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White Construction
BID PROPOSAL SUMMARY PAGE Complete the following information and place as the cover page to your bid packet. Insert all documents into an envelope with project name and your company name clearly marked on the outside. Seal the envelope. The prices indicated on this sheet shall be read aloud during the bid opening and shall match the prices indicated in Part 2 of the Bidders Itemized Proposal and Declarations. Company: White Construction, Inc. Project Name: Project #16 -SW -08(2) Small Structure Replacement: Culvert 43 — Hoover Road over Clay Creek Culvert 85-111t" Street over U.N.T. of Carmel Creek Date Submitted: August 16, 2017 Base Bid Amount: ► ce)Z 0cc . d0 BIDDER'S ITEMIZED PROPOSAL AND DECLARATIONS City of Carmel Instructions To Bidders: This form shall be utilized by all Bidders. Except as otherwise specifically provided, all Parts shall be fully and accurately filled in and completed and notarized. Project: Small Structure Replacements of Culverts 43 & 85 Project Number: 16 -SW -08(02) Proposal For Construction of : The replacement of the existing small structure 43 over Clay Creek on Hoover Road located 455 feet north of Braeburn Drive. And The replacement of the existing small structure 85 over U.N. T. of Carmel Creek on 111 rh Street located 100 feet west of Echo Crest Drive W. Date: August 16 2017 To: City of Carmel, Indiana, Board of Public Works and Safety BID -1 PART 1 BIDDER INFORMATION rint 1.1 Bidder Name: White Construction, Inc. 1.2 Bidder Address: Street Address: 3900 E. White A City: Clinton State: IN. Zip: 47842 Phone: 800-355-9401 Fax: 765-832-2075 1.3 Bidder is a/an [mark one] Individual Partnership Indiana Corporation Foreign (Out of State) Corporation; State: Joint Venture _ Other 1.4 [The folloiving must be crostivered if the Bidder or anv of its partners or joint venture parties is a foreign corporation. Note: To do business in or tivith the City of Carmel, Indiana, foreign corporations must register with the Secretary of the State of Indiana as required by the Indiana General Corporation Act as stated therein and expressed in the Attorney General's Opinion. #2, dated ,Ianuaty 23, 1958.] 1 Corporation Name: 2 Address: 3 Date registered with State of Indiana: 4 Indiana Registered Agent: Name: Address: Version '_O 16-03-3 I BID -2 2.1 2.2 PART 2 BID PROPOSAL Base Bid The undersigned Bidder proposes to furnish all necessary labor, machinery, tools, apparatus, materials, equipment, service and other necessary supplies, and to perform and fulfill all obligations incident thereto in strict accordance with and within the time(s) provided by the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents for the above described Work and Project, including any and all addenda thereto, for the Unit Prices applicable to the Contract Items as stated in Part 3 hereof, which Unit Prices, when multiplied by estimated unit quantities for such Contract Items, total: Base Bid: N,it-A-- � WI -1 I-- ��t7J5WNp ���p V V0tk.-aS Dollars ($ CA062,MD,CD ). General The Bidder acknowledges that evaluation of the lowest Bid shall be based on the total of the Base and selected Alternate Bids if applicable. The Bidder acknowledges that the Owner reserves the right to award the Contract for the Base Bid alone, for the Base Bid plus selected Alternate Bids if applicable The Bidder further acknowledges that the unit quantities listed in Part 3 of this Proposal are estimates solely for the purpose of Bid evaluation and Contract award, and are not to be construed as exact or binding. The Bidder further understands that all Work which may result on the Contract shall be compensated for on a Unit Price basis and that the OWNER and ENGINEER cannot and do not guarantee the amount or quantity of any item of Work to be performed or furnished under the Contract. PART 3 CONTRACT ITEMS AND UNIT PRICES Itemized Proposal Project 16 -SW -08(02) Small Structure Replacements of Culverts 43 & 85 Item # Item Quantity Unit Unit Cost Total Cost 1 Construction Engineering 1 LS $25,000.00 $25,000.00 2 Mobilization / Demobilization 1 LS $50,000.00 $50,000.00 3 Clearing Right of Way 1 LS $50,000.00 $50,000.00 4 Common Excavation 510 CYS $50.00 $25,500.00 5 B Borrow 64 CYS $75.00 $4,800.00 6 Temporary Seeding 232 LBS $1.40 $324.80 7 Temporary Mulch 2 TON $600.00 $1,200.00 8 Temporary Inlet Protection 4 EACH $150.00 $600.00 9 Temporary Check Dam 10 TON $75.00 $750.00 10 Silt Fence 780 LFT $2.00 $1,560.00 11 Dewatering 1 LS $15,000.00 $15,000.00 12 Structural Backfill, Type 2 1,509 CYS $75.00 $113,175.00 13 Compacted Aggregate, No. 53, Base 606 TON $50.00 $30,300.00 14 HMA Widening, Type B 17 TON $52.00 $884.00 15 