Brick & stucco Colors: Off-white and taupe Maximum No. of Tenants: One Type of Uses: Retail Water by: City of Carmel Sewer by: City of Carmel s : \forms\adls . app revised 01/07/97 LIGHTING Type of Fixture: Pole-mounted Height of Fixture: 26'6" No. of Fixtures: 4 Additional Lighting: 1 ) Wall Pack rnamen al Lamps * Plans to be submitted showing Footcandle spreads at property lines, per Ordinance. SIGNAGE No. of Signs: 1 Type of Signs:Individual Letters- Location(s). East elevation- and West elevation individually illuminated Dimensions of each sign: 36' letters Square Footage of each sign: Per Sign Ordinance Total Height of each sign: 3 feet LANDSCAPING *Plans to be submitted showing plant types, sizes, and locations * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * I, the undersigned, to the best of my knowledge and belief; submit the above information as true and co76. Vice President Signa e of Applicant Title Craig Hessee May 28, 1998 (Print) Date * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * State of Indiana, County of 17i // SS: Before me the undersigned, a Notary Public for � �� �� L/G-)f J county, State of Indiana, personally appeared ( � fC �Zand acknowledged the execution of the foregoing instrument this 5!_i_.'„.6( day of 199 8 My Commission Expires: Barbara G. Zike Notary Public Notary Expiration: 4/1/08 1 Notary ' blic County of Residence: Marion ' s : \forms\adls .app revised 01/07/97 TIP Al EXHIBIT A-LEGAL DESCRIPTION A PART OF THE SOUTH HALF OF SECTION 31,TOWNSHIP 18 NORTH,RANGE 4 EAST,IN HAMILTON COUNTY, INDIANA, AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING ON THE SOUTH LINE OF THE SAID HALF SECTION,NORTH 89 DEGREES 50 MINUTES 15 SECONDS EAST (ASSUMED BEARING) 2313.00 FEET FROM THE SOUTHWEST CORNER THEREOF;THENCE NORTH 00 DEGREES 90 MINUTES 45 SECONDS WEST 45.00 FEET TO THE NORTH RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF EAST 116TH STREET AND THE POINT OF BEGINNING, THENCE CONTINUING NORTH 00 DEGREES 09 MINUTES 45 SECONDS WEST 821.00 FEET,THENCE PARALLEL WITH THE SOUTH LINE OF THE SAID HALF SECTION,NORTH 89 DEGREES 50 MINUTES 15 SECONDS EAST 258.43 FEET;THENCE NORTH 00 DEGREES 09 MINUTES 45 SECONDS WEST 299.72 FEET; THENCE PARALLEL WITH THE SOUTH LINE OF THE SAID HALF SECTION; SOUTH 89 DEGREES WITH 50 MINUTES 15 SECONDS WEST 135.07 FEET; THENCE NORTH 00 DEGREES 09 MINUTES 45 SECONDS WEST 312.00 FEET; THENCE PARALLEL WITH THE SOUTH LINE OF THE AID HALF SECTION, NORTH 89 DEGREES 50 MINUTES 15 SECONDS EAST 569-.07 FEET; THENCE PARALLEL WITH THE CENTERLINE OF KEYSTONE WAY,SOUTH 00 DEGREES 05 MINUTES 00 SECONDS EAST 89.49 FEET; THENCE PARALLEL WITH THE CENTERLINE OF CARMEL DRIVE,NORTH 89 DEGREES 55 MINUTES 00 SECONDS EAST 247.70 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EXTENSION OF THE WEST,PROPERTY LINE OF THE M.C.L.PARCEL; THENCE ALONG THE SAID EXTENSION AND THE WEST PROPERTY LINE OF THE SAID PARCEL, SOUTH 00 DEGREES 09 MINUTES 45 SECONDS EAST 786.88 FEET; THENCE PARALLEL WITH THE SOUTH LINE OF THE SAID HALF SECTION,SOUTH 89 DEGREES 50 MINUTES 15 SECONDS WEST 60.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 00 DEGREES 09 MINUTES 45 SECONDS EAST 255.00 FEET; THENCE PARALLEL WITH THE SOUTH LINE OF THE SAID HALF SECTION,SOUTH 89 DEGREES 50 MINUTES 15 SECONDS WEST 45.