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- "TheTimes,servingNoblesville and Hamilton County Thursday,Dee:7,2017 A8 --
Indiana Senate Page"Program application available.' I PUBL.MN cEs.
The Thom" diana Statehouse,observe said."All students should session starting at 8:30 raE rEn Ta cooA]Nxr4c
nii9tlitline�a}.mm session debates on the Sen; take advantage of this fun, a.m,and dismissing at.- - 90'E civerlD'"'••4tl10'00
STATEHOUSE— ate floor,and assist staff Uni9ueaPPortuni ty�" 3:30 P�m..Groupswge c tw,xor.
state Sen:Victoria artz with a e- ro riate tasks. 'The 2018Senate Pae together an Wednesdays.: Nrmr'w"r'"`°Arww,Tlw.v
B aPP P 8 B Ys: c N°}]nor.ulr-tvawru .
.(R-Noblesville)anmunI Students will also meet Program will ton from Serving as a page u con- tore.s]-<d.,c<,„rvr<JNm<;wrca<m.1.
the lndiapa.Senile is now with their state senator. mid-January through sidered an excused absence” "A'..n•ton"r erdn m a"IA:<;,1.—L�„m.waWrr.,u,d�rrm..r:.
d hcations for "[enCmlm a eH'ble" earl March Positions fill from school. nr myyNwma a carr arae >rl+rrn,<„rm,.,arar
ale nB aPP B F' Y -. 'EamrNAddldmAwr.:m3n 4 ad arm dvrP/o<ms<,
the Senate Page Program. studemisIo apply for the" quickly,so it is important�� ,Fm mare Wormatian ra]
This fW1 day interactive.- whale Page Program,as to sign up,early.Pages are or to apply:visit www. uP< •^°"^a®.r.s ad Ea m"e.;
ro vas students in pages learn so much about scheduled for Mondays, . IndianaSenate 66 a f s e�b ye <rn tows
P.Sr�Bi Y. Republicans Emma do.,4drharAru lumrow ,am,aP.�lP)mmaa.,n�
M six Ouough 12 the, the legislative process and Tuesdays;and ThursdaYs, com/page-prograna,
Dwrdw.\'°64 lie r„dm,¢mb 9A do eremwA .al} O� �- 4',-'$r•
'appornulity to tour the In- state goverranent,"Spartz during the legislative -
t '\
M1OnCEOFAa\m. .
Richardson s Influence Widespread: �CNatM19D°�]�EWOOIr1
. _. .. .. masup<„ wn sissy n,am,a 1
Nbrmr:hmrya ��®I�
Tho nmea .Iradersltip gave me lite op.. - - - .. }d!;°rsmw,aP«mmlx laE,m,<jr,m°urr,w aram<.4 ..
naeamanRAslar.mm portunity to be at the tableKathy Kreag RICHARDSON "^' 'r swmrma�`;'"' au�dxi mm"•
. . State Rep.Kathy Krealf._ when major decisions about 'Ka .m`ynemimor�mroam4�ed.®.:m b<'wn'a�<d eO m`op
" Richardsoa's spent l7 years,
our state were considered RePUDI1ca0 CaucusChairmao, .o,,,,r,rx,w„nu,,
re Itsoadership role- and have obis influence” Indiana House of Representatives:1992-Present L�'Bdc
in the Indiana House of. on legislation,"Richardson House District 29 Includes:Potions of Hamilton County srErrtENwcooi 'x®iumca<ys�Pniacam,Na.l.
Represematives;azthe first said, - - - 2D151ntedm Study Committee Assignments: caooxs000H-
woman elected to die Ro-' Her tamer started in Elections '. A
publifan Caucus leadership. 1976 as the Deputy Clerk, Special Inteflin Study Committee on Redistricting NPbw.iu<.m}xaw"
- liidurdsonbas 2c, oftbe Hamiltonco County RedistrieUn Commission orvemse]x
linty,� tY 8 rzuoro tiro c]a r
nmmced she will no(sak Clerk's Office.By1982" Courts and the Judiciary' nmameuaa. -
.. preelection to the state'" she was elected Clerk of 2016 Standing Committee Assignments: rat:x<msn<w.a
legislature,aMinstead will Hamilton County and in "Elections and Apportionment(Vice Chair) r«cmmaR,a<:<ipmmdc°mmb„mwlr<aA.bimr mi,pya3 .. -
"seektheHavtil[onC 1992 she was elated to the Statuto Committee on Ethics °fG.umati:,<Iw"s sa<a®°uumwwmmru,.Fi,a:a., ”
ouoty ry (Vice Chair) a.w°Lmaamawa\mmwu.acrr.<m<,aweunatsa<,.a, ..
