HomeMy WebLinkAboutNewspaper Article re: Comp. Plan !Yr K.r•,,.
IV 1`)JI 92 sehired (rest erf teachers'. ... tr'v(lire we rrc- s.,nnel te, tra, a low rn,r, ..,w
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Debate st
. N OK of update
.'` By J. SCOTT BLACKWELL Jeff Davis,president of the Car-
Ledger staff writer mel Clay Plan Commission, and
; ,,, ..... -,.A ,,,�,„ ,, ,.,,,.; The Comprehensive P1an other city ofilcialssay the intention
w - ' e Update is now before the Cannel of the update is to decrease density
'':: . 1'" City Council for approval after in S-1.
nearly three years of work.But the "It was the belief of the commis-
Iplan. which is more than a year sion...that the update sets a guide-
overdue, may have a tough time line which will lower density in
M / `•. r '� " i' becoming law because of lingering these areas,"Davis wrote in aletter
1iA .,;,4:M debates on density and proposed to the council. "The steering corn-
4 S t a
road improvements. — " 'mittee recogni ed the public testi-
4 i, '''k'ow Monday night the Carmel City many and the results of the survey
Council tabled final action on the and when the suggested guideline
r ' plan in favor of more study and was made, it was approved by all
more discussion. committee members with one
lir R'„ "For two years we've worked on exception."
HI , £° "' this and!really think it's taking on City officials backed their
IN I • x ', • a personality of its own."said Alan claims of lower densitywith a com-
fi orison between the current zon-
4, Potasnik, councilman for District parison
�' '„� �, , 3. "We were only working on an ing ordinance and the recommen-
� update and we only had $60,000. dations in the plan update. The
It may not be perfect,but that's all current ordinance allows a mini-
ledger photo by Patricia U.White we could do." mum lot size of 15.000 square feet
riS Much of the debate surrounds in S-1 zoned property which has
the back yard are what Aleks Jansons has In mind as density in the S-1 residential zon- community sewers.
oster Grove resident has a grill Just waiting for some ing district. The plan update According to the comparison,
recommends a change in the S-1 the current ordinance would allow
ood from a tree downed in a spring storm.
classification to allow a maximum a maximum of 2.9 units per acre in
density of 1.5 units per gross acre S-1 with sewers. Under the prop-
on property with sanitary sewer osed plan maximum densitywould
)ort systems. Property on septic sys- be 1.5 units per gross acre.
tems would retain current density There are two other factions in
the legislation could Association President Charles requirements — 1 unit per acre. the debate of the S-1 zoning classi-
re shooters such as E.Henderson. Greenwood's police Some residents in western Clay fication: farmers and large-land
employees. dis- chief, said the bill could have pre- Township,which is primarly zoned owners. Both groups were very
Inds and wives and vented one Indiana man from driv- S-1,say the recommended change vocal during the public hearings at
TS." ing to Ohio.buying a gun and kill- in the plan update will double cur- the plan commission level, but
said it would have ing his family. rent housing densities. have not entered the debate before
reel crime. Indiana has had a seven-day "The notion of 1.5 units per acre the council. Potasnik. however.
)oses a waiting per- waiting period for handgun purch- In S-1 was thrown out by a deve- said he Is still considering their
;un purchases and ases for 18 years. loper and is double what currently concerns.
ce to make back- "We need all the controls we can exists In sewered S-1 subdivisions "The commission did take the
ks on prospective get to keep weapons out of the in Clay West," wrote Clay West public in consideration, including
o provides funds to wrong hands," said Gary Police residentsJudy Hagan and Sue Dil- farm and other large-land own-
nputerize criminal Chief Cobie Howard. Ion in a letter to Councilman Lee ers," he said.
t dealers could make The 360-member association Lonzo. "We do not believe suffi- Another source of debate is the
s by telephone. includes police chiefs and other dent consideration was given to thoroughfare plan included in the
n of the bill passed high-ranking police officials. Its compatibility with existing dove- update.Manyquestions have been
,e of Representatives convention continues through lopment, but 1.5 did get set in raised about recommended road
stone." See PLAN page AS
Although the meeting was otn- tale "`•,,'
scores. average scores this scally adjourned at 8:30 p.m•, Pan
is school's yearweredebate continued in small garoups_
an thenational
average barely high- eg�t irt�ih pageAl'
an the national of 900 Newman and Carol $hey ,; ti��
es init- founder. of Q4 R�,�$2 particularly with
rthan th averetg„ i�+ft�� improvements. 1 '
e �'Cch�n: ltie
�' 1ct1"tl� services Marvin Odom about CBS' proposed widening of 106t
ed.She continued in citing thate SAT scores. ago, we asked 116th 126th streets. 0th.
Park Tudor, ral high "Two weeks ag John and 126 h traffic planner
cool to idcl Cathedral h►g a (superintendent) Hartman fore the with Mey Needles "c nn
er ercental, ast 10y a13Ch Howaf cNeedles Ta of the
cools tested a larg P SAT scores from the P
their student bodies"with h so we could examine the trends, plan said the coordinators
scores give them to us.
:rived higher SAT and without but he wouldn't improvements were justified by
e publicspending
or Chegar said. "Even his secretary the traffic ents numbers they collected.
"We had the responsibility,they colt',Cte
said it would only take 15 minutes � tct•luuc•tl standpoint, to develop
reticular football stadiums
anetarWms." •• said Meyers.
Showingtheboati thattherto find' an accurate plan.
provide "The plan is yours and you have to
out coalition is concerned er hand and said heiwouldapon n what to do with your plan."
rout education, boardwith a copy decide
CHS principal William Duke,the prop- The council as a limited
ue Richardson announced that
taut the group amount of time to approve the
ae group will hold a. if
kation summit, tentatively meanwhile, defen
plan Stale time
pthat e
expansion of P Y 1
the plan is not acted on icorn-
lion facilities. Just because CHS days of approval by the
Manned to be held at CHS in late osedathletic teams doesn't
Jclober. the
The goals for this a from the Oct. mean it's
o hasizing athle- mission and the plan by
the tics. he said. is clerk-t certification
it will become
be the same as those from the ct. mean it's overem law.'i'hal means the council only
community 1990, summit: to Inform► "But you have to relate thisents," t to make a
inhl reform options with-
(priority) to dollars and has until July 24
In the school system: and tboa d. Carmel resident repeatedlydacision_
wince council, the theliresary emphasized.
city and rest of the
community that education is the
foundation of our economy and
should be
just the concern of
those who
choose it as a profession.
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