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 00 DEGREES 09 MINUTES 45 SECONDS EAST 298.12 FEET TO THE NORTH RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF EAST 116TH STREET; THENCE ON THE SAID RIGHT OF WAY LINE, SOUTH 89 DEGREES 01 MINUTES 00 SECONDS WEST 200.85 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING ON THE SAID RIGHT OF WAY LINE AND PARALLEL WITH THE SOUTH LINE OF THE SAID HALF SECTION,SOUTH 89 DEGREES 50 MINUTES 15 SECONDS WEST 634.17 FEET TO'1'HE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINS 26.663 ACRES MORE OR LESS. Date SZ,� DOCKET NO. APPLICATION for ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN LIGHTING and SIGNAGE FEE: $500.00 Name of Project: Merchants ' Square Address: 116th Street and Keystone Avenue Type of Project: Shopping Center Applicant: Ben Mar, LLC Phone No. ( 317)844-4313 Contact Person: Craig Hessee ( 31 7 Phone No. ) 844-5313 Address: 8555 North River Road, Suite 375, Indianapolis, IN 46240 Legal Description: To be typewritten on a separate sheet Area (in acres) 2 . 5 Zoning B-8 Business District Owner of Real Estate: Ben Mar, LLC Carmel: X Clay Township: Annexation: Y or N Other Approvals Needed: None PARKING No. of Spaces Provided: 40 No. Spaces Required: 33 DESIGN INFORMATION Type of Building:Brick & Stucco No. of Buildings: One Square Foota e: 6,500 25'4" gHeigh t: No. of Stories One Exterior Materials: Brick & Stucco Colors: Off-white and taupe Maximum No. of Tenants: One Type of Uses: Retail Water by: City of Carmel Sewer by: City of Carmel s : \forms\adls . app revised 01/07/97 LIG HT_G Type of Fixture: Pole-mounted Height of Fixture: 26'6" No. of Fixtures: 4 Additional Lighting: 1 ) Wall Pack eal Lamps * Plans to be submitted showing Footcandle spreads at properly lines, per Ordinance. SIGNAGE No. of Signs: Type of Signs:Individual Letters- Location(s): East elevation- and West elevation individually illuminated Dimensions of each sign: 36' letters Square Footage of each sign: Per Sign Ordinance Total Height of each sign: 3 feet LANDSCAPING *Plans to be submitted showing plant types, sizes, and locations * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * I, the undersigned, to the best of my knowledge and belief submit the above information as true and Corr; . Vice President Signa, e of Applicant Title Craig Hessee May 28, 1998 (Print) Date * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * State of Indiana, County ofL SS: Before me the undersigned, a Notary Public for /i7('1:64/ 7-'C: county, State of Indiana,a, personally appeared iL2fc and acknowledged the execution of the foregoing instrument this 5i.`_6() day of , 199 8 . My Commission Expires: Barbara G. Zike ZVZ____ Notary Pu //I it.m Notary Expiration: 4/1/08 Notaryjblic County of Residence: Marion s : \forms\adls .app revised 01/07/97 APPLICATION FOR ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN, LIGHTING AND SIGNAGE ADLS Name of Project: Merchants Square Site Address: 116th Street and Keystone Avenue Type of Project: Shopping Center Applicant: Ben Mar,LLC Phone No. (317) 844-5313 Contact Person: Craig Hessee Phone No. (317) 844-5313 Address: 8555 North River Road, Suite 375, Indianapolis, Indiana 46240 Legal Description: See Exhibit"A" attached Area (in acres): 2.5 Zoning: B-8 Business District Owner of Real Estate: Ben Mar,LLC Carmel: X Clay Township: Annexation: [Y] or N Other approvals needed: None 46 PARKING No. of Spaces Provided: 2 No. of Spaces Required: ,v2 53 DESIGN INFORMATION Type of Building: Brick& Stucco No. of Buildings: One C�SDO Square Footage: -8;9O&-s'f. Height: 25' 4" No. of Stories: One Exterior Materials: Brick& Stucco Colors: Off-white and taupe Maximum No. of Tenants: 'we-(2) 01JCL Types of Uses: Retail Water by: City of Carmel Sewer by: City of Cannel LIGHTING Type of Fixture: Pole-mounted Height of Fixture: 29' 6" No. of Fixtures: 4 Additional Lighting: (1)2Wall Pack Ornamental Lamps SIGNAGE No. of Signs: 1 Type of Signs: Individual Letters - individuall