HomeMy WebLinkAboutPublic Notice August 6, 1986 pear Adjacent Property Owner : The Carmel Brethren Church has filed a special use applica- tion and a developmental standards variance application for the construction of a church on the west side of Rohrer Road approxi- mately 1/4 of a mile north of 136th Street, Carmel, Indiana. The church's design is consistent with surrounding buildings and promotes the overall aesthetic qualities of U.S. Highway 31 overlay zone. The church will be somewhat smaller than the requirements for structures in the U.S. Highway 31 overlay zone. The Board of Zoning Appeals will publicly hear Carmel Brethren Church's applications on August 25, 1986 at 7 :00 P.M. in the Carmel City Meeting Hall, 15 First Avenue, N.E., Carmel, Indiana 46032. You are invited to attend and express your views on the requested variance and special use. Should you have questions about the applications do not hesitate to contact the Rev. James Miller at 848-7211; he will be happy to discuss the proposed church with you. Thank you very much for your consideration of this matter. Very truly yours, COOTS, HENKE & WHEELER E. Davis Coots EDC:pak Enclosure STATE COUNTY AREA SECTION•MAP BLOCK PARCEL SECTION TWP RANGE SUBDIVISION NAME 18 057 09 25 00 00 005 • 001 15 14 03 TAXING DISTRICT NAME CODE ACREAGE CIL�A= 17 DECO 1629A CALC LOT OR OUTLOT �• NAME 8 ADDRESS DATE DEED BOOK&PAGE ri0-X D LTD. 6/22/83 337-327-329 LOT DIMENSIONS PLAT BOOK&PAGE BLOCK TOi ROB HUGHES 2 EAST 106TH ST. ,SUITE 120 • PROPERTY LOCATION INDPLS.• IN 46280 SCHOOL DISTRICT GRANTOR AN W 10 Y. f CALEAEL LAND VALUE IMPROVEMENT BOARD OF REV LAND VALUE IMPROVEMENT BOARD OF REV DRAINAGE DISTRICT TRANSFERRED fl SPLIT HAMILTON COUNTY, INDIANA - MAP INDEX CARD STATE COUNTY AREA SECTION•MAP BLOCK PARCEL SECTION TPPP RANGE SUBDIVISION NAME C_14 0,7 09 24 - 00 00 044 .000 24 18 03 TAXING DISTRICT NAME CODE ACREAGE CLAY 17 DEED -9-51+444"--- LOT OR OUTLOT NAME&ADDRESS DATE DEED BOOK S PAGE -S- Z I, 8ON-rP .. 6/17/80 LOT DIMENSIONS : QUADRANT DEVELOPMENT CO,INC 3/23/84 341-972-979 - f i ' PLAT BOOKS PAGE BLOCK i • ; P .O . BOX 864 -74# -P_0_P0X-8404 PROPERTY LOCATION r ' 269,,CAR3 -AR•I•V-E-- W. 136TH ST. - CARMEL, IN 46032 SCHOOL DISTRICT GRANTOR SCHUTZ 6 T OMPVOv. *y . COML . LAND VALUE IMPROVEMENT BOARD OF REV LAND VALUE IMPROVEMENT BOARD OF REV DRAINAGE DISTRICT EI TRANSFERRED PLIT HAMILTON COUNTY, INDIANA - MAP INDEX CARDJ MD C.7. STATE COUNTY AREA SECTION.MAP BLOCK PARCEL SECTION TWP RANGE SUBDIVISION NAME y 18 Cc..)7 J9 24 -0•) CO 041 .000 24 18 03 HAYS ADDITION TAXING DISTRICT NAME CODE I ACREAGE - CTV 17 DEED CALC • LOT OR OUTLOT j Ir NAME&ADDRESS DATE DEED BOOKS PAGE it 2 '• 5-V TL--O IND T-PMM LOT DIMENSIONS WALDEN, TOM W. & CHRISTINA 5/1/79 311-714 105.0 • x 95..25'• . . • PLAT BOOK&PAGE BLOCK 138/561 PROPERTY LOCATION 530 WEST SMOKY ROAD U.S. HIGHWAY 031 CARMEL INDIANA 46032 SCHOOL DISTRICT GRANTOR CAR MEL LAND VALUE IMPROVEMENT BOARD OF REV LAND VALUE IMPROVEMENT BOARD OF REV DRAINAGE DISTRICT El TRANSFERRED El