HomeMy WebLinkAbout318444 11/07/2017 +., CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 00353406 KRIEG DEVAULT CHECK AMOUNT: $****29,692.89* SQUARE ONE CIVIC CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 ONE INDIANA SQUARE,STE 2800 CHECK NUMBER: 318444 INDIANAPOLIS IN 46204 CHECK DATE: 11/07/17 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT LEGAL FEES DESCRIPTION 1180 4340000 450518 362.50 1180 4340000 453199 20,652.39 LEGAL FEES 1180 4340000 453200 3,450.00 LEGAL FEES 1180 4340000 453566 4,628.00 LEGAL FEES 1180 4340000 453567 600.00 LEGAL FEES / _ - 2 Z / M « OD OD OD CD 0 / > q 7 0 n k 5 q m g n O < R E 0 c > / 9 2 # / k Cl) r . E O 2 . Ul S S § S 0 o � ¥ O ® A A 4 k 2 k § k ■ O © > -n $ q 7 { 2 C a CD 7 S S t t w m > 0 B m -1 4, � , 0 O % D E o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o r o k 7 - @ P P P # ® § m_ o k 0 8 0 0 D T.& 2 w \ 2 2 } _ « $ / 4A O / D k§ E\ \ m 8 0 B 8 k H Er J . a i 3 - 2 / z % 0 2 «e 0 / A ƒ k CD 0) a n n 0 R A § §/ - CL CD (D ® f 3 2 cm 7 E / E . § 7 § k CD \0m K 0 2 a - • k § CL / / CL= ; w 0 \ E f - a ƒ ) £ » 3 | � [ , - w - ƒ K« = s E a » < OD @ & e » e e > < q C ° \ ° 3 C \ ° ® m \ k \/ 0 cr \ k § < & / § 8 \ S S S S § k Q O g e 4 S \ e 0 e § e \ 2 q J o _ fa 0 $ / 3 _ o %E § k C \ 0< \f } i f� m D $\ 0rL E § § § 7 CL D ) _ _ I a _ ƒ f I » 2 / \ 9 D k / k D � 2 / - \ ƒ r- 0 m ± 2 2 2 ƒCD E a C % CD % $ ƒ , p B k - CD M \ G m f CL \ ] § / � ° [ _ 49 q > - / Ila _ f2 _ 9 & a 9 c � = w 0 . / § § § $ E S 0 8§ 0 k One Indiana Square <RIEG I DEVAULT Suite 2800 Indianapolis,IN 46204-2079 T:317.636.4341 F: 317.636.1507 Fed. EIN#35-1055087 City of Carmel Attn: Douglas C. Haney, Esq. One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 July 20, 2017 Invoice Number 450518 Our File #: CARL 00004 JCM Carmel Energy Center FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED THROUGH June 30, 2017 06/22/17 BPH Strategize regarding causes of action in preparation to draft Complaint. 0.50 250.00/hr 125.00 06/22/17 JCM Work with B. Holler on strategy relating to preparation of draft complaint. 0.50 475.00 /hr 237.50 Total Fees for this Matter: 1.00 $ 362.50 BPH Holler, Blake P. 0.50 hrs 250.00/hr 125.00 JCM McDermott, Jeffrey C. 0.50 hrs 475.00 /hr 237.50 Total: 1.00 hrs $ 362.50 TOTAL FEES: $ 362.50 TOTAL CHARGES FOR THIS BILL: $ 362.50 This invoice is due upon receipt. Please make checks payable to Krieg DeVault LLP and reference the invoice number. One Indiana Square KnIEG DEVAULT Suite 2800 Indianapolis, IN 46204-2079 T:317.636.4341 F:317.636.1507 Fed. GIN#35-1055087 City of Carmel Attn: Douglas C. Haney, Esq. One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 � � 0? RCVD September 19,2017 Invoice Number 453200 Our File#: CARL 00004 JCM Carmel Energy Center FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED THROUGH August 31, 2017 08/04/17 BPH Continue analysis of contract documents and memoranda of witness interviews in preparation to draft complaint�- 2.10 250.00/hr 525.00 08/16/17 BPH Analyze witness interview summaries and begin analysis of contract in preparation to draft complaint. 1.20 250.00/hr 300.00 08/17/17 BPH Continue analysis of contractand begin drafting complaint. 1.30 250.00/hr 325.00 08/28/17 BPH Investigate registered agent and summons information related t Draft summons and Complaint agains 5.70 250.00/hr 1,425.00 08/29/17 BPH Non-Charge: Continue drafting and revising complaint !-- 1.10 0.00/hr 0.00 08/30/17 BPH Continue drafting and revising complaint. Strategy conference with Mr. McDermott regarding allegations and claims. 1.60 250.00 /hr 400.00 08/30/17 JCM Work on finalization of draft Complaint. 