HomeMy WebLinkAboutPublic Notice REVISED JN 1/84 PEATIONER'S AFFIDAVIT OF NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CARMEL PLAN COMMISSION and BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS I ( ) (2h/9,PLEZ 64);T77.,(-0"- DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING OF THE WILL CONSIDER Docket Number (A,27 - (p , was registered and mailed at least ten (10) days prior to the date of the Public Hearing to the below listed adja- cent property owners: OWNERS' NAME ADDRESS s -LW-N j bEAMI5 MOW, /0,5:435 GJt.57 /tiA &'b L1206,714 '740,211) 13AkTA1 &NI5E I4'711J V lU / A ► '/lam . inn6E J 7/1 om),4)aj /gel e. 100I ..eia 1/6 Okm46 ?Akx /� �ifl�if�� ( ic'.P .:H /'C.5 L- . /A 7'fir, rlAdAS, 1w O * * * *. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * STATE OF INDIANA L �n4*.ef'n`1 � , COUNTY, SS: The undersigned having been duly sworn, upon oath, says that the above informa- tion is true and correct and he is informed and believes. ()LA4 Signature of Petitioner SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE NE THIS &z.// DAY OF 9. 19 ff G Notary Public 7-4 .764 � /1/ 2A/ (MY COIMIISSION EXPIRES: ,3c2 /`/ $- * * * * * * * * * * * * * *. * * * * *' * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SIGNATURES OF ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS MUST BE SUBMI'I'l ON THIS AFFIDAVIT. P MA1� :ec::::::1::::\ 1rr1E�CE1P� FpRGE pRO�iDED�s p Np1uFOF NNA`:\ l($ rsed '\tl e Sent tOO 1✓V P a ret and °� 010 ii' N S I ,,P COde p°stage N 0111 , ?, Certified Fee Specie\Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee Re e �a Snowing towh Receipt apae De\ft e d 101 N ReWrn rewingowh o m, Date,andAddessot,,,, d Eta-,_ ' si 'TOTAL.Postage an LL trnark or • to o pOs ti ) -- 1 chi E 0 N r ! U`^' u►Ust' ll • 1111 I '' 1 l',C - ' )' ' Y ,p ,n is ;, „.. IItl( iP I T W oeIVDER: o Pu Complete item t You r addr s 1•2.3 and 4. �t being se side. Failure to do n the"RETURN To"space on the Ou the returned to You,The return prevent this n reC@i Card from deliver th For of the person t fee will .71 C ava- or additional f delivered rovide able, Consult fees the Collo to and the dale of for servjceC s postmaster for f wing services are quested• fees and check Si t• 0 Showbox(es) it to whom,date and address of delivery V 2. 0 Restricted N Delivery, 8; 3. Article Addressed to: 4. Type of --- Service: Article Number Ak Registered ❑ Insured Certified n Express Mail 0 CDD ©y 4702 7 6 d(� DATE Always signature of addr [ fo 0 S. s�. DELIVERED. esseeQagent and n u 'ddressee 40 3 X 1 rn gnature_ !' A X Agent +moi >v -mi Date of Delivery UL C • f33 33 Z 8. Addressee's Address(QNLYi -11N11 n f7fEgt! Q . c oeNpER: Co Put your Complete items 1,2,3 and 4. 3 being returned Failure to dress in the o"RETURN TO-s on the w arse Nwill Pace N, ou the to you,The Prevent this card from ci ou the F methe return recei ec ZY- or additional Person delivered yp f fee will rovitle _ available,Consult fees the following and the date of for service(s)requested. f services are CO quested, or fees and W 1. Show check box(es) it',4 2. ow to whom,date and address of delivery, 0 Restricted Delivery,. 2 07 3. Article Addressed to: 4. Type of Service: Registered Article Number At Crtified r2Insured p Express Mail CDD I ,® �£'v �/ Y Alava r ! J��// REtain ®tura of addressee or agent and DATE DELIVERED. D, 9 X Si9natu 3 Addressee T 6. ienature`=g9ent11le33 elliNe 4-' -.1 i/ ''Deliverin yl a 8' Addy:,ee r ! 