SPLIT HAMILTON COUNTY, INDIANA - MAP INDEX CARD ""0 c-7" STATE COUNTY AREA SECTION•MAP BLOCK PARCEL SECTION TWP RANGE SUBDIVISION NAME 18 057 Oy 24- 00 00 040.000 24 18 03 HAYS ADDITION TAXING DISTRICT NAME CODE ACREAGE CLAY 1 7 DEED CALC LOT OR OUTLOT NAME&ADDRESS DATE DEED 800K S PAGE PT 1 PLED. BYRON F . LOT DIMENSIONS 1i b *F VIRGINIA L. 193.50 X 100.06 IRR. PLAT BOOK&PAGE BLOCK 138/561 i 13605 N MERIDIAN ST PROPERTY LOCATION CARMEL IN U.S. HIGHWAY 031 j SCHOOL DISTRICT 1 GRANTOR _ CAR MEL 4 i LAND VALUE IMPROVEMENT BOARD OF REV LAND VALUE IMPROVEMENT BOARD OF REV DRAINAGE DISTRICT i 690 4 . 230 s./0 /Z0 ,,i ETRANSFERRED 0 SPLIT HAMILTON COUNTY, INDIANA - MAP INDEX CARD .40e-7. f' i' 1 .. SIAI1 1•IIIINIY AMtA St1'1111N MAP SEUI'A PAM'tI St1'111IN IWP MANIIt SIIRIIIVISIIIN NAME 1e O) 0S 24 as qu ( l.1 . )fll 1 IA 1L 03 HAYS ADDITION nlTtoN IAPINII 11111 1 1111 I NAM' 111111 AI III AIII __W/.' , !1'1 um) 0.j) CALL. LOT OR OUTLOT Y NAME&ADDRESS DATE DEED BOOK&PAGE tTLOT4 ' HARRISON, ROBERT N 6 LOT DIMENSIONS 4, JEAN 6/15/19 313-2 14_31 ' Y 10?_111' ; PLAT BOOK&PAGE BLOCK 138/561 '`^4^/28 OlemoK Y Rbxs PROPERTY LOCATION B. s, 31 ' CARMEL. INDIANA 46032 .6 SCHOOL DISTRICT GRANTOR SMITH. ;JACK $ BARBARA CARhIEL 1 LAND VALUE IMPROVEMENT BOARD OF REV LAND VALUE IMPROVEMENT BOARD OF REV DRAINAGE DISTRICT i 11 ,rrvn••Ar 'LUCK 1 PARCEL SECTION TMT RAMIE lUIDIVIIION NAME 1 Id 067 09 24-00 00 034.000 24 le Q HAYS ADDITION TAXING OI tTRICT NAME LODEACREAGE .._.CLr1y._,:;; 17_ 1_ DEED ODE 2;`�4c CALC , LOT OR OUTLOT NAME 6 ADDRESS DATE DEED BOOK 8 PAGE n. s SMITH, JACK & BARBARA MEN 4/9/79 311-291 i IDT DIMENSIONS T'I� e4" 'x loo-09 295 PLAT NOOK&PAGE 'LOCK 138/561I 822 ROHRER ROAD PROPERTY LOCATION CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 U.S. HIGHMAY r31 GRANTOR SCHOOL DISTRICT CARMEL LAND VALUE It I IMPROVEMENT BOARD OF REV J LAND VALUE IMPROVEMENT BOARD OF REV • I DRAINAGE DISTRICT 0TRANSFERRED 0SPLIT HAMILTON COUNTY, INDIANA — MAP INDEX CARD .:i Mo c-2e STATE COUNTY AREA SECTION•MAP BLOCK PARCEL SECTION TWP RANGE SUBDIVISION NAME 18 057 OY 24-04 09 002.000 24 18 03 TAXING DISTRICT NAME CODE ACREAGE CLAY 17, DEED CALC 2.0 LOT OR OUTLOT } NAME&ADDRESS DATE DEED BOOK 8 PAGE MC KI NZIE. MAX 249-197 LOT DIMENSIONS & "IF CHARLOTTE 249-198 - PLAT BOOK&PAGE BLOCK 925 Rohrer Road 73-1--2-5 T--A-VT--/Ye' PROPERTY LOCATION CARMEL IN 46032 ROHRER RD• SCHOOL DISTRICT GRANTOR CARMEL LAND VALUE IMPROVEMENT BOARD OF REV LAND VALUE IMPROVEMENT BOARD OF REV DRAINAGE DISTRICT 1 .710 :J • LS0U Si 0 o 7 1 o - I ETRANSFERRED ElSPLIT HAMILTON COUNTY, INDIANA — MAP INDEX CARD MOC-2` STATE COUNTY AREA SECTION•MAP BLOCK PARCEL 1 SECTION . TINT' RANGE SUBDIVISION NAME 18 057 09 24- 04 09 001.000 24 1'8 03 • TAXING DISTRICT NAME CODE ACREAGE CLAY 0 17 DEED ' . CALC - • LOT OR OUTLOT NAME 8 ADDRESS DATE DEED BOOK&PAGE FITZGERALL), JOSEPH 0 247-238 LOT DIMENSIONS & wF RUTH E PLAT BOOK&PAGE BLOCK j • PROPERTY LOCATION 9t9 IIII6A,D ROHRER RD. 929 :1tMEL, INDIANA 46032 SCHOOL DISTRICT GRANTOR CARMEL 1 LAND VALUE IMPROVEMENT BOARD OF REV LAND VALUE IMPROVEMENT • BOARD OF REV DRAINAGE DISTRICT it 1 .370 6 , 770 /(,, 7 v /35-cc, 0TRANSFERRED E=1 SPLIT HAMILTON COUNTY, INDIANA — MAP INDEX CARD MD C.25 STATE COUNTY AREA SECTION•MAP BLOCK PARCEL SECTION TWP RANGE SUBDIVISION NAME 18 057 09 24- 04 07 001 . 