HomeMy WebLinkAbout318995 11/22/17 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 339400 b ONE CIVIC SQUARE WOOLPERT INC CHECK AMOUNT: $*"'10,125.75' CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 PO BOX 641998 CHECK NUMBER: 318995 CINCINNATI OH 45264-1998 CHECK DATE: 11/22/17 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 902 4340200 2017007285 5,886.25 ARCHITECTURAL FEES 902 4340200 2017008342 4,239.50 ARCHITECTURAL FEES VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201(Rev.1995) Vendor# 339400 ALLOWED 20 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER WOOLPERT INC IN SUM OF$ CITY OF CARMEL PO BOX 641998 An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show:kind of service,where performed,dates service rendered,by whom,rates per day,number of hours,rate per hour,number of units,price per unit,etc. CINCINNATI, OH 45264-1998 Payee $10,125.75 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Purchase Order# Redevelopment Commission Terms Date Due PO# ACCT# DATE INVOICE# DESCRIPTION DEPT# INVOICE# Fund# AMOUNT Board Members DEPT# FUND# (or note attached invoice(s)or bill(s)) AMOUNT 2017007285 43-402.00 $5,886.25 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or 9/21/17 2017007285 architectural services for various projects $5,886.25 902 902 902 902 2017008342 43-402.00 $4,239.50 bill(s)is(are)true and correct and that the 10/30/17 2017008342 architectural services for various projects $4,239.50 902 1 1 902 1 materials or services itemized thereon for 902 1 902 which charge is made were ordered and received except Wednesday, November 22,2017 CM;ZA �� Meyer, Come I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s),is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 ,20 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund. Clerk-Treasurer lniroice71- Invoice Remittance Address:.- : .WOOLPERT. - .: . P.O.Box.64:1.998 Cincinnati,:OH 452644998 TERMS:.DUE UPON RECEIPT W Q L p".. E R. T " Corrie.Meyer September2.1,2017. Carmel:Redevelopment Commission Project No: 076690 One Civic SquareInvoice No: . 2017007285 Carmel;IN 46032. .. . . .. Project '. :076690 Carmel IN Rvelo ment:Commiss'ion.Pro e 1 ) P Pity and Building Asset "Redevelopment Phase f CRC-2016 Appropriation.0902-43401:00 PO.33870 " Professional Services from Auaust:27:2017 to"September..16:2017 Veterans:Way.'Meetings Hours . . :Rater Amount Project Architect/Engineer . 5:50 : 135.00 742:50 Total Labor 742.50 Palladium Construction Administration - Hours Rate :.. Amount. Project Manager: .. 10.00 .175.0.0 1,750.00 Total Labor. . 1;750.00 Periculurn SEP.DD- Hours ..- Rate -Amount Project Manager. 9.00'- . 175.00. 1676.00 " -Project Architect/Engineer.. 1:50 135:00 .202.50 :- Technician 202.50 :- Technician 9.50 -95.00 902.50 :Total Labor 2680.0.0 Demolition Plans :. Hours Rate Amount. Project.Architect/Engineer 4.50 _ 135.00 607.50: Administrative Support: ; 1.25 85.-00 106'.25 - Total Labor 713.75. TOTAL DUE THIS INVOICE $5;886.25 . Outstanding Invoices Number. Date Balance 2017006616.. 8/30/2017 24900.31 Total 24,900:37 Focquestions regarding this invoice,please contact Gary Murray-at Gary.murrgy0woolpert:com or_317.223:2212. :Reduce processing costs'and:pay electronically) Begin paying electronically via.ACH using Woolperfs bank and remittance information below. ACH information should not be used.for Wire Transfers.'Wires require a:different account,and can be provided upon request.. . ACH Information: - US-Bank Email Remittance:accounting@Woolpert.com 800 Courthouse Plaza SW. Account Name:Woolpert, Inc. 10 North Ludlow Street . Routing No:021052053 Daytori, Ohio.45402=1826 Account No:80501454 Invoice Invoice Remittance Address .WOOLPERT. P.O.Box.641998 Cincinnati,.OH_45264-1998 �.O .O L p E R T TERMS:.DUE_UPON RECEIPT Corrie Meyer- = . .• October 30,2017 Carmel:Redevelopment Commission Project No: 076690 Onei Civic Square .- Invoice No: 2017008342 Carmel;IN 46032. - 076690 Carel IN :Redevelo mePro1ect ntGommiss'ori.Pro e rty and Building Asset :. Redevelopment-Phase CRC-2016. Appropriation#902-434:0100-PO 33870' 1. ProfessionahServices fromSeutember 24:2017t6 October 21,2017 Periculum SEP DD .: Hours Rate Amount . Project Manager; 9:00 175:00 1,575.00 project 16.25. 135.00 2,_193.75: Administrative Support; 1.25 85;00 106.25 Totals: 26:50 3,875.00. .Total Labor. , . 075.00. Palladium. Subconsultants.• 364.50. Total Consultants .. 364.50 . TOTAL DUE'THIS INVOICE: Outstanding Invoices Number. Date Balance 2017007285 9/21/2017 :5,886.25 Total 5,886.25 For questions regarding this-invoice,please contact Gary Murray at gary.murrayawooloeri.corn or317:223.2212. - - Reduce,processing costs and pay electronically!. Begin paying electronically via ACH using Woolpert's bank and remittance information below.. :. ACH information should not be used for Wire.Transfers. Wires require a different.account and can.beprovided upon request: ACH Information: U.S Bank : Email Remittance:accounting@woolpert:com.. 800 Courthouse Plaza SW Account.Name:Woolpert, Inc, 10 North Ludlow Street :- Routing No:02.1052053 Dayton;-Ohio 45402-1826 Account No:-805.01454 . 1350.6 . TLCQ00400- INNOVATIVE ENGINEERING; LLC 14350 Mundy Drive- Suite - - : ' 800#149- Noblesville,IN 46060 Phone: (317) 863-0268 Fax: (317)863-0269 .� : :APPROVED INVOICE.#1616-093017 DATE. September•30,2017 PROJECT: .. SEP Office.Space.=.James-Tarkington Bldg: 2"d Floor Tenant Build-O'ut Carmel,IN . IE#1616: .10/03/2017. - BILL TO: .: Mr.John Alberti,AIA Woolpert;Inc. P roject/Phase: 76690.90 7635 Interactive Way,Suite 100 . : ' PWP Indianapolis,IN,46278 Date. 10/11/2017 890. DATE .. . DESCRIPTION .. AMOUNT 9/30/2017 Additional.Services:September 2017-MEP RFPs a&i.Submittal Reviews:: : $364:50. Mechanical EnaineerinOM: . -3.0 hours(a,$135.00/hr=$405.00 . . S uliTotal $4.05:00' 10%Discount(No PE Stamps required) -$40:50 Total .. $364.50 (Not-To=Exceed Maximum.$13,554:00) Summary Thru 09/30/201.7: Not-to-Exceed Contract Amount: $13,554.00 ; Additional Services :$364.50 Additional Reimbursable Expenses(Mileage): $12.84 Total Revised Amount $13.,931:34 Total Amount of Previous Invoices: -$8,207.34 Amount remaining on contract: $5,724.00 9/30/2017.: TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $364.50 -SUBMITTED BY;. Robert A.-Scott,P.E.