HomeMy WebLinkAbout320406 01/11/18 ,C4q CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 027700 ® ONE CIVIC SQUARE BRADEN BUSINESS SYS,INC CHECK AMOUNT: $*****1,100.61* ?� CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 8700 NORTH STREET CHECK NUMBER: 320406 SUITE 400 CHECK DATE: 01/11/18 FISHERS IN 46038 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1110 4353004 456956 683.08 COPIER 911 4353004 456956 250.00 COPIER 1203 R4353004 100401 457894 167.53 COPIER LEASE /MAINTEN VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. Prescribed by state Board of Accounts City Form No.201(Rev.1995) Vendor# 027700 ALLOWED 20 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER BRADEN BUSINESS SYS,INC IN SUM OF$ CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show:kind of service,where performed,dates service Q� 9 l d 0 1 f 'D rN' � V� 1� rendered,by whom,rates per day,number of hours,rate per hour,number of units,price per unit,etc. Payee $967:53 Purchase Order# ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Community Relations Terms Date Due PO# ACCT# DATE INVOICE# DESCRIPTION DEPT# INVOICE#. Fund# AMOUNT Board Members DEPT# FUND# (or note attached invoice(s)or bill(s)) AMOUNT 100401 457894 43-530.04 $167.53 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or 12/31/17 457894 $167.53 1203 Encumbered 101 Prior Year 1203 101 bill(s)is(are)true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Monday,January p08,2018 Heck, Nancy Director I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s),is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 20 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund. Clerk-Treasurer L, WETE VE l4OVED CONTRACT INVOICE Invoice Number: 457894 . . New Address: , Invoice Date: 12/31/2017 a u S i Nc'S S v S T c M S. 8700 North Street Ste 400 . 8700 North Street STE.400 Fishers,IN 46038 Fishers, Indiana 46038 P: 317-580-0100 F: 317-580-2500 Please send all payments to the above address. , 1 Bill To: City of Carmel Dept. of.Community Relations Customer: City of Carmel Dept.of.Community Relations . Melanie Lentz/Nancy.Heck 1 Civic Square; 3rd Fir(Community Relations.Office) 1 Civic Square, 3rd Fir.(Community Relations Office) Carmel, IN 46032 Carmel,IN 46032 Account No, Payment'Terms Due Date Invoice Total Balance Due 0057 �� 7Y � "ffEt2018 . :; saa f? - € is ii $:16 .53 Contract-Number' Contact. ,Contrac#Amount. P.O.Number' Starf bale •1r5tp`Date TK406ci-G0735L-01 Melanie Lentz 317-571-2495 $ 167.53 03/30/2017 03/29/2022 Remarks' Summary:. Contract base rate charge for.the 12/30/2017 to 01/29/2018 billing period. $0:00 Contract overage charge for the 11/30/2017 to.12/29/2017 overage.period .$90.53- Contract 90.53*Contract Lease Charge: $77.00 *Sum of equipment base charges **See overage details below. $167.53 Detail: Equipment,included under this contract Kyocera Mita/TK406CI Number Serial Number Base Charge, Location G0735 V786302429 $0.00 City of Carmel Dept:of CommunityRelations 1 Civic Square,:3rd Fir(Community Relations.Office) Carmel,IN 46032 Meter Type Meter Group Begin Meter End Meter Credits Total Covered, : Billable Rate Overage B\W BW 3,592 4,181 589 0 589 $0:011000 $6.48, Color Color 4,865 6,158 1,293 0 11293 '$0.065000 $84.05 $90.53 S_ 3 0 Invoice SubTotal $167.53 Tax: $0.00 Invoice Total $167.53 Balance Due: $167.53 **If estimated meters appear on this invoice,this is because we tried to reach you via emailffax/phone,and we did not receive a response Page 1 of 1 by the billing date.Please.contact us with a corrected meter and we can work with you to find the best method for collecting your meter(s). Contact info:317-813-4662 Customer Service or contracts anbradenonline-com. Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201,(Rev.1995) VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. Vendor 02770e ALLOWED 20 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER. .BRADEN BUSINESS SYS,INC IN SUM OF$ CITY OF CARMEL . .8700 NORTH.STREET An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show:kind of service,where performed,dates service SUITE 400 rendered,.by whom,rates per day,number of hours,rate per hour,number of units,price per unit,etc. FISHERS, IN 46038 Payee $250.00 Purchase Order# ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR HCDTF Terms Prosect:#2018-911 and Task 2018-2 Date Due PO# ACCT# DATE INVOICE# DESCRIPTION DEPT# INVOICE# Fund# AMOUNT .Board Members _ DEPT#:. FUND#• (or,note attached invoice(s)or bill(s)) AMOUNT 456956 43-530.04 $250.00 l hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or 12/26/17 456956 $250.00 911 911 Prior Year 911 911 bill(s)is(are)true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except G Thursday, January 04,2018 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s), is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 ,20 Cost distribution ledger.classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund. Clerk-Treasurer WETE MOVED CONTRACT INVOICE Invoice Number: 456956 New Address: Invoice Date: 12/26/2017 131. ::tet 8700 North Street STE 400 Fish Itd � sar ers , 46038 t ..:' ,; P: 317-580-0100 F: 317-580-2500 paym ase serif ah- ents to the above address. FoteC�— ��ir� r� Bili To: Carmel Police Dept Customer: Carmel.Police Dept Teresa Anderson09 3 Civic Square 3 Civic Square Carmel,IN 46032 Carmel, IN 46032 -'�r�--��,.,. �-' -iR,�lime�'��'.,el�ns �.u+��a� -��+a'Ti� s,�'" -�� 1an�et?ue -._• .4.._. -.. ...�.,: ..cr-:-:. ,:_., �. .,... .�:. .,...<.. •. ....<..,<. +,i cam._.,. ...: ...r.,.�. Y.. ,--' ,,"� CP47 10 Days 01/05/2018 $933.08 $ 933.08 :r,��'l��fil�im�r.r-�..�'.` rY� ��Pu �t .. . - �nt�cts�uet � -P+p�lumb�r. •�ari`�ta,E�_ __�.�'fate CP47-072516L=01 $933.08 07/25/2016 07/24/2021 ~ sem.^^„L•;�i�r—• Summary: Contract base rate charge for the 12/25/2017 to 01/24/2018 billing period $359.00, Contract overage charge for-the.11/25/2017 to 12/24/2017 overage period $7.08** Contract lease Charge: $567.00 *Sum of equipment base charges **See overage details below $933.08. Detail: Konica Minoka/KC454e E11232 ASC0011007921 $0.00 Carmel Police Dept 3 Civic Square Carmel,IN 46032 Meter Type Meter Group Begin Meter End Meter Credits Total Covered Billable Rate Overage B\W BW' '145,259 146,795 1,536 ***See overage details below Color Color 47,321 48,208 887 ***See overage details below $0.00 G0026 A5C0011034675 $0.00 Carmel Police Dept 3 Civic Square Carmel,IN 46032 Meter Type Meter Group Begin Meter End Meter Credits Total Covered Billable Rate Overage B\W BW 100,340 107,094 6,754 ***See overage details below Color Color 9,493. 12,035 2,542 ***See overage details below $0.00 K9794 A5C0011029132 $0.00 Carmel Police Dept.3 Civic Square Carmel,1N 46032 Meter_Ty__pe Meter Group - Begin Meter End Meter Credits Total Covered Billable Rate Overao B\W BW 43,715 44,696 981 ***See overage details below Color Color 33,622 34,808 1,186 ***See overage details below $0.00 K9863 ASCO011029248 $0.00 Carmel Police Dept 3 Civic Square Carmel,IN 46032 Meter Type Meter Group. Begin Meter End Meter Credits Total Covered Billable Rate Overage B\W BW 49,842 51,369 1,527 ***See overage details below Color Color 2,519 2,965 446 ***See overage details below $0.00 **If estimated meters appear on this invoice,this is because we tried to reach you via emaii/fax/phone,and we did not receive a response Page I of 2 by the billing date.Please contact us with a corrected meter and we can work with you to find the best method for collecting your meter(s). Contact info:317-8134662 