Milling, Transition 322 SYS $34.00 $10,948.00 16 HMA Surface, Type B 163 TON $120.00 $19,560.00 17 HMA Intermediate, Type B 210 TON $100.00 $21,000.00 18 HMA Base, Type B 296 TON $85.00 $25,160.00 19 Asphalt for Tack Coat 2,980 SYS $0.10 $298.00 20 Curb and Gutter, Concrete, Type II 525 LFT $30.00 $15,750.00 21 HMA For Approaches, Type B 44 TON $175.00 $7,700.00 22 Handrail 132 LFT $195.00 $25,740.00 23 Guardrail Transition, TGB 2 EACH $2,659.00 $5,318.00 24 Guardrail End Treatment, Type OS 1 EACH $2,651.00 $2,651.00 25 Guardrail Terminal End Section 4 EACH $141.00 $564.00 26 W -Beam Guardrail 263 LFT $19.50 $5,128.50 27 Guardrail, Remove 185 LFT $5.00 $925.00 28 Revetment Riprap 281 TON $75.00 $21,075.00 29 Uniform Riprap 83 TON $75.00 $6,225.00 30 Geotextiles 603 SYS $5.00 $3,015.00 31 Sodding 281 SYS $8.00 $2,248.00 32 Mulched Seeding, U 21050 SYS $1.25 $2,562.50 33 Erosion Control Blankets 2,050 SYS $1.00 $2,050.00 34 Structure, Reinforced Concrete Box, 13'x5' 43 LFT $3,500.00 $150,500.00 35 Structure, Reinforced Concrete Box, 18'x6' 47 LFT $5,500.00 $258,500.00 36 Pipe, RCP, 12" 121 LFT $45.00 $5,445.00 Itemized Proposal Project 16 -SW -08(02) Small Structure Replacements of Culverts 43 & 85 Item # Item Quantity Unit Unit Cost Total Cost 37 Pipe, RCP, 15" 160 LFT $50.00 $8,000.00 38 Pipe, RCP, 18" 22 LFT $60.00 $1,320.00 39 Pipe, RCP, 24" 106 LFT $70.00 $7,420.00 40 Inlet, E7 2 EACH $2,000.00 $4,000.00 41 Inlet, J10 1 EACH $3,000.00 $3,000.00 42 Manhole, J8 1 EACH $4,500.00 $4,500.00 43 Pipe end section, Diameter 12" 2 EACH $1,000.00 $2,000.00 44 Pipe end section, Diameter 18" 1 EACH $1,000.00 $1,000.00 45 Pipe end section, Diameter 24" 1 EACH $1,500.00 $1,500.00 46 Adjust Casting to Grade 1 EACH $1,000.00 $1,000.00 47 Adjust Water Valve to Grade 2 EACH $300.00 $600.00 48 Maintaining Traffic 1 LS $18,171.20 $19,921.20 49 Construction Sign, A 6 EACH $244.00 $1,464.00 50 Construction Sign, B 4 EACH $86.00 $344.00 51 Construction Sign, C 6 EACH $270.00 $1,620.00 52 Road Closure Sign Assembly 10 EACH $193.00 $1,930.00 53 Detour Route Marker Assembly 26 EACH $146.00 $3,796.00 54 Barricade, III -A 120 LFT $12.00 $1,440.00 55 Barricade, III -B 84 LFT $12.00 $1,008.00 56 Sign post, square, type 1, reinforced anchor base 23 LFT $50.00 $1,150.00 57 Sign, sheet, relocate 2 EACH $250.00 $500.00 58 Line, Paint, Solid, White, 4" 435 LFT $2.00 $870.00 59 Line, Paint, Solid, Yellow, 4" 960 LFT $2.00 $1,920.00 60 Transverse Marking, Paint, Stop Line, White, 24" 16 LFT $15.00 $240.00 Total $982,000.00 PART 4 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND ADDENDA 4.1 The Bidder agrees to be bound by the terms and provisions of all Contract Documents as defined in the Standard General Conditions and incorporates such Contract Documents herein by reference. 4.2 The Bidder acknowledges receipt of the following addenda: ADDENDUM NUMBER DATE PART 5 EXCEPTIONS Instructions To Bidders: 5.1 The Bidder shall fully state each exception taken to the Specifications or other Contract Documents in Section 5.3 of this Part. 5.2 Bidder is cautioned that any exception taken by Bidder and deemed by OWNER to be a material qualification or variance from the terms of the Contract Documents may result in this Bid being rejected as non-responsive. 5.3 Exceptions: Qu. A tr'- PART 6 FINANCIAL STATEMENT 6.1 Attachment of Bidder's financial statement is mandatory. Any Bid submitted without said financial statement as required by statute shall thereby be rendered invalid. The financial statement provided hereunder to OWNER must be specific enough in detail so that OWNER can make a proper determination of the Bidder's capability for completing the Work/Project if awarded. Information on Bidder's company and financial statement shall be consistent with the information requested on the State Board of Accounts Forms #96a and #102, entitled "Standard Questionnaires and Financial Statement for Bidders". Please see following pages SECTION 00445 Contractor's Financial Statement I$1 A Corporation Submitted by White Construction Inc, and Subsidiat y and Affiliate ❑ A Co -partnership Cl An Individual with principal office at 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 Clinton, Indiana ASSETS Cash: (a) On Mand $ _ _ (b) In bank $ (c) Eslewhere $ Notes receivable (a) Due within 90 days (b) Due after 90 days (c) Past Due Accounts payable from completed contracts, exclusive of calims not approved for payment Sums earned on uncompleted contracts as shown by engineer or architects estimate (a) Amount receivable from deducting retainage _ (b) Retainage to dade, due upon completion of contracts Accounts recelbable from sources other than construction contracts Deposits for bids or other guarantees: (a) Recoverable within 90 days (b) Recoverable after 90 days Interest secured on loans, securities, etc. Real estate: (a) Used for business purposes (b) Not used for business purposes Stocks and bonds: (a) Listed — present market value (b) Unlisted — present value Materials in stock not included In Item 4 (a) For uncompleted contracts (present value) (b) Other materials (present value) 11. Equipment, book value 1411 18 1 g 11 3 3 00 12. Furniture and fixtures, book value 2 2 3 16 5 4 00 13. Other assets 31 6 1 9 16 1 0 00 Total assets L52 2 0 6 6 4 3 00 LIABILITIES 1. Note payable: (a) To banks regular 37 0 5 0 a e 1 9 00 2. 