HomeMy WebLinkAbout317840 10/26/2017 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 00352999 ONE CIVIC SQUARE HYLANT GROUP CHECK AMOUNT: $*****5,304.00* =f r CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 PO Box 638720 CHECK NUMBER: 317840 •'M,��H�_ CINCINNATI OH 45263-8720 CHECK DATE: 10/26/17 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1205 4347500 162770 5,304.00 GENERAL INSURANCE 0g -0 I < « 8 q D 2 O¥ § O \ \ 2 3 k CL 0 o I J k a # 2 ) q ® k % 0 q c & < CD k ? / / O m0 :3 ® # 2 w o m k 7 / CD D » 9 S \�5 m / = f K 0 > # » 4 E o m / § 4t0 > D k 2 w 2 ? 2 / 7 > -n O } \ \ q % Ja , 3 9z > z i/ ( k° Cl)CD 0 ¥ i g i E \ 0 K Z x ] qiƒ o CL \ CD / % k 2 f 2 \ , \ 7 E o E _ I - } / / ! 7 a I \ ) / 0 k k 0 _ 2 g 9 k § i 7 � / / , E; @ E CL fCD R 2 k ƒ § 0 a CD; k i / q o = 7 2 \ T 5' . cr k m\ w # � - a k m {$ _ 0 \ 0 / 0 [ $ , 0 ° k n � � � 8 � N3z - ƒ ° - q ƒ C o ) 0 o D f ƒ / 0 %E % ƒ / �< 7� 0 D �f \ / / / Eo - b)gr an &[ k / \ \ K M / \ \ 0 0 U / c = 0 ƒ CLf z \ ] i \ i CDk q $ CD / t 0 / � 7 o g 9 \ 91) CLM CA § m ( \ X § CD \ ] § ( \ / 2 \ Q CD \ 0 CD .0, k � ® k Hylant-Indianapolis Invoice # 162770 HYLANT India North Meridian St,Ste 200 ©� e Indianapolis,IN than P-(800)678-0361 10/24/2017 10/31/2017 hylant.com F-(317)817-5151 I11uf8d City of Carmel Awount Number Amount Dw CARMELO-02 $5,304.00 City of Carmel Attn: Jim Crider One Civic Square Carmel,IN 46032 Please Return Top with Remittance To: PO Box 638720,Cincinnati,OH 45263-8720 Gam• Tram Eff Dab Do*fits Tragi Description rgtpk Builder's Risklinstallation-Commercial Policy# 419128 Effective: 10/5/17 - 12/5/17 Issuing Company Federal Insurance Company 1241259 10/5/2017 10/31/2017 NEWB Ice Rink Builders Risk 4,284.00 Builder's Risk/installation-Commercial Policy# 419129 Effective: 10/5/17 - 12/5/18 Issuing Company Federal Insurance Company 1241260 10/5/2017 10/31/2017 NEWB Christkindlmarkt Huts Builders Risk 1,020.00 Total Invoice Balance: $5,304.00 Subs"ttedl To OCT 2017 Clerk Treasurer HYLANT Hylant-Indianapolis 10401 North Meridian St,Ste 200 Indianapolis IN 46290 10/24/2017 City of Carmel Loan# Invoice#162770 FARWEI Page 1 of 1 BUILDERS'RISK INSURANCE BINDER Date: 10/19/2017 THIS BINDER IS A TEMPORARY INSURANCE CONTRACT SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS SHOWN BELOW. PRODUCER: INSURED: HYL4,NT GROUP INC(INDY) Carmel Redevelopment Commission,City of 10401 N MERIDIAN STE 200 Carmel,Carmel Redevelopment Authority INDIANAPOLIS,IN 46290-0000 One Civic Square Carmel,IN 46032 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS: COMPANY: Federal Insurance Company New Construction other than a Building incorporated ander the laws of Indiana Center Green-Ice Skating Rink btwn POLICY NO.: 419128 Palladium and James Building Carmel,IN 46032 EFFECTIVE DATE OF BINDER: EXPIRATION DATE OF BINDER: DATE: 10/05/2017 TIME: 1201 AM DATE: 11/04/2017 TIME: 12-01 AM COVERAGE: LIlVIITS OF INSURANCE: Project Builder:'Risk CONTRACT WORKS: $5,914,000 (subject to applicable sub-limits) FORM NO.: 04-024)604 (Rev.9-05) SOFT COSTS: $300,000 ADDITIONAL INSURED: IN TRANSIT: $250,000 EFFECTS OF LAW: $1,000,000 TEMPORARY LOCATIONS (WE H.E AWAITING MORTGAGEE: DELIVERY): $250+000 ELECTRONIC DATA AND VALUABLE PAPERS: $50,000 EXPEDITING EXPENSES: $50,000 LOSS PAYEE: RENTAL INCOME: $50,000 FUNGUS