1.00 475.00/hr 475.00 CARL 00004 Page 2 Invoice#453200 Total Fees for this Matter: 14.00 $, 3,450.00 BPH Holler, Blake P. 13.00 hrs 228.85 /hr 2,975.00 JCM McDermott, Jeffrey C. 1.00 hrs 475.00 /hr 475.00 Total: 14.00 hrs $ 3,450.00 TOTAL FEES: $ 3,450.00 TOTAL CHARGES FOR THIS BILL: $ 3,450.00 This invoice is due upon receipt. Our records indicate that the following invoices are outstanding: Invoice Date Invoice Number Invoice Amount Amount Paid Balance Due July 20,2017 450518 $362.50 $0.00 $362.50 Total balance due on outstanding invoices $362.50 Please make checks payable to Krieg DeVault LLP and reference the invoice number(s). For copies of invoice(s), please contact the Accounts Receivable Manager at 317-238-6235. One Indiana Square KPIEG -1EVAULT Suite 2800 Indianapolis,IN 46204-2079 T:317.636.4341 F:317.636.1507 Fed.EIN#35-1055087 City of Carmel Attn: Douglas C. Haney, Esq. One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 October 5, 2017 Invoice Number 453567 Our File#: CARL 00004 JCM Carmel Energy Center FOR PROFESSIONAL. SERVICES RENDERED THROUGH September 30, 2017 09/01/17 BPH Make final revisions to complaint against. 0.50 250.00 /hr 125.00 09/26/17 JCM Analysis of draft complaint and revisions to same. 1.00 475.00/hr 475.00 Total Fees for this Matter: 1.50 $ 600.00 BPH Holler, Blake P. 0.50 hrs 250.00/hr 125.00 JCM McDermott, Jeffrey C. 1.00 hrs 475.00/hr 475.00 Total: 1.50 hrs $ 600.00 TOTAL FEES: $ 600.00 TOTAL CHARGES FOR THIS BILL: $ 600.00 ILLINOIS CARL 00004 Page 2 Invoiceg 453567 This invoice is due upon receipt. Our records indicate that the following invoices are outstanding: Invoice Date Invoice Number Invoice Amount Amount Paid Balance Due July 20,2017 450518 $362.50 $0.00 $362.50 Total balance due on outstanding invoices $362.50 Please make checks payable to Krieg DeVault LLP and reference the invoice number(s). For copies of invoice(s), please contact the Accounts Receivable Manager at 317-238-6235. One Indiana Square KRIEG DEVAULT Ini`e2g°° Indianapolis. IN 46204-2079 T: 317.636.4341 F: 317.636.1507 Fed. EIN 4 35-1055087 City of Carmel Attn: Douglas C. Haney, Esq. One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 October 5, 2017 Invoice Number 453566 Our File #: CARL 00003 JCM Indiana Family Institute, Inc. Litigation FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED THROUGH September 30, 2017 09/07/17 BRM No Charge: Emails from parties' counsel regarding stay of discovery. 0.10 0.00/hr 0.00 09/07/17 JCM Work on issues relating to discovery and response to Plaintiffs' Motion to Stay proceedings. 1.00 550.00/hr 550.00 09/07/17 LYG Communications with defense counsel regarding deposition dates and holding same. Communications with all counsel, including plaintiffs' counsel, regarding same. Addressing issues with respect to documents responsive to plaintiffs' written discovery requests. 0.50 490.00/hr 245.00 09/08/17 LYG Telephone call with defense counsel. Follow up email communications regarding written discovery and depositions on hold. Drafting response to motion to stay. 1.20 490.00 /hr 588.00 09/11/17 LYG Cancelling deposition arrangements. Completed drafting Response to Plaintiffs' Motion to Stay. Drafting proposed Order Staying Proceedings. Defense communications via telephone calls and emails. Revised draft to Motion to Stay incorporating comments; follow up communications regarding same. 3.00 490.00 /hr 1,470.00 09/12/17 LYG Defense communications regarding draft Response to Plaintiffs' Motion to Stay. Finalize • h Page 2 CARL 00003 Invoice#453566 Response and proposed Order for filing and service today. 0.30 490.00/hr 147.00 09/13/17 BRM No Charge: Emails from parties' counsel regarding stay of all discovery. 0.10 0.00/hr 0.00 09/13/17 LYG Communications with plaintiffs' counsel regarding stay and outstanding discovery. Communications with defense counsel regarding same. 0.20 490.00/hr 98.00 09/15/17 LYG Receive and review order from the Court granting stay of proceedings. Compare to proposed order. 0.20 490.00/hr 98.00 09/22/17 LYG Detailed draft email to Doug Haney setting forth categories of information requested by Plaintiffs in discovery re uests, and addressing issues 1.60 490.00/hr 784.00 09/26/17 JCM Analysis of issues relating to stay and work on matters relating'�discovery. 