illuminated Location(s): East elevation Dimensions of each sign: 36" letters Square footage of each sign: Per Si Ordinance Total height of each sign: 3 feet LANDSCAPING *Plans to be submitted showing slant ices sizes and locations. See Attached Plans - ***************************************************************************** I,the undersigned,to the best ofmy knowledge and belief,submit the above information as true and correct. BEN •f' L.C By: • Vice-President Crai Hessee Printed Name April 2 1998 Date ***************************************************************************** STATE OF INDIANA COUNTY OF HAMILTON SS: Before me,a Notary Public in and for said County and State,personally appeared Craig Hessee, the Vice-President of Benmar, LLC, and acknowledged the execution of the foregoing document. Witness my hand and Notarial Seal thiso�''d da of April. 1998. My Commission Expires: Olt8/6/00 ��a- otary Pub 'c County of Residence: Marion Lucille E. Hill Printed Name • 111 THELINDER CONIP.AN May 27, 1998 Mr. Mark T. Monroe, AICP Planner, Department of Community Services One Civic Dr. Carmel, IN 46032 RE: Blockbuster ADLS Review Merchants' Square Dear Mark, As per our TAC meeting of May 20, 1998, I am forwarding our responses to your comments: Appl—t 1�cation - I have attached a revised application reflecting the reduction in square footage of the proposed building. - The project does not include a five suppression system. A knox box will be installed next to the rear exit door of the building. Site Plan - The building setbacks have been adjusted on the revised drawings. -Easements have been noted accordingly. - Curb cuts have been drawn by Weihe Engineering. -Landscaping plans can be adjusted to reflect future comments. - Color elevations of the building are attached and will be submitted to the Planning Commission. - Color elevations of the monument will be forwarded to your department and to the Planning Commission. 0- The project lighting plan is attached and will be submitted to the Planning Commission. - Cut sheets of the lighting fixture (same as the fixture used in the Merchants' Square parking fields) are attached and will be submitted to the Planning Commission. - Parking for a 6,500 square foot building requires 33 parking spaces at one spe per 200 feet. Forty spaces have been provided. Attached is a shared parking agreement with National Cie ty Bank, the adjacent land user to the east of the Blockbuster parcel. All parking spaces are 9'x20' or 180 square feet, as required. Retail Leasing&Management cCkatesb I t. lnilianal)uli. • Clnii.tn:r, • ;)::, ;:; • :t LINDER I;r #4$4 Mr. Mark T. Monroe May 27, 1998 Page Two - All mechanical equipment is roof-mounted as per the drawings. The equipment is screened by a parapet wall. - The revised 6,500 square foot plan shows one tenant. Please advise me if you require additional information or have other questions, at (317) 844-5313. Sinc ely, Craig Hessee THE LINDER COMPANY CH/psb cc: Jim Nelson (Nelson & Frankenberger) Hi LINDER Section 8.07. Premiums. All premiums and charges for all of said insurance Tenant shall be paid by Tenant when due. If Tenant shall fail and negto make any payment lect yolicies of when due, Landlord may, but shall not be obligated to make such payment or carry su the amount of any premium paid therefor shall be considered additional rental and a pol h, and _h be repaid by Tenant. shall forthwith Section 8.08. Renewal policies. At Ieast thirty (30) days prior to the expiration of each such insurance policy, Tenant shall deliver to Landlord copies of a renewal policy or binder which comply with the