HomeMy WebLinkAbout318569 11/9/2017 9CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 061152 ONE CIVIC SQUARE CLAY TWP REGIONAL WASTE DISTRICCHECK AMOUNT: S"""2,286.42' ,? ?�; CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 PO BOX 40638 CHECK NUMBER: 318569 9 INDIANAPOLIS IN 46240-0638 CHECK DATE: 11/15/17 �r��roH. DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 601 5023990 87.72 40005000134500 601 5023990 98.64 4000500034500 1091 4348500 101006272502 33.48 WATER & SEWER 1091 4348500 101016210101 284.38 WATER & SEWER 1125 4348500 101500001411 89.25 WATER & SEWER 1125 4348500 143006091230 69.41 WATER & SEWER 1125 4348500 341578281126 106.93 WATER & SEWER 1091 4348500 400040001010 1,484.69 WATER & SEWER 1125 4348500 453375532563 31.92 WATER & SEWER The Mission of the District-to provide a high quality,cost- effective sanitary sewer service to our community. Clay Township Regional Waste District �onthly Statement »� CTRWD P.O.Box 40638 Indianapolis,IN 46240-0638 Q 317.844.9200 AECINA, Customer CARMEL WATER FACILITY Service Address: 3450 W 131 ST ST #A Account Number 4000500034500 Billing Date 10/31/2017 0]11211009'.303 000735420171103MKl AB102 CLAYS TMT I-DOM MK1AB 10000'159541 UT Customer Message CARMEL WATER FACILITY 3450 W 131 ST ST#A CARMEL IN 46074-8267 Previous Balance $106.83 Period From: 09/30/2017 Payments -$106.83 Period To: 10/31/2017 Adjustments $0.00 Total Past Due $0.00 Service Description Meter Number Cons. (1000 gallons) Amount Metered Comm Michigan Rd-2 In Meter 60491813 4.00000 A 98.64 DELIVERED NOV 0 9 2017 11� hnp�tlnb"ation .v, $98.64 As we prepare to enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday, learn how quickly FATS, OILS and GREASE(FOG)can become a plumbing problem.Read more Due Date ' 11/20/2017 about FOG prevention on our website www.ctrwd.org/FOG.We will be closed for the Thanksgiving holiday on November 23 and 24.Have a Happy Thanksgiving! $98.64 02-1 x09 2750R2f 10-1 7i Retain this portion for your records The Mission of the District-to provide a high quality.cost- . effective sanitary sewer service to our community. Clay Township Regional Waste District -CT WD- P.O.Box 40638 Monthly Statement Indianapolis,IN 46240-0638 317.844.9200 AFGIOxM Customer CARMEL WATER FACILITY Service Address: 3450 W 131ST ST #B Account Number 4000500134500 Billing Date 10/31/2017 01/12/1009.303 000135520171103MK1AB102CLAYSTMT1oz DDMMK1AB10000.159541UT I'I'�'ll'I'll'llllll"I�'III'II11��1'I'�'llll"��I'IIII'I'�III�II Customer Message CARMEL WATER FACILITY 3450 W 131ST ST#B x •a CARMEL IN 46074-8267 Previous Balance $87.72 Period From: 09/30/2017 Payments -$87.72 Period To: 10/31/2017 Adjustments $0.00 Total Past Due $0.00 Service Description Meter Number Cons. (1000 gallons) Amount Metered Comm Michigan Rd-2 In Meter 60491814 0.00000 A 87.72 DELIVERED NOV 092017 oftrme"On $87.72 As we prepare to enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday,learn how quickly FATS, OILS and GREASE(FOG)can become a plumbing problem.Read more :DueDate::' 11/20/2017 about FOG prevention on our website www.ctrwd.org/FOG.We will be closed for the Thanksgiving holiday on November 23 and 24.Have a Happy Thanksgiving! $87,72 02-1 x09-2750 R 2110.171 Retain this portion for your records i Voucher No. Warrant No. 061152 Clay Twp Regional Waste District Allowed 20 PO Box 40638 Indianapolis, IN 46240-0638 In Sum of$ $ 2,100.06 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR 101 General & 109 Monon Center Board Members PO#or INVOICE NO. 