. Clerk's office in 27118.' ..House of Representatives.' Community ACtivitles:
cm:m;,dm.3owmnrdPso-m smr<r±o.Ga«Lw®.dxmL mium,m
Richardson was ti>efirst She continues to work in. 'Noblesville Chamber of Commeme.
woman to serve in an elm the Clerk's Office as the. Kiwanls;Association of Clerks of the Circuit Court -
" "ed Caucus leadership role" Elation Administrator for -Association oflndiana Counties
qof>e -
-in'lMianahistory.Sitewas Hamilton County. mae<«<rr: >m�,c.wweu� acam<I„ aaaa3ir - ..
_first aimed to tlm' on She also serves on the Hamilton County Fratemal Oider,of Pollee :niA�°,mhaid<m;nhmtaawn.d�i,®� ,_
P°F'tt Humane Society for Hamilton County na.�wsPew<-win.yse aaa<ao®bmrrno«.
rn 2000."" "Flections and Appor-' .. r«m:,msindra„fia hw_tan.P<d<'aPtm�.<®hwbs<.Iv�Pn<ha<.As Majority Caucus domuem azul Leglstative Hamilton County Historical Society vsm3°❑no v..�r r,at __
NHS"Alumna n Church o-
Chair,SDC WdS rile lead- f.•OutlC11.' . . CAR\IaVC1.11'BOAFI,TCPmNHe�HF.caiwnoN " "
Phil,liaison between the During the 7011 le- -First Christian Church of Noblesville
P B B Noblesville RlverwalkCammittee o:m»cm..ucurHa.Pe,rndneewa<.n®.
. - - members and staff.etin ardsde session,Rich- - taut sudrhsnnc«m,Lrmlm dw]a - -
leadcaltC115 ardson played •Hamilton County Extension Board Member' fr<r<,r:arowl•AHHeravGRarmu lunEvEu,PemvPaan-s'
- "beep - ,rncetings P Y. CY-. xmmebmeya:m uwum c„m< rJ®a<temewA<aerm
.. 'where she storied merry- role in the new - rc0ea the changes in poo- Noblesville resident.was oust :mniP.Fr®umG.:mrr,brti mia}roaanoywmrwen .
.bars iglegislarive decision redistrictingmaps for the ulation shown in the'censd -once narned one of five um cmm<vn.Yo<I"nmanorr w,maw.«mlm�m<'n«man�..iu, .. - .
.. data:. Outs Young Women
;.making.. Indiana Home,Senate and 'n8 B' cab,rmbm„emulsGm,.lrntodn in.�marmeb.°'}xalr
. .. .. "Senwgazam®ba of Congresdo>ml Districli to. -RirLardson,aBfelong. -'for the State of hldiare:' mimesrmin..-ma.aPi.a:,•,IJ«rmh,}ar°I]w.,..m.; ..
n .. .. .. -
.. - .. poriucnbl<°nw4,mw<emedw.,6eev6viuber�ticyw�vdw .
.. .. rnaaaame�,P,mxm«mss h,ar«my Ammawa.Frminmr, . .
' .- <ffb Ar.nm ra.mary GmerEra.Theaande afinembe m<4 - - - .
(lRICHARDSON From Page' �, nma�b.�t�nhdmym�d•�_A,�n;rAa
ruveaor.n mvsuixorArEn'r eAorecr,w o..m.,:«I rmn
.. deal of am,ma at Ole' .erehip positions at the to several of Indiana's state she loves so deady.I
u .ne:um dn�nmamm<m h '°mN
" federal level,and lactic- statehouse and haslaved electionreform initiatives. wish her well in her future «rPn21a«m nv«iea"'®"or's"vojk<'e`
P biamenme<mw,was°,®rmmmmmun.nlhhmmw<dv<Na},'
- "- iprvemanYchanges.wiD the way far other women 1Gchardson is Carreatiy- endeavors." . ' a<,mmp,wn.11o:aoAerl«Yrlm<mer.<unx«m emumew
. mm,s m ar.a®Gmmml,r Gm<.ata sm.rw m Iris c.mm P.ru
-be coming very soon at whohavefollowedher in the Election currently County Clerk,Rich-. o,r,;E.ac..<Lrmmn.m3s,nl.r;<,u�P�t�e.,mn w,<ma<
We local level.I believe state elated positions," Indor m the Hamilton "" ardspn Hopes.to continue mica r.idrmal«,umnvmrr.:.rm<e w.womrmt.rm<awat b..
