HomeMy WebLinkAboutBZA Minutes 07-28-86 ,CARMEL BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS MINUTES - JULY 28, 1986 213
The regular meeting of the Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals was called to
order by the chairman, Warren Saunders, at 7 :00 P.M. , July 28, 1986 at the
City Meeting Hall. The meetingopened with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll was called and all memers were present as follows: Warren Saunders,
Jeanne Book, Bill McFadden, Ila Badger and Richard Dowell.
Staff members present were: Chuck Kiphart, Pat Hollingsworth, Gordon Byers,
and Rosalind McCart.
The minutes of the June 23, 1986 meeting were amended as follows, as re-
quested by the secretary, Rosalind McCart.
Strike from the proposed minutes , page 1 , the 'paragraph immediately
preceding "I. Old Business" and add there the following language:
Mayor Reiman was present to address the Board relating that she feels
item li on the agenda this evening, filed by Maxine Cotton, should not
have been sent to the BZA. Mayor Reiman said that Mr. Kiphart will
directly address this matter and that she would hope that it be allowed
to go back to the Dept. of Community Development.
Mayor Reiman addressed the O'Malia Bakery Sign Variance , item 3i on the
agenda, speaking of the Board' s role and of the Rules and Procedures.
Mayor Reiman spoke of conflict of interest and asked Board attorney,
Gordon Byers, to give members direction when needed in this regard and
to look into who the alternate should be in such a case. Mr. Byers is
to send this information to Mayor Reiman' s office.
Mayor Reiman reminded the Board that the Sign Ordinance offers relief
from the ordinance for the Old Town Carmel District and that O'Malia
Bakery is located within that district.
Mayor Reiman read the functions of the Board of Zoning Appeals and said
she hopes that each petition is addressed by the members of this Board
on a case by case basis. "I hope Ila Badger and Warren Saunders will
give full attention to the O'Malia Sign Ordinance petition this evening
and I thank you for listening to me. "
Warren Saunders asked that the June 23, 1986 minutes be amended as
follows and is to be inserted immediately following the amendment proposed
by the secretary:
Warren Saunders, chairman of the Board, responded to Mayor Reiman' s
presentation as follows:
"You stated that this board is quadi-judicial. This means that it is
independent. Once appointed, it is independent. And your coming here
tonight and lecturing this group is an affront to its independence
and integrity. You do not do us a service. "
Mrs. Badger moved that the minutes of the June 23, 1986 meeting be approv-
ed as amended.
Seconded by Mr. McFadden.
Motion carried.
Rev. Saunders announced that there is to be a special meeting of the
Plan Commission on August 26, 1986 at the City Meeting Hall at which time
Dr. David Allor, Planning Professor at the University of Cincinnati, will
speak. Board members are invited to attend.
I. Old Business
li. Board to consider Docket No. 22-85/86, Renewable Variance request for
placement of mobile home on 40 acres located at 655 W. 141st St. , Clay
Twp. in S-1 zoning. Site is 40 acres.
Filed by George Hall.
Mr. Hall made the presentation stating the request is necessary in order
to look after his mother and maintain the property.
There were no complaints in the file.
Dr. Dowell moved that Docket No. 22-85/86, Renewable Variance request for
214rmEL B OAHL UI IV ZOii J APPEALS k i.AUTES - JULY _J , 1986 Page 2
placement of mobile home on 40 acres, be approved.
Seconded by Mrs. Badger.
Findings of fact were completed by members.
Motion carried 5 to 0.
2i. Public Hearing on Docket No. V 23-86, Use Variance for Commercial Use
at 1760 L. 110th St. , Lot 2, ';Woodland Golf Subdivision, Clay Twp.
(auto repair shop) within a residentially zoned district, S-2. Site
is approx. 3 acres in size. Petitioner, Dan Mathews, has operated
auto repair shop at this site for several years. On April 23, 1984
Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals approved a .Temporary Use Variance
(V 21-84) for auto repair shop for Dan Mathews for a two (2) year
period ending on May 1 , 1986 at this site.
