HomeMy WebLinkAbout315439 8/30/2017 9�� ���"F� CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 00350349 t• AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION CHECK AMOUNT: $*******350.00* ONE CIVIC SQUARE ATTN:SER CENTER-MGT REGIS DEPT CHECK NUMBER: 315439 =a CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 321 NORTH CLARK ST CHECK DATE: 08/30/17 ����iFtiN-c� CHICAGO IL 60654 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1180 4357004 LL1711 350.00 EXTERNAL INSTRUCT FEE 0 n w n > < « C) > 0 7 p > / > e m O e m m m o 9 2 CL r / k E ? ƒ q 0 / \ 4 0 CD ® 0) q / ƒ k 0 , m O m 2 « 0 ^ 7 � ƒ q R } < D § 2 / � 0 / 3 § j � . k z zz \ _K . O | $§ / m \ 8 $ } a i 3 7 - ccn 2 / / \ \ \ / / 0 m < / m • o 2 m o 4 CL x 3 f _ / f f # f CL 3 ; [ / m / > ° 0 CL \ � k \ k ƒ - 0) k / [ 0 \ 7 / w E f - / § 3 � � [ ; - m e , £ %« - a m o - i/ k \ m _ - ; n ~ � / �\ 0 \ \ § ¢ \ � / & f o { }} §m 2 C o _ # f Z 2 ) ( \ 3 ) 2 �} \ } cn // m \ e° 4 / D }_/ 3K ( \ ( / \ CD r n� f ? \ \ m J /} § \ a a / 0 E / c ' * O ? 7 k z E § \ c f _ a � / \/ /__ � \ \ & 2 § R \ ]CL CD 03 § k 3 � \ \ § E K : C.) a 0 CDZ ° \ Registration F• LL1711 ABA Section of Labor and Employment Law 11th Annual Labor and Employment Law Conference Mail: American Bar Association Register online at: www.ambar.org/laborconference Attn: Service Center— Meeting/Event Registrations Dept. 321 North Clark Street, Chicago, IL 60654 (Please print or type.) Name Douglas C. Haney Badge Name Douglas ABA Membership ID Business Phone 317-571-2472 Firm/Organization City of Carmel, Indiana Address 1 Civic Square City Carmel State/Province IN Postal Code 46032 Email dhaney@carmel.in.gov Spouse/Guest Name(s) (J I am a First-Time Attendee. Registration Rates C l I am willingto serve as a On or before {Atter Events (Please circle the applicable rate.) 9/22.117 9122/17 Mentor at the Conference. _ ___ _- ---- ._ Section of LEL Member $550 $650 Government Agency Brown Bag Lunch ___ ---------- Programs—Select ONE Affili tion (Pleas select ABA Member $750 $895 ❑ EEOC/MSPB/OSC/FLRA at EEOC (Please select ONE affiliation ---- - - --- that best describes your practice.) N ,ABA Member $995 $1,095 N EEOC/OFCCP/DOJ/ODEP at EEOC - - — C ERISA/Employee Benefits at DOL Employer/Management Discount Rate L [l NLRB/FMCS at NLRB C I Union&Employee Solo Practitioner Neutral(Arbitrator/Mediator)/ CJ NMB C 1 Employee/Plaintiff Government/Non-Profit/ U OSHA/MSHA/FMSHRC/OSHRC at DOL I Government/Public Full-Time Academic $350 $450 U Wage and Hour at DOL C.1 In-House Corporate Counsel Discount Rate 2: - --- - - - Small Firm(<20 lawyers)/ ❑ Law Student Orientation CI In-House Union Counsel In-House Corporate Counsel/ YLD Member/Section of U First-Time Attendee/New Section Member C7 Neutral LEL Council Member $_4__9_5__ $59_5 Orientation U Academic(Full Time) Discount Rate 3: CI Welcome Reception and U Law Student Speaker/Panelist/Moderator $295 $295 Committee Expo ❑ Judge Discount Rate 4: ❑ Diversity&Inclusion Luncheon ❑ Other Law Student Member of LEL _$50 $50 CJ Pro Bono Luncheon Spouse/Guest $75 $75 [_-1 Diversity&Inclusion Networking Reception *Not a Section of LEL Member? C_l Conference Reception Join online at ---- ❑$60 In-House Corporate Counsel Luncheon www.americanbar.org/groupsii Method of Payment i labor_law.html C]$95 International Labor&Employment to register for the Conference at ❑ Enclosed check Law Committee Dinner (made payable to American Bar Association) the Section of LEL Member rate. (Credit card payments accepted online only) [ 1$/5 State&Local Government Bargaining The deadline for receipt of advance &Employment Law Committee Dinner Questions? registration forms to appear in the Call the Section Office at 312-988-5523 Conference roster is October 13,2017. Total: $ or email laborempllaw@americanbar.org. 1"Ith Annual Labor and Employment Law Conference- November 8-11,2017•Washington, DC 23