foregoing provisions with respect to prior notice of cancellationshall by the insurance company to Landlord. In the event of the failure of Tenant to thereofocurand deliver given such renewal policy or policies or binder or binders therefor within the time aboveprescribed, procure and Landlord shall be permitted to obtain such or similar policies of insurance, and the charged therefor shall be borne and forthwith paid by Tenant. premiums ARTICLE IX Common Areas and Tenant's Property Section 9.01. Common Areas. In addition to the Demised Premises. during the term of this Lease the Tenant shall have a license to use in common with others authorized or designated by th Landlord AAA Way, and the Ring Road (as shown on Exhibit "B"), entrances and exits as may be designated from time to time by the Landlord to serve the Development Area and toccupantshe thereof, subject however to the terms and conditions hereof and to rules and regulations for the e thereof prescribed by the Landlord from time to time. Landlord reserves the right to modify and e relocate the same from time to time. The entrances to and from the Demised Premises and the RingRoad shall be as shown on Exhibit "C", and may not be relocated by either Landlord or Tenant without the prior written approval of both Landlord and Tenant. Tenant agrees that Landlord and other occupants of the Development Area and their respective employees, agents, customers, suppliers, and invitees shall have the right to use that ponion of the Land used for parking, driveways, and roadways (as shown on Exhibit "C") in common with Tenant for parking and for roadway purposes for the ingress and egress of motor vehicles over and through the Lan . T agrees that it will not materially change the layout of the parking areas and roadways as shown on t Exhibit "C" without Landlord's consent, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. Landlord agrees that it shall use its good faith efforts to maintain a free flow of traffic through the Land and to not inhibit access to or the use of Tenant's drive through lanes. Landlo specifically agrees to not put up signs directing the customers of any other tenant through rd land. Tenant's Section 9.02. Lighting. Tenant is solely responsible for all aspects of operation and maintenance of the Demised Premises, including, without limitation, exterior lighting. Tenant's lighting plans and specifications shall be approved by Landlord. such a roval not unreasonably withheld or delayed. PP to be 13 4- EXHIBIT "B" --- _ X- --;:.....:.... .\, ! I ���. ; ...iTi) "E E I 1 -II1 lily / ,./ N//\3, i i.:' -; /4 I .i ;___ ____-.::-.-=-- F.,IN,!.ii I _ _ i . .1-------,._:_,..._______,______..______ = f>% I mu, Irn — ��= --1L fIrhuuuuu1lrrrll • 1lilllllllllllllllfl 111 !-- lIIr1111nIrrrlrrtrurrllrq + itnurur ,j li IIIIIII111IIII11111111III1;1 \' —__ 1 f 1 ,Inrr I,. Ir;al�Inr11n1ni1111 , Z I �„��...I ����i1i I J""U jf I, 11797771717777F-1-1 > , I -•.gi.� s;1= I (rr'nlll(Inrinlnln111 � — — I 1 i j C" I IulllJf llluljlliljl�l 1 J ° 1 i -� i (111111 IIIIIIr1 i ■ ° i C ; (rlrllrllll 3i -z---,.. •_ 1111111111111111111111111111 . J J Zr 1.71ffi. 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Ilillis:1 k Hril a HI -e- 1 . 1On .. 11 IP1 II i0vO1OC0 leiIN OH f i . J mi O n ' is c "Ab ""� f, 'Lk O C LQ O O INE11111111111111111111R -Lay , 1 1\ ,I71 Nilto,,, _1rl v 'I' I .