3. 4. 5. 6, (b) To banks forcertlfied checks (o) To others for equipment obligations (d) To other exclusive of equipment obligations Accounts Payable: (a) Not past due (b) Past due Real estate encumbrances Other liabilities $illi.; 1n ftcoss of Costs - $7,079,358 Misr, LIA • $ Reserves Capital stock paid up: (a) Common (b) Common (o) Perferred (d) Perferred 7. Surplus (net worth) 1. 2. 3, 4. 6. Total liabilities CONTINGENT LIABII.tMS Liability on notes receivable, discounted or sold Liability on accounts receivable, pledged, assigned or sold Liability as bondsman Liability as guarantor on contracts or on accounts of others Other contingent liabilities Total contingent liabilities 00445-1 00 00 00 00 DETAILS RELATIVE TO ASSETS 2 (a) Cash (b) (c) on hand deposited In banks named below elsewhere -- (state where) AMOUNT $_ $._27,228,320 $ __ NAME OF BANK LOCATION DEPOSIT IN NAME OF VARIOUS - I -LB. WRITE CANADA AMOUNT - WELLS FARGO LOS ANGELES, CA WHITE CONSTRUCTION 814,590 26,946,167 WELLS FARGO LOS ANGELES, CA H.B. WHITE CANADA 260,234 WELLS PARGO LOS ANGELES CA TEA EQUIPMENT MGT 1651 FIRST NATIONAL BANK TERRE HAUTE, IN WHITE CONSTRUC'T'ION 23,570 2 (a) due within 90 days $ Nates receivable (b) due after 90 days $— (c) past due $ RECEIVABLE FROM: NAME AND ADDRESS FOR WHAT DATE OF HOW SECURED MATURITY AMOUNT AMOUNT OF CONTRACT AMOUNT RECEIVABLE VARIOUS - WHITE CONSTRUCTION VARIOUS 68,060,367 VARIOUS - I -LB. WRITE CANADA VARIOUS 16,335,669 VARIOUS - IEA EQUIPMENT MANAGEMENT I VARIOUS 814,590 ALLOWANCE FOR DOUBTFUL ACCTS I I Have any of the above been discounted or sold? If so, state amount, to whom, and reason 3 Accounts receivable from completed contracts exclusive of claims not approved for payment $ 74,129,284 NAME AND ADDRESS OF OWNER NATURE OF CONTRACT AMOUNT OF CONTRACT AMOUNT RECEIVABLE VARIOUS - WHITE CONSTRUCTION VARIOUS 68,060,367 VARIOUS - I -LB. WRITE CANADA VARIOUS 16,335,669 VARIOUS - IEA EQUIPMENT MANAGEMENT I VARIOUS 814,590 ALLOWANCE FOR DOUBTFUL ACCTS I I i (11,081,342) Have any of the above been assigned, sold or pledged? If so, state amount, to whom, and reason 4 * Sums earned on uncompleted contracts, as shown by engineer's or architect's estimate; (a) Amount receivable after deducting retainage $ (b) Retainage to date due upon completion of contract $ DESIGNATION OF CONTRACT AMOUNT OF AMOUNT AND NAME AND ADDRESS CONTRACT EARNED OF OWNER AMOUNT RECEIVED RETAINAGE AMOUNTEX. CLUSIVE OF RETAINAGE WHEN DUE AMOUNT Have any of the above been sold, assigned, or pledged? If so, state amount, to whom, and reason List separately each item amounting to 10 percent or more of the total and combine the remainder 00445-2 DETAILS RELATIVE TO ASSETS (Continued) Accounts receivable not from construction contracts $ RECEIVABLE FROM: NAME AND ADDRESS FOR WHAT WHEN DUE AMOUNT What amount, If any, is past due $ 6 Deposits with bids or otherwise guarantees $ DEPOSITED WITH: NAME AND ADDRESS FOR WHAT WHEN AMOUNT RECEIVA13LE % I Interest accrued on loans, securities, etc. $ ON WHAT ACCRUED TO BE PAID WHEN AMOUNT Real estate �(a) Used for business purposes 1 $ u 4,825,642 bookvalue (b) Not used for business purposes $ DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY IMPROVEMENTS TOTAL + �BOOK w.A rt truer r.'^ inanr.: ..rirr..�n f-. i1Z/ 1tA/ 1 tC V!'\E LOCATION HELD IN WHOSE NAME AS8555ED VALUE AMOUNT OF EMCUMBRANCES 1 CLINTON, INDIANA WHITH CONSTRUCTION 0 2 CLINTON INDIANA WHITE CONVPRUCTIO c 3 4 5 G 7 List separately each item amounting to 16 portant or more of the total and eombino the renuiluder. DETAILS RELATIVE TO ASSETS (Continued) 04445-3 9 Stocks and Bonds (a) Listed —present market value (b) Unlisted -- present market value $ $ AGE OF DESCRIPTION AND CAPACITY OF ITEMS ITEMS PRUCHASE PRICE DESCRIPTION ISSUING COMPANY LAST INT. OR DIV, PAID PAR VALUE PRESENT MARKET QUAN- VALUE TITY AMOUNT DATE % 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 WHO HAS POSSESSION IF ANY ARE PLEDGED OR IN ESCROW, STATE FOR WHOM AND REASON AMOUNT PLEDGED OR IN ESCROW 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 Materials in stock