Petition received a tie vote (2-2) - (Non-Decision) at the June 23,
1986 meeting.
Filed by Davis Coots for Dan Mathews.
stathngpthatcthearequertohan°been at ame�dedwith
tor�be aCoots
two making the presentation
variance. (2) year non-renewable
A statement in support of the request from adjoining and abutting property
owners (which was submitted and is a
to the master co to of the official minutes and attached
py) was read by lt'Ir. Coots.
Another petition in support from 51 property owners of the immediate area
was submitted for the record and is attached to the official minutes.
In regard to safety, a statement from the school bus driver for that area,
Billy Lee 'Walker, Jr. , was read by Mr. Coots (and was submitted for the
record and is a part of the official minutes) , statingno
Regarding the devaluation of property , Coots etterproblsm. (former)
P P ty , Mr. read letters fromtipeople
of the area who stated that they had had no problem with selling their homes
there. These letters are a part of the official minutes and attached to the
master copy.
Mr. Coots stated that the variance is to vary residential zone require-
ments in order for Mr. Mathews to allow the operation of a garage on his 3
acres of ground for his use only and is not transferable to anyone who wants
to buy his ground.
Mr. Coots read a letter from Morris Davis , real estate appraiser, stating
that he feels this garage does not detrimentally effect property values in
this neighborhood.
Letters were presented for the record from adjacent property owners stat-
ing no opposition to this renewal.
Photos of the property were shown and submitted for the file.
Regarding undesirables and traffic frequesting the Mathews' business, Mr.
Coots said .that , based on facts of what traffic was
generated by the
there were 3.5 cars per day in 1986 and that a review ofthe records show
that 90L are Carmel residents.
Mr. Coots said they feel this variance c
Mathews has lived up to the 1984 variance grantedbe granted as long as Mr.
George '.Iisker, 1827 B. 110th St. , 200 ft. from the Mathews'
he cannot see anything but pine trees from hi, drivewaa, said
has noticed no increase in traffic at his � property. Mr. frisker said he
9 years he has lived there and has noticed nopincreaseloftnoise. Asover
economic values in the neighborhood , r.Ir. ,Yisker said those who have sold
their homes have stated no problem . Mr. Wisker said he feels
safety risk factor involved. there is no
Lois Strang alios, 1725 E. 110th St.
read a statement (which waspresented ' adjacent neighbor of the Mathews,
official minutes and attachetothema�tere °ard and is a part of the
iinrc out of fears of what might be. copy) regarding people respond-
nthowt ofea be granted Mrs. Stratigakos said she feels the
PameFavor,s2be5 ttheht2 year nen-renewable variance .
in the neighborhood and believes it isaid simportanthe feels fthatearhthebBoardase an issue
d set this
Page t C
strAlantAl Mancuso , 1829 E. 110th St. , 2 houses from the Mathews, said that Mr.
Mathews is moving in 2 years and he sees no problem.
Vickie Parker, 10850 Hamilton Ln. , stated she feels it is important for
the Board to listen to the views
adadjoe ining
abutting as they are
the ones who know if this is problem
Doug Church, Noblesville attorney representing those in remonstrance ,
om Ger
presented petitions in opposition to thisrequestsae dtemlet eritrod Gerald
Tarshes , realtor, regarding propertyy.
part of the officialmfe�lssTflrndNIathewsed mu�t proveo aathardship to this
Mr. Church said he
property, stating that Mr. Ivlathessldnralsinglehfamblylresidentialarea
properly zoned as it is not appropriate
Mr. Church said they feel that the 2 year request is too long and urge the
Board to uphold the legislative determination of the proper use of land. Mr.
Church stated that hardship has not been shown.
Kenneth Wood, 2025 E.
�� 110th St. , made a presentation for the opposition
in the area. Pictures were presented, taken at differ e t���oodes, showingdo
various numbers of cars sitting outside the garage.
not want strangers coming into the neighborhood and want the variance term-
inated and the business moved to another location.