• Hamilton Co could-' Alunan said. County Clerk's Office and 'her work int lementin mint lvr 'ed.R°n<air<beldm,n<umdmrs<dhamngim<amevw
unry "Kathy's ty P B arrMiawrtera.<.Faer,<,<lu.,mmaa:<m„«a<day a,m.idmn.
' beaefit from myexperi- influence has been 7nSW-.. supervises all of Hamilton' several measures to ha-' mmmrbiwnpt4mii.mmwum Pro-ne a,dm�aJves<b:eass::i.,r "
ence with election law and mental in security legis- County's rove voter' ci ation,,
e B antY` P P� P m,<Im<i.mrq.r<amuuar.nrteuNr)n.r:..a<.<w., -
.. .. �'procedures and m I have_ Iaiioa of great irveresCto ."The City of Noblesville such az electronic poN'
taken Ole derision m offer., the county,and beneficial, is grateful to Kathy for the books,.emending early
"m service to our citimm to the citizens that she has dedication,public service voting,and explore the
p1ypom°ranrwm`°I..t`<,ma:mn<`Imrwrm"<m`r<r`rm".'" - .
Y P B of rr.mr•.o<mm<nm.<®n<I.em<,t.m m<rmmm�mo.w.;mr
" "az County Clerk",.Rich- represented.We certaiWy "and leadership she has � .adoption of vole centers. � immaamm,anaamem,t
bWwawm�,a on.«tone,naaah,<hmrv®Wedmti.
- aMsoa said. "understand her.desire"tobe provided at the$tatchoun -"Wldle we will miss hes e,a<unr�awb<wnw<eiao«unemarn<aa}rnnrmnrlwmY
Christine Allman, closer Id Lome inherwork" farthepast25years. . help after,her retirement •u wl a><m••'h:q,myn<mmb<emwan,b,<ar�,c:car«°r - '
Eaw,nflgvmmgg SgrM C®pary.9901A11ivmiaeRmdFiilmq Wuv
.praidcnt of the Hamilton afteryears of service,mW-. Kathy isawonderful role from Mznlstate oonti in look om�t;rma,<:glr)sse.ticalY12L�Tw,g<.mb<hn<awemmli:mPwn -
cauntyCammissimners, tiple legislative sessions,, model for not just young ' 'forwardmcontinuing to. Pnmadmyb<m.myd,a<e<rNooFd»srs ..
_ said Hamilton Co has and many stat ammit- women but all residents.," work with her al the Coun- '," an Pnwl<mEruroE,.sPmn„e al rrymm,w
�tY- Y study rcmwanemmmmw-1d—1
mmm:m m<„a.
had the'benefit of Richard tees." said Noblesville Mayor" ty.She has a8rea[oppar- rm,dabb.a�L�a,dvllamc<xvl mn•h,.<au<m<a<®rbm tori=nnum, .
son's re servation for 24" Riehardwriata romi- John Ditslear."Woworks "lupi to continue to serve' ^mamPym<n<vma<.da.xaiemt]m<mlwam.b,pw,hnn.mmnem<
rep. P tY ri,tatmn ma,w®.,.ran e,a.Pmlm.annl:,..•m,;a<wrtb.ri,
"years. "nenrmember of the House tirelessly serving Nobles- the residents of the.county 'aa,mndhmamaaamaterm,maaa;<aarm<mLmw
. •She has been adraB "Elections Committee and ville residents and to im-. "as the Hamilton County amm�<e n<rweyP<r.m«<°mPn,y bea<aa a,<n,,wrwlh _
-blazer in securing lead- .. is a crucial contributor. prove live community=4 . .Clerk,"Allman said. `cn.Frwerryw<.,mPlaey w<amdFam sa(.n;,axlnr<naa:ei,. . . -
' .. am Ndimb SweaoadafA<.wwonicnineluG.fi�'ulaebmei4
_ ru9_'r+(�«.,N°NMPW«rlav tnl<,rummefi< .
