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As we enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday, perhaps a Let's help the following people longtime Carmel resid
throwback to the days of the first Thanksgiving and a blow out the candles on their birth- she ever slow down?
spirit of sharing will make the holiday more fulfilling and day cakes: SUE PAGE, BOB Edith Cooper tells
spent a week in Florida
mother prepare to
Vance For PoolCarmelWho says you can't
ti ly vacationed
in her
- LorajnelOhio
y Zoning Appealsy' ` `1it ,1f1
t, Meanwhile, CARME
new organ to replac
s; Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals Monday night unanimous- The contractor who built the pool damaged by lig]
'''4y rejected a variance for a swimming pool deck at the said no.The pool could be weaken- September. Organs c
ed without the deck,he said. cheap: $33,000.
'George Gnatovich residence, 4972 Limberlost Trace in By written vote, the board turn-
Mohawk Crossing. ed down Gnatovich's request for a ROB SECRIST recui
I. The three BZA 'members pre- ficials said. Three members con- variance. from a dislocated shou
dent Monday night voted against stitute a quorum on the five- recent motorbike attic
Pat Hollingsworth, a staff plans are underw�
allowing the concrete deck to sit member BZA board. member of the Department of
;beyond the 10-foot setback re- "The deck is the problem," Community .development, noted Carmel High School CI
'quirement from Gnatovich's side board member William McFad- that 65 permits for pools have been reunion July 25, 191
yard line.The deck of the pool sits den summarized. "If the deck was issued this year.That's more than Charles.To get on the I
kwithin seven feet of the boundary not there, you would not have a the past several years combined, graduates are asked ti
lline, according to testimony. The problem." she commented. current addresses to C
pool has already been built. Board member Ila Badger ask- In other business, the board c/o Dick Davis, P.
k Since the vote was unanimous, ed if pools are ever built without avoted 2-1 in favor of a variance for Carmel, Indiana 46032
ithe ruling by the BZA stands, of- deck surrounding the entire pool. a pool which Timothy and Sharon It just wasn'
Pettygrove want to build at 3352 WALKER'S week. Fi
Eden Hollow Place. The pool he stepped on a nail w
would "encroach rear yard ting up wood one rece
drainage and utility easement," Since the nail went ri
according to the agenda. his shoe and into his
shots. Then h+
Because of the split vote, of- reaction to his medici
ficials were uncertain if the item have been worse,"he
could be reconsidered at the next Sure.
IS a meeting in January. Three —Car
members make a quorum on the
T Q P 1 C S A split vote also was registered ‘�'
on the request for an additional
• sign by Dr. James B. Carr at his
dental offices,266 Medical Drive.
•e Approval was granted for
variances and special exceptions
it fora day nursery run by Sharon ka
Baugh in her house at 11125 Moss
• h
Drive. 0
}rt1 Carmel Wesleyan Church, 761
for C h ri s 1,m a s North Range Line,also obtained a t
`; 'q',' V variance on the required number
3 n of parking spaces. 0
tom $h M The board members noted that a
. . 6�`'? • the BZA will not meet in a
-,''; _ December. The next session will
--` ti`"< «•. be the fourth Monday in January.
full line
full service...
your local TOPICS newspaper . . . fi
deliver our Business or Motor Routes for the Si
BZA turns downpooipvariances
Two requests for variances to Three members of the five- the ordinance allows just one. variance and special exception
the Carmel zoning ordinance that member BZA were at the meeting- In Carr's case,the vote was two application for Sharon K. Baugh
would allow encroachment by McFadden,Ila Badger and Warren against and one for. allowing her to continue to run a
backyard swimming pools have Saunders. The vote was 3-0 Board attorney Gordon Byers day nursery in her home at 11125
been turned down by the Board of against Gnatovich's Petition. told the board he was not reared
ZoningAppeals. prepare Moss Drive; and a permanent
ppe The second pool variance to give an opinion on whether the parking space variance for Carmel
Both petitions were before the request,to allow a pool to encroach Pettygrove and Carr petitions fail- Wesleyan Church at 761 N.Range
BZA for the second time.Both had a drainage and utility easement in ed, but would research it and let Line Road. Both matters were
been tabled at the October meet- the backyard of Timothy and the board and petitioners know taken up in public hearing,with no
ing.for different reasons. Sharon Pettygrove, 3352 Eden within 45 days.' members of the public speaking
The request of George Gnato- Hollow Place,was tabled in Octob- Other matters before the board, either for or against the petitions.
etch, 4972 Limberlost Trace. to er because neither of the Petty- all of which passed, were a .I
allow the concrete deck of his pool. groves were at the meeting and
already in place in October, to ���
their representative, Clary Faust. r !
