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317377 10/11/17
9, ) CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 359177 ONE CIVIC SQUARE MARK D FRALEY CHECKAMOUNT: $*****1,245.00* CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 21 1ST ST Sw CHECK NUMBER: 317377 CARMEL IN 46032 CHECK DATE: 10/11/17 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1192 4359029 FRALEY 1,245.00 HISTORIC PRESERVATON nn K « « } (0 *k z k Cl) k 0 . q r @ # 8 -n m : m k k 7 0 10% 0 CA)� � � g k n O § ° § > k # ] R / k -M02. 0 % g e § Cq Cl) Tm m © CL z O 2 § > -n O . § 0 Z | � « a t 3 - r, PL g k r OLg ' m @ o § q o A $ O § / - c 3 ' ° k v o g f I g K % 3 k o o � a / Q £ ' k C? } k \ EL f - k E o CL co . � # � r \ \ § k ■ § ° -V 2 CD ■ E > / Err 3 0 & -n j 0 EL� § � � m \ f CL � ( . # a2 n o E ■ cyi 2. A o =r ■ �+ £ « � §9-0 & D ; M E k > ¢ k $gr \ M O % co C0 k CD ■ 3 2 £ E a C ; w _ � § $ » o § ) ƒ - : § (D ] § CL > k § . % § < 8 H Ov Alex Caudill Painting Mark Fraley 9303 W. Quarter Moon Dr. 21 1 st St. SW Pendleton , In 46064 Carmel, IN 46032 Phone: (317) 919-8066 (317) 903-9189 Email: alexcaudillpainting@gmail.com Payment Terms Due upon receipt Invoice# 000053 Date 09/11/2017 Description Rate Total Painting Exterior $3,325.00 $3,325.00 Includes labor and materials. Subtotal $3,325.00 Total $3,325.00 Payments Summary Paid Total $0.00 Amount Due $3,325.00 Pagel of 2 First Merchant Bank: Image Viewer 9/16117,4:31 PM T - 1297 fast MerchXrA Bonk MDDL PROPERTY GROUP,LLC 21 tsrsTREErsw 71-65.749 CARMEL,IN 46= 9/6/2017 ;g8 PAY TO THE o ORM OF Alex Caudill Painting «1.000.00 t One Thousand and 00/10tY`*«.«,«..«,...,.......«.«+....,..«.................«....,..«.........««...,«.K nnuAes Alex Caudill Painting 8 MEMO 16 Down Payment flo001E9?lp 1:07490O6571:00004156501n https:/liiprd.metavante.com/iilMainServiet/imageFileGenerator?typ...odgTGl3BhQ%3d%3d&channelName-E11_2015&ping-faise&logid-1254617 AD Page 1 of 1 CITY C ' CA►RMEL JAMES BRAINARD, MAYOR September 27,2017 Lisa Stewart Administrative Supervisor City of Carmel Department of Community Services One Civic Square Carmel,IN 46032 Re: Carmel Historic Preservation Commission fagade grant payout for 21 1"St. SW. Lisa: Please find attached an invoice for a Carmel Historic Preservation Commission(CHPQ fagade grant to Mark Fraley for a project at 21 1St St. SW. The grant is to be paid from the 2017 CHPC budget from within the Department of Community Services. The grant is to be made as a partial reimbursement for a siding and trim repainting project that the CHPC approved at its May 11,2017 meeting. The CHPC elected to award the grant because of the property's status as a historic building within Old Town Carmel;because the facades are visible from public ways; because the work was substantial;and because the property is owner-occupied. CHPC staff visited the site on September 21, 2017 and verified that the project had been completed as approved. Thank you for submitting the claim form for this grant. Sincerely, Sam Burgess Carmel Historic Preservation Commission Staff 4 3 ONF CIVIC SQuARF, CARMFL, IN 46032 OFFICF. 317.571.2401, FAx 317.844.3498 EMAIL jbrainard@carmel.in.gov CITY C L JAMES BRAINARD, MAYOR INVOICE: DATE: September 27, 2017 PROJECT: REPAINTING OF 21 11T ST. SW (THE GREAT FRAME UP) ADDRESS OF PROJECT: 21 1ST ST. SW CARMEL, IN 46032 GRANT AMOUNT: $1,245.00 BRIEF OUTLINE OF WORK COMPLETED: SIDING AND TRIM OF HISTORIC BUILDING WAS CLEANED AND REPAINTED. APPROVED BY: CARMEL HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION AND STAFF REMIT TO: MARK FRALEY ONE CIVIC SQUARE., CARMEL, IN 46032 OFFICE 317.571.2401, FAX 317.844.3498 EMAIL jhrainardOcarmel.in.gOV