Howard K. Thompson, 24 E. 109th St . , passed photos of the neighborhood
and spoke of a considerable amount of commercial traffic coming into the
neighborhood generated by this business. to
Larry Heppner, E 109th St. , related that hemoved
cto avoidacom-ri-
mercial in residential and stated that this does
mental effect on the neighborhood and can effect negatively the property
values . Mr. Heppner said he feels there is no justifiable need for a com-
merci1 venture in a residential neighborhood.
Ken Thomas , 1813 E. 109th St. , stated he feels this business is not
appropriate in a residential neighborhood.
Mr. Coots made supportive statements for the petition.
Mr. Church commented that there are to be no cars stored outside and the
photos presented substantiate that there are . Mr. Church stated that the
petitioner must prove that the 1984 variance has been followed.
Mrs. Badger questioned if the variance is not renewable in two years by
Mr . Coots and Mr. Church said that the petitioner could reapply.
Mrs. Badger read to the public the five criteria that the Board votes
on in their finding of fact.
Mr. Mathews related that he has a relocation site picked out at 106th
and College Ave.
The public hearing closed at 8:45.
Mrs. Book moved that Docket No. V 23-86, Use Variance for Commercial Use
at 1760 E. 110th St. , lot 2, Woodland Golf Subdivision, Clay Twp. , for auto
repair shop within a residentially zoned district , S-2, be renewed for two
(2) years , non-renewable , as requested.
Seconded by Mr. McFadden.
Findings of fact were completed by members .
Motion carried Lj to 1 (Mrs. Badger voting NO) .
H. Public Hearings
lh. 7: 00 P.M. , Public Hearing on Docket No. 24-86, Developmental Standar
Variance Application for Trues Dales Subdivision to be located on no:
side of Smokey Row Rd. approx. 2000 ft. east of U. S. 31 in R-1 zone.
Property . is partially impacted by U.S. 31 Overlay Zone . Petitioner
seeks to vary requirements of U. S. 31 Overlay Zone to allow for re-
duction of minimum lot size; minimum front yard, minimum side yard,
minimum rear yard , minimum aggregate of side yard, minimum lot width
mimimurn gross floor area, landscaping requirements, parking require-
r.�.v _ ...i �V1V 1jl � APPEALS EALS r.-JAUTEs - JUj 28, 1986
inents lighting Page 4.'-'--
.� `--
V 12-86, g reciuirements.
March 1986, tabled one (�'revl°usly submitted as
meeting) .
) (1) month, Docket No.
Filed by Weihe Engineering at April 1986
The public hearing for Max Truesdel,
Engineering making opened at 8:
Background of the presentation. with Stuart Huckleberry of Weihe
P Y have There were r
A residentialnd they now revised the11 lots originally surroundson
unds and the lot sizes are 6 acres.
Mr. Huckleberry said theconsistant with
variances, tract isthose
Mr. Kiphart unable to be developed without
the Comprehensive
stated that these
prehen�lve Plan this property is
reasonablehCmprequestnfrom calls for reside currentlyazonedfresidentialtand
The public the Overlayresidential and staff feels t
hearing closed Zone. his is a
Badger moved that Docket No.
Application for Trues DalesNO. 24-86,
Seconded by Dr. Dowell.
Subdivision Developmental Standards Variance
Findingsbe approved this evening as
Motion of fact were completed by members. presented
2h. 7:00 P.M.
Vari��nce for pool
Hearing on Docket No.
requirement encroachment into V 25-86, Developmentaler Standards ;
lin7.o is ten Minimum side
Ironwood Dr. located in R-n lot 51 Cool Creek Nortol h, installed withind
by Davis Coot l zoning. h, Section 10, ? 4
The public s for William and J
The Fechtshearing Jane Fecht. C
installonwn residencegopened at 8:58 with Mr.
, nod thee on Ironwood and at the ng the of the .
A drawing was fencing was being installed, the conclusionltwof
At the N. W. presented to members. the violation the pool
N.E. corner Corner the deck is 1 was found.
The the deck is 6 ft. 3- ft. from the
appropriate notices from the property property line and at the
received. have been Y line.