!!TOYS c�a�mau�< <mm<a�e nm �ebr«m�Pmm«.r
a wwe
From Page Al (n eieew ba.ma,mar�Pmeamrloe:)aram ladeia..mamL
away distribution 'familiesin Noblesville. eheonatlWga[ory Golf blesville Common Courrcil �alamrxm.mnaubr„tiea®awaiear.mem Qbr,)o(u,< -
_ Mone and ftcards, Ibis ear markt the NFD Club,guests at their tables member Cm O'Connor, °tm<Hid rn<aretJaaan<.<�<ad.a;.n,x b<<.is,.<ar" -
Y & Y 8" seammmumm<w<9rdlaeeerwl<.:mtl<oblmr W,lu>mbdar
-along with food and cloth-'" drive's 40th amdversary:. donatedatotal$1;035 - 'senior vice president of.. a^J'b®°mom °°r°meu•u,<nm<ww„�<wr<dmiim' -
"iogand toy donations,may. The fire department has to the NFD's.Christmas BMO Harrison Bank. -.eK ]n<eieam,a«aacd rlmd[,Imuhmafepn=bbw -
. bedropped off.year-mund. partnered with Kroger for Food&Toy.Drive.The.. --c° ,,Hnry Rmwn ai o.;nrw<.n°m aexwmw<aye.unia,ra.ra:.lan,ama<
9 am.to 4:30 p.m.week-- ficod weds and Meijer for 'donations will be matched, "betgarhdhm 24-7.com 'n'n°'°T(°r"a'Y°n<'d"a'wm.m<nm<aia,ma armwm,d t.m<h!
'days at Good Sammitan toys: dollar-per-dollar,by No-_. w ,m<aam<eMf— Iff- _ -
"Netwnrk412933Parkside -The fireem is - coin m.n.w.em.aam;u,am<,mY(xol d<I=wa,<.mww<a„a. "" .
deparml, PUBLIC NOTICES. Praarar.vlaiams,w«,r�wabamumnm«mw,,iam„wb< ..
' ' IYrive,Fishers,IN 46038, accepting canoed goods, r< aye:on,ni,Po,nl<nmarm<m,«mrwewmw<.<.w�en - '
. or mailed to Good So-. mo-perishable food .. - As—-
mar,mafu,<,<P,i.<ePdam„m<mwwP.ymm _
L rias—srumecounre.1 mAr1A\mrOa'000.'r1�Pp11ANA 9aad'
maritan Network,P.O. '- items,manetary.donaGons' srAreoeavuNA rw'nro ce;l<Ssla.ua:R-,m.•a,Pm li-,rppn<nwmu xoi<m
Box 339,Noblm%Ue,IN (checks are preferred- wrraraiarevoPrrmEsramoar miedmmwau "a°r MwuabfnalmmmP<rawuu,mmm—}, .. .
)CmwASma<a rAJPI.1]rlfrapgJle J6.Ireim4TO=
o m o_)m<e«Ya+oa<+mem-mnram5
.. _46061 "" made payable totheNo- exaor.d.ac,ornrrarsso. I. wbgnarrw:nc<a<4serslinma..amawm:wa<mani®,«at
Tovolunteeralthe.. "blesville Fre Depaztmem".. - 'sureaoncE»iuNsuesansmenamisniAnoN �Im*daneb,na<awo,<,.Panay,de,n.<mw<yau<.ah - ..
Christmas distribution Legacy Fanrn,and neW, d''OaT'64andMn rMd(hrndm iCPlnmmmalb d?vo% cam< ).mmd<d falhvNoica "
NmemM}e(],apy<medP<mmlf4envm<megra Earn,°1CardAGrua. "addmmoa�Py,mna nm<nrmimpweimndlmlbiuf'ak
' giveaway,sign up for unwrapped toys Ovough-' Jrayym<dmr.:dvdm,pemyra.ror•.;m.r.,a..ue:.odmaawrA.<.,rv' 43x.1:1}-Iti,awmmxm m<wd®°muararaw.n,.ma<amw<..