000 24 18 03 TAXING DISTRICT NAME CODE ACREAGE CLAY , 171 DEED CALC 1 .2 LOT OR OUTLOT • NAME&ADDRESS DATE DEED BOOK&PAGE I F L OHR• BILL 0. LOT DIMENSIONS 6 WF BETTY L. PLAT BOOK&PAGE BLOCK 827 ROHRER RD PROPERTY LOCATION CARMEL IN 46032 ROHRER RD• SCHOOL DISTRICT 1 GRANTOR CARMEL LAND VALUE IMPROVEMENT BOARD OF REV LAND VALUE IMPROVEMENT BOARD OF REV DRAINAGE DISTRICT 1 .530 4 . 530 /goo ,5 7 3 v ~ 0TRANSFERRED ESPLIT HAMILTON COUNTY, INDIANA — MAP INDEX CARD MOc-” P 085 8`1'15 7,66 RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL (See Reverse) s jai Jack Smith CO Str endAbhrer Road co 7 P.O.,State and ZIP Code o Carmel, IN 46032 a $ cs Postage V) Certified Fee • Special Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee Return Receipt Showing to whom and Date Delivered a Return receipt sho '•• •whom, rn Date,and Adder Jrt TOTAL PosFa.' $ LL ‘ cPostmar or I ate 9 cin -�A c,A a �g5 8tiS 165P CEET F1E0p11- EECEIPT FpR COVERAGE.PRMpDED Np iN1 f0?,NtERNA51ONA NO OR j F (gee Reverse) NlC�ln$le o $e9 M M r er BSDas Tr 44 str�t2z� 2.1P Code 6032 m State and ZI � P p.�arTt12�-� O. Postage N Gertitled Fee s SPeciai Qeiiveni Fee iiverY Fee Restricted De Ret°rn t showing to whom DeUv ered eSsieWh °m , tVo De,andAdshowing 0Dtvery Date,and Postage and Fe c Postmark°r Dco c: c o N O. P ®85 MAILR RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIES PROVIDED COVERAGE MAIL NO Np1uFOR NIERNATIONAL (See Reverse) , F itZge.a Joseph D. op Sengo,M h�e Ra e Sg � ZIP Code 4632 m P.O.,State and INo Carla O. Postage 01 4. Certified Fe e Special Delivery Fe /011 . Restricted Delivery Fee to whom and Date Delivered e Showing Receipt gho whom, ng to N Return nd ipt P,ddress,of Delivery 0o ithDate,ar• Via. .64 1OtA`Postage acus ---�, W Postmark° orf N a P OBS 815 759 RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL NO NINSURANCE OT FORINTERNATIONAL ONAL MAILLAGE ED (See Reverse) segtg Bill D. Flohr 4 tONo. . • 4. Street 1 Z•! _ _ i State aqd ZIP IcoNe 6032 ocd P.Carmel, a ty postage N . 1111111 m4. Certified Fee 1111111 Special Delivery Fee 1111111 Restricted Delivery Fee 1111111 Receipt Showing i jai Return and Date Delivered to whom to whom, N Return receipt showing°D pate,and Address rn s ' si TOTAL Frostageand Fee m ccz or Date • postmark co E 0 . a RECEIPT FSR CERTIFIED MAIL NO I OTFUFOR CE COVEAGE NTERNAR ONAL MAIL N (See Reverse) set M B ran F F. Reed strieo. Meridian St i r N N. co P.tag ;'P itliana 4603 ' o cy Postage N 1111111 4 Certified Fee 1111111 Special Delivery Fee 1111111 Restricted Delivery Fee Receipt 1111111 urn a De 9ered Ro Whom and Datee m Returns deAddress1of Delivery ng to whom, an Date, si▪ TOTAL Postage,and flee ``a. m c postm ark of Date oco 1 E t'i ''''t