CLEANUP OR REMOVAL: $25,000 LOSS PREVENTION EXPENSES: $25,000 DEDUCTIBLE: $5,000 (Per Occurrence) SOFT COSTS WAITING PERIOD: 7 Days RENTAL INCOME WAITING PERIOD: 12 Hours COINSURANCE: NIL AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE. Other coverages and exclusions are described on the following page. Form 0442-1071(Rev. 10-09) Chubb Group Of Insurance Companies Page 1 of 9 BUILDERS'RISK INSURANCE BINDER Other Coverages/Exclusion BUSINESS INCOME $Not Applicable DEDUCTIBLE: $ (04-02-1386)Unintentional Errors or Omissions WAITING PERIOD: CIVIL AUTHORITY#MILES: AUDITOR'S FEES: $ LOSS OF UTILITIES: $ POLLUTANT CLEAN UP: $ BUSINESS INCOME&EXTRA EXPENSE: $Not Applicable DEDUCTIBLE: $ WAITING PERIOD: CIVIL AUTHORITY#MILES: AUDITOR'S FEES: $ LOSS OF UTILITIES: $ POLLUTANT CLEANUP: $ EQ&SL PREMISES SPECFIC LBUrS OF INSURANCE: $5,000,000" DEDUCTIBLE: $25,000 EQ PERCENTAGE DEDUCTIBLE Not Applicable MINIMUM DEDUCTIBLE: $ WAITING PERIOD EQ PREMISES SPECIFIC LDHTS OF INSURANCE: $Not Applicable DEDUCTIBLE: $ FLOOD PREMISES SPECIFIC LI4IITS OF INSURANCE: $5,000,000• DEDUCTIBLE: $25,000 HOT TESTING COVERAGE AND PERMISSION TO OCCUPY: $Not Applicable FROM DATE: TO DATE: NAMED WINDSTORM PERCENTAGE DEDUCTIBLE: Not Applicable MINIMUM DEDUCTIBLE: $ WAITING PERIOD SURFACE WATER PREMISES SPECIFIC LIMITS OF INSURANCE: $Not Applicable DEDUCTIBLE: $ UNINTENTIONAL ERRORS OR OMISSIONS: $5,914,000 DEDUCTIBLE: $5,000 WIND OR HAIL PERCENTAGE DEDUCTIBLE: Not Applicable MINIMUM DEDUCTIBLE: $ WAITING PERIOD WIND OR HAIL PREMISES SPECIFIC LIMITS OF INSURANCE: $Not Applicable DEDUCTIBLE: $ *Indicates Limit is an Anneal Aggregate c ,Qi AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE: Form 04-L2-1071(Rev 10-06) Chubb Group Of Insurance Companies Page 2 ol3 BUILDERS'RISK INSURANCE BINDER CONDITIONS This Company binds the land of insurance stipulated above. The Insurance is subj ect to the terms,conditions and limitations of the policy in current use by the company. This binder may be cancelled by the Insured by surrender of this binder or by written notice to the Company stating when cancellation will be effective. This binder may be cancelled by the Company by notice to the Insured in accordance with the policy conditions. This binder is cancelled when replaced by a policy. If this binder is not replaced by a policy,the Company is entitled to charge a premium for the binder according to the Rules and Rates in use by the Company. This binder does not apply to the extent that trade or economic sanctions or other laws or regulations prohibit us from offering or providing insurance.To the extent any such prohibitions apply,this binder is void ab imtio. FATCA COMPLIANCE The U.S.Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act,commonly(mown as"FATCA",became the law in the U.S.in March of 2010 and becomes effective July 1,2014.Pursuant to FATCA,brokers,producers,agents and/or clients may need to obtain withholding certificates from insurance companies.For information on how to obtain the applicable withholding certificate from Chubb U.S.insurance companies,please go to the following web site: http://www2.chubb.comtus-en/u-s-foreign-account-tax-compliance-act-fatca.aspx Applicable in Delaware The mortgagee or Obligee of any mortgage or other instrument given for the purpose of creating a