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CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 114000 k, CHECK AMOUNT: $*****1,051.36 ONE CIVIC SQUARE GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO, INC CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 12431 COLLECTIONS CENTER DRIVE CHECK NUMBER: 314866 CHICAGO IL 60693 CHECK DATE: 08/15/17 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 601 5023990 992523329 556.00 OTHER OTHER EXPENSNT ES 1093 4238900 992867154 495.36 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice of bill to be properly itemized must show; kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom rates per day, number of hours rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. 114000 Graybar Terms 12431 Collections Center Drive Chicago, IL 60693-2431 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s)or bill(s)) PO# Amount 8/9/17 992867154 Replacement Lamps 50194 $ 495.36 Total Is 495.36 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s)is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 20_ Clerk-Treasurer INVOICE Invoice Questions Please Cali or Email 9222 Orly Rd. 317-821-5700 or ARQuestions@graybar.com INDIANAPOLIS IN 46241 Invoice No: 992867154 ' Invoice Date: 08/09/2017 s„ Y., a i Account Number: 0000414887 Account Name: CARMEL CLAY PARKS&RECREATION A UG t U 1011 Remit Payments To: GRAYBAR ELECTRIC COMPANY BY: 12431 COLLECTIONS CENTER DRIVE CHICAGO IL 60693 2431 Ship to: CARMEL MONON COMUNITY CENTER ATTN:JIM RANSFORD 317.573.4026 CARMEL CLAY PARKS&RECREATION 1235 CENTRAL PARK DRIVE E 1411 E. 116TH ST CARMEL IN 46032 CARMEL IN 46032 Order No: 50194 SOM 360612051 Dei.Doc.#: PRO# Routing Date Shipped Shipped From F.O.B. Rt.To 8015805206 1GRAYBAR 08/09/2017 INDIANAPOLIS, IN S/P-F/A Signed For By: JACK ARMENDARIZ Quantity Catalog#/Description Unit Price/Unit Amount 288 F32T8/SPP41/ECO GENERAL ELECTRIC LIGHTING 1.72/1 495.36 T8 32W SPP 4100K ECO Terms of Payment Sub Total 495.36 Net 30 Days Freight 0.00 As a condition of the sales agreement,a monthly service charge of the lesser of Handling 0.00 1-1/2%or the maximum permitted by law may be added to all accounts not paid by net due date.Visa,MasterCard,American Express,and Discover credit cards Tax 0.00 are accepted at point of purchase only. Total Due 495.36 Subject to standard terms and conditions on the last page. Page 1 of 1 m U- 0 V) o z PM 6 6 O O Ln Ln Ln Ln r P cy-, C? 0- CD IT 0 m w a- ;rR CL < CD 0 (v r- 0 cu LL u 2 OD Ew Z fnLn u N 0 %D 0 > r LU Z (7% 0 -j 0 ui a) a < 0 z L) 0 0 CD < Ml) Q) INVOICE Invoice Questions Please Call,dr,r Ema49 it 9222 Orly Rd. 317-821-5700 or ARQuestions@graybar.com G=WbaR. INDIANAPOLIS IN 46241 Invoice No: 992523329 Invoice Date: 07/21/2017 Account Number: 0000152528 Account Name: CARMEL,CITY OF/TELCOM Remit Pa ments b:- GRAYBAR ELECTRIC COMPANY 12431 COLLECTIONS CENTER DRIVE CHICAGO IL 60693-2431 1234 1 AB 0.403 E0033X 10051 D2666434284 S2 P4464169 0001:0002 Ship to: 'I'�IIII'lll��"�'III"�'ISI'����'�I"'I'll's"1��1�111111111'�11 CARMEL WATER PLANT 1 ATTN. KEN 317-571-4142 CARMEL WATER DISTRIBUTION 4915 EAST 106TH STREET ACCOUNTS PAYABLE INDIANAPOLIS IN 46280 3450 W 131 ST ST CARMEL IN 46074-8267 Order No: KR71917-B SO#: 360366367 Del. Doc.#: PRO# Routing Date Shipped Shipped From F.O.B. Rt.To 0360366367 07/19/2017 IFACTORY Signed For By: Quantity Catalog#/Description Unit Price/Unit Amount 2 HAKIT-RTGXU-1000 L-COM, INC. 233.11 /1 466.22 INBOUND FREIGHT 89.78 ***NEW:SIGNATURE DISPLAY FOR SOME INVOICES*** Effective immediately,signatures will display on invoices for Graybar Truck deliveries and for purchases at the Counter/Will Call. If you have questions about the program, please contact your local Graybar representative. Terms of Payment Sub Total 556.00 Net 30 Days Freight 0.00 As a condition of the sales agreement,a monthly service charge of the lesser of Handling 0.00 1-1/2%or the maximum permitted by law may be added to all accounts not paid by net due date.Visa,MasterCard,American Express,and Discover credit cards Tax 0.00 are accepted at point of purchase only. Total Due 556.00 Subject to standard terms and conditions on the last page. 0001:0002 Page 1 of 1 'Iry L0 Global PACKING LIS' C � Connectivity Shipment# 5906363 Purchase Order# 4516040405 50 High Street Sales Order# 4562833 West Mill,3rd Floor,Suite#30 North Andover,MA 01845 Ship Date 19-Jul-17 Phone-978-682-6936 Page# 1 of 1 fax-978-689-9484 Shi Via Terms Buyer Account# Salespeople Entered By I Warehouse UPS 1 D SV NET 60 CADRA Hoffman 1 020265 40 600 415 KATIAG 1 09 Sold To: Ship To: GRAYBAR ELECTRIC COMPANY INC CARMEL WATER PLANT 1 Attn: VENDOR CODE 3616521 Attn:KEN 317-5714142 PO BOX 78099 KR71917-B LOCATION: ININ INDIANAPOLIS, IN 4915 EAST 106TH STREET SAINT LOUIS,MO 63178 INDIANAPOLIS,IN 46280 Phone:319-388-8182 ITEM#/ CUSTOMER ITEM# QTY ORD/ LOT#/ LIN DESCRIPTION MFG TU/M BALANCE SHIPPED DATE CODE 1 HAKIT-RTGXU-1000 EA 2 2 AMP,2.4GHz t W G REMOTE KIT 0 Thank you for your order,we appreciate your business.DO NOT MAIL INVOICES.EMAIL THEM TO: captivainvoice@graybar.com VENDOR CODE#3616521 R te: � pa PO #' use. DELIVERED JUL 312017 ALL CLAIMS MUST BE MADE SEVEN(7)DAYS AFTER RECEIPT. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE:This certifies the product shipped conforms to the listed purchase order requirements. CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN:This Certifies the country of origin is as stated on the individual product packaging. -- ---- _ favid Pautliri