and not Included In Item 4, Assets: (a) For use on uncompleted contracts (present value) (b) Other materials (present value) $ $ DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL QUANTITY PRESENT VAGUE FOR UNCOM• OTHER PLETED MATERIALS CONTRACTS NIA Are there any liens against the above? NIA If so, state total amount $ * If two or more Items are lumped above, give the sum of their ages. DETAILS RELATIVE TO ASSETS (Continued) 00445-4 Equipment at book value $ 14,180,133 _ QUAN- TITY AGE OF DESCRIPTION AND CAPACITY OF ITEMS ITEMS PRUCHASE PRICE DEPRECIATION CHARGED OFF BOOK VALUE CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT & OFFICE PQUIP VARIOUS VARIOUS VARIOUS 14,180,133 Are there any liens against the above? NIA If so, state total amount $ * If two or more Items are lumped above, give the sum of their ages. DETAILS RELATIVE TO ASSETS (Continued) 00445-4 12 1 Furniture and fixtures at book value $ 223,654 13 Other assets $ 31,619,610 DESCRIPTION AMOUNT COSTS IN EXCESS OP BILLINGS 28,960,621 GOODWILL & INTANGIBLE ASSETS 2,026,927 PREPAID EXPENSES & OTHER ASSETS 632,062 To banks, regular $ 2 TOTAL ASSETS $ TO WHOM. NAME AND ADDRESS 152,206,643 DATE PAYABLE DETAILS RELATIVE TO LIABILITIES VARIOUS - ALL COMPANIES SUBCONTRACTOR & IYfATERIALS VARIOUS (a) To banks, regular $ 37,050,889 40,877,015 Notes Payable (b) To banks for certified checks $ 3 (c) To others for equipment obligations $ 4,533,006 AMOUNT (d) To others exclusive of a ul ment obligations $ 2,957029 TO WHOM: NAME AND ADDRESS WHAT SECURITY WHEN DUE AMOUNT WELLS FARGO BANK N,A, ALL ASSETS 12/31/18 BLDGS. & FIXT. 37,050,889 GPI ALL ASSETS 2,957,729 FIRST NATIONAL CAPITAL I LEASED EQUIPMENT 1 10/31120 $ 4,583,006 2 (a) Not past due $ 98,459,417 Accounts Payable (b) past due $ TO WHOM. NAME AND ADDRESS FOR WHAT DATE PAYABLE AMOUNT VARIOUS - ALL COMPANIES SUBCONTRACTOR & IYfATERIALS VARIOUS 57,582,372 ACCRUED PROJECT COSTS - ALL COMPANIES 40,877,015 3 Real estate encumbrances (See Item 8, Assets) $ 4 Other Liabilities $ 20,991,609 _ RESCRIPTION AMOUNT BILLINGS IN EXCESS OF COSTS 7,079,358 OTHER ACCRUED COSTS (INCL. - PAYROLL LIAR & WARRANTY EXPENSES) 13,912,251 5 Reserves $___ INTEREST INSURANCE BLDGS. & FIXT. PLANT DEPR. TAXES BAD DEBTS $ $ $ $ $ $,_ $ $ Capital stack pall (a) Common (b) Preferred $ 7 Surplus $ (11,836,007) TOTAL LIABILITIES $ 152,206,643 00445-5 If corporation answer this: Amount for which Incorporated 11000 Capital paid in When incorporated 1965 In what state INDIANA $ 11,O� I,830 Names and titles of all persons having authority to execute and receipt estimate vouchers and to conduct other business for the corporation, including Its officers, the signatures of whom are legally binding, 1014N P, ROEHM - PRESIDENTtDIRECTOR ANDREW LAWMAN - TREASMIRECTOR DAVID $OSTWJCK - SECRETARY HERMAN WHITE II - DIRECTOR Do you have necessary "certificate of authority" to transact corporate business In this state, under the terms of Chapter 215, Acts of 1929, and acts amendatory thereto? YES If a co -partnership answer this: Date of organization State whether co -partnership Is general, limited or association Give the manes, addresses and proportional Interests of all parties: Name Address Share 00445-6 The name of the partnership firm under which the above partners are operating Give names and titles of all persons having authority to execute and receipt estimate vouchers and to conduct other business for the partnership, the signatures of whom are legally binding, The undersigned hereby declares that the foregoing Is a true statement of the financial condition of the individual copartnership or corporation herein first named, as of the date herein first given; that this statement la for the express purpose of Inducing the party to whom it Is submitted to award the submitter a contract; and that any depository, vendor or other agency herein named Is hereby authorized to supply such party with any Information necessary to verify this staternent. Note: A co -partnership must firm name and address and signatures of all partners. A corperailon must give full corporate name, signature of official and affix corporate seal. Affidavit for individual STATE OF SS: COUNTY OF being duty sworn, disposes and says that the forgoing fingnoial statement, taken from his books, Is a true and accurate statement of the financial condition as of the date thereof and that the answers to the foregoing Interrogatories are true. Subscribed and sworn to before me this (Member of firm must sign) _. day of _ _ 20 Notary Public Affidavit for Co -partnership STATE OF { Ss: COUNTY OF being duly sworn, disposes and says that he Is a member of the firm of that he is familiar with the books of the said firm showing