time slots oul..st www... Monday,Donations may. • 'p ° • �":,m=s3m.000nma<.u<m,n.nrwcme1—out
pvrwhrn,g chi,m y<bul mynWe,ahmurtearwdx;mulab 9,di6<d wtueimnlvdirm Code?a1G6C«Wdiw Code}i�tlehf«e
- -gsp5ve.org.�.- be dropped off at soy of um<�o.m<ommaaamtarmbcmnm;u�a„«(n mmad mm°aade e°i"dmy matmvmrmi<:v .' "
Forinformarion,call the Noblesville Fre Sta- arm<emJ,eta.aimami<mo...am;mmPm<(P)iawh,m+Eauemuemy AwdP,mm,«awm.ma°Oa®rae:,mamaw,p'.r«eM<ebmrim..
amA.b,lnni,<mM.nm<dmm"whrmnnbmed unto,w,udw«uu,.Famn.adlt<r<ywwatumcmeena
.. .Good Samaritan Network .eons or at Noblesville Clryww«m0aa:a Prm<fam,nm«.<ammm<a,� .
. .of Hamilton County,(317) Hall,16 South loth St. awmrw r=rmem,i<oraa�<eme,arn<amyoru<P<dmme,m.ame _
.. r'eet<ra Carni<tHvm mryndb<al<e,edmda alt(ny<m Nm Yin Ommlfimluvl®au aW,me ..
' .8472603.' Deliveries mthe families. GFnmvoxmN,laa _ cmm,«m.R<uwd<wlb<mr<Ratrwyr:wiw ra<a 3slaxamR. - .
Eluwhae in Nobles- will lake place on Dec.16." s�Pvo�mo-<m�'. 'wmThm�dnr<r,.waE ,<nmet�m< du<aam,n�".m a`dPdy .
.. ville,the Noblesville Fire During Wednesday's Forma w,ru3a• <yew,om<m..hmP<,<mroar.,atumcamnrti«.rmra m<ma-i
.Departmemisampting Noblemlle Chamber of ena«:nisas.assa - bb'vWi:garara,mnmasw.mwanar.wumeam.<,eeew..,�, .
itt:]I]-S818tl5tl tmalnymwa(.umMe.Mmmwrpn,w,f«Wvwmven pa(.mv<Q
. . donations through Monday Commerce Holiday I.un- rzrsai3 ir:sa rr,:r>umaiblfmddmdamni<n,mw:.r.a rn<P<rm<mmmmw m,umma
. for.its-romI Christmas [ammbmeararm<a,bamb.maa mba<a.mamw mrrhn>w°n,< ..
. .Food&Toy Drive to I ,a I r Par«mamama.]Ito .ey°rar,ym mwm,ymh a«,<emua
lbY MaQrr,m anti vl<m vimaC
'berFefi[All < orncmmn,ydxw„'ar -� -' Anad4ts,:ale. a,<n,. aaawr<rmwm,y m - -
_ _ Tr eem roampp�uPmraid x,rPadxarcM,eppemmeimr •;� 1'il'f! burin ii,<sin<fb,e<,,..APPe wmr bra,—b,
oieptheelf vae.ih,;v¢mmppM lMemrzl Nrb4,Ae Redelodiq °m h<hiY tsme. IL,diw.Sur<Ao,v<L,dimirol'u IDGw,6.At'
Andb2alams.a tepem,�Kow dii0 a01..w,.errbe mo � .1,a P,G�� C mmt«mPya,maa,Pphnblelgal rtquv<mmamriaeawrd< '
ew+nbroy.m Md d§xmudN-wee arnrsbgywm I'J':J Lh"1%.�. 3a iwl,Wi:gbam%LmuM mme,nrrWmu hJ<53.1613anq:L,Ouu. - .
(l PARKS mdamm .a , p,
toss �m�mn�onto ,slava
De. ae,deal I embdM ft No= -6aepmmem mbdimu a;ode}3SIyIL15WEwNyrrmwmiofNdmu
Omu loelkmbNNoll Me
Fmm Page Al Watl>:Nnar.0 rM4rodearAMa1 0 "^h. CyJ<1�'-l-Ir<I n4 wemam nrlm�.4m,lrtww®aflndimo C,d�p
� ryge,,mpmderdaaanl yew:,om«P�»m mawu,xmlP,',ae �' saz-las a.ro pmrb,mrar.awmcabs.3sl-Ir-rs. - .
.. rams,um"mwroo-swmasv.xalwema,"nanonrw vmrad rh<o.amrnn.<,arvluwp)«au,bmu<eemrma;eNw. .. .
' ers,.Visitorsto the park romnadnmP.d,umwm,mmP.dsma�rmdast+w]aa,w„ _ Imw.:o<ssn-le-:raps(-)rq<amy ons.mmh<m«inwn®.. .