+- " ' : gii I I I I _ OF Ga HARDTOP ,..... ii CA/MA ARM MOUNT Featuring New Form 10X Optical System GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The Gardco Round Arm Mounted Form 10 products are cylindrical(CA)or semi-spherical(MA) sharp cutoff luminaires using high intensity discharge lamps up to 400 watts.Housings are one piece seamless spun aluminum and finished with either Architectural Class I anodizing or electrostatically applied polyurethane.Luminaires can accept one of six(6)interchangeable and rotatable precision segmented optical systems. ORDERING HOUSING DIAMETER CONFIGURATION PHOTOMETRIC DISTRIBUTIONS WATTAGE VOLTAGE FINISH CA 17 OPTIONS 1 _____________r—' 3 -- 250 MH — 120 — BRA — HF CA 17" H 1 (Horizontal See di Lamp) 120 BLA: Black Anodized HF MA 22" Beble •208 BRA: Bronze Anodized LF 3 (Horizontal 240 NA: Natural Anodized MF 0-01111 Lamp) 277 BLP: Black Paint PC 2 4xF7e(Horizontal 347 BRP: Bronze Paint PCH Lamp) 480 NP: Natural Aluminum Paint POLY WP: White Paint 0 (Horizontal SC: Special Color(specify) Lamp) lill ' FM (Horizontal Lamp) 4 Vs' (Vertical Lamp) TYPE HOUSING DIAMETER CONFIGURATION DISTRIBUTION WATTAGE VOLTAGE FINISH OPTIONS !;. r, WATTAGE 17A-17 � OPTIONS Housing C/ A17 MA17 CA22 MA22 HF: In Head Fusing MI 1111 N AI LF: In Pole Fusing 100 HPS 100 HPS 250 HPS 25 S MF: Mast Arm Fitter(CA only) 100 MV 100 MV 250 MV 250 MV PC': Receptacle and Photocontrol 50W1MH2 510 MH z 250 MH 250 MH PCR°: Photocontrol-Receptacle Only 70W MH2 70W MI-12 400 HPS 400 HPS POLY59:Polycarbonate Sag Lens 100 MH 2 100 MH2 400 MV 400 MV 150 HPS3 150 HPS3 400 MH 400 MH 175 MV 175 MV 175 MH 175 MH 250 MV MHJ NOTES 2661 Alvarado Street 1. Furnished with non yellowing acrylic sag lens. 5. 175W max on 17"units San Leandro,CA 94577 VS not available with 17"mogul base units U.S.800/227-0758 2. Medium base lamp g 6.Contact factory for availability CA 510/357-6900 3. 55 volt lamp 7. Available only with 22"units FAX 510/357-3088 8. Furnished with sag glass lens -�/ 4. Not available in MA units or 480V 9. Not available with 4X THOMAS" rit GARDCO, AI c3pGanco .,... .�.,. ...._ HARDTOP CA/MA ARM MOUNT SPECIFICATI O N S GENERAL: Each Gardco Form 10 Arm ARM: Extruded aluminum arm is secured Mounted Hardtop is a cylindrical(CA)or anodized and sealed.The segmented to prewired fixture by contractor.Assembly reflectors are set in faceted arc tube image semi-spherical(MA)sharp cutoff luminaire is suitable for mounting to pole without for high intensity discharge lamps. Internal requiring access to luminaire.Internal 0,FM,ator patterns toiachieve Types components are totally enclosed,rain-ti ht, Q, and VS distributions(s pattem'4X, cosd corrosionotlyresistant.rain-tight, Ng extruded channels capture tie rods for proper illustrations).The mogul base lampholder is luminaire to pole alignment. glazed porcelain with a nickel plated screw venting of optical system or electrical• components is required or permitted. LENS: One piece,die cast aluminum door shell—all securely attached to the reflector Luminaires are completely assembled with frame retains the optically clear,heat and assembly.50W MH, se l MH and 100 MH no disassembly required for installation. im pact resistant temP ered flat glass or sag units have medium base Jamn the rs.All Lamping requires no lifting or hinging the polycarbonate in a sealed manner using horizontal Metal Halide units in the 22' luminaire housing,disturbing wiring or hollow section,high compliance,memory housings have lamp stabilizers ensuring exposing uninsulated live parts. retentive extruded silicone rubber.Type 4X precise arc tube positioning. luminaire features sag glass lens and VS unit ELECTRICAL: Each high power factor HOUSING: Housing is one piece,.100" seamless us withs1employs sag acrylic lens.Concealed ballast is the separate component type, integralstainless steel hinge and two(2)flush 1/4 turn capable of providing reliable