HomeMy WebLinkAboutD-2375-17 Cum Cap Sewer FundSPONSOR: Councilor Rider ORDINANCE NO. D-2375-17 AN ORDINANCE OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA, AUTHORIZING AND APPROVING AN ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS FROM THE OPERATING BALANCES OF THE CUM CAP SEWER FUND AND THE STORM WATER MANAGEMENT FUND Synopsis: An additional appropriation from the operating balances of the Cum Cap Sewer Fund and the Storm Water Management Fund that will be used to make debt service payments and fund various City infrastructure projects. WHEREAS, in order to make scheduled debt service payments and fund various infrastructure projects within the City, it is necessary that money is appropriated within the Cum Cap Sewer Fund (#206) and the Storm Water Management Fund (#250); WHEREAS, the Cum Cap Sewer Fund (Fund #206) has excess funds in the amount of at least Two Hundred Eighty Four Thousand One Hundred Thirty Nine Dollars ($284,139.00) in its operating balance available to appropriate to Line Item 4350900: Other Contracted Services; WHEREAS, the Storm Water Management Fund (Fund #250) has excess funds in the amount of at least Three Million Ten Thousand Two Hundred Seventeen Dollars ($3,010,217.00) in its operating balance available to appropriate to Line Items 5023990: Other Expenses and 5023991 Internal Transfers; WHEREAS, it is in the public interest to now appropriate such funds accordingly. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Common Council of the City of Carmel, Indiana, that, subject to all applicable laws, the following additional sum of money is hereby appropriated out of the operating balances of the Cum Cap Sewer Fund and the Storm Water Management Fund for the purpose specified below: $284,139.00 from the CUM CAP SEWER FUND Operating Balance To Cum Cap Sewer Fund (#206): Line item 4350900, Other Contracted Services $284,139.00 Ordinance D-2375-17 Page One of Two This Ordinance was prepared by Jon A. Oberlander, Senior Assistant City Attorney, on 7/24/17 at 3:32 p.m. No subsequent revision to this Ordinance has been reviewed by Mr. Oberlander for legal sufficiency or otherwise. V:\shared\ORDINANCES\Additional Appropriations\2017\D-2375-17 Cum Cap Sewer and Stormwater Additional Appropriation.doc SPONSOR: Councilor Rider $3,010,217.00 from the STORM WATER MANAGEMENT FUND Operating Balance To Storm Water Fund (#250): Line item 5023990, Other Expenses $2,368,640.00 Storm Water Fund (#250): Line item 5023991, Internal Transfers $641,577.00 This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after the date of its passage, execution by the Mayor. PASSED by the Common Council of the City of Carmel, Indiana, this4/ day of 017, by a vote of —!L ayes and -(� — nays. COMMON COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF CARMEL Q)�� SILeonk President 6 -� � f'ey� A r - D. Rider Je 11 Prese(ti ed by me to the Mayor of the City of Carm a this "-a f LA 7 2017, at Q 'jo �. C stine S. Pa y, Clerk -Tre rer Approved by me, Mayor of the City of Carmel, Indiana, this 2�y of 'lutea 2017, at % "/y P.M. Janies Brainard, Mayor Ordinance D-2375-17 Page Two of Two This Ordinance was prepared by Jon A. Oberlander, Senior Assistant City Attorney, on 7/24/17 at 3:32 p.m. No subsequent revision to this Ordinance has been reviewed by Mr. Oberlander for legal sufficiency or otherwise. V:\shared\ORDINANCES\Additional Appropriations\2017\D-2375-17 Cum Cap Sewer and Stormwater Additional Appropriation.doc