Its flnanolal condition; that the forgoing financial statement, taken from his books of said firm, is a true and accurate statement of the financial condition of the sold firm as of the date thereof and that the answers to the foregoing interrogatories are true. Subscribed and sworn to before me this _day of 20^ _ Notary Public Affidavit for Corporation (Member of finn must sign here) STATE; O1=�M}'" � SS: COUNTY OF��ij,� fte,i% L,P OA being duly sworn, disposes and says that he is of the ; the corporation described In and which executed the foregoing statement, that lie Is famUlar with the books of the said corporation showing Its financial condition; that the forgoing financial statement, taken from his books of said corporation, Is a true and accurate statement of the financial condition of he said r tlon-aa-o e thereof and that the answers to the foregoing Interrogatories are true. Subscribed and sworn to before me this jg - � ' (� (Membor o firm mu grrf�tsrs)- - day of �,.'�.. � 20 { ` JULIE A, suiANLY' Notary P,, - :%so Mary i'ut>ric, State 2 * .SFAt t� of Indiana Hendrick, county CUnjrnlaSion N Q 'fi�h0lANP �'' �grnit���' 649769 My Commission Exp7res t)ecc�rnber 15, 00445-7 2021 7.1 Diversity varies greatly for every project as it is based on location and proximity to QUALIFIED contractors that meet the diversity standards of White Construction, Inc. (WCI). Although achieving a diversity goal can be challenging to meet in various areas, WCI participates in a competitive process to evaluate subcontractors and suppliers with a diversity goal of 5%. WCI respectfully employs and intends to employ a diversified workforce that encompasses various minorities including but not limited to small businesses, disadvantaged businesses (DBE), woman owned businesses (WBE), and veterans. Furthermore, WCI offers employment without discrimination towards applicants based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin as stated in the Civil Rights Act of 1964. WCI does this by utilizing a supplier PO form to pre -qualify our subcontractors in hopes to achieve or exceed a 5% goal on each project that WCI is responsible for building. 7.2 WCI certifies that it has thoroughly examined the site of the Project and is informed fully regarding all conditions under which it will be obligated to operate and that in any way affect the Work, and knows, understands, and accepts the existing conditions. WCI further certifies that it has thoroughly reviewed the Contract Documents, including all Addenda, and has had the opportunity to ask questions and obtain interpretations or clarifications concerning the Contract Documents. F POWEP ' WHITEiFORWARD PART 8 NON -COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT The individual person(s) executing this Bid Proposal, being first duly sworn, depose(s) and state(s) that the Bidder has not directly or indirectly entered into a combination, collusion, undertaking or agreement with any other Bidder or person (i) relative to the price(s) proposed herein or to be Bid by another person, or (ii) to prevent any person from Bidding, or (iii) to induce a person to refrain from Bidding; and furthermore, this Bid Proposal is made and submitted without reference to any other Bids and without agreement, understanding or combination, either directly or indirectly, with any persons with reference to such Bidding in any way or manner whatsoever. �' PART 9 SIGNATURES [Signature by or on behalf of the Bidder in the spaces provided below shall constitute execution of each and every Part of this Itemized Proposal and Declarations Document. SIGNATURE MUST BE PROPERLY NOTARIZED.) Bidders Name: Written Signature: Printed Name: °,��t� l �VVII Title:�� Important - Notary Signature and Seal Required in the Space Below STATE OF -,_N3 '( ]- A NA SS: COUNTY OF �'-o 0 a -y o� S Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of p"'o'`� C. , 20��. .- My com res:JULIE A. STA H LY (Sign Notary u ic, tae of Indiana Hendricks County *' -�—= Printed: �, SEAQ Cornmissicn !f 649709 My Commission Expires Residing ' �` Decernber 15, 2021 County, State of BID -10 S,�9s a' NON -COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT ' State Form 4391 (R4 / 1-00) �•' +016 STATE OF: COUNTY OF �F-`v tom-- S SS: Q u'� C JJ The undersigned, being duly sworn on oath says, that he is the contracting party, or that he is the representative, agent, member, or officer of the contracting party, that he has not, nor has any other member, employee, representative, agent or officer of the firm, company, corporation or partnership represented by him, directly or indirectly, entered into or offered to enter into any combination, collusion or agreement to receive or pay, and