lamp starting circumferential reveal and lower section fasteners secure lens assembly to luminaire. down to-20°F.The ballast is mounted on a aperture incorporating a returned flange OPTICAL SYSTEMS: The segmented Form stiffener to protect against housing edge unitized tray and secured within the Ten optical system is homogeneous sheet deformation. Units are offered in profiles of luminaire,above the reflector system.High 17"or 22"diameter. aluminum,electrochemically brightened, Pressure Sodium ballasts operate lamps DIMENSIONS within ANSI trapezoidal limits.Metal Halide and Mercury Vapor ballasts are medium regulation auto transformers providing I EPA's 'Approx Wt. ±10%(MH)and±5%M CA STYLE SIZE A g O Single Twin Single ° ( V) power regulation D Arm Twin Quad Single with a±10%variation from rated input voltage.Component-to-component wiring 17" 17^ 8"' 5" 5^ .7 1.5 2.1 26 lbs within the luminaire will carry no more than 22" 22" 11"z 7" 5" 1.2 2.3 3.3 431bs ° 80/°of rated current and is listed by UL for � I use at 600 VAC at 150°C or higher.Plug o f ;E 1/ �� 1 I disconnects are listed by UL for use at 600 VAC,15A or higher. B li FINISH: Anodized housings are created with t,. __ an Aluminum Association Architectural Class I -. I — — i anodizing process to achieve a bronze,black C —, _ _ A or natural aluminum finish.Painted units are finished with hardcoat,fade resistant, EPA's Approx wt, electrostatically applied polyurethane. MA STYLE SIZE q g Single Twin Single C D Arm 180^ Quad Fixture LABELS: All fixtures bear UL and CSA(where 17 17 11 ' S 5" .8 1.6 2.3 27 lbs applicable)wet location and I.B.E.W.labels. 22" 22" 14" 7" 5" I 1.3 2.7 3.7 43 lbs Gardco reserves the right to change materials or modify the design of its product without notification as part of the company's T Wirt- Gardco's continuing product improvement program. p segmented reflector optical s• system has been awarded U.S.Patent 1 ' AI& #3746854.Form 10X(4X)optical system is U.S.Patent Pending. r____,,,__ i i---- C -, A 2661 Alvarado Street San Leandro,CA 94577 U.S.800/227-0758 CA 510/357-6900 1. With VS and Poly option,overall height=11" 2. With 4X,VS and Poly option,overall height=14" „,..0FAX 510/357-3088 3. With VS and Poly option,overall height=14" /THOMAS 4. With 4X,VS and Poly option,overall height=17" GAgDCp LIGHTING 79115-40/895 I JUL 1( " b 11;GtiFH'l L 1 NUtK LU J 4111111111111.06*. f I SPECIFICATIONS /31 1 0 Y/y • _. . • - INS • Y a.42.-i'.'"!....7.z. rI 7100 Series Architectural Lighting System Outdoor flood lighting fixtures wrnch accommodate lamps to 175 watt HIO.Numerous mounting possibilities include wan.ceiling. Mounting:Fixture al, be rigid mounted or knuckle pole,stanchion,and base;all achieved with a consistent stylin "counted(Q,o or base ( chi carr ion)on Meme.Eight optical systems achieve a .vide varietywall.ceiling, base f2/thi pole.Stanchion, horizontal light distributions. from narrow spots co wide rloods and tight distributions:Availade or ho boxy. Specifications: vertical flood, spot►+aizo^ta!spot 0 Material:Die cast aluminum housing wide Rid•and horizontal Roos. Downlights available in symmetrical,wide Finish:Texture powder coat and door. rsymmetrical,and forward Bronze, Grpolyester finish avairable in Black. asymmetrical s etrical distributions. Gray,Terra verde Green, or custom cciors. Reflectors:Anodizes sp�Jlar,semi specular,or Lens: Flat tempered glass, patterned lighting sheet in various configurations. segmented for maximum performance and uniformity. Glare control:Internal Glare Shields attached ro door on Reflectors are interchangeabke Mtn r Horizontal Flood, Tight Spot,and Horizonra(Spot.Barn Doors and �4 turn fdstenerS. fixed Glare Shield available as accessories. cantos: others. Dimensions fin millimeters/inches; Knuckle Mounted Unit Fixed Mounted Units }7i• :.G '-- �� - _ M lee .40 .Lill 9'a - — 19b. '-- Ab ' ��. 