HomeMy WebLinkAboutACAD2007-Jacksons Grant-S5-HAGTAGcesposito*Model_Space ACAD_GEOGRAPHICDATA ACAD_SORTENTS PROJCS["IN83-EF",GEOGCS["LL83",DATUM["NAD83",SPHEROID["GRS1980",6378137.000,298.25722210]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],UNIT["Degree",0.01745329251994 3295]],PROJECTION["Transverse_Mercator"],PARAMETER["false_easting",328083.333],PARAMETER["false_northing",820208.333],PARAMETER["scale_factor",0.999966666667],PARAMETER["central_meridian",-85.6666666 6666670],PARAMETER["latitude_of_origin",37.50000000000000],UNIT["Foot_US",0.30480060960122]] *Model_Space 0 ADSK_XREC_LAYER_RECONCILED NormalACAD_COLOR ACAD_FIELDLIST ACAD_GROUP ACAD_LAYOUT ACAD_MATERIAL ACAD_MLEADERSTYLE ACAD_MLINESTYLE ACAD_PLOTSETTINGS ACAD_PLOTSTYLENAME ACAD_SCALELIST ACAD_TABLESTYLE ACAD_VISUALSTYLE ACDB_RECOMPOSE_DATA AcDbVariableDictionary AcDsDecomposeData ASE_INDEX_DICTIONARY Autodesk_MAP IrdDscDictionary MAP_CSINDWG_REGAPP Root C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\C3D 2011\enu\Data\Pay Item Data\Getting Started\Getting Started.csv <DATADIR>Pay Item Data\Getting Started\Getting Started.csv C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\C3D 2011\enu\Data\Pay Item Data\Getting Started\Getting Started.for <DATADIR>Pay Item Data\Getting Started\Getting Started.for ADE02C004 [Query] CaseSensitiveMatch=0 SaveCurrQueryInSession=1 MkSelSetWithQryObj=0 ShowBlockAsInsPt=0 CreateAssociativeHatchObjects=0 ReferenceBoundaryForAreaLocation=1 ShowImageAsBoundary=1 DefaultJoinOperator=2 ColorForAdd=red ColorForRemove=red BlockLocnForQuery=1 TextLocnForQuery=1 IncludeAllObjectsInGroups=0 AlwaysUseLibraryDefinitions=0 PreviewDefinitionsFrom=2 [Save Back] RedefineBlockDefinitions=1 RedefineLayerDefinitions=1 RedefineTextStyleDefinitions=1 RemoveUnusedGroups=1 EraseSavedBackObjects=1 RemoveLockAfterSave=1 CreateHistoryFileOfChanges=0 CreateBackupFileOfSourceDwg=1 DontAddObjectsToSaveSet=0 MarkObjectsForEditingWithoutPrompting=0 FdoDontAddObjsToSvSet=0 FdoEditWithoutPrompt=1 FdoRemUnusedGrps=1 FdoEraseSvdBkObjs=1 FdoRemoveLockOnSave=1 FdoTesselationMaxPointsDistance=0 FdoTesselationMaxCurvesDistance=0 [Coordinate Transformation] RestoreLastActiveDwgsOnStartup=1 ActivateDwgsOnAttach=1 AdjustSizesAndScalesForC hangesInUnits=1 AdjustRotationsForMapDistortions=1 AdjustSizesAndScalesForMapDistortions=1 AdjustElevations=1 AdjustZeroRotationObjects=1 ReconnectDbOnWSOpen=1 NoOfSQLConditionsInHistory=10 IN83-EF AeccUiQTOPayItemFilePath AeccUiQTOPayItemCategoryFilePath AeccUiQTOPayItemFormulaFilePath ADE_PROJECTION ADE Global ByBlock ByLayer Concrete.Cast-In-Place.Flat.Grey.1 Global FBXASSETACAD Continuous Solid line AeccImpFace jmcwhorter C-PROP-LINE C-PROP AeccDbFace Autodesk *U *U11SOLID SOLID SOLID SOLID SOLID SOLID*U *U12 SOLID SOLID SOLID SOLID SOLID SOLID SOLIDSOLID SOLID SOLID SOLID Grading & Design|4 Grading & Design|1 Grading & Design|2 