The regular meeting of the Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals was called to
order by Board attorney, Gordon Byers , at 7: 29 P.M. , January 26 , 1987 at the
City Meeting Hall. The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance .
Mayor Jane Reiman was present and explained the make up of the Board of
Zoning Appeals.
Mayor Reiman then swore in Ila Badger and Gilbert Kett for 4 year terms
to expire December 31 , 1990.
John Hensel, Clay Township Trustee , was present to swear in Jeff Davis
for a 4 year term to expire December 31 , 1990.
Roll was called and members present were: Bill McFadden, Ila Badger,
Richard Dowell, Jeff Davis and Gilbert Kett .
Staff members present were: Chuck Kiphart , Pat Hollingsworth, Gordon
Byers and Rosalind McCart.
Election of officers for 1987 followed.
Mr. Kett nominated Bill McFadden for chairman.
Seconded by Dr. Dowell.
Mrs. Badger moved the nominations be closed.
Seconded by Dr. Dowell.
Mr. McFadden was elected chairman and assumed the chair.
Mrs. Badger nominated Dr. Dowell for vice chairman.
Seconded by Mr. Kett .
Mrs. Badger moved the nominations be closed
Seconded by Mr. Kett.
Dr. Dowell was elected vice chairman.
Mrs. Badger moved that Rosalind McCart continue as secretary.
Seconded by Dr. Dowell.
Mrs. Badger moved the nominations be closed.
Seconded by Dr. Dowell.
Mrs . McCart was reelected secretary.
There was no objection by Board members to the 1986 Rules of Procedure
and they were adopted for 1987 .
There were no additions or corrections to the minutes of the November 24,
1986 meeting and Mrs . Badger moved that they be approved as submitted.
Seconded by Dr. Dowell.
Motion carried.
M. Old Business
lm. Board to consider Docket No. V 1-84/87 , Renewal Variance Application
for one chair beauty shop in home located at 10404 Cornell Ave . in
R-3 zoning. Requesting renewal for a 2 year period.
. Filed by Martha Lovell.
Martha Lovell was present requesting a renewal for the beauty shop in her
home for a period of 2 years.
Photos of the home were shown.
There is a sign attached that complies with the ordinance .
Mrs. Badger moved that Docket No. 1-84/87 be granted to Mrs. Lovell for
a 2 year period of time.
Seconded by Dr. Dowell.
Findings of fact were completed by members.
Motion carried 5 to 0.
2m. Board to consider Docket No . V 2-86/87 , Renewal Variance Application
for one chair beauty shop located in home at 10460 Combs Ave . in R-3
zoning. Requesting renewal for a 2 year period.
Filed by Jennifer Cala.
Jennifer Cala was present requesting renewal of the beauty shop in her
home for a period of 2 years.
There were no complaints in the file and staff recommended approval.
The sign is in compliance with the ordinance .
e 2
Mr. Kett moved that Docket No. V 2-86/87 be approved.
Seconded by Dr. Dowell.
Findings of fact were completed by members.
Motion carried 5 to 0.
3m. Board to consider Docket No . V 48-80/87 , Renewal Variance Appli-
cation for 128 sq. ft. sign for American Aggregates Corp. located at
5300 E. 116th St. in S-1 zoning.
Filed by Wende Gorder for American Aggregates; Catherine Williams ,
acting authorized agent .
Mr. Kiphart informed that he has a letter from American Aggregates stat-
ing that they wish to change to a permanent variance for as long as they use
this sign and that they request to table this item tonight.
Item 3m is tabled at the request of the petitioner.
4m. Board to consider Docket No. V 42-86/87 , Developmental Standards Vari-
ance for Timothy and Sharon Pettygrove , 3352 Eden Hollow Place , lot
120 , Eden Estates , located in R-1 zoning. Petitioner seeks to install
inground swimming pool which will encroach rear yard drainage and
utility easement.
This petition received a no-decision vote at the November 1986 BZA
Filed by Timothy & Sharon Pettygrove .
Gary Faust, pool contractor, made the presentation.
Mr. Faust explained that there is a utility easement in the rear and in
the front of the property.
Mr. Faust said they have an approval by every utility of this request as
the utilities are currently all running in front of the property.
Letters in this regard from all the utility companies are in the file.
The petitioner does conform to Technical Advisory Committee requests.
Dr. Dowell moved that Docket No. V 42-86/87 , Developmental Standards
Variance for Timothy & Sharon Pettygrove to install inground swimming pool _.
which will encroach rear yard drainage and utility easement, be approved.
Seconded by Mr. Kett.
Findings of fact were completed by members.
Motion carried 5 to 0.
5m. Board to consider Docket No. V 44-86/87, Developmental Standards Vari-
ance for James B. Carr, D.D. S. , 266 Medical Dr. , Carmel , IN. in B-8
zoning. Petitioner seeks ground sign which will be visible from south;
existing wall sign is also visible from south (Sec . 25.7 . 04-1 6i--
Second sign in front yard) .
' This petition received a no-decision vote at the November 1986 BZA
Filed by James B. Carr, D.D. S.