.E1Stxaxlu,be<nvi<aea Wd,u3lexbro a,maxdb,�e. '<«cie<d vraediaummvhmin'nn J<m<mmnma«admeaenepplimble
canattress mveb
asmom than o3e:WM1vn N°wnhrtromlraghpe«mne,]Immi' _ mairm boy hmh,Angbnral®imdbinAme cme4ssl-1^A muamh '- "
I ribs mrdmm,ehnt]xtx bhxp]vm°Inrnmumammm Ndlemi,_ acmmu ember mmem,a(a 0o«r.wn<rreunm,seasFdwa<mYm< "
rw.n ApRen en roedwiMM WcbamiM1New arMlLnr iu4eW Putnam rolMia:u cub 43a:u.'.,.ro Ue oawpmin,J ..
' S(q acres of Koteewi mnpeprrdmummwaeaN.amtetmxmame ammbrenet„ro y<°bsa
tubi Imr,um m<,idn .a.arm<ram.
.. .-
N= d,for - ernJwms,mimeeuamNamblPmdFaWmro11<.ag1mevpo<3mmrrem<.maNdmtiamv,ad,mPmahmaawwnrenwP. t' r j ( y- _w reobmaeawy aaia«iamm,mmN ah b4naalvdam<pe<nm«emudmm<eamr,amoee oam«<whg,hdg
bilcirgand horseback-rid, P.,.N
tlW Mlaay y,SJ.MIror:mbdmMiyb,enM mmryadar w A<h,bnn«efrmlay aeduary<W rcaove+Rmwg
.'ins.Natural resource and fa•- GayrWb abY,MrRrtlBreMPFw onto NRO.aaeaa. - .,.mere aa<R F-*aam,ra�<,urmF<rm r+w meam<mw a°.my
ryihreemb W+mnmvrcryabmd Iowa.r.Nf aq. ppenel Wwrlso.,<mmaafaa R<j dull branded rmd,rc<
. natural history education is. am,uw mroa mabbnemd mammndbudm z immi,M1au«w ard.w.rm�m,cod<4s1 a Imywwwm eJ<Y - .. -
pmvidedthrough theTaY- nawrnma�era.oae:wrmprwytrmwearu_,J,ewfm 3 Ili-amine tamear w<wrnPa aJ.n<w aa, <.r<m
lar Center of Natural His- •• 7hanaYa, _ -,>a amn<w,nra.sb rwu,<naJ<a rn.am.<dwn..<aridr mm.<la-
T r1.TTrt Kam LeK en a,<nnb.nm.am bm.ri a<gaa,uetnn ofu,<am<em
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sources,combined with E<aPe ra«.s°m,1=1 <.mmae,vmwmrwm<m<-cid
�),' Noblercllle Red StocltiogFmd taoNesvile,Indana 46061.. ..<;._ <mrn<„awu,<p,er<Iw�.m�dm«am.gmaim<r< sw,erai«I
the Morris Fami Home- Mal to:.NoblesviOe Red Stocking Fund,. rhdah a^nr<am b<'w«<rtmay'<mwmyumbimm<ura
'stead at Strawrown,'serve
m the historic foundationPO Box 162;Noblesvdl4lN 46061'• Ar,:Lweamm�n _ -
for the pack m-fvvmaneina.edammmolY.1bnpxnsndmemexsepe :"`i mkavor'm«.i dwarf ,an<m.+uw
For more details or.to `Ynepmbdexeadmtonywaa[Tvba.
'make reservations foryour _ theme ofdonor.
'downhiRfun at Kula y .. .
Run:Seasonal Slopes.visit Message: - J r .
koteewil=nbues.com or
myladiltoncoluuyperks: Amount_ (xmenrwlanmbepabkhed)'
am. - - -
Owner: Carmel/Clay Board of Parks and Recreation
' 1411 East 116th Street Carmel,Indiana 46032
Notice is hereby given that the CameVClav Board of Parks and Recreation
of Clay Township,Hamilton County,Indiana,(the"Owner)by and through
the Cam UClay Department of Parks and Recreation(the"Department'),will
receive sealed bids for the above referenced Project at the Motion Cnnmrrrnity
Center East located at 1235 Central Park Drive East,Carmel,Indiana 46032
until 1:00 PM local time on Wednesday,,December 20,2017 and as soon as
practicable thereafter on the same dale,the Bids will be publicly opened and
read aloud during a public meeting in Meeting Room B on the First Floor
of the Moron Community Center East.The outside of the sealed envelope
in which the Bid is enclosed,shall be clearly marked`BID—INLOW PARK
PLAYGROUND REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT",and as otherwise set forth - `—•.-_V V.
in the Bid Documents.Anv Bid received after the designated time will be returned D .y 1
to the Bidder unopened.
