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315985 9/12/2017
+us GAAy '� CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 371098 CHECK AMOUNT: $"""""2 131.00* ONE CIVIC SQUARE NATIONAL BUSINESS FURNITURE a` CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 n0 SOUTH 70TH STREET CHECK NUMBER: 315985 MILWAUKEE WI 53214 CHECK DATE: 09/12/17 M�>ow c� DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION DEL MAR CREDENZA: CT 1701 4463000 100676 ZJ974288DR 2,131.00 w 2 < « 0 �� q -V O r � § 0 % 2222 z « 0 / G a/ E / % n A M CO 9 N 0 n ® CO 2 E 8 k k ƒ q 2 2 O 7 t o 12 OD E § k ? O co ® cn 2 -n ;o ;oU) / w T \ q c -N - > c � � D § § E q § % ƒ 8 © 7 � ® z 2 \ 7 > 0 0 0 | \ k k % _ J a i l E ® & § � 13 c § $ A g M. E 7 § i CD , ? ; - o � 7 f ; f - ? @ C 2 { CD % CDC . C % 61 3 3§ \ ca ? � a m m a & 2 / - ( � e E CL \/ CD m OD ® k 7 Er � k to 1 3 |� [ k & $ q Q cL \ _ > ® CL \ § m \ / ; � cL 2 \ E D \ � ) 7 � ƒ o - � m ca O CD C) oo 0 jƒ o / � � Z / K {i § � k< \ \ \ & | e� mm 0 a ■ �� < 0 D §0 G ) - $ g c n § D co / m iq / § - 7.- $ 0 / k 2. j E r- ƒ 0 6 z m n m m CD q ] = a % / \ 7 CD \ / � A M z Q ] CDA # z , \ \ § \ 7 2 k \ 7 \ E National Business Furniture, LLC 770 South 70th Street 63214 NATIONAL BUSINESS r�lervi e :wl 800.626.6060 .62oINVOICE FURNITURE Fax: 800.329.9349 www.NBF.com Email: milservice@nbf.com Federal ID: 20-3851320 08/29/17 �!• • 100676 ZJ974288-DMI Sold To: Shipped To: KAREN TAYLOR KAREN TAYLOR CLERK-TREASURER'S OFFICE CLERK-TREASURER'S OFFICE CITY OF CARMEL CITY OF CARMEL 1 CIVIC SQ 3RD FL 1 CIVIC SQ 3RD FL CARMEL IN 46032 CARMEL IN 46032 Please return the top portion with your remittance. Item • Description Qty. I Each Tota 5411 Exec Storage Credenza 1 $1,849.00 $1,849.00 Sedona Cherry LIFETIME GUARANTEE FREE Total Merchandise $1,849.00 Shipping and Handling $282.00 Subtotal $2,131.00 Total Tax $0.00 Balance Due $2,131.00 ist Price: $3,113.00, Your Cost: $1,849.00, Your Savings! $1,264.00 or 41% Track your order at hftp://www.nationalbusinessfurniture.com/ordertracklogin.asp To pay by Credit Card or Electronic Funds Transfer(EFT)call (800)626-6060 r, mail a check to: ational Business Furniture 70 South 70th Street ilwaukee,WI 53214 axpayer Identification Number: 20-3851320 DUNS Number: 07-616-4771 MES (USF HOLLAND)Tracking#: 106-3477883 9 f your deposit was made with a credit card and the balance is not paid within 60 days, your credit card will be charged automatically for the balance Sales Tax will be included only for shipments into locations where we are registered to collect sales tax.Customer may be liable for self-assessment if shipment s into a location where we are not registered to collect tax. If you feel any taxes are charged in error,please make sure we have received the proper exemption ocumentation. All documentation will be reviewed to ensure it meets state&local requirements prior to removing any taxes. Thank you for your order!Terms are Net 30 Days. Payment made artpr=30 days is subja.t to a service vharge of L'`z°o per rnonth per annurril. NO RETURNS ACCEPTED WITHOUT OUR WRITTEN CONSENT r� Holland PHONE(616)395-5000 DUNS 00-777-3724 (HMES) CUSTOMER'SCOPY i 700 S.Waverly Rd. } HOLLAND,MICHIGAN 49423 SHIPPER BOL NO. PRO NUMBER ; ORIG. DEST. TYPE7—P/-G-7 BILLER 3055,314 106-34 7-7766:3 t. ✓i 7 f 2.27-7621 G-'ey' t'4 f I S B V P.O.NUMBER DATE _ COD AMOUNT CONSIGNEE - j C 1 T's O T' ',ARM 11`., I � REIGHi CHARGES DUE HMES {{ ^ { "-.��'.���� T t:���P�l I �':�'�i-i:'a1�I�;F'� � ",-IFFICE 1 CARMEL IN 460.32251B4 itiSUS S Yki41TtF4ci 111 _3 L 1( -- '770 S 70TH ST . Iini ; xw �.4v1�� H.-iTTN EURI � aK 1 INBOUND TRAILER I ROW T BYD.SCAC BEYOND REVENUE ADV.SCAC ADVANCE PRO ADVANCE DATE ADVANCE REVENUE HMES REVENUE 3 I 5"')02 c t3 i PIECES H/M i DESCRIPTION CLASS WEI (LBS) RATE CHARGES PPDCOL ` } CITY OF t:AFF-IMEL - 414, 27.6,. e5 I i L tC: