HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication Q . . APPLICATION FOR SECONDARY PLAT OR REPLAT DATE: June 22, 1990 DOCKET NO. The undersigned agrees that any construction, reconstruction, enlargement, relocation or alteration of structure, or any change in the use of land or structures requested by this application will comply with, and conform to, all applicable laws of the State of Indiana, and the "Zoning Ordinance of Carmel, Indiana - 1980", adopted under the authority of Acts of 1979, Public Law 178 Sec. 1 et seq, General Assembly of the State of Indiana, and all Acts amendatory thereto. Name of Applicant: Brenwick Development Co., Inc. Phone No. : 317-875-7755 Address of Applicant: 9502 Angola Ct. , Indianapolis, IN 46268 Name of Owner: Brenwick Development Co. , Inc. Phone No. : 317-875-7755 Name of Subdivision: Carwinion Phase I Legal Description: (To be typewritten on separate sheet attached). Area (in acres): 25.035 Number of Lots: 46 Length in miles of new streets to be dedicated to public use 0.67 Surveyor certifying plat: Ben E. Bledsoe Address: 7301 E. 90th Street Suite 103 Indpls. IN Phone No. 317-841-9102 46256 STATE OF INDIANA, COUNTY, SS: The undersigned having en duly sworn, upon oath says that the above infor- mation is true and correct as/he is informed and believes. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT: (Print) erf -�E TITLE: I? (r) s., SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS�� CX__—DAY OF exp 19761 . Notary Public AlAW f 49XX-r�sox) MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: 5. 1.10 Application for Final Plat. Two (2) copies, or more if necessary, of the final plat and of the construction plans together with supporting documents shall be submitted to the Building Commissioner with this application and the application fee as indicated in Section 29.6 of the Zoning Ordinance. These plans to be distributed to necessary authorities by applicant. Fee: Received by: Title: SECONDARY PLAT CHECK LIST Name of Applicant: Brenwick Development Company, Inc. Name of Subdivision: Carwinion Phase I Date of Submission: June 22, 1990 Reviewed By: Date of Preliminary Plat Approval: June 19, 1990 A. MYLAR AND TWO COPIES OF PLAT TO ILLUSTRATE: 1. Name of subdivision 2. Words of 'ZI c tj' "Secondary Plat" 3. Date of submission or latest revision 4. Plat drawn 50' = 1" scale with north arrow 5. Names, addresses, phone numbers: Owner, subdivider, surveyor 6. Registered surveyor's signature, seal and date 7. Accurate tract boundary lines: Showing dimensions, angles,. bearings 8. Source of title of ownership and legal description 9. Streets and rights-of-way (existing and proposed) a. Locations b. Names c. Widths 10. Complete curve notes 11. Dimensions of land to be dedicated or reserved 12. Monuments and markers (location, type, material, size) 13. Easements (location, widths, use) 14. Building set-back lines 15. Legends and notes 16. Registered land surveyor's certificate 17. Certification of dedication of streets and public property 18. Certificate of approval by Commission (opening page) 19. Certificate of acceptance by Board of Works or County Commissioners 20. Restrictions or covenants a. Fences in detention/retention areas b. Lighting -- dusk to dawn lights c. Maintenance of common areas 21. Subdivider Agreement Form B. FINAL SUPPORTING DATA (TO BE PROVIDED ONLY IF SUBSTANTIALLY DIFFERENT FROM PRELIMINARY PLAT, OTHERWISE REPORTS FROM PRELIMINARY PLAT SHALL BE PROVIDED). 1. Letters of approval submitted by the following: a. Hamilton County Surveyor b. Hamilton County Highway Department c. Hamilton County Soil & Water Conservation District d. Carmel City Engineer e. Fire Chief - Carmel Fire Department f. Carmel City Utilities Department 2. Certification of Notification a. Police and Sheriff b. Water and sanitary sewer utilities c. Electric, gas, phone utilities d. Carmel/Clay schools e. Hamilton Health Department (if septic) f. Carmel Board of Public Works 3. Report describing water system, sanitary sewer system and storm drainage system. 4. Statement from State Highway Department, County Highway Department or City Street Department (rights-of-way, road improvements, roadside drainage, entrances, culvert pipes, condition of existing roadway and its suitability to handle proposed traffic must be specified). 5. Soils map and report from the Hamilton County Soil & Water Conservation District showing soil limitations based upon intended usage. 6. Letter from the Carmel Board of Public Works or other appropriate authorities stating that said authority has capacity for sewer/water hookups. C. TWO COPIES OF CONSTRUCTION PLANS TO INCLUDE: 1. Professional engineer's or registered land surveyor's signature, seal and date 2. Proposed method of sewage disposal 3. Proposed water supply method 4. Proposed fire hydrant system 5. Proposed method of drainage including detention/retention both onsite and offsite 6. Proposed street lighting and signage plan 7. Proposed landscaping and screening plan if required 8. Proposed parking plan (cluster) 9. Plans, profiles, cross-sections and specifications 10. Proposed cut and fill map D. FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE AND MAINTENANCE GUARANTEES 1. Written statement of commitment • 411012 Rev. March 1989 SUBDIVIDER AGREEMENT Owner/Subdivider: BRENWICK DEVELOPMENT CO. . INC. Subdivision : CARWINION PHASE I Date of Submission : JUNE 22, 1990 The developer shall be responsible for any drainage problems including standing water, flooding and erosion control , which arise or become evident at any time during the 3 year maintenance period after release of subdivision bonds, and which is attributable to a deficiency in subdivision drainage desian or construction of drainage improvements . This shall include all pipes, structures, swales, ditches and ponds which are pertinent features to the proper drainage of the subdivision . This responsibility of the developer shall not, however, include problems which are created . subsequent to the completion of the subdivision improvements by the improper grading by individual builders, or structures and improper grading installed or accomplished by individual homeowners. It is the intent of this requirements, that the developer shall , specifically, provide such sub-surface drains. or storm sewers or ditches as are required to properly rectify any drainage problem or sub-surface water problem which was not contemplated in the original approved subdivision design , including , but not restricted to, disposal of sub-surface water from footing drains of individual lots. ROAD IMPROVEMENTS: The typical agreement for existing contiguous Hamilton County Roads which are substandard , with Hamilton County is: The Developer will put in 12 inch stone base to the required half width of the road adjacent to the project, and grade the shoulders to a minimum of 3 feet width and construct proper side- ditches, or, provide storm sewers and curbs. This will be the black top grade during construction of subdivision . Then the county will come in and cut out 3 inches and put in 3 inch binder asphalt after which the developer will be responsible for 1 inch of asphalt topping . This is being done as joint projects between county and developer. An agreement shall be executed , in writing , between the developer and Hamilton County, specifically detailing the exact work to be accomplished by the developer and that to be accomplished by the County, and shall also state the road or roads or portions thereof which are included. If the subdivision Page 1 of 2 is contemplated to be annexed to the City of Carmel . then the agreement shall include the City of Carmel Board of Public Works as a signatory, which shall be for the purpose of the City of Carmel agreeing to accept for maintenance and operation , the improved road facility upon completion of said improvements and completion of annexation. --1 :vpSuq BR. tk Dv 1PMENT CO. , INC. WITNESS VE 1950 DATE Page 2 of 2 6-22-1990 I-0158A Legal Description - Carwinion Subdivision Phase I I , the undersigned, hereby certify that the within plat is a representation of the lands surveyed , subdivided and platted under my direct supervision and control and that it is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief : A part of the Northeast quarter of Section 7, Township 17 North, Range 3 East , 2nd Principal Meridian , Hamilton County, Indiana, being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Southeast corner of Said Northeast quarter ; thence on an assumed bearing of North 00 degrees 05 minutes 53 seconds West along the east line of said Northeast Quarter 316.26 feet to the Point of Beginning of the following described parcel of land ; thence South 89 degrees 54 minutes 07 seconds West 40.00 feet; thence South 78 degrees 31 minutes 09 seconds West 121 .69 feet ; thence North 21 degrees 15 minutes 39 seconds West 57.00 feet; thence North 82 degrees 26 minutes 17 seconds West 100.84 feet; thence South 89 degrees 29 minutes 10 seconds West 695.21 feet ; thence North 00 degrees 05 minutes 53 seconds West 62. 77 feet ; thence South 89 degrees 54 minutes 07 seconds West 150.00 feet ; thence North 00 degrees 05 minutes 53 seconds West 100.00 feet; thence North 04 degrees 28 minutes 41 seconds East 50. 55 feet ; thence North 60 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West 25.00 feet ; thence North 30 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East 65.00 feet ; thence North 00 degrees 05 minutes 53 seconds West 120.00 feet; thence South 89 degrees 54 minutes 07 seconds West 5.00 feet ; thence North 00 degrees 05 minutes 53 seconds West 171 .88 feet ; thence North 45 degrees 18 minutes 22 seconds West 35.48 feet ; thence North 00 degrees 30 minutes 50 seconds West 200.00 feet to a point on a curve to the right having a radius of 2.25.00 feet, the radius point of which bears South 00 degrees 30 minutes 50 seconds East ; thence easterly along said curve to the right 54 .60 feet to a point which bears North 13 degrees 23 minutes 22 seconds East from said radius point ; thence North 00 degrees 05 minutes 53 seconds West 181 .60 feet to south line of the Northeast quarter of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 7 ; thence North R9 degrees 29 minutes 10 seconds East along the south line of the Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter 1087. 55 feet to the Southeast corner of the Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter ; thence South 00 degrees 05 minutes 53 seconds East along the East line of the Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter 1019.64 feet to the Point of Beginning containing 25.035 acres more or less. This subdivision consists of 46 lots , numbered 1 through 46 both inclusive , together with streets and easements as shown hereon . The size of lots , widths of streets and easements are shown in figures denoting feet and decimal parts thereof . Witness my signature this day of June, 1990. Ben E. Bledsoe Registered Land Surveyor No. S0559 State of Indiana i 1 • . y 1 kt