1.00 550.00/hr 550.00 09/27/17 LYG Follow-up related tocollection of discoverable informatioi-� and further revisions to draft email to Doug Haney regarding same. 0.20 490.00/hr 98.00 Total Fees for this Matter: 9.40 $ 4,628.00 BRM Branic, Matthew C. 0.20 hrs 0.00/hr 0.00 LYG Goodknight, Libby Y. ,; 7.20 hrs 490.00/hr 3,528.00 JCM McDermott, Jeffrey C. 2.00 hrs 550.00/hr 1,100.00 Total: 9.40 hrs $ 4,628.00 09/30/17 No Charge: September Relativity Case Hosting (01.74) GB 0.00 Total Disbursements for this Matter: $ 0.00 TOTAL FEES: $ 4,628.00 TOTAL CHARGES FOR THIS BILL: $ 4,628.00 This invoice is due upon receipt. Please make checks payable to Krieg DeVault LLP and reference the invoice number. One Indiana Square KRIEG DEVAULT Suite 2800 Indianapolis. IN 46204-2079 T:317.636.4341 F:317.636.1507 Fed. EIN#35-1055087 • City of Carmel Attn: Douglas C. Haney, Esq. One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 September 19, 2017 Invoice Number 453199 Our File#: CARL 00003 JCM Indiana Family Institute, Inc. Litigation FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED THROUGH August 31, 2017 08/02/17 LYG Non-Charge: Communications with plaintiffs' counsel regarding availability for their witnesses. Communications with Indianapolis defense counsel. 0.20 0.00 /hr 0.00 08/03/17 BRM Non-Charge: Assisted with Rule 26(F) deficiency letter regarding IFI's discovery responses. Email from Libby goodknight regarding deposition dates for IFA and IFI witnesses. 0.20 0.00/hr 0.00 08/03/17 LYG Communications with defense counsel regarding deposition scheduling. Working through review of documents produced by Indiana Family Action, as well as its written discovery responses. Making notes for purposes of drafting deficiency letter with respect to deficient responses. 3.70 490.00 /hr 1,813.00 08/04/17 LYG Drafting deficiency letter regarding IFA's discovery responses pursuant to Rule 26(F). 3.00 490.00 /hr 1,470.00 08/07/17 LYG Completed drafting Rule 26(F) deficiency letter to Plaintiffs' counsel regarding IFA's discovery responses. Reviewing documents produced by IFA. Beginningn to draft Rule 26(F) deficiency letter to Plaintiffs' counsel regarding IFI's discovery responses. Review recent decision regarding exercise of religion and RFRA for relevance to our case. 6.30 490.00 /hr 3,087.00 ILLINOISINDIANA • CARL 00003 Page 2 Invoice#453199 08/08/17 LYG Update draft of Rule 26(F) deficiency letter regarding IFA. Communications with defense counsel regarding deficiency letter. Continuing to work through and identify documents produced by IFI in discovery, for use in depositions. 1.90 490.00 /hr 931.00 08/09/17 LYG Continuing to work through review of documents produced by IFI in discovery, and flagging potentially important documents. 1.00 490.00/hr 490.00 08/10/17 LYG Receive and review plaintiffs' responses to Bloomington Defendants' interrogatories. Completed drafting, editing, and revising Rule 26(F) deficiency letters to IFA and IFI. Send same to Plaintiffs' counsel Corinne Youngs. 4.90 490.00 /hr 2,401.00 08/11/17 LCS Reviewed Complaint and discovery documents in preparation for 30(B)(6) depositions. 0 0.70 290.00 /hr 203.00 08/11/17 LYG Coordinating completion of 30(B)(6) deposition topics for IFA and IFI. Communication to Doug Haney regarding status. 0.30 490.00 /hr 147.00 08/14/17 BRM Non-Charge: Received and reviewed Plaintiffs' discovery requests. 0.20 0.00/hr 0.00 08/14/17 LCS Reviewed Complaint, Affidavit, and discovery responses in preparation for 30(B)(6) depositions. Began outlining topics for same. 1.30 290.00/hr 377.00 08/14/17 LYG Communications with plaintiffs' counsel regarding Rule 26(F) deficiency letters. Communications with plaintiffs' counsel regarding deposition scheduling and dates. Receive and review discovery requests from plaintiffs to Carmel and other defendants; communications with Doug Haney and Ashely Ulbricht regarding same; preparing for draft responses. Receive and review supplemental discovery responses and documents from plaintiffs; follow up communications and clarification with plaintiffs' counsel regarding same. 1.00 490.00 /hr 490.00 08/15/17 LITS Analyzed and delineated documents produced as a single file by opposing counsel per L. Goodknight's request; validated data processing and imports to document review workspace; reconfigured workspace to facilitate attorney review. 