601. 11111.111111 m - "to., t (--,:m.:-„ • a _ 11 (U 84 { 7 7 __- : _til. d ice 1 1111. v ax O N,I\ IMM Pik Mount.'beew y, I POIe Mount _to ,eZ VT YM-"Mutt 0674 0 `.n10tT/. ,. UI U . H 1rNng NMF MalYpM mom*moot done mount •,0 21r'. ?S ----- 24 _3=y 7-..-). t r----�. . 1' ifi . 6,e llt 4I 111 � 6 u. p ' PT Ise L-.�!`lt Tee Mount 15314 1APK role VIM Vrall ttl= -�Mount 1 61 i 118111 I iIm ' ( l1.„,„j 3,,.a Z , 1 31/2 ns • 171 .4.1 QV!' .4:0 g-.I 1314 6 0 gri7 SM szne7flon JB Junction Bo: "t -- lite Mer 'rM 119116 Mount tti I,G 10 Bane Nowt as Ghee S1Moa LC kion CoYar • Jo 11•earl LINDER CO JL HEIrR•r P.3,d I • Ground, Wall, Ceiling, Stanchion, 26; MOUNTING Pole Mounting 1 : The 7100 Series provides two types of mounting options-rigid and knuckle. The mounting accessories reviewed below coupled f' with the 7100 luminaire truly provide • A Flood of Versatility,1. 1Fixed Mounting 411411111P-p.-40--1440 •• I� •••/.°40110 J ' Y i tar. fit(Itaixdb,.. ,J 1 .........._ ir • r 1 ......./ ,iiii„,_,_.. ,Aill -�____ �,� CM Ceiling Mount WM Wail Mount.Fixed Multiple Pole j Mounting, Square or 41111111p, round pole,one to • four units. • li 11 ( / :': . c 0 i I ill !' kloosislo eir- Pole Mount fixed, Round pole only,'one 1� unit • Mounting Versatility The 7100 Series offers a wide range Accommodates up to MPM multiple of mounting options to facilitate Pole Mount its use in a variety of architectural and tour fixtures equipped landscape applications.The simple with fixed wallmount. A pole may p understated design provides effective up also be drilled to lighting, downli iaccept the mounting 9 9� and dCCent plate directly nn lighting while maintaining a consistent element of style. PM Pole Mount on standard tenon. HYDROL JUL 1 r 70 11•GC-f'1 L 111121 i_V J L r1GI`rci I • ) 0GS-Glare Shield Farmed aluminum ACCESSORIES 29 shield is mounted in the door channel with GLARE SM-Single Stanchion ser screws and curs off CONTROL & Mount. This Cast aluminum upward glare at 35° unit is provided with a base from beam center. SECURITY plate which can be Custom drilled. A splice access plate is provided. ST-Stanchion Tee Mount �' Similar to the 5M, this unit provides a tee for mounting a two fixtures. 24"length standard, custom lengths '•` ., are available. '` . '}, •4 !Ar y� r - 21 1 " L. ./.1 • 0 j� L %V "" - + A • . PT-Pole Tee Mount Similar to the PK Pole Mount with a tee for mounting two fixtures. 24'length standard. custom lengths are avallaole. BD-Sam Doors Provide glare shielding. Each door independently mounted by set screws.These can be provided in custom lengths, one to four doors can be used. PK-Pole Mount, LC-Lexano Cover Knuckle This unit is a sliprslip for a standard This clear lexan O.D. x 4'Ten -on. h cover protects the e on. lens from vandalism. f�� The fixture is mounted'. J` to the unir with a jam v ^ Ir fits in the door �y nut and bolted co the < ..ii, channel,affixed with -� pole. 'I... ,•. • two set screws. r .Flegista+eo Trrdanark or Of HYDREl. 0 --r_F_ 1:_. j r .40_ ...... ! 1 51 > a 1 '. 1 II - -a . — il __ ......, ,: Carr N il _ . j s `, r a 11 1{ -- b Olt r P r_i_ !"ii % _ , . , � yr 1ir 1 t Iill r il l q "aI. 11. ''4 Z � 1 $ rri a j ! .. 1 , . ka ., f _I# 111rn 1 ! En �I� �� , , 4 ill I ti � I f :11. f, , . -� 0 , 'f�fF-1 Z � ' /� ill "o UI n N O lx1 Z A N 1 r t z0U O z A 6 - __ m Q f tf 11'11,1, 1 � 4-' e ` psi{ i� �d �, �1 i • . .i. I . 