a s a. _ _ k r �*, p 085 815 7124MAIL RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED COVERAGE PROVIDED NO INSURANCE OR NTERNATIONAL MAIL ($ee Reverse) o Sent ta, nt Dev. Co. r Inc a tre�and��j% 8 6 �' • nd Zode 46032 t ; tat-wet a 0 postage to Certified Fee WI lig Special Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee Return Receipt at eDel.vered wing to whom Whom, ReturnanceAddres ong tolivery wis , . Date, Fees TOTAL Postage and _ p Postmark or -..� c a P p65 615 ?62 T FOR CERTIFIED Mp1L RECEIP PROVIDED NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED NOT FOR INTERNA TIONAL(See Reverse) sIltiTom W' Walden �i n o. 5mokeY Road co s e�� . dzi de 46032 0 postage * 910 Certified Fee 111111111111111 Special Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee rn Receipt Sbowing Delivered Rot whom and pate om. i t showing to wh ry N Return l Ato whddress Date,an s \\I\ TOTAL postage and Fee LL Date postmark? o f con p 085 815 761 RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL NO D NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL ONAL ED MAIL (See Reverse) 0 1 7Vi° Robert H. Harrison at ark No.Smokey Road °:43.' IP Code .... State and Z P.O.,Carmel IN 46032 ms cy Postage yl * Certified Fee MI III Special Delivery Fee 1W Restricted Delivery Fee WIReturn Receipt Showing to whom and Date Talhom, Return receipt Dg el very � Date,and Addressress of .5;t TOTAL Posta9S'and Fee`s ,_,_ Lt. c Postmark�(Date .\ coo yr 0 w w..4 E ., 0 N ". ,. a P 085 815{ 767 RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL (See Reverse) Sir 'w-Med, Ltd. ct Bob Hughes v Street andSuite 3 2 E. 06th St. , P.O.,State and ZIP Code 120 Indpls. , IN 46280 a c7 Postage U) 7 . Certified Fee Special Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee Return Receipt Showing to whom.and Date Delivered V, Return receipt showing to whom, rn Date,and Address of Delivery m TOTAL Postage and Fees $ LL ' 'l o Postmark Qr Date- co0 E A o LL W 0. •SENDER: Complete items 1,2,3 and 4 g Put your address in the"RETURN TO"space un the 3 reverse side.Failure to do this will prevent this card from is being returned to you.The return receipt fee will provide you the name of the person delivered to and the date of delivery.For additional fees the following cervices are e available.Consult postmaster for fees end check box les). < for servlcels)requested. tG co I. a snow to venom,date and address or deiiverr A 2. 0 Restricted Delivery 3. Article Addressed to M/M Jack Smith 822 Rohrer Road Carmel, IN 46032 4. Type of Service: Article Number ®Certified 0 InsuredDP085815766 O Express Mail Always obtain signature of addresseeggagent and DATE DELIVERED. 5. i -Addressee X I , r � > - {/j ,�.�y1"1.