that he has not received or paid, any sum of money or other consideration for the execution of the annexed contract other than that which appears upon the face of the contract. I JULIE A. STAHLY Prin ed ame Title �i e S t C�-�-►J � Company W�\t'}'(-- C�� S�r��� i00 Before me, a Notary Public in and for said County and State personally appeared U�d�'h who acknowledged the truth of the statements in the foregoing affidavit on this I day of 20 Notary Public County of residence I Commission expiration date I Printed ¢r typed name of Notary Public r, JULIE A. STAHLY aie%, Notary Public, State of Indiana NoInnk. t-lendricks County Commission N 649709 SEAQ , ', •• tviy Commission Expires °;;,,;�` December 15, 2021 I!. BID BOND City of Carmel Instructions To Bidders Bidders may use this form or other form containing the same material conditions and provisions as approved in advance by OWNER/Obligee. Bidder/Surety must attach a signed, certified and effective dated copy of the Power ofAttorney or Attorney - In -Fact establishing the authority of the person(s) signing this Bid Bond on behalf of the Surety. Surety company executing this bond shall appear on the most current list of "Surety Companies Acceptable on Federal Bonds, " as specified in the U.S. Treasury Department Circular 570, as amended, and be authorized to transact business in the State oflndiana. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that the undersigned "Bidder": WHITE CONSTRUCTION, INC. and "Surety": [Name] WESTCHESTER FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY [Address] 436 Walnut Street WAIOH, Philadelphia, PA 19106 a corporation chartered and existing under the laws of the State of PA and authorized to do business in the State of Indiana, are held and firmly bound unto the City of Carmel, Indiana ("Obligee") in the full and just sum equal to ten percent (10%) of the price stated in the Bid Proposal described in Part 2, including accepted alternates, if any, to be paid upon demand of the Obligee, together with interest at the maximum legal rate from date of demand and any attorney fees and court costs incurred by Obligee to enforce this instrument, to which payment well and truly to be made we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns, jointly and severally and firmly by these presents. Ten percent (10%) of the price stated in the Bid Proposal is $ GjQ> , ECO . 00 . WHEREAS, the Obligee has solicited Bids for certain Work for or in furtherance of construction of public improvements described generally as Small Structure Replacements of Culverts 43 & 85 Project No. 16 -SW -08(02) The replacement of the existing small structure 43 over Clay Creek on Hoover Road located 455 feet north of Braeburn Drive. And The replacement of the existing small structure 85 over U.N.T. of Carmel Creek on 111th Street located 100 feet west of Echo Crest Drive W. BB -1 Version 2016-08-31 pursuant to plans, specifications and other "Contract Documents" included as parts of and designated by such solicitation; and WHEREAS, the Bidder has submitted to the Obligee a Bid Proposal to perform such Work. NOW THEREFORE: The conditions of this obligation are such that if the Bid Proposal be accepted, with or without conditions, the Bidder shall within such time thereafter as prescribed by the Contract Documents (i) fulfill all conditions of such award that remain to be fulfilled, (ii) execute a Contract in accordance with the Bid Proposal and in the form and manner required by the Contract Documents, and (iii) thereafter provide all bonds, and other Documentation required by the Contract Documents to be delivered to Obligee prior to commencing Work, including without limitation a sufficient and satisfactory Performance Bond and Payment Bond payable to Obligee, each in an amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the total Contract price as awarded and in form and with surety satisfactory to said Obligee, then this obligation to be void; otherwise to be and remain in full force and virtue in law, and the Surety shall, upon failure of the Bidder to comply with any or all of the foregoing requirements within the time specified above and as prescribed by the Contract Documents, immediately pay to the Obligee, upon demand, the amount hereof, in good and lawful money of the United States of America, not as a penalty, but as liquidated damages. IN TESTIMONY THEREOF, the Bidder and Surety have caused this instrument to be duly signed and sealed this 7th day of August , KK 2017 This Bid Bond shall bind the undersigned Surety whether or not also signed by the Bidder. "Bidder" WHITE C INC. By: C�{� D Printed: ©�l`1 I • (�� e'�� Version 2016-08-31 "Surety" WESTCHESTER/FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY By: Gl�l� k UU4 ht—, Printed: Sara Owens, Attorne y -in -Fact Countersigned:-' Wayne McVaugh, IN non-resident agent, license#491145 Power of WESTCHESTER FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Attorney Know all men by these presents: That WESTCHESTER FIRE INSURANCE CONIPA NY, a corporation of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania pursuant to the following Resolution, adopted by the Board of Directors of the said Company on December 11, 2006, to wit: "RESOLVED, that the following authorizations relate to the execution, for mrd on. behalf of the Company, of bonds, undertakings, reeognizances, contracts and other written commitments of the Comp;uw " entered into the ordinary course of business (each a "Written Commitment'')-. - (1) Each of the Chairman, file President and the Vice Presidents of the Company is hereby authorized to execute any Whitten Commitment for and on behalf of the Company, under the seal of the Comp,my or olUmse. (2) Each duly appointed attomey-in-fact of the Company is hereby authorized to execute any Written Commitment for and on behalf of the Company, under the seal of the Company or otharMse, to the extent that such action is amhorized by the a,Kam of powers provided for in such persons wriaen appointment as such attomey-in-fact (3) Each of the Chairman, the President and the Vice Presidents of the Company is hereby authorized, for and on behalf of the Company, to appoint in writing any person the attomey-m-fact of the Company with full power and authority to execute, for and on behalf of the Company, under the seal of the Company or otherwise, such Written Commitments of the Company as may be specified in such wniten appointment, which specification may be by general type or class of Whitten Commitments or by specification of one or more particular Written Commitments. (4) Each of the Chairman, the President and Vice Presidents of the Company in hereby authorized, for and on behalf of the Company, to delegate in writing any other officer of the Company the authont to. execute, for and on behalf of the Company, under the Company's seal or otherwise, such Written Commitments of the Company as are specified in such written delegation, which specification may be by general type or class of Written Commitments or by specification of one or more particular Written Commitments - (5) The signature of any officer or other person executing any Wrinen Commitment or appointment or delegation pursuant to this tiesolution, and the seal of the Company, maybe affixed by facsimile on such Written Commitment or written appointment or delegation. FURTI tER RESOLVED, that the foregoing Resolution shall not be deenned to be ;m cxcluswe statement of the powers and mhonty of officers, employees and other persons to act for and on behalf of'the Company, and such Resolution shall not limit or otherwise affect the exercise of any such power or authonty otherwise validly granted or wasted. Does hereby nominate, constitute and appoint Douglas R Wheeler, Elizabeth Marrero, Jaquanda Martin, Joanne Wagner, Kimberly G Sherrod, Maureen McNeill - Patricia A- Rambo, Sara Owens, Wayne McVaugh, all of the City of PHILADELPHIA, Pennsylvania, each individually if there be more than one named, its true and lawful attorney-in-fact, to make, execute, seal and deliver on its behalf, and as its act and deed any and all bonds, undertakings, recognizances, contracts and other writings in the nature thereof in penalties not exceeding Seventy Five million dollars & zero cents ($75,000,000.00) and the execution of such writings in pursuance of these presents shall be as binding upon said Company, as fully and amply as if they had been duly executed and acknowledged by the regularly elected officers of the Company at its principal office; IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Stephen M. Haney, Vice -President, has hereunto subscribed his name and affixed the Corporate seal of the said WESTCHESTER FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY this 12 day of April 2017. WESTCHESTER FIRE INSURANCE CONII'ANY 0,0 Stephen M Raney. Vsce irrsidC1 COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA ss. On this 12 day of April, AD. 2017 before fire, a Notary Public of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in and for the County of Philadelphia came Stephen M. Haney ,Vice -President of the WESTCHESTER FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY to the personally known to be the individual and officer who executed the preceding instrument, and he acknowledged that he executed the same, and that the seal affixed to the preceding instrument is the corporate seal of said Company; that the said corporate seal and his signature were duly affixed by the authority and direction of the said corporation, and that Resolution, adopted by the Board of Directors of said Company, referred to in the preceding instrument, is now in force. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal at the City of Philadelphia the day and year first above written. Mq�yynt�µTMCP'PIWIVINAtv1A NOTARIAL SEAL KARENpE�. NApNDTI NoU+Y P1tbHC ti m^�oi Eirptr �� . l 0 rttQ .� 4 ' kth ♦~ •,.tin~: �"1+ 4'. ,hltr I, the undersigned Assistant Secretary of the WESTCHESTER FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, do hereby certify that the original POWER OF A-170RNEY. of which the foregoing is a substantially true and correct copy, is in full force and effect. In witness whereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name as Assistant Secretary, and affixed the corporate seal of the Corporation, this � day of 01 ;d1 Dawn M. Chloros, Assistant Secretary THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY MAY NOT BE USED TO EXE'CUT'E ANY 13OND WITH AN INCEPTION DATE AFTER April 12, 2019. I I i. 5 SENSITIVE Sy j Zfi Fw O •OS OP DocuGard =04546 contains a security pantograph. blue background, heat -sensitive ink. coin -reactive watermark. and microtext printing on border, W WEFT te W1MSTCHHSTJ<R FIRE IN,9URANCE COMPANY VINAKOIALSTAXY•1 T IlmC1nM 3t,2pt6 A))MiT'Fw A.s>-T BCaMB $1x492,813,619 SHORT-TERM INVESTMENTS 04,890,3B9 BTUCKS: 450,903 REAL ESTATE 0 CASH -ON HAND AND IN BANK 19,B80,440 PREMIUM IN COURSE OF COLLEGTION* 69,264,246 INTERESTACCRUED 1406,011 OTHER ASSETS 1�2,649,B82_ TOTAL ASSETS $1,7ti4,444,4Y0 LIA131L ITIES RESERVE FOR UNEARNED PREMIUM& $2001260,662 RESERVE FOR LOSSa 855,003,190 FES IzRVE FOR TAXI=S 40,081,816 FUNDS HELI? UNDER REINSURANCE TREATIES 5,068,051 OTHER LIABILITIES {11,412,5921 TOTAL LIABILITIES 1,061,697,827 CAPITAL; 70,0011 SHARES, $71.43 PAR VALUE 6,000,100 CAPITAL; PAID 1N 304,643,09 AGG.R)iQATE WRITE-INS FOR SPEGIAL SURPLUS FUNDS 113160,643 SURPLUS (UNASSIGNED) ' 279,641,841 SURPLUS TO POLICYHOLDERS 702,848,643 TOTAL $1,7.64,444,470 (*EXCLUDES PREMIUM MORE THAN 90 DAYS DUI-) ST.A'M OF PENNMVANIA I:OEINTY' OF P7-ItL.A MYHW ,John Taylor, being duly mm, says fhat he is Senl0rVl0e President Of West hesterFire Insumnoo Company gndthatto the best of his IcnmWedge and belief the faregning Is a true and mn-B t slat0nMnt 0fthe said Campmf8 tinonclal condiffon as of the 31 st day of December, 2016. 8wnm bafare m this Mareh 22, 21}17 Se Tor 'An President Nra#ary Public ' ,� y co mission 'expires COMMONWImay OF PPNN8YLVANJ NWAR1AL 6EAL biana ildrl irt, Nom Pumle, CIIV15fPhl(Arinl�l+Ps 131A .,_,_ee_... .._ Compliance Express TM Non -Resident Producer Individual Casualty, Property WAYNE MCVAUGH 335A W JEFFERSON ST MEDIA, PA 19063-3603 is authorized to transact business as described above License No: 491145 Issue Date: 04-04-2006 Expiration Date: 03-31-2019 Indiana Department Of Insurance � THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT � V, fat WAYNE MCVAUGH 335A W JEFFERSON ST, MEDIA, PA 19063-3603 LICENSE NUMBER: 491145 Generated by Sircon 141815273 IS HEREBY AUTHORIZED TO TRANSACT BUSINESS IN ACCORDANCE TO THE LICENSE DESCRIPTION SHOWN BELOW: Non -Resident Producer Individual Casualty, Property Issue Date: 04-04-2006 Expiration Date: 03-31-2019 Generated by Sircon 141815273 Page 1 of 1 https://www.sircon.com/ComplianceExpressIServiceRequestIliePrnt.do?method=submit 1/24/2017 E -VERIFY PROGRAM Pursuant to Indiana Code 22-5-1.7-11, the Vendor is required to enroll in and verify the work eligibility status of all newly hired employees through the E -Verify program. The Vendor is not required to verify the work eligibility status of all newly hired employees through the E -Verify program if the E -Verify program no longer exists. The individual person(s) executing this Agreement, being first duly sworn, depose(s), state(s) and affirms the following: 1. The Vendor does not knowingly employ an unauthorized alien. 2, The Vendor, prior to entering into this Agreement, has enrolled and is participating in the E -Verify program. The Vendor shall provide documentation to the administrator of the Hamilton County Community Development Block Grant Program and the City that the Vendor has enrolled and is participating in the E -Verify program. Vendor: Written Signature: Printed Name: Title: Important - Notaty Signature and Seal Required in the Space Below STATE OF3 SS: COUNTY OF Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of 20 �. My commiss " WEE A, 5TAHLY� lotary F;iLli ,State of India ;i:,otary'' Hendricks County it 649709 Residing in �`'` rry Comr, issiDn EXDi1eS '" ''"```~Peeei2nbe 16, 202 1 , State of