'kCCT#/TITLE AMOUNT Dept# 1125 0143006091230 4348500 $ 69.41 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 1125 0341578281126 4348500 $ 106.93 bill(s) is(are)true and correct and that the 1125 1015000014110 4348500 $ 89.25 materials or services itemized thereon for 1125 4533755325638 4348500 $ 31.92 which charge is made were ordered and 0101006272502 4348500 $ 33.48 received except 10 ) 0101016210101 4348500 $ 284.38 1091:; i 4000400010100 4348500 $ 1,484.69 November 6, 2017 Signature $ 2,100.06 Accounts Payable Coordinator Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund r � The Mission of the District-to provide a high quafo.cost- . effective sanitary setter service to our community. ° day Township Regional Waste District P.O.Boot 40638 Indianapolis,IN 46240.0638 317.844.9200 Customer MONON CARMEL CLAY PARKS Service Address: 1430 E 96TH ST ACCOttK1141*1W 014,4 I 4=111=U 07!17!1000'.903 OOOOOi PIT1103 MK VE4 CLA UD I a DOM MK1A900000.1S0591 U7 I'ji1PI'Ind"'I "101 11111111111111111111111111111111111111 Customer Message CARMEL CLAY PARKS&REC MONON 1411 E 116TH ST ,� ;e CARMEL IN 46032-3455 Is D 023-2a97 3` ° Previous Balance $77.60 Period From: 09/30/2017 N O V f Vii,7 Payments -$77.60 Period To: 10/31/2017 Adjustments $0.00 ..................... Total Past Due $0.00 Service Descri tg' ion Meter Number Cons,nowgs ons/ Amount Metered Comm Primary- 1 1/2 In Meter 60353811 7.00000 A 69.41 As we pr"re to annoy the Thanksgiving holiday.isam how quickly FATS, OILS and GREASE(FOG)can b000me a pluntft problem.Read more :ueDate:: 11/20/2017 about FOG prvention on our webebe www.etrwd.org/FOG.Wb will be dosedry���ThankeovMp holiday on November 23 and 24.Have a HappyTha $69.41 a2-�xos-zrsot�a.,sos) Retain this portion for you records r The Mission of the District-to provide a high quality cost- effective sanitary effective sanitary sewer service to ourcommuniy. Clay Township Regional Waste District CTRWD P.O.Boot 40638 Indianapolis,IN 46240.0638 E) 317.844.92DD Customer CARMEL CLAY PARK&REC Service Address: 3100 W 116TH ST AtI Wtlwlt all"oft 7 07nv10 oocw3 oo0m m.....MNVEDcur Fro1aD0MMN1ABWW15W1ur I"��III'I�III�I'IIIII��'ll'11.III��I'lll'll'll�lllll����"'lll'� Customer Message CARMEL CLAY PARK&REC 1411 E 116TH ST CARMEL IN 46032-3455 Previous Balance $112.39 Period From: 09/30/2017 Payments -$112.39 Period To: 10/31/2017iti ! ` ' Adjustments $0.00 Total Past Due $0.00 Service Descri tl ion Meter Number Con�gaiM l Amount Metered Comm Primary-2 In Meter 60268700 7.00000 A 106.93 Please PayThisAriwunt As we prepare to 9*y the Thanksphring ho8day,Isam how gticldy FATS, OILS end GREASE(FOG)can become a plunft*problem.Read more DueDate , 11/20/2017 about FOG prevention on our webs www.otrwd.ory/FOG.V*will be dosed for the Thanks holiday on November 23 And 24.Have a Happy r Ttatnwvinpt $106.93 -,�-zrsoc,aias) Retain tris portion for your reoords P--W im this ooriion with oavment when oavina by mail r The Mission ot the District-to provide a high quaGtX cost- ' eltec6ve sanitary sewer service to