Mr. Davis Coots made the presentation reviewing the request.
Dr. Carr was present.
The petitioner seeks to install a ground sign on the site indicated on
the plan presented.
The sign is to be constructed of brick identical to that on the building.
Mr. Coots said the reason for the sign is that traffic headed to the south
needs identification exposure .
There are 2 signs on the south elevation. Dr. Carr' s sign and that of a
From the east, alongMedical Dr. , the sign
north. will be visible from the
Mr. Kiphart stated that staff will always ask that the sign ordinance ,
as written, be upheld.
Mrs. Badger moved that Docket No. V 44-
86/87 , Developmental Standards
Yage �239
Variance for James B. Carr, D.D. S. , be approved.
Seconded by Mr. Kett. leted by members.
Findings of fact were comp
Motion carried 3 to 2 (Mr. Davis and Mrs. Badger voting NO) .
L. Public Hearings Developmental Stand-
11.. 7 : 00 P.M. , Public Hearing on Docket No.
Sho8e, Court , Carmel , IN.
35 eCo for automaticrel , pool
ards Variance for zLoning.
Hamaker,oner seeks approval
located in R-1 zoning.
cover in lieu of fence (Sec. 7 . 3.2) .
Filed by Larry Hamaker.
The public hearing opened at 8: 20 with Mr. Hamaker making the presentation
for an automatic pool cover in lieu of a fence.
Thertified plat survey was shown and photos of the pool were presented.
No c present and the public hearing closed at 8: 25.
Mr remonstrattat were
Kiphart stated that the Technical Adviberestablished.recommended that
Mr. P ordinance ,
the 6 ft. high fence , required by
Mrs. Badger said that the ordinance regarding fences and pools should be
n. Mrs. Badger
vtethi and ask the Commissioit needs to nnetoelooktinto this matter. Hamaker.
thatM this Boardgrask be approved for Larry Mrs. Badger moved that Docket No . V 1-87 PP
Seconded by Dr. Dowell. members.
Findings of fact were completed by
Motion carried 5 to 0.
Mr. McFadden asked that the Plan Commission look into this matter in the
ordinance pertaining to pools and fences.
21. 7 : 00 P.M. , Public Hearing on Docket No . V 3-87 , Developmental Stand-
ards Variance for Charlotte Verrg905 Bristol Rd. , Indianapolis , IN
46280 , located in R-1 zoning. Petitioner seeks Variance from Sec .
7 .2 , Day Nursery, Minimum Area, One acre. Lot size is 14,100 sq. ft .
Filed by Charlotte Verbarg. Special Use Exception 7 : 00 P.M. , Public Hearing on Docket No. S 2-87 , Sp
IN . 46280 tic
for Charlotte Verbarg, 905 Bristol Rd. , Indianapolis , ,
ed in R-1 zoning. Petitioner seeks to operate child day care in her
home .
Filed by Charlotte Verbarg.
Both items 21 and 31 were heard together.
The public hearing opened at 8: 30 with Mrs. Verbarg making the present-
ation for a day nursery in her home and to vary for lot size.
Mrs. Verbarg stated that it is her choice to stay at home for a means of
self support .
Greg Weeks , 10945 Beechwood Dr. E. made a statement in support .
The public hearing closed at 8: 33.
Mrs. Verbarg said that Hamilton County Health Dept. allows up to 10 full
time children and up to 5 part time .
Parking will allow for 8 cars .
The back yard is fenced.
Mrs. Verbarg said she would like a small sign above the door to the play
room. There will be a separate entrance .
Mr. Kiphart said staff recommends approval and that the septic system is
their only concern. The sewer will be available to Mrs. Verbarg in late fa:
Staff recommends that this variance goes with
otoCharlotte Verbarg
' Mrs. Badger moved that Docket No . V 3-87
Seconded by Dr. Dowell.
Findings of fact were completed by members.
Motion carried for the Variance 5 to 0 • roved with the understand
Mrs. Badger moved that Docket No . S 2-87 be approved
.1.� "1' �uiv lwG APPEALS MINUTES
ing that the - JANUARY 26, 1987
maximum capacityPage 4'
when Mrs. her mar would be 10 full time
fromn e g reaches the maximum number allowed that she ' time and
Hamilton County Health Dept. that
Seconded by Dr. Dowell. P regarding septic a get approval
Findings of fact were completed by approvals.
Motion carried 5 to 0. members.
41. 7: 00 P.M. , Public Hearin
ards VarianceMfori0 g on Docket No. V 4-87,
arilsCarmIN. Osco Drugs (The Center) , 1 S. Range Line Rd. ,
located in B-3 zoning. 390 S. R
Sign Ordinance , Sec. 25,7 . 04_1 bii: Petitioner seeksaVariance from
also Sec. 25.7 . 04-1 Sebvi:. Color and design,
and type
orange le7, for interior illumination,
Filed by A. Manganoamination,
51. for Osco Drugs.
7: 00 P.M. , public Hearing
for Osco Drugs,b13 90 on Docket No. S 5-87 ,
toninS . Range Line Rd. , - 7 ► Special. located Use ince-3
g• Petitioner seeks to amend sign Carmel, IN.Unified Center.
