HomeMy WebLinkAboutNewspaper Articles - Group 1 (5) By PATTIE DICK
a News Correspondent tee to "keep an idea of what
g f • CARMEL..,Ind. — The idea of Carmel is to be In the future,"
expanding Carmel's boundaries before inviting steering cammit-
3 £„ . 4 to include all of Clay Township tee comments.
( s ?�„ ` has been discussed by a group of Committee member Will
city planners. Wright, a Carmel area developer.
Speaking at a meeting of the said he believes there is a prob-
4 �. Plan Update SteeringCarmel-Clay Comprehensive
lem with making an alternate
.; this week, developer and co - "The public
perceives the
mittee member George Sweet plan as fact, rather than a per-
said he would like someone to ceptual plan," Wright said.
• study the practicality of making He said he believes`It would` the city's boundaries coincide
with those of Clay Townshi P• be better to use a pie chart ' •
show the percentage of use for
Alan Potasnik. who is the each type of`development and
Carmel City Council's represen- avoid colored area maps depict- '
tative to the committee, said, ing where these types of develop-
"The idea has a lot of merit.'It's ment should go.
been kicked around on an infor- Pieplow told Wright he felt
mal basis by some members of Wright's idea would leave a
the council."
"' • Brian Pte blank plan with apie
Pieplow. land use plan- chart.
"That's not as constructive
ner from Howard Needles Tam- ' as what I'm hearing is needed,"
men & Bergendoff, told the corn- Pieplow said.
mittee the idea of unified Dillon agreed with Pie
plow's government would be "verya g plow's
;,�� ` propriate as a P" comments.
dation of thep llcomprehensive "Too much of planning and
Plan." zoning serves as a point at
..: + P which arbitration starts," Dillon
Sweet said it would be "rea-
3� sonable to say to the plan corn- said.
'; mission, 'Why don't you discuss He said the last in 1985hen-
this?' " sive plan, developed 1985, left
�: f He said the plan commission nine transition areas. He said he
s, is the appropriate forum'for the see the new plan
would like to
�` idea because it includes re re- it more specific regarding tran-
I sentatives from both the city and sition areas.
township. Committee member Bob
Boone echoed Dillon's remarks,Committee member and
V �' founder of the Clay West Infor- saying, "It's terribly important
mation Council Jim Dillon said to people when they make the
P kind of investments they do in
unified townshipwide govern-
e Indianapolis News ment "would require a referen- this community. They want as-
n the main indoor He asserted there is a "feelln Boone said he feels the plan
for nine years. of disenfranchisement" among' g needs to "get down to almost
Clay Township residents' 'b line drawings"In terms of detail.
cause of Carmel City Council au- Greg Binder, also a committee
)' , bus thorny in township rezonih member, said. "1 thinkeoit'sreally
Three preliminary plancon-
important.as a harrieowner: that
K'd eept scenarios were reviewed we have a map.[i\ and critiqued by the committee Binderb saidw he feels more
at Wednesday night's meetin comfortable with the corridor
Pieplow offered as possible islin more scenario
lineowith and what ethe
®n scenarios for the comprehensive committee should pursue be-
plan; concepts involving "cen- cause it takes the environment
vs tral focus," "neighborhood vii- into account.
The Leba- lages" and "corridor linkage." The majority of the committee '
voted to Pieplow explained the central rejected`the neighborhood vil-
us scenario would attempt to lages concept.
teaching keep all major regional office However. Wes Bucher, direc-
space and industry in a mid- tor of the Carmel Department of
16 mo- town location. High-density resi-". Community Development. de- .
l buses
dential uses would become a fended the idea.
:unicate buffer zone'between the com- He said the neighborhood vii-
Mon. mercial center and the lower- lages scenario fits dome of'the '
Jrchase density residential uses.
be used The plan calls for a parkway presentBucher saithere a are plans to
3nnel, surrounding the outer perimeter extend 96th Street over-White
s and , of the high-density residential River, which will create'a com
as well region. mercial corridor at the southeast
The neighborhood villages corner of the township.
em will concept would place residential He said Carmel has more de-
Jratlon's areas around local shopping cen- centralized industrial areas.
,m which ters, which are not addressed in the
zopriated The third concept, the cord- corridor linkages or central focus
dor linkage plan, would put corn- scenarios.
III be pur- mercial uses along major corn The committee will continue
iunications dOre• the discussion at its 8:30
apolis. The plan calls for regional Aug. 1 meeting'in the City Meet-
the equip. recreation areas within current ing Hall and is expected to
yard mem- natural open spaces. choose a scenario at its Aug. 8
Pieplow charged the commit- meetin.-.
;ht casting