Customer Service or contiacts. bradenonline.com. . _ WEAVE MOVED CONTRACT INVOICE Invoice Number: 456956 New Address: Invoice Date: 12/26/2017 H to ' LN r s S v S. 7 f: M S. 8700 North Street Ste 400 8700 North Street STE 400 Fishers,IN 46038 Fishers, Indiana 46038 P: 317-580-0100 F: 317-580-2500 Please send,all payments to the above address. Bill To: Carmel Police Dept Customer: Carmel Police Dept Teresa Anderson 3 Civic Square 3 Civic Square Carmel,IN 46032 Carmel,IN 46032 "' SuIo ens Duaate I<=AM&1 §0 CP47 10 Days 01/05/2018 $933.08 ~ $ 933.08 . Overage Details :7ota1 C 1 I o es.. iCovered Co res: :::: P .. P. . ..._..... p Bs labie_.:;:`. :i:;:::::•:..Rate.,:; ':�:i :a;::.>::'`::;:�otal:;': BW 10,798.. .. 21,301) 0 . i 0 . ;' $0.006000 Base Amount: '$130.00 '$130.00 Meter Type Equip..Number Serial.Number Begin End Copies, B\W E11232 A5C0011007921 145,259 146,795 1,536 B\W G0026 ASC0011034675 100,340 107,094 6,754 B\W K9794 A5C0011029132 43,715 44,696 981 B\W K9863 A5C0011029248 49,842 51,369 1,527 Meter Grou re .:;':Cov es:€ .::: z °:::: :::::.:.:Bsllable P. P. S.. . ...aced:Copt... ...........:.....:.:........ ::s: ::... Color . 5,061. ,4,900 0 16] $0.044000 _ . • $7.08 Base Amount: ` $229.00- $236.08 Meter Type Equip:Number Serial Number Begin End Copies Color E11232 ASC6011007921 47,321 48,208 887 Color G0026 A5C0011034675 9,493 12,035 2,542 Color K9794 A50011029132 33,622 34,808 1,186 Color K9863 ASCO011029248 2,519 2,965 446 Total Grouped Overage Charges: $366.08- Total Grouped Base Charges: $359.00 Total Meter Group Charges: $366.08 s Invoice SubTotal $933.08 Tax: _ $0.00 Invoice Total $933.08 -Balance Due: $933.08 "tf estimated meters appear on this invoice,this is because we tried to reach you via emaillfax/phone,and we did not receive a response Page 2 of 2 by the billing date.Please contact us with a corrected meter and we can work with you to find the best method for collecting your meter(s). Contact info:317-813-4662 Customer Service or contractsebradgnonjjne.coni. VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201(Rev.1995) Vendor# 027700 ALLOWED 20 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER BRADEN BUSINESS SYS,INC IN SUM OF$ CITY OF CARMEL 8700 NORTH STREET An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show:kind of service,where performed,dates service SUITE 400 rendered,by whom,rates per day,number of hours,rate per hour,number of units,price per unit,etc. FISHERS, IN 46038 Payee $683.08 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Purchase Order# Carmel Police Terms Date Due PO# ACCT# DATE INVOICE# DESCRIPTION DEPT# INVOICE# Fund# AMOUNT Board Members DEPT# FUND# (or note attached invoice(s)or bill(s)) AMOUNT 456956 43-530.04 $683.08 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or 1/4/18 456956 monthly payment $683.08 1110 101 1110 101 bill(s)is(are)true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Monday,January 8,2018 ay." la-s-.J.' Jim Barlow Chief I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s),is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 ,20— Cost 20Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund. Clerk-Treasurer 'WE'VE. Invoice Number: 456956 New.Address: . 'Invoice Date: 12/26/2017 ©3 .11s1Nts.. s..YS.TCBvISl , . :• r 8700 North Street STE.400.Fishers,IN:46038. TYd P: 3177-580-0100 F: 317-580-2500 MepM payMen to the above address: Bill-To: Caraid Police Dept . Customer:. , Carmel Police Dept Teresa Anderson 3 Civic Square YCivic.Square. Carmel, IN, .46032 Carmel,IN 46032: Account No Payment Terms Due Date Invoice Total Balance Due CP47 _ . .. 10 Days 01/05/2018 : $ 933.08. .. $:.933.0.8 Contract.Number Contact Contract Amount- P.O.Number, Start Date Exp:Date- CP47°0725:16L=0,1 — -- - --. _.