Photos sent out and no objection has been
were presented for
by the fence or pool, the file to show
Mr. Kiphart said that :2that drainage is not effected
Faust Pool inspections are re
Mr. Kolortthstatedywoould have caught required and neither
that staff �' the error sooner. was done by
Mr. Kiphart
ased does recommend
tractors Fad questioned concern for this t approvalthing
happening this vagi
sndKiphart the what can be done to type
o f this fr roccuby variance.
$25.00Mr. for each saidof t Dept. P from reoccurring.
fine Faust
o o
he inspections
Community Development will
Mr. said that, if Mret �s not done, Pool
contractor ByersBye s violatedat) ifM our Kiphart has the authority
backn (this whohas tour project to require that the
would beh a way wouldof dealhawith bond his before
Kiphart gthe projects and not this specific onehe comes
Mr. problem. one)) that
closely what Mr.said thest Dept.brings on Community Development will watch very
The public hearing '
Mrs. Book moved ta-ctlosed at 9:20.
or pool encroachment Docket No. V 25-86 Developmental .
Seconded by into side yard line, be standards Variance
Findings oD.rctD��r�l�,om granted,
Motion carried r Plated by members.
� to
' 7: 00 P.T1 . , Pub' arin on Docket Ivo
. S 26-86 , Special. Use for
;`1.C��.@�OU7`Yt�' . i.on con sL, ,. Lng
1; of 65 lots on 164.5 acres zoned s-1.
Project is located on Shelborrle Rd. approx. 1300 ft. north of 106th
St. in Clay Twp. Special Exceptions requested for horse stables and
riding arena and• private water system for residents of subdivision.
Variance for maximum height (Sec . 5.4.1) also requested for stable,
game room and office bldg.
Filed by Bruce Cordingley for Intent Trust' No. 2.
The public hearing opened at 9: 24 with Mr. Cordingley, One American Square ,
Indpls. , IN. , making the presentation.
The location drawing was shown and the site development plan was present-
ed and explained.
The horse facilities will be on the north.
The bridal path and jogging areas were pointed out around the perimeter.
There will be a pumping system for the southern lake for a centralized
community water supply system.
The stables were pointed out for 14 horses and will be in back of the
A rendering was shown of the arena.
All storage will be inside .
Mr. Kiphart related that the Technicaal Advisory Committee and the Plan
Commission have approved this plan and that all technical problems with this
proposal have been resolved and staff recommends the Special Use and Variance
as it is submitted.
Mr. Cordingley stated that they request approval of all items tonight
except the Variance for height of the stable .
The public hearing closed at 9: 55.
Mrs. Badger moved that Docket No. S 26-86, Special Use for Bridlebourne
Subdivision, be approved for horse stable, riding arena, and a private water
system for use by the residents of the subdivision as presented this evening.
Seconded by Mrs. Book.
The petitioner will return if a Variance is needed for the height of the
Findings of fact were completed by members.
Motion carried 5 to 0.
4h. 7 : 00 P.M. , Public Hearing on Docket No. V 27-86, Use Variance to allow
for operation of a one room, 2 chair, beauty shop in the residence
located at 10549 Westfield Blvd. in a S-2 zone. (Ord. Sec. 6.1 -
Permitted Uses) .
Filed by Charles 'Wittum, Jr.
The public hearing opened at 10: 00 with Mr. Wittum making the presentation.
A drawing was shown of the home and the garage area is petitioned off into
a shop.
The parking area is 90 ft. x 30 ft. for about 5 cars.
A diagram of the beauty shop was presented.
Mr. Wittum stated he requests this variance because he wants his wife to
stay home with their baby and the extra income is needed because he is going
to school.
No objections have come in and staff recommends granting this variance.
The public hearing closed at 10: 10.
Mrs. Badger moved that Docket No. V 27-86, Use Variance to allow for
operation of a one room, 2 chair, beauty shop in the residence located at
10549 'Westfield Blvd. , be approved running with Mr. Charles Wittum for a
period of 2 years.
Seconded by Mrs. Book.
Findings of fact were completed by members.
Motion carried 5 to 0.
There being no _further business to come before the Board , the meeting
Chairman Secretary