lien on real property shall accept as evidence of insurance a written binder issued by an authorized insurer or its agent if the binder includes or is accompanied by:the name and address of the borrower•,the name and address of the lender as loss payee;a description of the insured real property;a provision that the binder may not be cancelled within the term of the binder unless the lender and the insured borrower receive written notice of the cancellation at least ten(10)days prior to the cancellation;except in the case of a renewal of a policy subsequent to the closing of the loan,a paid receipt of the full amount of the applicable premium,and the amount of insurance coverage. Chapter 21 Title 25 Paragraph 2119 Applicable in Nevada Any person who refuses to accept a binder which provides coverage of less than$1,000,000.00 when proof is required:(A)Shall be fined not more than $500.00,and(B)is liable to the party presenting the binder as proof of insurance for actual damages sustained therefrom. Form 04-112-1071(Rev. 10-08) Chubb Group Of Insurance Companies Page 3 of 3 BUELDERS'MK INSURANCE BINDER Date: 10/19/2017 THIS BINDER IS A TEMPORARY INSURANCE CONTRACT SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS SHOWN BELOW. PRODUCER: INSURED: HYLANT GROUP INC(INDY) Carmel Redevelopment Commission,City of 10401 N MERIDIAN STE 200 Carmel,Carmel Redevelopment Authority INDIANAPOLIS,IN 46290-0000 One Civic Square Carmel,IN 46032 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS: COMPANY: Federal Insurance Company New Construction of a Building incorporated under the laws of Indiana Center Green-Retail Huts as part of POLICY NO.: 419129 Ice Skating Rink&ChristkindlMarkt Carmel,IN 46032 EFFECTIVE DATE OF BINDER: EXPIRATION DATE OF BINDER: DATE: 10/05/2017 TIME: 12:01 AM DATE: 1104/2017 TIME: 12:01 AM COVERAGE: LIMITS OF INSURANCE: Project Builders'Risk CONTRACT WORKS: $865,000 (subject to applicable sub-limits) FORM NO.: 04-02-0604 (Rev.9-05) SOFT COSTS: $150,000 ADDITIONAL INSURED: IN TRANSIT: $100,000 EFFECTS OF LAW: $1,000,000 TEMPORARY LOCATIONS (WHILE AWAITING MORTGAGEE: DELIVERY): $100,000 ELECTRONIC DATA AND VALUABLE PAPERS: $50,000 EXPEDITING EXPENSES: $50,000 LOSS PAYEE: RENTAL INCOME: $50,000 FUNGUS CLEAN-UP OR REMOVAL: $25,000 LOSS PREVENTION EXPENSES: $25,000 DEDUCTIBLE: $5,000 (Per Occurrence) SOFT COSTS WAITING PERIOD: 7 Days RENTAL INCOME WAITING PERIOD: 12 Hours COINSURANCE: NIL AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE. Other coverages and exclusions are described on the following page. Fora►04-U2-1o71(Rev. 10-09) Chubb Group Of Insmsnce Companies Page t of e BUILDERS'RISK INSURANCE BINDER Other Coverages/EXelusion BUSINESS INCOME $Not Applicable DEDUCTIBLE: $ (04-02-1386)Unintentional Frrors or Omissions WAITING PERIOD: CIVIL AUTHORITY#MILES: AUDITOR'S FEES: $ LOSS OF UTILITIES: $ POLLUTANT CLEAN UP: $ BUSINESS INCOME&EXTRA EXPENSE: $Not Applicable DEDUCTIBLE: $ WAITING PERIOD: CIVIL AUTHORITY#MILES: AUDITOR'S FEES: $ LOSS OF UTILITIES: $ POLLUTANT CLEANUP: $ EQ a:SL PREMISES SPECFIC LIMITS OF INSURANCE: $865,000• DEDUCTIBLE: $25,000 EQ PERCENTAGE DEDUCTIBLE Not Applicable MINIMUM DEDUCTIBLE: $ WAITING PERIOD EQ PREMISES SPECIFIC LIMITS OF INSURANCE: $Not Applicable DEDUCTIBLE: $ FLOOD PREMISES SPECIFIC LIMITS OF INSURANCE: $865,000« DEDUCTIBLE: $25,000 HOT TESTING COVERAGE AND PERMISSION TO OCCUPY: $Not Applicable FROM DATE: TO DATE: NAMED WINDSTORM PERCENTAGE DEDUCTIBLE: Not Applicable MINIMUM DEDUCTIBLE: $ WAITING PERIOD SURFACE WATER PREMISES SPECIFIC LIMITS OF INSURANCE: $Not Applicable DEDUCTIBLE: $ UNINTENTIONAL ERRORS OR OMISSIONS: $865,000 DEDUCTIBLE: $5,000 WE4D OR HAIL PERCENTAGE DEDUCTIBLE: Not Applicable MINIMUM DEDUCTIBLE: $ WAITING PERIOD WIND OR HAIL PREMISES SPECIFIC LIMM OF INSURANCE: $Not Applicable DEDUCTIBLE: $ *Indicatea Limit is an Affioal Aggregate AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE: Form 04412-1071(Rev. 10-09) Chubb Group Of Insurance Companies Page 2 o18 BUILDERS'RISK INSURANCE BINDER CONDITIONS This Company binds the(rind of insurance stipulated above. The Insurance is subj ect to the terms,conditions and limitations of the policy in current use by the Company. This binder may be cancelled by the Insured by surrender of this binder or by written notice to the Company stating when cancellation will be effective. This binder may be cancelled by the Company by notice to the Insured in accordance with the policy conditions. This binder is cancelled when replaced by a policy. If this binder is not replaced by a policy,the Company is entitled to charge a premium for the binder according to the Rules and Rates in use by the Company. This binder does not apply to the extent that trade or economic sanctions or other laws or regulations prohibit us from offering or providing insurance.To the extent any such prohibitions apply,this binder is void ab mitio. FATCA COMPLIANCE The U.S.Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act,commonly known as"FATCA",became the law in the U.S.in March of 2010 and becomes effective July 1,2014.Pursuant to FATCA,brokers,producers,agents and/or clients may need to obtain withholding certificates from insurance companies.For information on how to obtain the applicable withholding certificate from Chubb U.S.insurance companies,please go to the following web site: http://www2.chubb.com/us-en/u-s-foreign-account-tax-compliance-act-fateLaspx Applicable in Delaware The mortgagee or Obligee of any mortgage or other instrument given for the purpose of creating alien on real property shall accept as evidence of insurance a written binder issued by an authorized insurer or its agent if the binder includes or is accompanied by:the name and address of the borrower;the name and address of the lender as loss payee;a description of the insured real property;a provision that the binder may not be cancelled within the term of the binder unless the lender and the insured borrower receive written notice of the cancellation at least ten(10)days prior to the cancellation;except in the case of a renewal of a policy subsequent to the closing of the loan,a paid receipt of the full amount of the applicable premium,and the amount of insurance coverage. Chapter 21 Title 25 Paragraph 2114 Applicable in Nevada Any person who refuses to accept a binder which provides coverage of less than$1,000,000.00 when proof is required:(A)Shall be fined not more than $500.00,and(13)is liable to the party presenting the binder as proof of insurance for actual damages sustained therefrom. Foim 04-tJ2-1071(Rev. 10-W) Chubb Group Of Insurance Companies Page 3 of