1.20 250.00 /hr 300.00 08/15/17 LYG Communications with plaintiffs' counsel and defense counsel regarding deposition schedule. 0.70 490.00 /hr 343.00 08/16/17 LCS Drafted, reviewed. and revised, Notices for 30(13)(6) Depositions of IFI and IFA. Communicated with Libby Goodknight re: same. 2.60 290.00 /hr 754.00 CARL 00003 Page 3 Invoice#453199 08/16/17 LYG Depositions scheduling and coordinating based on witness availability. 0.30 490.00 /hr 147.00 08/17/17 ADY Non-Charge: Drafted initial responses to Indiana Family Institute, Inc.'s Request for Production of Documents. 0.50 0.00/hr 0.00 08/17/17 AFT Reviewed and summarized case history and filings in a potentially similar case where the US Supreme Court recently granted certiorari. 0.60 230.00/hr 138.00 08/17/17 LYG Communications with Jeff Gam at AG's office. Communications with plaintiffs' counsel regarding depositions. Communications with defense counsel regarding depositions. Telephone call with Jeff Garn. Research related to RFRA Supreme Court case. 1.00 490.00 /hr 490.00 08/18/17 AFT Non-Charge: Updated and drafted notices of depositions. 0.20 0.00/hr 0.00 08/18/17 LYG Revise and expand drafts of 30(B)(6) deposition notices, listing subject areas for inquiry, to IFI and IFA. Communications with defense counsel. Confirmation to plaintiffs' counsel regarding tentative deposition schedule. Working on draft of discovery res onses to Plaintiffs. Follow up on deposition notices for 2.60 490.00/hr 1,274.00 08/21/17 LYG Revisions to drafts of deposition notices for VMM circulate drafts. Communications with defense counsel regarding 30(B)(6) deposition notices for IFI and IFA. 0.40 490.00/hr 196.00 08/22/17 BRM Analyzed privilege issue 0.30 310.00/hr 93.00 08/22/17 LYG Analysis of and strategy relating to issues. Compiling documents to be produced in response to plaintiffs' discovery requests. 3.10 490.00 /hr 1,519.00 08/23/17 LYG Coordinating depositions. Drafting responses and objections to plaintiffs' discovery requests. Addressing documents that need to be produced and potential custodians of same. Communications with defense counsel regarding depositions. 3.00 490.00/hr 1,470.00 08/26/17 LYG Non-Charge: Communications with defense counsel regarding documents responsive to plaintiffs' discovery requests. 0.20 0.00/hr 0.00 CARL 00003 Pase 4 Invoice#453199 08/28/17 ADY Non-Charge: Researched Hamilton County Court Trial Rules to obtain response to motion deadline date. 0.10 0.00 /hr 0.00 08/28/17 BRM Non-Charge: Received and reviewed Plaintiffs' motion to stay proceeding in light of Masterpiece Cakeshop supreme court case. Emails from Libby Goodknight and other City defendants' counsel regarding same. 0.30 0.00/hr 0.00 08/28/17 LYG Communications with defense counsel regarding depositions and deposition notice drafts. Receive and analyze Motion to Stay filed by the Plaintiffs. Analyze Masterpiece Cakeshop decision in the Colorado Court of Appeals, SCOTUS docket sheet. Communications with defense counsel. 2.90 490.00 /hr 1,421.00 08/29/17 LYG Defense strategy call. Detailed email to Doug Haney updating on status and advising regarding strategy. 1.20 490.00/hr 588.00 08/30/17 BRM Non-Charge: Received and reviewed order granting defendants until 9/30/17 to respond to motion for stay. 0.10 0.00/hr 0.00 08/31/17 LYG Receive and review discovery requests and correspondence from Indianapolis. Receive and review order from the trial court setting briefing schedule for Motion to Stay. Coordinate calendaring of same. 0.30 490.00/hr 147.00 Total Fees for this Matter: 46.30 $ 20,289.00 BRM Branic. Matthew C. 1.10 hrs 84.55 /hr 93.00 LYG Goodknight, Libby Y. 38.00 hrs 484.84/hr 18.424.00 LITS Litigation Support Specialist 1.20 hrs 250.00/hr 300.00 LCS Sorrell, Lauren C. 4.60 hrs 290.00 /hr 1.334.00 AFT Tuley. Aaron F. 0.80 hrs 172.50/hr 138.00 ADY Yeskie. Amy D. 0.60 hrs 0.00/hr 0.00 Total: 46.30 hrs $ 20.289.00 08/17/17 Computerized Research - Westlaw 215.75 08/28/17 Computerized Research - Westlaw 51.58 08/28/17 Computerized Research - Westlaw 