HomeMy WebLinkAbout317458 10/16/17 S. CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 365287 CHECK AMOUNT: $**......45.00* ONE CIVIC SQUARE MICHELLE HARRINGTON ,? =4 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 3012 ROLLSHORE CT CHECK NUMBER: 317458 + CARMEL IN 46033 CHECK DATE: 10/16/17 -ytrurc°'r DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1120 4357004 45.00 EXTERNAL INSTRUCT FEE 0 = n 7 $ « / 0 2 $ N ? CL O Co # K m m ° n CY 0 / M m p m CL K k / a 00 O % o 0 w w m e w 0 W m 2 � k m \ q » % O k ¢ § $ m E g 4 / q � 3 \ ; f ^ d z } 02 E > - O } \ z | = o w # > / \ 0 / 4 k 0 CL g £ / $ 0 k / m , 2 G - Q � ) § 3 - _ $ § R f 2 ' ( I o m \ E - . 0m % % \ 2 / % 2 D_ , k ® § � k \ E CL a - / , \ � \ \ * CLf i a ( C, / � ID £ k q o k 7 OL \ j / \ } CD CD § K D \ -® ) \ C g § K -n < a C E E 0 E ]w }} k § k 2 k C o \\ k* / C, » \ \ CD / B/ % 0 > \f . CD / ¢ 9/ } o 7 > g3 \ r CD 0 � §/ \ 0 / 0 E / \ \ r- 0 E f ? � « ]. \ E $ C $ 0 % CD CD $ / & n » = o $ § M / \ \ CD / \ } § K 2 k > C 0 / _ 9 CDE CD \ / \ Harrington, Michelle From: WPS GHA <wpsmedicareenews@wpsic.com> Sent: Wednesday, October 04, 2017 11:22 AM To: Harrington, Michelle Subject: WPS GHA Medicare Part B J8 Training eNews for Wednesday, October 4, 2017 Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged 4 In This Issuee In Person Events a In Person Events Teleconferences To see a full list of all live educational opportunities, please visit our Webinars on-line course catalog at httr)://wi)saha.litmos.com/online-courses. .- Claims .Actions on Claims j 10/26/2017 - Indianapolis, IN -8:30 am - 11:30 am ET Ever wonder what to do when Medicare doesn't finish processing a claim? How about when they deny the claim? This course will answer those questions by covering the following: 44. • Action on claims that are not adjudicated - =° • Claim's reopening process • Claim's appeal process ' Rrs� • Appeal dismissals and duplicate requests • And more R 4t CMS-1500 Billing Denials 10/25/2017 - Indianapolis. IN -8:30 am -4:00gm ET Do you bill on a CMS-1500 or the 837P?Are you interested in the top Medicare Denials for providers billing on CMS-1500 or 837P? This training is for you. We will cover how to fix and avoid the top claim denials. , - Training topics i Confirm Page 1 of 1 Confirm Payment Hi Michelle, Thank you for registering for When you click"Continue",payment for the items will be processed and you will be sent an email to • Seminar-10/26/17 Actions on Claims mharrington®carmel.in.gov with details on how to access the course. The fee is USD 45.00 Continue or cancel https://wpsgha.litmos.com/paypaUconfirm?pid=411912&token=EC-9PK06178Y7420200A... 8/9/2017 Harrington, Michelle From: PayPal <service@ paypal.com> Sent: Wednesday,August 09, 2017 4:01 PM To: Harrington, Michelle Subject: Your receipt for payment to Wisconsin Physicians Service Ins Corp Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged Pe r r • • WisconsinYou paid $45.00 USID to • • 0 0 Thanks for using PayPal, Michelle Harrington Create a PayPal account in just a few seconds so every checkout is a snap! Activate PayPal Now Payment details For your purchase on August 9, 2017 Details $45.00 USD i Subtotal $45.00 USD Amount you'll pay $45.00 USD Paid with VISA x-5951 PayPal: easy to get, easy to use PayPal isn't just a convenient way to shop online. It's also an easy way to send money to anyone, across town or around the world. Activate Pay-al al Now Merchant details Wisconsin Physicians Service Ins Corp Customer Details Help Center I Resolution Center I Security Center 2 Please do not reply to this email. To get in touch with us. click Help &Contact. or call 1 (888) 221- 1161. Copyright®1999-2017 PayPal, Inc.All rights reserved. PayPal is located at 2211 N. First St., San Jose, CA 95131. PayPal PPC000885:703bf7174bc74 3