A non-mandatory pre-bid conference for discussion of the Project,the 2017
bidding requirements and other important matters will he held on Wednesday,
December 13,2017 at 10:00 AM local time in Meeting Room B on the First
Floor of the Motion Community Center East located at 1235 Central park 1]Qp a
Drive East,Carmel,Indiana 46032 and,weather permitting,shall conclude d7 L
with a visit to the location within Lawrence W.Inlow Park where the Work is
to be perforated.Prospective bidders are encouraged,but not required,to attend
the pm-bid conference.For special accommodations needed by individuals
with disabilities planning to attend the pre-bid conference or public bid opening
meeting,please notify Michael Krosschell at(317)826-7189 or mkrosschell(aa '
schneidemorp.com at least forty-eight(48)hours prior theroto.
. In general,the Work for the Project consists of site improvements
including demolition and clearing,minor grading and underdrains,
playground installation,playground surface installation,concrete footers,
masonry wall construction,concrete Batwurk,and site furnishings,all as set
forth in the Contract Documents for the Project which,except for those items
not included due to timing,size or other factors,have been assembled into a
Project Manual and includes the Bid Documents.The Project Manual and any
and all full size drawings may be examined at and obtained from,the office of
Eastern Engineering Supply Company,9901 Allisonville Road,Fishers,Indiana
46038;Phone:(317)598-0661.The plan charge will be listed on the online plan
room.Payment may be made by check,credit card,or cash.NO DEPOSITS
ACCEPTED.Make checks payable to Eastern Engineering.All payments and
costs of Contract Documents and related supplemental materials are non-
refundable.Bidders shall assure that they hate obtained complete sets,whether
hard copy or electronic,of the Project Manual and drmvings and shall assume the
risk of env errors or omissions in Bids prepared in reliance on incomplete sets.
Bids must be submitted on the forms in the Project Manual,must
contain the names of every person or company interested therein,and shall be
accompanied bv:
(1) Properly and completely executed Form 96(revised 2013)prescribed bx
the Indiana State Board of Accounts which includes a financial statement.
a statement of experience,n proposed plan or plans for performing the
Work and the equipment the Bidder has available for the performance of
the Work; -
(2) Bid Bond in the amount often percent(10%)of the total Bid amount,
including any alternates,with a satisfactory corporate surety or by a
certified check on a solvent bank in the amount often pement(10%)of the
amount of the Bid.The Bid Bond or certified check shall be evidence of
good faith that the successful Bidder will execute within ten(10)calendar
do)s from the acceptance of the Bid,the Agreement as included in the
Project Manual.The Bid Bond or certified check shall be made payable to
the Owner.
Owner mserves the right to hold any or all Bids for a period of not more
than sixty(60)da-vs after the date on which the Bids are opened and,for such
sixty(60)day period,all such Bids shall be in full tome and effect.Any Bid may
he withdrawn prior to the scheduled closing time for the receipt of Bids but no
Bidder shall withdraw a Bid within the sixty(60)days after the actual opening
of the Bids.All Bid Bonds and certified checks of unsuccessful bidders will be
returned by the Owner upon selection of the successful Bidder and execution of
the Agreement,and provision of the required Performance Bond and Payment
Indiana Code§5-16.13 at seq."or"Chapter 13",applies to this Project
in addition to the provisions of We public works statute found at Indiana Code§
36-1.12 at seq.To the extent the two(2)forgoing statutes arc inconsistent,the
provisions of Indiana Code§5-16.13 el seq.,shall govern and the substance of
its provisions shall be slated or incorporated by reference in the public works
contmct(s)awarded for this Project.
Bidders must comply with the non-collusion provisions of Indiana Code
§36-1-124.In the event that the total amount of the contract awarded to the
successful Contractor is$300,000 or more,the successful Contractor must be
qualified under either Indiana Code§4-14.6.4 or Indiana Code§8-23-10 before
doing any work on the Project.