our oommunify. Clay Township Regional Waste District CTRWD P.O.Boot 40638 Indianapolis,IN 46240.0638 317.844.9200 Customer CARMEL CLAY PARK&REC Service Address: 1411 E 116TH ST 07/1"1000.303 0000007 2D171103 MKYE0 CLAY EPD I RDOM MKIAON 15WI UT "'I'�IIIII�I'I�'ll�l'1111111'��III'll�llll'I'lll�'lll'I�'I�'lll' Customer Message CARMEL CLAY PARK&REC 1411 E 116TH ST ,�...t CARMEL IN 46032-3455 ` Previous Balance $72.87 Period From: 09/30/2017 �� r ,I3 Payments -$72.87 Period To: 10/31/2017 Adjustments $0.00 BY:.,-......,............... Total Past Due $0.00 Service Descr' tin ion Meter Number Cons,moon yaiionsit emote Metered Comm Primary-5/8 In Meter 35379081 28.00000 A 89.25 As ws,prsparo to s*y tho Thankp nq holiday„loam taw gLft1dy FATS, otLs and GREASE(FOG)can bsooms a plums problem Read more pue pate , 11/20/2017 aabwA FOG pnswn4on on our web*www.cbwd.orWF0o.we vdI be dosed for toiThar iAV holiday on November 23 and 24.Have a floppy $89.25 02-1x09-2,50(12/09) Retain this potion for you reoade ”'---_•��....w.a..ndier3 urilh ro3rmnnf uehon nmrinn her mail r � The Mission of the District-to provide a high quality cost- �, eltecbve sanitary sewer service to our community. Eof"•May CTRWD P.O.Baa 40638 Indianapolis,IN 46240.0638 317.844.9200 Customer CARMEL CLAY PARKS Service Address: 920 CENTRAL PARK DR W AOMM,*$*O. J*WXLIM 07/13/10 00]03 000062010171100 M<Va 0 C1AY_EPD i=DOM MKIANOW 1506,1 W III�I'���IIII�II'�III'�II�I�III"1�..II"��I'��I�I"111'1"I�"�I Customer Message CARMEL CLAY PARKS 1411 E 116TH ST ..t CARMEL IN 46032-76113 3 ITT T n 7 3 Previous Balance $28.73 Period From: 09/30/2017 Payments -$28.73 Period To: 10/31/2017 �V 0 IR, ¢ ;i Adjustments $0.00 Total Past Due $0.00 Service Description Meter Number Cons.n000 Qatl" Amount Non-Metered Comm Primary A 31.92 As we prepare is enjoy the Thankpiv rg holiday,loam how quickly FATS, OIL$and GREASE(FOG)can beoome a plurrOV prebbm.Read mots Due Date , 11/20/2017 about FOG proverttion on our webs is vwvw.otrwdArg/FOG.We w11 be ollmd for twiThankWft holiday on November 23 and 24.Have a Nappy AnIDUrit D ue After Due Date $35.11 Retain this portion for you records Please return this portion with Payment when Paying by mail -. . . .... .- r � he Mission of the District-to provide a high quality,cost- effective sanitary sewer service to our community Cily Township Regional Waste District CTRwD P.O.Box 40638 Indianapolis,IN 46240.0638 317.844.9200 Customer CARMEL CLAY PARKS Service Address: 1235 CENTRAL PARK DR E Account Numbet 0101006272302 BiNing Date 10/31/2017 0Tf1Y7006.303 00005:720171103 M(1PHBCU:EPD1ozlpM MN1PHB000D'151511 Uf Customer Message CARMEL CLAY PARKS 1411 E 116TH ST CARMEL IN 46032-7611 Previous Balance $33.48 Period From: 09/30/2017 �i l � .�1 ! Payments -$33.48 Period To: 10/31/2017 Adjustments $0.00 r3y° ••"°°"""""' Total Past Due $0.00 Service Description Meter Number Cons.