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P 04cf 273 0 RECEIPT FOR 6 NO INSU R CERTIFIED MAIL NOT FRANCE COVERAGE P OR INTERNATIONAL MAS DED Q (See Reverse ) — Sent to co a I, wStreet bbl\ 1. • • O iripa.d ,p i„... .....,..4 y CI Postage e ft* Certified Fee SPecial Delivery Feeft Restricted Delivery Fee Return Receipt to whom anate i�'in9 Return re 're. III o> Date.and Addr�w ; fiS • w . , 4 TOTAL Posta.' Delivery r aid Fees co Postmark or D. _ co aL . a P 102 849 540 RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL - NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL (See Reverse) 'r Sent to I o m '? Streetind _ No co . I. la a P. ,, Stat 4-nd•IP Cod , 1/� / ,�.,1 / // ,o)c9 0 amil C Postage I, Certified Fee Special Delivery Fee ims 1 11111111 Restricted Delivery Fee ? Rewhon Receipt Showing m and Date Delivered ro Return receipt showin °' Date,and Address of Delito very' m TOTAL Posta. s. /j U. c Postmark . D r°Dife E O u P 102 849 544 RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL (See Reverse) I Sent? o m 1.1 tea., Stree --d No. / --�/� co .on _ G ' P.•.,S -te and ZIP C-de / Postage, . 4442 / „if/ 'Z , O 3 -2 lini cii. * Certified Fee 111MSpecial Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee MI MIReturn Receipt Showing to whom and Date Delivered N Return r F2 Date,a d Addres t W. lata TOTAL Postage an. ees o Postmark or.Bat cf 2 oo M J a I PROOF OF PUBLICATION State of Indiana, ss: County of Hamilton, Before me, a Notary Public it.hand for the- County of rHamilton and State / of Indiana,personally appeared . . . . . . . . .who being duly sworn upon his oath, deposes and says, that she is General Manager of the Noblesville Daily Ledger, a newspaper of general circulation in Hamilton County, State of Indiana, printed in the NOTICE OF PUBLIC English language and printed and published CA MEL BOARD OF ZO RING BEFORE �N� daily in the city of Noblesville, Hamilton County, APPS oo�ke,Nur�27-96 State of Indiana, and that said Noblesville Daily Notice is hereby given that the Ledger has been published continuouslyfor Carmel Board of Zoning Ap- peals,meeting on the 28th day of more than five years last past in said county and July, 1986, at 7:00 p.m., in the City Meeting Hall, 15 First state; that the Notice of publication, a true copy Avenue N.E., Carmel, Indiana 46032 will hold a Public Hearing of which is hereto annexed was duly published in upon a Variance application for a one room hair stylist shop inside the residence for the said newspaper,for. ./. . . week (insertiorg,sue- residence owner•to work in, property being known as 10.549 cess)-vely) which publications were made as Westfield Bvld., Indianapolis, follows: Indiana 46280.The application is 1 11 identified ass Docket No.V said 4// The Real Estate affected by said tt!!j/ application is .described as / follows: Lot Number 4 in Howard Park a subdivision in .Hamilton County, Indiana, as per plat thereof recorded in Deed Record 133,page 322 in the Office of the Recorder of Hamilton County, Indiana. All interested persons desiring to present their views upon the And that all of said publications were application,either in writing or verbally, will be given an op- made,-in full compliance with thelaw. portunity to be heard at the r ,i + above mentioned time and place. . . j �. .-,. �. .'.:-. . . .. . . . . . . ... Charles Witlum Jr. PETITIONERS Subscribed and sworn to before me this July 18 / 7 day of, . . , . . . . . . . 19 ' /2.t. -7z_,– Notary Publi& (Seal.) /t—f_ j' 7 My commission expires Publisher's Fee,$ o?4 if