HomeMy WebLinkAbout319526 12/12/2017 o"!. CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 371503 ONE CIVIC SQUARE PCMG, INC CHECKAMOUNT: $****10,762.00* CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 CHECK NUMBER: 319526 FILE 55321 CHECK DATE: 12/12/17 LOS ANGELES CA 90074-5327 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1115 4351501 100971 B05970020101 10,762.00 EXAGRID MAINTENANCE C Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev.1995) VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 vendor# .371503 . ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER IN SUM OF$ PCMG, INC CITY OF CARMEL 'An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show:kind of service,where performed,dates service FILE 55327 rendered,by whom,rates per day,number of hours,rate per hour,number of units,price per unit,etc. LOS ANGELES, CA 90074-5327 . Payee .$10,762.00 ON ACCOUNT OF:APPROPRIATION:FOR Purc as r er h eOd # Terms Communications Date Due PO# ACCT# :. DATE. INVOICE# DESCRIPTION, DEPT# INVOICE#:. .. Fund#. AMOUNT .. DEPT# FUND# (or note attached invoice(s)or bill(s)) AMOUNT Board Members: 100971 B05070020101 43-515.01 $10,762.00 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or 12/5/17 605970020101 $10,762.00 1115 101 1115 101 bill(s)is(are)true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon.for which charge is made were ordered and .. received except Wednesday, December 6,2017 . Arnone,Janet, • Admin Assistant I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s),is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 20 Cost distribution ledger classification-if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund. Clerk-Treasurer PCMG/Global GovEd CM•�I LOWAL INVOICE PLEASE SUBMIT PAYMENT T0: - coyiEoucnnor±sownoxs FILE 55327 THE, TECHNOLOGY DELIVERED' LOS ANGELES, CA 90074-5327 Invoice Date 12%05/17 800-739-3282 Account# 0031121874 AR Rep: - Invoice/Order# B05970020101 Bill To: Ship To: CITY OF CARMEL TIMOTHY RENICK ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CITY OF CARMEL COMMUNICATIONS _ ONE CIVIC SQUARE 31 1ST AVENUE N.W. CARMEL, IN 46032 CARMEL, IN 46032 P.O. NUMBER INVOICE DATE SHIPPED VIA DATE SHIPPED PAYMENT DUE DATE 100971 12/05/17 . DS Ground 12/05/17 01/04/18 ORDERED SHIPPED ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION 1 1 U SRW 09 9037 09 1YR RNWL 8X5 M&S EX4000 EX-4000-1YRMS-S EXAGRID 2,520.00 2,520.00 4000-1 YRMS-SR *TIMOTHY RENICK *TRENICK@CARMEL.IN.GOV *317-571-2567 *AVTA30007404 1. 1 N OTH'00099996 : LICENSE HOLD ITEM AF SRVS .00 .00 LICENSEHOLD 1 1 U SRW 09903709 1YR RNWL 8X5 M&S EX4000 EX-4000-1YRMS-S EXAGRID 1,860.00 1,860:00 4000-1YRMS7SR *TIMOTHY RENICK *TRENICK@CARMEL.I N.GOV *317-571-2567. *AVTA30008524 1 1 U SRW 09498173 SUPPORTFOR EX7000;lYR 8X5. EXAGRID 2,698.00 2,698.00 7000-1YRMS-SR *TIMOTHY RENICK *trenick@carm6l.in.gov Sales Tax PAGE: 1 Shipping,Handling,Processing Balance Due Any account not paid within 30 days of the invoice date will be subject to a FINANCE CHARGE of 1 M%per month on that portion of the unnpaid balance which is more than 30 days past due.This is equivalent to an annual%rate of 18%.Collection fees for uncollectible accounts will also be added to unpaid balance's. V PLEASE RETURN BELOW PORTION WITH PAYMENT V Bill To: Invoice Date Sales Tax Account# Shipping,_Handling,Processing Invoice/Order# Balance Due PCMG/Global GovEd ' PCM, _ LOBAL INVOICE �.. Icov�oucnnoNsotunoNs PLEASE SUBMIT PAYMENT TO: THE RIGHT,TECHNOLOGY,DELRED'" FILE 55327 IVEInvoice Date 12%05/17 LOS ANGELES, CA 90074-5327 800-739-3282 Account# 00311.21874 AR Rep: Invoice/Order# 805970020101 Bill To: Ship To: CITY OF.CARMEL TIMOTHY RENICK ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CITY OF CARMEL COMMUNICATIONS ONE CIVIC SQUARE 31 1ST AVENUE N.W. CARMEL,IN 46032 CARMEL, IN 46032 P.O. NUMBER INVOICE DATE SHIPPED VIA DATE SHIPPED PAYMENT DUE DATE 100971 12/05/17 DS Ground 12/05/177-7 01/04/18 ORDERED SHIPPED ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION "317-571-2567 *AVTA30008605 :1 1 : U SRW 09498173 SUPPORT FOR EX7000:1YR 8X5 EXAGRID 3,684:00 _ 3,684.00 7000-1YRMS-SR *TIMOTHY RENICK *TIMOTHY RENICK *trenick@carmel.in.gov *trenick@carmel.in.gov *317-571-2567 . '317-571-2567 *AVTA30007447 *AVFA30007447 ..Sales Tax: .00 *Last of 2 pages* Shipping,Handling,Processing .00 Balance:Due 10,762.00 Any account not paid within 30 days of the invoice date will be subject to a FINANCE CHARGE of 1 1/2%per month on-that portion of'the-unnpaid balance which is more than 30 'days past due.This is equivalent to an annual%rate of 18%.Collection fees'for uncollectible accounts will also be added to unpaid Balances. V PLEASE RETURN BELOW PORTION WITH PAYMENT V Bill To`. CITY OF CARMEL ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Invoice Date.12/05/17 Sales Tax .00 ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL,IN 46032 . Account# 0031121874 Shipping,Handling,Processing Invoice/Order# B05970020101 Balance Due 10,762.00