HomeMy WebLinkAbout318958 11/21/17 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 369138 6 ONE CIVIC SQUARE SAGAMORE NEWS MEDIA CHECK AMOUNT: $******"175.45* f 4 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 PO BOX 272 CHECK NUMBER: 318958 9roN.�o.� CRAWFORDSVILLE IN 47933 CHECK DATE: 11/21/17 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT. PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION_ 106 5023990 TL12909 175.45 OTHER EXPENSES Voucher No. Warrant No. Sagamore News Media Allowed 20 PO Box 272 Crawfordsville, IN 47933 In Sum of$ $ 175.45 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR 106 Park Impact Fee PO#or Dept# INVOICE NO. ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 106 TL12909 5023990 $ 175.45 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s)is(are)true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except November 15, 2017 $ 175.45 Accounts Payable Coordinator Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund ,SVatlnoe ltie� s 'Iecia g The Papei .• The Times1 I o p� gy F The Weekly:Sheridan New3 IVOU 1 "0 2 1/ I n.�o f ce P ^%�Date ,nvoice r 0.1 . BY: P d. Bill To Carmel Clay Parks&Recreation Attn:.Audrey Kostrzewa; - .The 1411 E.116th St. ; Carmel,IN 46032 ,t - _ ti iia. A leaui! f;11uast'" .. - .. .. . Due 12/1/2017- PLEASE NOTE:Our.Remittance address.has changed:Plea§e u date-our account information to reflect the P - Corporate Business Offce:address and to avoid late payments:Thank you! ' Rep. LR. Ba lances:over-90,days past due will'be.turned:oVer•.to collections. 'Please contact,our,.Business. ._ office to make a: payment or a payment plan. Customers in a"'pay-by-;the-Month! plan.are ek-em t from:collections while a mems are-bein ' made.*.. Description Qty Rate Amount The West Park Tree Clearing Project '175.45 175.45 If you ;would like-your invoices sent.electronically. Please provide us with your a=mail address. You can.send,that.address'to business@.the a er24-7.com. Thank you for,choosing The:Times.of Noblesville.'We value your local business!: . $175.45 This invoice states that:you have,agree.d to purchase an ad,orad package from us. T� tal If you have any questions you can contact your sales rep or call the Business Office ® at 765-361-0100-x12. B` Ce1.Ce The Times,serving Noblesville and Hamilton County Thursday,Nov.9,2017 A3 N ver miss a public notice on legal proceedings! OBITUARIES Afer it prints in you local newspaper,it go.miline: 17 Unmewm�-RUBLIC.' Billy B.Hobbs Indianal'itiblicNotices.com Aug.18,1935-Nov.8,2017 Billy B.Hobbs,82,Lapel,passed away Wednesday, TheTimes24-7.corrl Nov.8,2017,at his lione,following a NrXn­sAm`__.1 battle with heart disease. Hems bomAug.18,1935,m' Dryden,Va.,to Rando and Laum Mul- firs)Hobbs. ­oM­242s17A He retired in 1994 from Ford Motor I.- Company in Indiampolis after 30 years of croploymem He was a member of ihap�l.jluatr 1.7,nD; in f. 2-. 1117 -1111, 'r� I, dub, mIn-u.1;Z and participated in severed bowling leagues.He�m a _'fi, ­T­A� wwdcmfts=and had=do Several sets ofcabincts. grandfather clocks and many other five pieces. The Hillbilly's last meal was beam and conduread. 1­�-2. -Z Soxvivura;include his wife of62 years Lavorme (Brantfin-er);two daughters,Debbie(Bill)Jarvis,and le,(lim)Hommell both of Lapel;lIour grandchild=, NOTICEOPPIMUC W—G CONC­ Aamn Jarvis,Barbam Myrick,Billy Jarvis,and Ronnie "D Jarvis;several gmet-grandcluldrem one sister,Glen- "=ZVI da Hobbs;three brothers,Virgil(Carol)Hobbs,Je try N Mary)Hobbs,and Charles(lanie)Hobbs;a suibe�hb­ b', ­&yfA.s-017. law,Janet Hobbs;andseverall nimes,nephews,mul =d'�E�T.v ri . . . comins. He was preceded in death by his parents;one daugh- ,.--m ter,Becky Orbik;durce grandchildren,Darrell Jarvis, b.5 Dama Jarvis,and Donnie Jarvis;two brothers,Ralph and CUMY.I�M­t rA.SN.'Dul-I.—IN is Ann Hobbs. i1b; Gail Hobbs;and a S ter,Lzu A.- A funeral service is scheduled for 11 a.m.Saturday, -=N=L M.- 01 -1A.­ Nov.11,2 7,at Scou E.Hemberger Furvered Honw, rum-. 1010 North Main St.,Lapel,with Revs Richard Cole said Glenn Knepp officiating.Burial will follow in Broaksid.GerneAcry. ....................... Visitation is schedaW from 3 p.m.m 8 p.m.Friday, ­RENRUNGO-o-W. Nov.10,2017,at die funeral horme. Aboune-aBro-us-CE... As .ED REPO Im.Ne....................... I-1 Memorial contributions may be made to die Lapel . . io. .an.................... av&� Food Pantry,P.0.Box 626,Lapel,bodiana 4605 1- B CH-........................... ...... 0626 or the charity of the domor's choice. -m-L.YS...........::: oHT -YS-i. — 0-......................... Onlinecondol=cs:w-hersbergerflimeralhom. C­WJsu,msssERY1cEsUC cARB11­11........... 