A Performance Bond with good and sufficient surety,acceptable to the
Owner and Architect/Engineer,shall be required of the Contractor in an amount
equal to one hundred percent(100%)of the Contract Price,conditioned upon
the faithful performance of the Agreement.The surety of the Performance Bond
may not be released until one(I)year after the Owner's final settlement with the
Contractor.Retainage will be as required by Indiana Code§36.1-12 at seq.
The Contractor shall execute a Pavmncnl Bond to the Owner,approved by
Owner and Architect/Engincer and for the benefit of the Owner,in an amount
equal to one hundred pement(100%)of the Contract Price.The Payment Bond
is binding on the Contractor,the subcontractors,and their successors and assigns
for the payment of all indebtedness to a person for labor and services performed.
material furnished,or services rendered.The Payment Bond must state that it
is for the benefit of the subcontractors,laborers,material suppliers,and those
performing services.The surety of the Payment Bond may not be released until
one(I)you after the Owner§final settlement with the Contractor.
All oulb6state corporations must have a certificate of authority to do
business in the Slate of Indiana Application forms may be obtained by contacting
the Secretary of State,State of Indiana,Statehouse,Indianapolis,Indian 46204.
Contractor must comply with all applicable legal requirements in Title 5 and Title
36 including but not limited to those in Indiana Code§5-16-13 at seq.,Indiana
Code§36-1-124,the antidiscrimination provisions of Indiana Code§5-16-6 at
seq.pursuant to Indiana Code§36-1.12-15,the E-Verify provisions of Indiana
Code§22-5-1.7 at seq,and the Gan certification provisions of Indiana Code§
5-22-16.5 et seq.pursuant to Indiana Code§36-1-12-23.
The Owner reserves the right to(1)cancel this solicitation pursuant to
Indiana Code§5-22-I8-2 and/or(2)reject any offers,in whole or in part as
specified in the solicitation when Owner determines in accordance with applicable
Indiana laws including but not limited to Indiana Code§36-1-12-4,that such
action is in the best interests of the Owner.Owner reserves the right to delay the
opening of the Bids pursuant to Indiana Code§36.1-12-4.To the extent permitted
by applicable law,the Owner reserves the right to waive any of the terms, ^
conditions or provisions contained in this Notice to Bidders or the Bid Documents
or any informality,irregularity or omission in the bid process or in env Bid which
waiver is deemed in the Owner's discretion to be to the advantage of the Owner
and which does not afford any Bidder a material competitive advantage over
other Bidders.Except m specifically otherwise provided herein and as allowed b_v
applicable Indiana law,a contract for the Project shall be awarded in accordance
wvith this Notice to Bidders,Indiana Code§5-16-13 at seq.and Indiana Code§
36-1-12-4,to the lowest responsible and responsive Bidder and does not exceed
the funds available for the Project.The Owner shall have the right to accept
Alternates in any order or combination or accept on the basis of the Base Bid
alone,unless otherwise specificalh,provided in the Bidding Documents and to
determine the to, responsible and responsive Bidder on the basis of the sum of
the Base Bid and Allemaws accepted.
Except for requests for special accommodation to attend the pre-bid
conference or the public bid opening meeting,questions regarding this Project
should be directed to Michael Kronchelt by email only at mkmaschelln
Mark Westermeier
Director,Ca ael/Clay Department of Parks and Recreation
For and on behalf of the Cannel/Clay Board of Parks and Recreation
TL130t78 11/30 12/7 2t los ar!
State of.Indiana . )
Hamilton County ) ,
Personall .appeared before me, a.notar
y pp. y public in and for said county and state, the_
undersigned Tim Timmons who, being duly, sworn, says:that he is:Publisher of The:Times . .
newspaper-of.general ciiculation.printedand published in the Englishaanguage in the city
of Noblesville:in state and county afore-said, and that the printed.matter attached:hereto
--is a truecopy, which:was.dulypublished in said paper for.2,time(s); the date(s) of
:publication being as follows:
. 11/30/2017
Subscribed and swornto before'me this 7 day of December; 2017.,
Notiry Pul}f.
My commission expires:. .04/27/2022-
Jennifer Rebecca Ca11is
Resident of MWitgomery:County
Publisher's Fee:-$172:83
Notary Public„
of indiana .
+'��r�nn�rnisso�Ex ires:k,�ril 27, ?0�2. . -
Cause'# : TICKET.