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HomeMy WebLinkAbout316625 9/26/2017 ,11 us Coq*f CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 339400 t ONE CIVIC SQUARE WOOLPERT INC CHECK AMOUNT: $****24,900.31 4 � CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 Po sox 641998 CHECK NUMBER: 316625 CINCINNATI OH 45264-1998 CHECK DATE: 09/26/17 MUTON� DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 902 4340200 2017006616 24,900.31 ARCHITECTURAL FEES o Q -0 * $ « o = m 0 2 0 0 0 D \ m z 0 O R CL 0 R \ 0 / / L @ O / < <_ 00 C.) 0 0 @ ® # ( ¢ ° O a / £ c ^ ] a $ 7 C T c \ \ t -n > 0 0 / 3 / j } \ j q $ C ca > > 2 3 :30 2 4 3 > -n O C \ § 7 ® & / & $ a 9 2 / < E - k @ ? E k \ cr \ m o , 0 \ ? 0 -n o CL i f m at - CD CD 2 C 0) / 0 C + — E 7 § \ CD / a E CD o R ° ƒ ƒ M k / i ƒ <CL ' / § k ® E w & § — k ƒ § Z 3 CD 0 Cr � — co0 a ƒ 7 E Z o a m CD \ ® m \ 0.# § k � 7 D \ ) \ 0 7 � � 0z 0 0 ) k — ƒƒ B § m ƒ C o ) J \ ^ ^ D % _£� ° § / cn -f _ ( {- o < \k = - ; = o 5 / 0) m > /7 ' 0 m \ ® § J 0 \ « 0 / / j E * m / ƒ z % ] i C CDC G \ $ E $ / / p § E o 2 C M $ CD \ 8 \ ] § k it I § { [ # > \ f \ 6 § } § ƒ \ 7 k e wco iIIVOice Invoice Remittance Address WOOLPERT 1 P.O.Box 641998 Cincinnati,OH OH 45264-1998 W O O L P E P T TERMS:DUE UPON RECEIPT Come Meyer August 30,2017 Carmel Redevelopment Commission Project No: 076690 One Civic Square Invoice No: 2017006616 Carmel, IN 46032 Project 076690 Carmel(IN)Redevelopment Commission Property and Building Asset Redevelopment Phase I CRC-2016 Appropriation#902-4340100-PO 33870 Professional Services from June 18,2017 to Aunust 26.2017 Palladium-QA/QC Hours Rate Amount Project Manager 12.00 175.00 2,100.00 Administrative Support 3.50 85.00 297.50 Totals 15.50 2,397.50 Total Labor 2,397.50 Veterans Way Coordination Hours Rate Amount Technician 1.00 95.00 95.00 Totals 1.00 95.00 Total Labor 95.00 Palladium Construction Administration Hours Rate Amount Project Manager 8.00 175.00 1,400.00 Project Architect/Engineer 2.75 135.00 371.25 Totals 10.75 1,771.25 Total Labor 1,771.25 SEP Construction Documents Hours Rate Amount Project Manager 8.00 175.00 1,400.00 Project Architect/Engineer 12.00 135.00 1,620.00 Totals 20.00 3,020.00 Total Labor 3,020.00 Architectural Consulting Hours Rate Amount Project Architect/Engineer 4.00 135.00 540.00 Totals 4.00 540.00 Total Labor 540.00 Periculum CD Hours Rate Amount Project Manager 2.00 175.00 350.00 Totals 2.00 350.00 Total Labor 350.00 Project 076690 CRC Asset Redevelopment Tasks Phase I Invoice 2017006616 Periculum SEP DD Hours Rate Amount Project Manager 7.00 175.00 1,225.00 Administrative Support 3.00 85.00 255.00 Totals 10.00 1,480.00 Total Labor 1,480.00 15 First Ave NE Parking Lot Hours Rate Amount Senior Architect/Engineer 2.00 150.00 300.00 Project Architect/Engineer 14.00 135.00 1,890.00 Administrative Support 1.25 85.00 106.25 Totals 17.25 2,296.25 Total Labor 2,296.25 Demolition Plans Hours Rate Amount Project Manager 2.00 175.00 350.00 Project Architect/Engineer 25.00 135.00 3,375.00 Technician 6.00 95.00 570.00 Totals 33.00 4,295.00 Total Labor 4,295.00 Palladium Consultants Subconsultants 8,619.09 Total Consultants 8,619.09 Reimbursable Expenses Shipping/Delivery 36.22 Total Reimbursables 36.22 TOTAL DUE THIS INVOICE $24,900.31 For questions regarding this invoice,please contact Gary Murray at or 317.223.2212. Reduce processing costs and pay electronicallyl Begin paying electronically via ACH using Woolperfs bank and remittance information below. ACH information should not be used for Wire Transfers. Wires require a different account and can be provided upon request. ACH Information: US Bank Email 800 Courthouse Plaza SW Account Name:Woolpert, Inc. 10 North Ludlow Street Routing No:021052053 Dayton, Ohio 45402-1826 Account No:80501454