- -K div, 4 6. Signature—Agent 5 X 33 7. Date of Delivery _ S K 2 8. Addressee's Add ess'( NLYifregilestedand fee paid) m C, m °n Put Your address complete items 1,2,3 and d a. 3 beingse returned side. Failure to do this wilie"RETURN re space on the ei the to you.The returnevent this card from deliver name of the person ed t t file will t' �Z r�r additional f delivered to rovldp available.Consult sea the foilowin end the date o% for service(s)requested fester for fees and services are I co 3 Article Address to M/M Max McKinzie 925Rohrer Road Carmel, IN 46032 4 Type of service: ❑ Article Number Registered Insured LlErd 0 c� PO85815765py%ii SATEobtain signature'of -� _ IiVERED, =agent anr if ,5. Signature–Addressee in r l' . `'— Sipnatur t7 X Agent r y CDate of Delivery at r2 $ Addressee's Adores,{ONL meate.� ,.ems' 73 --�______ Irl � lt/: :%::ditio ve.` For ad heanon turn recei t this card fr or a�yke(sI r, �o esif nal a the r lcl to lowtng re�atee ldete V�cfe CO of C ? an _to_nom and check box(es) 0 Rwe y to and address or aehvery estdored°el Cri 3 Article gad ,assea to M/M Tom Ca mel, S ill Ro n • a. Y IN 46032 d vPe of smoke Cl ReWsterea Article Alu87 n�er Q E entified ci ins.nsu► vt""Y'ab�Mail ����`� pO85815762 3.A re DELI VEREOtuna of odd r Si. X ---,Adore agent and eV X Signature -Apa� ,/ T >. p C C ata of peliver y I 411111111111kIlr 8 Addrassews Ad "7 dramscerl m (ONLY! .,•,t+�,� �1 SNr .!` 3 Nut Your.address...,nrplete items j nd Pfll)reversur.e.Failuret the"RETURN o 4 ,.. off the side. returned to you o this will preventspace ars thfa e available. Fore of the arson re l veered rn racei th carps from tillable.For additions/fees the!following f i ane helsete v) e quest c for ilable.Consult r tmaster for f yvinp k of /' '�ShoN to whom, fees and check boa A 2. 0 date Restricted Deliver and address of delivery A Ni 3 Y Ankle Addr MSM �7'ose co came °hrer Roa Fitzgerald 929 1, rN 460 32 4 Type of Service: 1:2 Register Article Number O Certified Insured Insured ExpresS Mail COD P085815763 :`fi. Dq rj p obtain signatureiiik signof address..!_ r3 X ire 4ddre dd.... �i1'r ,.� te ti signature p"q A X Anent 6 .-, , Ai ,„„iiiii, y Date of De'very z ' •ddrass:: m f Address(O a • eepQt oi iff" Put _..rs: Comp!Ate items 3 neveside.dry in the„RE1,�, and 4, L8 bei r recur Failure to URN TO„ r the ned to You.T this will prevent ac9 on the deity hA return rAcel wilthis l d vi e � available.•n�eaaitlitie meson deiiver®d t fe°will rtvi atlable,Consult poa for onal Peas the follow nam the date of e co service(s)requested eater for fees andservices era iW '- +gi Show check�x(es; 2. ❑ w to whom,date and address deliver Restricted Delivery of V' 3 Article Addressed ddre to M/MRobert H. 582 tie, SmokeHarrison Carmel, IN4 Road 46032 4 Type of Service- Article NUmbe, Registered ❑ Ins p'fied Mail IJ Coped P085$1576 Always obtain 1 G EDure of a�resseeQ agent ano DATE DELIVER g y;e-Addressee 3 x rI♦ y6. Signature ; t !.. s X A ``� y7- Date of Deliveryx a C 23 r2 $ Addressees Addressl mrequest-, tee p,,,, 73 -1 AIDER_ Complete items 1,2.2 and 4. Dur address in the"iiE WM TO"space on the 9 Se side.Failure to do this will prevent this card from returned to you.The return recei t fee will rovid* the name of the person delivered to and the date of ver ,'-ir additional fees the following services