1 .0, 1' tft I'll' ! ' , -1-!, 0 i ;l mr. . 1 ! � ill.:,..:tet,; py tft 1 L `Y il O C- / �_- z nil < ' t L rn r t [ x_6 71..:11-.i.. l':.:.. 'Ii'lit.!1.1. =�a Z II (I) IIIP.---;..::'17.: _ ,_. I- 1 —- ! - i ° I —.- ; , rnrn ii I T ,i,,i_._! 1 lk tl., . ;., 4, • Toil' „11,k -,itv '-ei_' ,-• F qii N0_ 1 .1 _ qi . # I _ ' �, ___ 1 ° q -T- i 1 ill __$ - = , lM 1 . F 10.i>i, . J1,1 c. 1 , _,,„is > co r n C& -1 pi II z i T1RTp Zr� NN•a rp � `"rnO C P � _ * �N J i ' 5; 1 i ' ' 4 i1 CL 1, - 1f1� 1 pr rilittl.:- ` 1 .-..; .4i. '. , li 3 '•fit -:11, • op •1,1 '4 I 1 i ' l I ,F I�k',e°�,'I . - . I ;'i,lej, I 1, r•; i .. .-". ..‘CD I C .• ' __, 7 I pliwil !, :, ;Jr., ,r,, , � . ,, ,.,sti, , , ,... ' ..„, rti ., , ,., :, , ' , r , .,„, ,, , ?_- ). i is ,, 1,,,,, d '; s IIS �,:ni ',•: ,- r,T ,_ (i, 1 !I 111 rn - ® r.- ' > 1 , O z Lir II MEM 'L' / 11 25-4' • -ea- ,-,..1k,3 b z , I .,' • jI 1 1 • 1' 71' 6,���,IIIr I 'I 6 11 �,II' I I- - tr { i 1 1: j1 Ili- „, ii x "1 X11 ap"-I, L`'I 'l,tt� I •1 I , Ii , '' 1 r''....1 tr.]Jf rl,_1 111. � I' �1I' rhlt I l ��1 �1r'i 11 Y� III i _-- —..__ I111, 1( 1 1 1,' 1111+,r ,ri 1 ,11 1 \•,... X11'1 1 0_ , 1,r1 .1I t • - 111:;1, 1r� ` 6 - '11 , h!d.Ii,,' ^1i ` i11.III : il 1'4,1(11 • .„.1,1, .,1, p, a n N rj,l;ll. iI D .�,1 1, !1',r r 0 rn 11 1 1 1'11lr O ri hi' ,;�Jr. 7„1:i, 41 t{i{I1 fs 1' i 1 �'r i-- i "1 I,,,1, 1 I rr:, Z `'�{'1',I11,�'Il t 1 -' t.111,-1) - -.1-i — — to i• 20 q sN 0 m- -r- i F� ess:.,•..;1,:;:1:_::,t.:::,.. AN e ' yx.K) Z.1 xO o r •1 • 1 F I t 2 1;111,1 111 Q �_ d k 0Q c9 1n N �, 0Q z)- V < LhIO '§ sQ W U AN pill" WI ',...k W • 9ri Q W = , ,,,„. M (11 = ,, ,,,. ,>_a., ., ,r_ ,z ,>_ jfl OLo D'-'z' :: a gla /. a)41 :.Z., C1112 . ,--.;g -, O CO x 8 R E 1 ,,jw z 0 • —ft" lq Q II CC g ! 0 z 11 7 4la > W oD 2 D or- = O�Wo � zQ � 5:1101 62 Z Z < o w D U '' W 11-N W LI n l,V o w �'-- QQ --' zozQNw L al Z Dew < LL Dz � o - z � >- � � ill 0OL 0 = 0 C(j 0 m Z o Z OL W } z I w ~ nt z N w o p DC7 w v 0 � o A $ cs) Z O Q 0 Q u1Q Qv- vz `n F,F- DwaloUQ "zo F- 02 0 2 \___ F wQ1.0ZmQ OO ° 04 .... Merchants' Square Blockbuster Building Site P1 J A` J e New Monument SignsJ New Monument Sign, Carmel Drive0 • .7 FIE J _Pier 1 H LLID L Sears E= Hardware ❑ k :i_ .....3 n Offic AAAe J L S4 r_ I r 1 1---1 I--r - --N) ...i./ I— -I -= ` `r Anchor Store I II \ PostRedevelopment I Offke / Area H—H I I v) LI--c , I I ▪ = West Retail - / —L� _ _ 1 9 �. � L t 4 — I = Pavilion — .., 0 I l l l l l t 'milli . 181i."1" u MCL ' Cafeterw IGrocery Pad t f J o '::::; �� a n011 aTi !1 \' J rr o 0 _ T — T .H� Nan [ • T I--- --�� _� Romans � � I to New Monument Signs4 t 1 1 l d j7)JJ . g blz 1 _ 1 _ 11 - ..: • Blo kbuster ) n - n a 0 --'4' s � � _ E I New cent Identifkat'an Sig with / Message Cen„with New Monument Signn \ p;'s t dam, 116th Street \ W •Traffic Signalr Key: tell ki: ME AAA Way tot Perimeter Road ..... Monument Signs — Sidewalk Merchants LIoNDER 04/98Merchants Square S Q U A R E ^4 �L 1 Vii- °P f { t A it: 2 n4 1I G r'..*,:,,tt:11 ';:tr: ::,,,, Limit - i y +tr " 1, .i na i p � s # ;� , /io. , . 1.. . -'- ' :., 4, , :F r d0 ,,,, ' , itt ,\ ;'.., „' 4: i t. *1'. 'Or' ' / ii Oir ) y . � ti t' � � ...- 1 ....r., Cif 11,11.1%,f • ,-.... fool Le,) , ea - , ) ; - . , ' „i.... V ' tol 1 „ ' 6 € k , . ,..„ 0 , le 'fi-I if -1 1:/41:11:00011 in ' tir ifV # , !' I \i, #t* a'� ifAke . "'` %e a, 4k ,�T al Emu el ... .$ • t ss s , .110.0 i ( ....` � i : i , s4 ! } ��. cill!' , p ri 1 , 0 Iill ' tr' r ' ./ ' 4 - .it 0 t I t ['; i) V. a :, 7 ,,,.. , 4,4,_,,.411,, lt:,4: :oil, 1 s cci / 1, � nen • ra i 4,1' 4.1 + 1 O tt ' 11161t • ), - t r ,,or, 74 ', ' "Ik.. 1 -' ,' II 11 ► i , to .. # "i 4 400 i4,,r .. i . 74 it i