. encroach three feet into a 10-foot was riot legally empowere: tomake II) tr c$s st `.„ - x,
side yard setback was met with decisions for them. 1L�// \.1 J �'4
lengthy and sometimes emotional Mr. Pettygrove an Faust
objections by his next door neigh- augmented their case I 'Core the i'
bor,James Malty,during a public board Monday with letters from the fop 1987 election
hearing last month. appropriate utilities releasing the
While making a motion to table, easement for the Pettygroves'use. ";
board member William McFadden The vote on the Pettygrove peti- Cannel councilmatic districts "It would be very helpful to
stipulated the Mohawk Crossing
neighbors, their attorneys and tion was two for and one against, will not be changed for next year's future councils in redistricting if
subdivision developers meet with
Three"aye"votes,a quorum of the elections. that part of Eden Brook south of
staff of the Department of board,are necessary for approval. The City Council at its Nov. 17 Brookshire and contiguous to
Community Development to work It was still uncertain at the end meeting received,and accepted.a ,116th Street could be removed
out their differences and come to of the meeting whether the 2-1 vote recommendation by council from Eden Brook and added to
some kind of agreement. was a denial or a no-vote.A no-vote member Jim Garretson that there Brookshire,'the report stated."At
would allow the Pettygroves to be no changes in district bounda- least this would place Greenspr-
Jack Hittle, Gnatovich's attor- bring their request back to the next ries for the time being. trigs precinct contiguous to Brook- f
ney, told the board Monday that meeting, in January. may shire while Keystone (precinct)
there was a meeting earlier this There be some in the
month but no agreement had been An earlier petition, on its first future, however. Garretson also would be contiguous to Eden
reached. However
he said, the time through, also got a 2-1 vote. recommended the council ask Brook.
question of drainage, which he Dentist James B. Carr asked for county commissioners to look at "Without that flexibility I am
permission to put a ground sign in "the dilemna" of Eden Brook 2 afraid the disparity in district sizes
called Mally's overriding concern, the front yard of his office at 206 precinct, which stretches from will become even worse."
had been taken care of. Medical Drive.There is already one Keystone Avenue east to GrayDistrict 5. which includes
That no agreement had been
identifying sign on the building. Road along 116th Street,when the Grecnsprir.gs, Lakewood,
attoreacrney, Bob W Ifewas evident h en gavealthe The ground sign would be the commissioners realign Carmel Keystone and Briar Creek
board an engineer's report which second sign visible from the south: precincts. (Continued on p.16)
he said, "shows there will be a -- --
drainage problem." a> 'o6itti, (",
Hittle told the board denial of the- • r & RA
variance would cause a substan- � ¢� - I �, ; �
tial hardship for Gnatovich. "The I Y� f- % 4 ' °
pool is in.the concrete is in... the �.. c �:
deck is there, he said. 1 ' ' , „� 3, pi
Local government ` +
meeting schedules " , ;" A, -
Board of Public Works and `. 4,. )
Safety - Wednesdays. Dec. 3t , �
and 17.City Meeting Hail . 4 !ems' , 1 " , �
Cable TV Advisory Commit- ,";.r. a ale, "
lc tee-Wednesdays.Nov. 26 and ' r, --4. t 'y` 4 I .4„,
- ,'; ,
Dec. Dec. 10,City Meeting Hall i'..... ,�
to City Council - Mondays, 1, '61 r
ie Dec.1 and 15.City Meeting Hall r - > 'it m, f 6
ii. Clay Twp. Regional Sewer t sir , „ n .. i
cc Board-Monday. Dec. 8. Room ri'; — j .
he 154,Cannel High School ! 4 i-; �
Economic Development s d , / i'
Commission- Thursday, Dec. r " i,
11, 7 p.m., lower level of City 4.i ., g e 1 t
Hall >„ r, st, *,,` .1, 0"..4' r`> t
Plan Commission-Tuesda „raw :` '
Dec. 16.City Meeting Hall a ',
School Board - Tuesday, �' i '` � +,
Dec. 2, Orchard Park confer- i -4,. ,j " 1} '`
ence room, and'Monday, Dec. l 4_ -, .i �4:` i
15.Orchard Park gymnasium g • v a.<
, Nitinside � ,r
Around town'p,4 American Indian studies ...
Business,p, 5 '
Classifieds.p. 19
Engagements. p.4 Indian heritage was brought to Forest Dale third-graders Nov.20 by Shelby
Obits,p. 20 Zimmerman (left) 5-year-old adopted son of Leroy Malaterre (right). The
,a 1 Police blotter,P.20 Senior citizens,p. 145 students recently completed a study unit on American Indians. Malaterre,a
School menus,p. 1s Lebanon, Ind.,resident,is an active member of the American Indian Council
Sports, p.6 and has nprfermpri at couorat avpnte inrisiriinn+ha rayon+In+ornn+inn.i cacti