are liable.Consult postmaster for fees and check boxes r service(*)requested. i �{ & Snow to venom,sato ane aaaress or aenvery. /2 0 Restricted Delivery 3 Article Addressed to M/M Byron F. Reed 13605 N. Meridian Street Carmel, IN 46032 4 Type of Service: Article Number oertif.eFiegister ed 0 Insured O Express Mail COD P085815760 Always obtain signature of addresseexagent and DATE DELIVERED. Ilbr,r®—Addressee 40 401111w'2 . g Eiiiimiwilkiin m7. Date of Delivery qiiirfa rC;(0 "'''jig 8 Ad r z essee's Address(ON '77.>"--"XiT; m ' . m /� p r m i 1 3 put Your address items revere si ess in the„ i TO"s p 4. c ti being r°t side. to you.lure h�h;w�pre.,space on the .174 °y the morns e e°i��For the o r°turn r °nt this card from mc silable,F dditlona�f n delivered rice' f fee wi►► rovl for setyice(i� Poshhas ees the following se and vhe d®ta of e co 7• 3? °sled fees and check are Show to wh eck box(bl j aneepars 3 Article Addr to: Quad � /.1.::. rant De°• Co Carme BOC 864 Inc. 1, IN 46032 4 T voe of Service' Registered Article Number Ceifi OInsured g a sprues Maii q0 COD PO85815 764 �AT�DELIVERED!' "I addr g0 5 Signature_ D. essc+eSCagent and rn 0 6 y Signature--A.- 0 Xiy r Date of Delivery G A 32 Z 8. q i'� Addressee's Address n, c� /ONL r r+� rn pr,� lir W �A pis , 4 Awir `�_ c.`�..I'ar� 4011?0/ •..`ryutH: Complete iggttls 1,y,,3 and 4. 5,5 Put 3 ®versa side dress in the"RETURN TO" space on the •, • Failure to do this will prevent this card from Is being returned to -+ ou the name you.The return recei t f v deliver of the arson deliver fee will royl e •For additional f ed to and services days of e• available, fees the following l for Consult Postmaster for f g serckbare service(s)requested. fees end check bruits') ro t Show to wh \' ern,date ana seeress or aeuvery t 2. 0 Restricted Delivery. 3 Article Addressed to: Pro-Med, Ltd. Bob Hughes 2 E. 106th St. , Suite 120 Indianapolis, IN 46280 4 Type of Service' Article Number Registered ❑ Insured �OCertified COD 1)0e. -11-.--V. 1 5 Express Mail / ri `' gAlTN ways obtain signatureof edires Ft ant. �r t ;DAIE DELIVERED. `;G 5 Signature—Addressee3X o ni f y7. Date of Delivery ` - f__, z8. Addressee's Address(QNL 1 re4uette,a ee pa r, y I �9 �s „>r, j (� .� W SENDER: Complete it3 $ Put your address in the"RETURN TO"space on the 9 reverse side.Failure to do this will prevent this card from ki being returned to you.The return recei t fee will rovl a ou the name of the parson delivered to and the date of r deliver For additional fees te the following se ck b are mfor services)requested.eater for fees and check box(es) T Ea Show to whom,nate ana'actress or aenvery t 2. 0 Restricted Delivery 3 Article Addressed to: M/M Bill D. Flohr 827 Rohrer Road Carmel, Indiana 46032 4 Type of Service Article Number 0_ Registered 0 Certified 0 COD14U PO85185759 ❑ Express Mail Always obtain signature of addresseez agent and DATE DELIVERED. 9G a. m -- -moi,., __- • n / y 7. Date of s livery C 111111111 Z 8 Addressee's Address�ONL t' m4lteste,a ;s,,- „ m CI m 1) -61