(1000 gallons) Amount Metered Comm Primary Fog- 1 In Meter 0101006272 0.00000 E 33.48 $33.48 As we prepare to enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday,loam how quickly FATS, OILS and GREASE(FOG)can beoome a plumbing problem.Read more :Due:Date 11/20/2017 about FOG prevention on our website www.ctwd.org/FOG.We will be ,closed for the Thanksgiving holiday on November 23 and 24.Have a Happy Thanksgivings $33.48 az-,xa9-�oc,zragl Retain this portion for your reoords Pi as se,return this nortinn with rAvment when paying by mail r -71 The Mission of ft District-to provide a high quality cost- ' effecdve sanitary sewer service to our community. Clay Township Regional Waste District CTRWD P.O.Baa 40638 Indianapolis,IN 46240.0638 E) 317.844.9200 Customer CARMEL CLAY PARKS Service Address: 1235 CENTRAL PARK DR E A00W4W--1WrAW,� �111� a&�404 07I17N0OM3 OW N 2M71103 WWW CLAY UDI a DOM MNIAPWWD'ISMI UT '11111��11��11��'�I'lll"�I11�I1'll�"�"11'11'��'I"'111'111"II Customer Message CARMEL CLAY PARKS 1411 E 116TH ST CARMEL IN 46032-7611 Previous Balance $524.62 Period From: 09/30/2017 Payments -$524.62 Period To: 10/31/2017 NOV Adjustments $0.00 :" I Total Past Due $0.00 $ervice Description Meter Number Cons.(low glil nal Amount Metered Comm Primary Fog-21n Meter 60897458 72.00000 A 284.38 Please Pay This Aniount ' As we prepare do enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday,loam how quickly FATS, OILS and GREASE(FOG)can beoome a plumbkV problem.Read mora DLw Date , 11/20/20171 about FOG prevention on our wsbeft www.cbrwd.orq/FOG.We will be dosedue Tha �IThanksgiivkp holiday on November 23 and 24.Have a Happy Aniount $2 . After Due D 02-bW-2W(12109) Retain ttiis portion for your reoords Q-m return this portion with payment when paying by mail Please bring entire statement when payim in^- r � The Mission of the District-to provide a high quality cast- aa,,,.,,�k effecOw sanitary sewer service to our oo mun4.. CTRWD P.O.BoDc 40638 Indianapolis,IN 46240.0638 317.844.92D0 Customer CARMEL CLAY CENTRAL Service Address: 1235 CENTRAL PARK DR E AQQOWMWMIW 07/12/100..303 OOO M2M71103M(YNCIAr EPDIaCOOMMi(iAM000'15i511Uf ���II��IIIIIIIIII�����11�I'�II�I�i1"111"IIII'I�IIII�III�I'�II11 Customer Message CARMEL CLAY CENTRAL PARK 1411 E 116TH ST CARMEL IN 46032-3455 INUM9 V 3 N OV l T (?a' Previous Balance $3,278.30 Period From: 09/30/2017 Payments -$3278.30 Period To: 10/31/2017 ` °°••• ••• --•-• Adjustments $0.00 Total Past Due $0.00 Service IDescrigtion Meter Number Cons.fjowailtsntl Amou Metered Comm Primary Fog-2 In Meter 59392986 141.00000 A 1484.69 60863133 1.00000 60863135 141.00000 Please Pay This Amount As we prepare Ito enjoy 9he Thanksgiving holiday,learn how quickly FATS, OILS and GREASE(FOG)can b000me a plumbing problem.Read more Due Date , 11/20/2017 about FOG prevention on our web"www.ctrwd.orWFOG.We will be doted for to Thanksgiving holiday on November 23 and 24.Have a Happy . $1484.69 Thankagiaingi a rr Retain this potion for you records a2-13/19-2750(12 M) Min mrt m with payment when paying by mail Please bring entire statement when pavim i^-- i .. Ln Ar N Nco rl% O O 00 4A Z � 400- i�4 E Q L 2.1 L c7 •�-� O O s w Z r. Lu O '-, ) L 3 OC '02 -o 'a W E O _ o � w O W ° a F� a c v �' .j cd — v, N OC 6 c 4 0 N o ao 3 M O O OJ E 3 = v 72 78 �u O 1 N C-j v ti E Q > f0 V 00 C Ln Ln E m O $ a O 0Ln Ln GO O CD CD v P $ ° Z °+3 { � Z 00 %0 L o 1+'0 QJ j LyQ W N_ N U C 35> LZ LA ~ x ZV-r 1-4 c c g ° :I E a� f AS U- ° W Tmo ' Q Q �L) n �Mpp � 0000 00 0 O Q Z 00 O to C? - � o L ? O M M �+ 42 00 a c 3 ao O N CL cm ' V O 4) O o M o ° O i 0. H6-4 1 (� M O O > M O iZi O O y07 C Z %0 O Q O a Z N Np x Z OLn N E o U a U u