HomeMy WebLinkAbout098-95 SP Trails at Avian Glen Sec 9 & 10 Water Plan LayoutRzi SECT" 02610 - WATER MAINS 1. Scope of Work The work required under this section includes oil cold water distribution lines, valves meter pits, hydrants, and related items including excovating and backf ling necessary to complete the work as shown on the Plans. The ends of water service lines spoil be tightly ptugged or capped at the terminal points pending the connecting to all such tines of the building piping as specified In the plumbing speclflco- tlons and architectural drawings. Z Ductile iron pipe shall meet AWWA C-150 and C-151 Specificatlons. Pipe to be cement lined and seat coated In accordance with AWWA C-104. Joints shall be push -on type, Tyton, Fostite. Super Ball -Title, or approved e"i. except at teittings, voives and special crossings, Joints shall comply with AWWA C-111. Flanged joints shill conform to ASA A21.10 or 816.1. 3. Copper Tubing: Shall be seamless. K -capper tubing as approved by City of Cormel Specification. All Fittings must be compression type. 4. Fittings: Shall be ductile Iron conforming to ANSI Specification A21.10-1971 (AWWA 0110-71). Fittings shots be designed and manufactured for a pressure rating of 250 psi. Fittings shall be tar -tooted and shall be cement- Oned in accordance with ANSI Specification A21.4-1974 (AWWA C104-74). Fittingtd s shall be mechanical joints conforming to ANSI S¢ecification A21.11-1972 (AWWA C111-72). 5. Fire Hydrants. Shall comply with AWWA Specification C-502 and shall meet local standards and requirements, porticular- ly as to nozzle dwmeters and threads, direction of opening and dimensions of operating and cap nuts. Fire hydrants shall have one pumper and two hose noes. A valve opening not less than 5 inches and a 6 inch inlet connection. The length of the hydrant barrel shall be determined by the specified depth of cover over the pipe. Alt private woter hydrants are to be pointed a color other than that utlized by the Water Company. Hydrants shaft be located such that the direction of openings are directed towards the street. 6. Valves AN valves and stops sholl have ends suited or adopters shall be provided for the proper Installation In the lines in which they ore located. Valves shall meet local stondords or in the absence of such standards, the following requirements: A. Valves in cost Iron pipe shall be Iron body, bronze mounted, disc gate valves conforming to AWWA Speclfica- tion C-500. They shat] open In the some direction as those used in the local waterworks system. Valve stems shall terminate in 2 inch wrench nuts. Furnish two (2) keys for each valve. B. Valves it copper pipe snail be standard brass body, round -way, ground -key stops, with T heads. Furnish two (2) keys for each valve. 7. Valve Boxes: Shall meet local standards or in the absence of such, shall comply with the following requiremwts: A. For iron body valves, boxes shall be approved standard buffolo-type, cost iron, adjustable shaft boxes, having a minimum shaft diameter of 5-1/4 inches. B For brass body valves (stops) boxes shalt be approved standard cost Iron extension service boxes, having a minimum diameter of 2-1/2 inches and having lid held in place by a brass or bronze bolt, The costings shall be coated with two coats of coal -tar pitch varnish. Furnish two (2) keys for bolt in lids. 8. Plastic Pipe. Plastic pipe Is to be Polyvinyl Chloride Pressure Pipe (PVC) to AWWA C-900 standard. Pipe shall be PVC 1120, Type 1. Grade 1, Class 100. Pipe shall conform to A5TU D2241 and shall be PR160 (SDR 26) gasket pipe. Solvent joints are not acceptable. 9. Stops: Stop shalt be thaw manufactured ay Ford or Mueller Corporation with AWWA toper thread, and with copper cornpres- slon type fitting aos, and are to be protected with plastic bag over the valve. 10. Blow -off Valves: Blow -off valves shall be those manufac- tured by MueNer Corporation (H-10283 or H-10291), or approved equal. 11. Angie Valves: Angle valves at the end of water service stub ore to be copper compression type fitting cos, and are to be protected with plastic bog over the valve. 12. Tops: 3/4 inch taps in lines smaller than 4 inches Shoff**\ only by topped tee or topping saddle. Water service lWwft should be marked on curios with blue point (sewer Ids locations - green). tt 13. Tap onto existing main sholl be performed in accordance with rules of the Water Company having jurisdiction. 