Filed by A. Mangano package
for Osco Drugs. in Center.
Both items 41 and 51 were
Des ThThe public hearingheard together.
eign l. of Orpened at 8: 42 with Alex Mangano, manager of
Terry Doyle of Doyle Si ' making the presentation. g the
The site plan and elevation Company
wiin was present.
Mr. Mangano stated that theyg were shown..
off of 2 request 2 signs because there
havef2 2i (Range Line Rd. and 116th St. ) and theyis visibility
Photos were have the right to
hoin opposition
and the signage shown.
Letters from Clyde Winkler, 605
and Ballwin,from MO. 63011 (property owner of land Claymont Estates gbuilding) ,Dr. ,
Drug Store , 1421 S. i abuttingRd. Thomas Drug ,
V. Pres. , store operations Range Line Rd. ,
official minutes and operations, were
read master CO R. Cunningham,
Y Mrs. McCart and are a
Mrs. moved that Docket No . copy.
part of the
rBadger 2 V 4-87 , in regard to
Ordinance ,presentedSec.th25. 7 .s 41 bii: Number and typePart A, (Sign
evening and is to run only with for scooDr sign) , be pertainsprved
to the second sign only- the one requested for 116th Street.. This
Secondea by Dr. Dowell. h Street.
Findings of fact were completed by members for Part
A of Docket No. V 4-87.
Motion failed 5 to 0,
Regarding Part B, Mr. Mangano stated the size of the sign
Mrs. Badger moved that Docket No. 4-87 ,
ance Sec. 2 _ bvi: Pertaining to Part tB o bSi n , ft.
whicc 2 Color and design of the signSign eRd ,
teriorhisl no largernthanaod 75is sq. ft. ,
, be approved for orangecng Range Line il. ,
Seconded bytDrugs only.
letters and Findings ofact Dwere lcompleted b
Motion carried 4 to 1 by memberstfor Part B of Docket No. V 4-87.
Mrs. Badger moved that (Dr.Docket No. voting NO) •
color for thegmain sigs ad the t 5-87 be a
Osco Drugs only. type of lighting approved to amend in so far as
Seconded byg and that it be approved for
Findings of fact Dwere •completed by members for Docket No . S 5-87.
Motion carried 5 to 0,
61. 7: 00 P.M. , public Hearing on Docket No. S 6-87 ,ion for John Kirk Enterprises, 12 4.
locatednin B- Sdian pecial Carmel,se Except-
3 zoning. Petitioner seeks Mto1construct blocIl
for storage of boats .
Filed by building
Terry Brookie for John Kirk Enterprises. _
The public hearing opened at 9: 26 with Terry Brookie, attorney, making the
Tom Kirk was present.
The petitioner seeks to construct a masonry block building (44' x 52' 8"
and approximately 18 ft . in height) for the storage of equipment and occa-
sionally boats .
A drawing of the building was shown.
The building will have no water or heat.
Parking (8 spaces) will be due east.
There are 2 bays on the north elevation that are not closed.
The east elevation will have no windows or doors.
• There will be no retail traffic.
Barb Conrad of Weihe Engineering was present.
There were no remonstrators and the public hearing closed at 9: 29.
Dr. Dowell moved that Docket No . S 6-87, for John Kirk Enterprises , be
Seconded by Mr. McFadden.
Findings of fact were completed by members.
Motion carried 5 to 0 .
71. 7 : 00 P.M. , Public Hearing on Docket No. V 7-87 , Developmental Stand-
ards Variance for Perry Meek, 1731 W. 106th St. , Clay Twp. located in
S-1 zoning. Petitioner seeks 2 variances: (1) oversized garage and
(2) located in front yard.
Filed by Sheila Marshall for Perry & Nancy Meek.
The public hearing opened at 9: 32 with Davis Coots making the present-
Mr. Meek was present.
The petitioner owns approximately 60 acres that have been subdivided into
Coppergate Subdivision that was approved by the Plan Commission.
The plat was shown for this request- the lot with the old home on it.
Currently the petitioner enters his property from 106th St .
By reason of the layout of Coppergate their drive to 106th St . is being
closed and their drive will enter from an interior road in the subdivision,
Coppergate Dr. , to a circular drive in front of their home .
They seek to build a garage immmediately to the S.E. of their home , 75 ft.
back from the right-of-way of Coppergate Dr. and 40 ft . back from the west
boundary line of their property.
A drawing was shown of the proposed 3 car garage . (1,008 sq. ft . )
The public hearing closed at 9: 40.
Mrs . Hollingsworth reported that the Technical Advisory Committee found
no problems.
Regarding the oversized garage , approval for the 1 ,008 sq. ft. is to run
with the land and Mrs. Badger so moved.
Seconded by Mr. Kett.
Findings of fact were completed by members.
Motion carried 5 to 0 for Part A, Oversized garage.
Regarding Part B, location of garage in front yard, Dr. Dowell moved
Seconded by Mrs . Badger.
Findings of fact were completed by members.
Motion carried 5 to 0 .
There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting
Chairman Secretary