7-1 M-K W cona cAmTM­.._­e 2 Judith W.Myers C�L�me.................. ................. June 9.1935-Nov,7,2017 .............. N-CETODOmM --v—­­­................... C�.rE­1­0­bib­DRECbu­ Judith W.Myers,82 of Westfield,passed away Nov. cc.14...........................................�to 7,2017. on ItMa-1 LIBY..............................11 -12 .11c........................... ­Tmoict-m-B.- She was bom June 9,1935,in Anderson,the only ..s. ......................... V-by 9br. C.."a,u-'.—-_ii� URSINAWAX-L. I ................................ ;f.C�k�yTy� child of Brown and Deloris[imobber)VInkler. MLBY.�a..�............ .................... b y -.h Survivors include her husband,ink,children,Cindy .ba........................... (Bill),Michael,Jeffrey,Tim(Amanda),Terry(Rodubay) ___,E.................................... c... .....me............... and Kathy(Tim);10 grandchildren and 7 great-grand- A.Ae.......................... I'm children. ...................... 4_y� A Celebration of life is Scheduled for 8 p.m.Friday, ­-I 1ye ��,�4,6 -1-4 au2.­­iiik.­­ Nov.10,2017,at Bussell Family Funerals.Visitation is --.s— -1 Y u-........ ­­Bbd­­YBW�m­­qi.,d x1teduled to begin at 6:30 p.m.prior to service. =SGWLTLLC.. ................I� Please visit—.1oussediforruilyfinverals.com<hup: ir. ................. ve A....­q P-d I--1�li­­tb�P�j.% w-bussellfamilyfimemls.corn of a emn, -AL............. plere obituary. NAT ................i`�. Amengetasnits:Elmell Family Funerals,West- -s., ........ ...... 117 fit,ld-Curne. NA 3 ............ ........ an'...oner.,......................... no.o. .­-&- (sou-121.1 .4�4. 4-H Junior Leader ready ..—. .................. .. .......... for annial poinsettia sale MY. __.......... T—a" ............... T_' d­uY­­'. .-II rV"' The Times 776-0954,or by visiting wo, ....................... Z., .................................... our website at www. ............... The holiday Season is extension.purdue.edit/ WYAIT,­ bl. f2j�1-ht1'b=r`b­W almost hem,and Nov. lumilto.. -dr,14 20,is the last day to order Poinsettias most be your pi,.tuiaS fircurn the picked up at the Hamilton 5T�OF bmua� I Huniftort County 4-H County 4-H Fairipmumls, CO-0­MN)"S­­VD0I­EI1Ybm47 Junior Leader. 2003 Pleasant St.'Nobles. Bi- ­tl'=1 Plants am only$7 each. ville,4 p.m.to 6,30 p... AEOBUTO MA"M-N.ME=oF 1­d=y� =�, Pqj.1b­I d b-mg­­ NuT,X-At",um, rr.N and am available in red, Dec.6.Payment will be white.and marble. collected upon pick-up. Supplied by Heartland For more infirromation Gmw­in WeStfield, about Junior Lzaderst or ­g­;­id,,­,W---s,� poinsettias am guaranteed die 4-H Program in Hem- P z7zhn= To have at least five bloom ilton County,contact (2) n sterms and will stand up- Purdue Extension _Ssibu itInZTI a,- proximustely 15 inches tell. Hamilton Country at(317) Rl-W G­ Orde finuous am avail- 776-0854 or visit our Bil rh�Bi, V able by ceiling the Purdue websim at Fxmnsi a Hanfilum w-extension.purclue. �"­I�M'­_ 0 Courtly Office at(317) critt/hanoilton. 117-971-4 55 �41A­W� 0W�B';n ­Y1.).'.b­u­-.W'h�'B._' (s")"Y "%h M129IJ IM IM �BeZj. U� I,&b.- BW& NorreETOMPILM's r=pj. M bi ==P= The Times asb­­.7N' 111111117. n� a bi All �Id by THETIMES A division of Sagamore News Media,Inc. 1W n., ni- I- " - �' (USPS 391-140) Au-. ­.fsi,�--. _='r 1- -6 bb)k�i,'�`,i N.9,2017 %blumall3l,fumbe,217 r u,, b- ff;=­ - �_�tm th -Bi Published MWd4VkdnasdaY (317)TTO-7777 ffi. Be,Snue -di� tbroutits'nurday(emainfor P- —d Z-­ holidays) PerodbcalsPostapPaidin Subaod ompdoa: N.blewub.Im. $64/6 PMUM;$112/1 year. POSTMASTER:Send adidmis thantg$W Theumes,54 N.9th 54 N.9th SL Noblesville.IN 46060 SL,Noblesville,IN 46060. .7 zl- il­­Ily P.USLICNOTICEV.' �SS .1y.ffi.d TI,,bbd­AiB­­ffybg -a FY eotwyor�a­ :E Pt.­MEbsbRR,­­ -CEOF )G B by d ns�'. 11.1�I I A I I-Ault areel 11 -­v-mEamm`.A­BAT­-­m by� _Zz t ::zz. ZVI P- -.-,b 1 '6 -Id�d.i-.1�R�I-b, .12- 11..A-41 PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT State of Indiana ) ss: Hamilton County ) Personally appeared before me, a notary public in and for said county and state, the undersigned Tim Timmons who, being duly sworn, says that he is Publisher of The Times newspaper of general circulation printed and published in the English language in the city of Noblesville in state and county afore-said, and that the printed matter attached hereto is a true copy, which was duly published in said paper for 2 time(s), the date(s) of publication being as follows: 11/2/20117 11/9/2017 Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9 day of November, 2017. Notaxy Bib My commission expires: 04/27/2022 Jennifer Rebecca Callis Resident of Montgomery County Publisher's Fee: $175.45 JENNIFER REBECCA GALLIS Notary PLiblic SEAL State of hdlana 'b�#Crrc?rrliii -11Y gyres Ai Till 27,2022 Cause # TICKET: TL12909