14. The water mains short be laid to a depth so that not less than four feet, six inches (4'-6") of cover shall be provid- ed. 15. The Contractor shall furnish the meter pit(s) of the type as shown on the Contract Plans, (meter shaft be furnished by the Woter Company) along with all necessary quick -discon- nects, valves and appurtenances. This cost shall be includ- ed in the bid amount for water lines. Backflow prevention valves shalt be required in alt meter pits. Meter pits must be equipped with storm sewer drain or sump pump connected to storm structure. 16. Tests: Test the piping for leakage for a period of at least two hours at o pressure of 150 pounds per square tach. Inspect all joints fon leakage and remedy any leaks. UW comptetior of the water distribution mains, flush out the system until the water runs clear. As soon as the system haw been flushed out. It shall be sterilized in accordance with tht requirements of the local water department. 17 Block"' shad be required at all turns in water line greater than 22-1/2 degrees and at all termination of tines and mains. 9locktfng shall be Class C concrete. Blocking shaft be placed between solid ground and the fitting to be anchored. 18. Shop Drawings: Submit Shop Drawings of hydrants and valves to City Engineer for approval. 19, Sheeting and Bracing: Sheet one brace trenches as necessary to protect workmen and adjocent structures. All trenching shall comply with the Occupational Sefety and Health Admin- istration Standards, (OSHA). 20. New Water Main Construction: Contractor to record dimension of each water stub and valves form nearest fire hydrant measured along water main. The iocotiorm of hydrants and water valves. aloe with any other construction changes are to be incorporate on the originai construction drawings and "Redd Drawing" prints submitted to City Engineer's Office as soon after completion of construction as possible. 21. if a horizontal distance of 10 feet cannot be maintained between the water line and sanitary sewer line, one of the following shall be done: A. ''Yater line +aid in a separate trench and 18 inches above top of sewer. B. Water line ioW in some trench on a bench of undis- turbed earth and sewer at least 18 inches below bottom of water line. Where water lines and sewers cross and the water line cannot be placed above the sonitory sewer with d minl- mum of 113 inches vertical clearance, the sewer must be constructed of water works grade pipe with mechanical joints within ten feet of the water line. 22. This Contractor shall perform aft required flushing/cleaning and testing of water lines. This wort' shall be performed in accordance with the Standard SpectflcatWns, 23. Identification tape shall be installed for all buried water lines in accordance with the manufacturer's instollation instructions. Tope shalt be Installed one foot below final grade over centerrine of pipe. Tape for ductile iron and steel pipe snail be Inert polyeth- ylene with a minimum thickness of 4 -mils and shalt be 6 inches wide. Tape for PVC pipe shall be polyethylene with a minimum thickness of 4 -mils and shall have a 1 -mill thick metanic foil core. Tape shaft be 3 inches wide in to row • WMR. GATE VALVE W/ BOX W SCALE a ( PHASE ONE ) I ( PHASE TWO ) N 001546' E 21OU? h�Nf E 28.29 S 05-ZW E amiwMW am Irift ierowISE 4 1,1f AMO IZE2-2 11r MW MOMS an Warr err am-\ _�k s 1 11P 'r i Gi Ma's r011 wom aper C ere No u9r to aavr Ai 1 %ter° NOT am arwr "aw am La" WAS nal ONX r11MI1111111 WA® WIR ( r*W i A' NffP 411E rrfaJ usI)%so FIRE HYDRANT W/ CHECK VALVE No rau x 7 nuw BENDS I X T EES mr ter. P 0' /.mss ■Lf<)�UDU� ' _." tfr ��- alar>Isi�dria[�ifiC�rs`+i�i�iEt,ri 'R i4r�dR^df��l�>tR iii=;i_ifr�F>L t>E. �s �fiileic>i;fh.ie il�c�+� ecdf>I< � K til A# ria' dE7i[if VAIL. id Voll Att-A [.d" .d/;sIIF'dI di i1Fcl���rii alt.d FdFA"5<i 5411 d1KA7dh_AVd[:d THRUST BLOCK DETAIL W SCALE I 239 EX. 8' WATER LIW LEGEND » BUILDING CONNECTIONS TO BE MADE BY BUILDING PLUMBER. FiRE SERVICE LINE HYDRANT GATE VALVE REDUCER TEE WATER MAIN TO BE INSTALLED A MtNMQUM OF 3 FEET BENIND THE BACK OF CURB (TYP. ANY REVISED/ NEW CARMEL UTiLITIES SPECIFICATIONS AND DETAILS WILL SUPERSEDE ALL SPECIFICATION alt DETAIL SHOWN. NOTE: MAIN WATER LINE IS TO BE 8" A 6" WATER LINE IS USED ON MACAW PLACE AND WHIPPOORWILL WAY.