Grading & Design Grading & Design|3 Autodesk Autodesk Autodesk AutodeskAutodesk Autodesk . . . . . . . Standard times.ttf Times New Roman ByBlock Grading Daylight Autodesk Autodesk Corridor Edge of Paved Shoulder Corridor SubLayer - Feature Line Corridor Lane Break Corridor Top Soil - Feature Line Corridor Daylight Line - Cut Corridor Grading Corridor Hinge - Cut Slope Corridor Daylight - Subgrade Corridor Ditch Corridor Daylight Line - Fill Grading Daylight Pond Feature Line Grading Ditch Corridor Hinge - Fill Slope Corridor Crown Basic Corridor Edge of Unpaved Shoulder Corridor Curb Line Corridor Daylight Basic Feature Line Corridor Flowline Corridor Hinge - Top Slope Design Feature Line Corridor Edge of Travel Way Autodesk Autodesk Basic Autodesk Autodesk Basic X Basic Projection in Section Autodesk Autodesk C-ROAD-MARKADSK_XREC_LAYER_ RECONCILED ByLayer Projection in Section Autodesk Autodesk C-TOPO-FEAT ADSK_XREC_LAYER_RECONCILED Basic X Autodesk Autodesk Grading Ditch New Feature Line Style Autodesk Autodesk C-TOPO-SWALEADSK_XRE C_LAYER_RECONCILED SWALE_LINE SWALE line ---->ooo---->ooo---->ooo---->ooo---- AcCmTransparency Corridor Crown Autodesk Autodesk C-ROAD-CORR ADSK_XREC_LAYER_RECONCILED CENTER Center ____ _ ____ _ ____ _ ____ _ ____ _ ____ Corridor Daylight Autodesk AutodeskCorridor Curb Line Autodesk Autodesk Corridor Lane Break Autodesk Autodesk HIDDEN Hidden __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _ Corridor Ditch Autodesk Autodesk Corridor Flowline Autodesk Autodesk PHANTOM Phantom ______ __ __ ______ __ __ ______ Corridor Grading Autodesk Autodesk Corridor Edge of Travel Way Autodesk Autodesk Corridor Edge of Unpaved Shoulder Autodesk Autodesk Corridor Edge of Paved Shoulder Autodesk AutodeskCorridor Daylight Line - Fill Autodesk Autodesk Corridor Daylight Line - Cut Autodesk Autodesk Corridor Hinge - Fill Slope Autodesk Autodesk Corridor Hinge - Top Slope Autodesk Autodesk Corridor Daylight - Subgrade Autodesk Autodesk Corridor Hinge - Cut Slope Autodesk Autodesk Corridor SubLayer - Feature Line Autodesk Autodesk Corridor Top Soil - Feature Line Autodesk Autodesk Basic Autodesk Autodesk C-ROAD-FEATADSK_XREC_LAYER_ RECONCILED Basic Feature Line Autodesk Autodesk Design Feature Line Autodesk jmcwhorter Pond Feature Line Autodesk jmcwhorter C-TOPO-FEAT-BASIN New Feature Line Style Autodesk Autodesk New Marker Style csiuser csiuser SA - Boundary Primary property boundary style. Use this style to define the boundary of the entire property. Autodesk <[167804933(2449)]> : <[16809985]> rwiederman ANSI31 ANSI31 SA - Lot SA - C.A. SA - Boundary Autodesk <[167804933(2449)]> : <[16809985]> Autodesk ANSI31 ANSI31C-PROP-BNDY ADSK_XREC_LAYER_RECONCILED SA - C.A. COMMON AREA Autodesk <[16809985]> KGilson ANSI31 ANSI31 C-PROP-C.A. ADSK_XREC_LAYER_RECONCILED C-ROAD-PVMT ADSK_XREC_LAYER_RECONCILEDC-ROAD-CURB ADSK_XREC_LAYER_RECONCILED