81.06 08/31/17 August Relativity Case Hosting (01.74) GB 15.00 Total Disbursements for this Matter: $ 363.39 CARL 00003 Page 5 Invoiceh 453199 TOTAL FEES: $ 20,289.00 TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS: $ 363.39 TOTAL CHARGES FOR THIS BILL: $ 20,652.39 This invoice is due upon receipt. Our records indicate that the following invoices are outstanding: Invoice Date Invoice Number Invoice Amount Amount Paid Balance Due August 11,2017 451573 $7,792.00 $0.00 $7,792.00 Total balance due on outstanding invoices $7,792.00 Please make checks payable to Krieg DeVault LLP and reference the invoice number(s). For copies of invoice(s), please contact the Accounts Receivable Manager at 317-238-6235. One Indiana Square <MEG I DEVAULTo Suite 2800 Indianapolis,IN 46204-2079 T: 317.636.4341 F: 317.636.1507 Fed.GIN#35-1055087 City of Carmel Attn: Douglas C. Haney, Esq. One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 July 20,2017 Invoice Number 450518 Our File #: CARL 00004 JCM Carmel Energy Center FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED THROUGH June 30, 2017 06/22/17 BPH Strategize regarding causes of action in preparation to draft Complaint. 0.50 250.00/hr 125.00 06/22/17 JCM Work with B. Holler on strategy relating to preparation of draft complaint. 0.50 475.00/hr 237.50 Total Fees for this Matter: 1.00 $ 362.50 BPH Holler, Blake P. 0.50 hrs 250.00/hr 125.00 JCM McDermott, Jeffrey C. 0.50 hrs 475.00/hr 237.50 Total: 1.00 hrs $ 362.50 TOTAL FEES: $ 362.50 TOTAL CHARGES FOR THIS BILL: $ 362.50 This invoice is due upon receipt. Please make checks payable to Krieg DeVault LLP and reference the invoice number. one Indiana Square 800 KnIEG DEVAULT Indian pol Indianapolis,IN 46204-2079 T:317.636.4341 F:317.636.1507 Fed. IIN It 35-1055087 City of Carmel Attn: Douglas C. Haney, Esq. One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 RCVD September 19,2017 Invoice Number 453200 Our File#: CARL 00004 JCM Carmel Energy Center FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED THROUGH August 31, 2017 08/04/17 BPH Continue analysis of contract documents and memoranda of witness interviews in preparation to draft complaint 2.10 250.00/hr 525.00 08/16/17 BPH Analyze witness interview summaries and begin analysis of contractin preparation to draft complaint. 1.20 250.00/hr 300.00 08/17/17 BPH Continue analysis of contract and begin drafting complaint. 1.30 250.00/hr 325.00 08/28/17 BPH Investigate registered agent and summons information related td'� Draft summons and Complaint agains 5.70 250.00/hr 1,425.00 08/29/17 BPH Non-Charge: Continue drafting and revising complaint 1.10 0.00/hr 0.00 08/30/17 BPH Continue drafting and revising complaint. Strategy conference with Mr. McDermott regarding allegations and claims. 1.60 250.00/hr 400.00 08/30/17 JCM Work on finalization of draft Complaint. 1.00 475.00/hr 475.00 • Y CARL 00004 Page 2 Invoice#453200 Total Fees for this Matter: 14.00 $ 3,450.00 BPH Holler, Blake P. 13.00 hrs 228.85 /hr 2,975.00 JCM McDermott, Jeffrey C. 1.00 hrs 475.00/hr 475.00 Total: 14.00 hrs $ 3,450.00 TOTAL FEES: $ 3,450.00 TOTAL CHARGES FOR THIS BILL: $ 3,450.00 This invoice is due upon receipt. Our records indicate that the following invoices are outstanding: Invoice Date Invoice Number Invoice Amount Amount Paid Balance Due July 20,2017 450518 $362.50 $0.00 $362.50 Total balance due on outstanding invoices 1. $362.50 Please make checks payable to Krieg DeVault LLP and reference the invoice number(s). For copies of invoice(s), please contact the Accounts Receivable Manager at 317-238-6235. One Indiana Square K R I E GIDEVAULT. Suite 28°° Indianapolis,IN 4604-2079 T:317.636.4341 F:317.636.1507 Fed. EIN#35-1055087 City of Carmel Attn: Douglas C. Haney, Esq. One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 October 5, 2017 Invoice Number 453567 Our File#: CARL 00004 JCM Carmel Energy Center FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED THROUGH September 30, 2017 09/01/17 BPH Make final revisions to complaint against. 0.50 250.00/hr 125.00 09/26/17 JCM Analysis of draft complaint and revisions to same. 1.00 475.00/hr 475.00 Total Fees for this Matter: 1.50 $ 600.00 BPH Holler, Blake P. 0.50 hrs 250.00/hr 125.00 JCM McDermott, Jeffrey C. 1.00 hrs 475.00 /hr 475.00 Total: 1.50 hrs $ 600.00 TOTAL FEES: $ 600.00 TOTAL CHARGES FOR THIS BILL: $ 600.00 FLORIDAIND I A N,k ILLINOIS GEORGIA CARL 00004 Page 2 InvoiceN 453567 This invoice is due upon receipt. Our records indicate that the following invoices are outstanding: Invoice Date Invoice Number Invoice Amount Amount Paid Balance Due July 20,2017 450518 $362.50 $0.00 $362.50 Total balance due on outstanding invoices $362.50 Please make checks payable to Krieg DeVault LLP and reference the invoice number(s). For copies of invoice(s), please contact the Accounts Receivable Manager at 317-238-6235. r One Indiana Square KRIEG -1EVAULT Indie2s°° ndianapolis.1N 4604-2079 T':317.636.4341 F:317.636.1507 Fed. EIN#35-1055087 City of Carmel Attn: Douglas C. Haney, Esq. One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 October 5,2017 Invoice Number 453566 Our File #: CARL 00003 JCM Indiana Family Institute, Inc. Litigation FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED THROUGH September 30, 2017 09/07/17 BRM No Charge: Emails from parties' counsel regarding stay of discovery. 0.10 0.00 /hr 0.00 09/07/17 JCM Work on issues relating to discovery and response to Plaintiffs' Motion to Stay proceedings. 1.00 550.00/hr 550.00 09/07/17 LYG Communications with defense counsel regarding deposition dates and holding same. Communications with all counsel, including plaintiffs' counsel,regarding same. Addressing issues with respect to documents responsive to plaintiffs' written discovery requests. 0.50 490.00 /hr 245.00 09/08/17 LYG Telephone call with defense counsel. Follow up email communications regarding written discovery and depositions on hold. Drafting response to motion to stay. 1.20 490.00/hr 588.00 09/11/17 LYG Cancelling deposition arrangements. Completed drafting Response to Plaintiffs' Motion to Stay. Drafting proposed Order Staying Proceedings. Defense communications via telephone calls and emails. Revised draft to Motion to Stay incorporating comments; follow up communications regarding same. 3.00 490.00 /hr 1,470.00 09/12/17 LYG Defense communications regarding draft Response to Plaintiffs' Motion to Stay. Finalize • � CARL 00003 Page 2 Invoice#453566 Response and proposed Order for filing and service today. 0.30 490.00/hr 147.00 09/13/17 BRM No Charge: Emails from parties' counsel regarding stay of all discovery. 0.10 0.00/hr 0.00 09/13/17 LYG Communications with plaintiffs' counsel regarding stay and outstanding discovery. Communications with defense counsel regarding same. 0.20 490.00/hr 98.00 09/15/17 LYG Receive and review order from the Court granting stay of proceedings. Compare to proposed order. 0.20 490.00/hr 98.00 09/22/17 LYG Detailed draft email to Doug Haney setting forth categories of information requested by Plaintiffs in discovery re uests, and addressing issues 1.60 490.00/hr 784.00 09/26/17 JCM Analysis of issues relating to stay and work on matters relating discovery. 1.00 550.00/hr 550.00 09/27/17 LYG Follow-up related to Scollection of discoverable information-, and further revisions to draft email to Doug Haney regarding same. 0.20 490.00/hr 98.00 Total Fees for this Matter: 9.40 $ 4,628.00 BRM Branic, Matthew C. 0.20 hrs 0.00/hr 0.00 LYG Goodknight, Libby Y. 7.20 hrs 490.00/hr 3,528.00 JCM McDermott, Jeffrey C. 2.00 hrs 550.00/hr 1,100.00 Total: 9.40 hrs $ 4,628.00 09/30/17 No Charge: September Relativity Case Hosting (01.74) GB 0.00 Total Disbursements for this Matter: $ 0.00 TOTAL FEES: $ 4,628.00 TOTAL CHARGES FOR THIS BILL: $ 4,628.00 This invoice is due upon receipt. Please make checks payable to Krieg DeVault LLP and reference the invoice number. One Indiana Square KRIEG DEVAULT Indianapolis. Indianapolis. IN 46204-2079 ,r:317.636.4341 F: 317.636.1507 Fed. EIN#35-1055087 City of Carmel Attn: Douglas C. Haney, Esq. One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 September 19, 2017 Invoice Number 453199 Our File#: CARL 00003 JCM Indiana Family Institute, Inc. Litigation FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED THROUGH August 31, 2017 08/02/17 LYG Non-Charge: Communications with plaintiffs' counsel regarding availability for their witnesses. Communications with Indianapolis defense counsel. 0.20 0.00 /hr 0.00 08/03/17 BRM Non-Charge: Assisted with Rule 26(F) deficiency letter regarding IFI's discovery responses. Email from Libby goodknight regarding deposition dates for IFA and IFI witnesses. 0.20 0.00 /hr 0.00 08/03/17 LYG Communications with defense counsel regarding deposition scheduling. Working through review of documents produced by Indiana Family Action, as well as its written discovery responses. Making notes for purposes of drafting deficiency letter with respect to deficient responses. 3.70 490.00 /hr 1,813.00 08/04/17 LYG Drafting deficiency letter regarding IFA's discovery responses pursuant to Rule 26(F). 3.00 490.00 /hr 1,470.00 08/07/17 LYG Completed drafting Rule 26(F) deficiency letter to Plaintiffs' counsel regarding IFA's discovery responses. Reviewing documents produced by IFA. Beginningn to draft Rule 26(F) deficiency letter to Plaintiffs' counsel regarding IFI's discovery responses. Review recent decision regarding exercise of religion and RFRA for relevance to our case. 6.30 490.00 /hr 3,087.00 INDIA_NA ILLINOIS GEORGIA FLORIDA • CARL 00003 Page 2 Invoiceg 453199 08/08/17 LYG Update draft of Rule 26(F) deficiency letter regarding IFA. Communications with defense counsel regarding deficiency letter. Continuing to work through and identify documents produced by IFI in discovery, for use in depositions. 1.90 490.00 /hr 931.00 08/09/17 LYG Continuing to work through review of documents produced by IFI in discovery, and flagging potentially important documents. 1.00 490.00 /hr 490.00 08/10/17 LYG Receive and review plaintiffs' responses to Bloomington Defendants' interrogatories. Completed drafting, editing, and revising Rule 26(F) deficiency letters to IFA and IFI. Send same to Plaintiffs' counsel Corinne Youngs. 4.90 490.00/hr 2,401.00 08/11/17 LCS Reviewed Complaint and discovery documents in preparation for 30(B)(6) depositions. 0.70 290.00 /hr . 203.00 08/11/17 LYG Coordinating completion of 30(B)(6) deposition topics for IFA and IFI. Communication to Doug Haney regarding status. 0.30 490.00 /hr 147.00 08/14/17 BRM Non-Charge: Received and reviewed Plaintiffs' discovery requests. 0.20 0.00 /hr 0.00 08/14/17 LCS Reviewed Complaint, Affidavit, and discovery responses in preparation for 30(B)(6) depositions. Began outlining topics for same. 1.30 290.00 /hr 377.00 08/14/17 LYG Communications with plaintiffs' counsel regarding Rule 26(F) deficiency letters. Communications with plaintiffs' counsel regarding deposition scheduling and dates. Receive and review discovery requests from plaintiffs to Carmel and other defendants; communications with Doug Haney and Ashely Ulbricht regarding same; preparing for draft responses. Receive and review supplemental discovery responses and documents from plaintiffs; follow up communications and clarification with plaintiffs' counsel regarding same. 1.00 490.00 /hr 490.00 08/15/17 LITS Analyzed and delineated documents produced as a single file by opposing counsel per L. Goodknight's request; validated data processing and imports to document review workspace; reconfigured workspace to facilitate attorney review. 1.20 250.00 /hr 300.00 08/15/17 LYG Communications with plaintiffs' counsel and defense counsel regarding deposition schedule. 0.70 490.00 /hr 343.00 08/16/17 LCS Drafted, reviewed. and revised, Notices for 30(B)(6) Depositions of IFI and IFA. Communicated with Libby Goodknight re: same. 2.60 290.00 /hr 754.00 CARL 00003 Page 3 lnvoice4 453199 08/16/17 LYG Depositions scheduling and coordinating based on witness availability. 0.30 490.00 /hr 147.00 08/17/17 ADY Non-Charge: Drafted initial responses to Indiana Family Institute, Inc.'s Request for Production of Documents. 0.50 0.00 /hr 0.00 08/17/17 AFT Reviewed and summarized case history and filings in a potentially similar case where the US Supreme Court recently granted certiorari. 0.60 230.00/hr 138.00 08/17/17 LYG Communications with Jeff Garn at AG's office. Communications with plaintiffs' counsel regarding depositions. Communications with defense counsel regarding depositions. Telephone call with Jeff Garn. Research related to RFRA Supreme Court case. 1.00 490.00/hr 490.00 08/18/17 AFT Non-Charge: Updated and drafted notices of depositions. 0.20 0.00/hr 0.00 08/18/17 LYG Revise and expand drafts of 30(B)(6) deposition notices, listing subject areas for inquiry, to IFI and IFA. Communications with defense counsel. Confirmation to plaintiffs' counsel regarding tentative deposition schedule. Working on draft of discove res ones to Plaintiffs. Follow up on deposition notices for 2.60 490.00/hr 1,274.00 08/21/17 LYG Revisions to drafts of deposition notices for FJM circulate drafts. Communications with defense counsel regarding 30(B)(6) deposition notices for IFI and IFA. 0.40 490.00/hr 196.00 08/22/17 BRM Analyzed privilege issue 0.30 310.00/hr 93.00 08/22/17 LYG Analysis of and strategy relating to_- issues. Compiling documents to be produced in response to plaintiffs' discovery requests. 3.10 490.00/hr 1,519.00 08/23/17 LYG Coordinating depositions. Drafting responses and objections to plaintiffs' discovery requests. Addressing documents that need to be produced and potential custodians of same. Communications with defense counsel regarding depositions. 3.00 490.00/hr 1,470.00 08/26/17 LYG Non-Charge: Communications with defense counsel regarding documents responsive to plaintiffs' discovery requests. 0.20 0.00/hr 0.00 CARL 00003 Page 4 Invoice#453199 08/28/17 ADY Non-Charge: Researched Hamilton County Court Trial Rules to obtain response to motion deadline date. 0.10 0.00/hr 0.00 08/28/17 BRM Non-Charge: Received and reviewed Plaintiffs'motion to stay proceeding in light of Masterpiece Cakeshop supreme court case. Emails from Libby Goodknight and other City defendants' counsel regarding same. 0.30 0.00/hr 0.00 08/28/17 LYG Communications with defense counsel regarding depositions and deposition notice drafts. Receive and analyze Motion to Stay filed by the Plaintiffs. Analyze Masterpiece Cakeshop decision in the Colorado Court of Appeals, SCOTUS docket sheet. Communications with defense counsel. 2.90 490.00/hr 1,421.00 08/29/17 LYG Defense strategy call. Detailed email to Doug Haney updating on status and advising regarding strategy. 1.20 490.00/hr 588.00 08/30/17 BRM Non-Charge: Received and reviewed order granting defendants until 9/30/17 to respond to motion for stay. 0.10 0.00 /hr 0.00 08/31/17 LYG Receive and review discovery requests and correspondence from Indianapolis. Receive and review order from the trial court setting briefing schedule for Motion to Stay. Coordinate calendaring of same. 0.30 490.00/hr 147.00 Total Fees for this Matter: 46.30 $ 20,289.00 BRM Branic. Matthew C. 1.10 hrs 84.55 /hr 93.00 LYG Goodknight, Libby Y. 38.00 hrs 484.84/hr 18.424.00 LITS Litigation Support Specialist 1.20 hrs 250.00/hr 300.00 LCS Sorrell, Lauren C. 4.60 hrs 290.00 /hr 1.334.00 AFT Tuley. Aaron F. 0.80 hrs 172.50/hr 138.00 ADY Yeskie. Amy D. 0.60 hrs 0.00 /hr 0.00 Total: 46.30 hrs $ 20.289.00 08/17/17 Computerized Research - Westlaw 215.75 08/28/17 Computerized Research - Westlaw 51.58 08/28/17 Computerized Research - Westlaw 81.06 08/31/17 August Relativity Case I-losting (01.74) GB 15.00 Total Disbursements for this Matter: $ 363.39 CARL.00003 Page 5 Invoice#453199 TOTAI. FEES: $ 20,289.00 TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS: $ 363.39 TOTAL CHARGES FOR THIS BILL: $ 20,652.39 This invoice is due upon receipt. Our records indicate that the following invoices are outstanding: Invoice Date Invoice Number Invoice Amount Amount Paid Balance Due August 11,2017 451573 $7,792.00 $0.00 $7,792.00 Total balance due on outstanding invoices $7,792.00 Please make checks payable to Krieg DeVault LLP and reference the invoice number(s). For copies of invoice(s), please contact the Accounts Receivable Manager at 3l 7-238-6235.