- _ - -. -$-933.0,8 . _ OZ/25/2016 07/24/2021 Remarks Summa . r1►: Contract,base rate charge for:the 12/25/2017 to 01/24/2018,billing period..' $359:00 Contract overage charge for the 11/25/2017 to,12/24/2017.oVerage.'period $7.08.**. 'Contract.Lease.Charger $567.00 *Sum of equiprnent base charges **See•overage details below $933.08 Detail:. _Equipment,included under this contract Konica Minolta/KC454e . E11232 A5C0011007921 $0.00 Carmel Police Dept.3 Civic Square: . . . .Car mel,:IN 46032 Meter Type Meter Group Begin:Meter End Meter Credits Total Covered Billable-: Rate Overage B\W BW 145;259 146;795 1,536 ***Seeoverage details below Color' Color. 47,321. 48,208 887 ***See'overage.details'below. GO026 A5C6011034675 $0.00 Carmel Police Dept.3 Civic.Square. Carmel,IN 46032 Meter Type. Meter Group Begin.Meter End Meter Credits. Total . : ' Covered Billable . Rate : Overage` B\W. :; BW _ 1,0.0;340 : 107,094 :. 6,754 .*!**'See overage-details,below Color Colon %493 12 035 21542 ***-See overage details below $0'.00 K9794 A5C0011029132 $0.00 'Carmel Police Dept 3 Civic.Square Carmel, 46032. . . Meter Type, Meter Group 'Begin Meter. End Meter :. Credits Total Covered Billable. Rate Overage B\W BW 43;715 44,696 981' ***See overage details below Color Color• 33,622 34,808 1,186 ***See overage details below. K9863 A5C0011029248 $0.00 Carmel Police Dept 3:Civic Square, Carmel,IN 46032, Meter Type Meter Group 'Begin Meter End Meter Credits Total Covered Billable Rate Overag e . . B\1N BW : 49;842 51;369 1;527 ***See overage details below. Color Color 2,519 2965 446 See overage details below $0.00 **If estimated meters appear on this invoice,this is because we tried to reach you via email/fax/phone,and we did not receive a response Page 1 oft by the billing.date.Please contact us with a corrected meter and we can work with you to find the best method for collecting your meter(s). Contact info:317-813-4662 Customer Service or contractsCa bradenonline.corn VERVE MOVEDCONTRACT INVOICE Invoice Number:. 456.956 New Address: Invoice Date: 12/26/2017 EN13 u s r N E'S s.v S.1 c M S- . 8700 North Street Ste.400 . 8700 North Street STE 400 Fishers IN. 6 F1ShefS Indiana 46038 038 P: 31.7:-580-010.0 F: 317.580-2500 Please send'all payments. to the above address. BiI1.To: Carmel.Police Dept Customer:. .Carmel Police Dept Teresa Anderson. 3 Civic Square . : . 3 Civic Square., Carmel,.IN: ;46032 Carmel,IN 46032 Account No Payment Terms Due Date Invoice TotalBalance"Due, CP47 10 Days 01/05%2018 : $ 933:08. .. .. $ 933.08: . Overage Details Meter Group' q. :Total Copies Covered Copies Billable Rate Total, `.; BW 10,798 21,300 0. 0. . : $0:006000 $6.00 Base Amount: '$130.00-$130 00. - .. . . . $130.W., Meter Type Equip: Number. Serial*Number. Begin End Copies %W. E11232. A5001.1007921 145,2-59 146795 1,536 "B\W G0026.' A5C0011034675' 100,340_ . 107;094 6,754 B\W K9,794 A5C0011029132. . . 43,715 44,696 981 K9863 . . - .A500011029248 49,842 51369 T,527 . . , -- ' Meter Group Total,Copies. Covered Copies Billable . . . Rate Total Color. 5,061 4,900 0 161 $0.044000 $7..0. 8 B ; . ase Amount: ., . ,'$229.00' $236.08.' Meter,Type ,Equip. Number. 'Serial Number Begin 'End Copies Color E11232 A5C0013007921. 47321 48,208 887 . Color, . G0026 A5C.0011.034675 9,493;, 12,035 ;. 2,542, Color. K9794. A5C0011029132, 33;622 K9 34808 1,186 Color . ' 863. . . A5C0013029248. : . 2519 : . ,. . . 2,965 446, Total Grouped:Overage CHarges: $366.08• :Total.Grouped:Base Charges: . . $ . 35900. : ; Total Meter Group Charges: $366.08,' Invoice SubTotal $933.08 Tax: .. $0.00 Invoice Total $933.08 Balance:Due: $933.08 **If estimated meters appear on this invoice,this is because we tried to reach you via emaillfaxJphone,and we did not receive a response Page 2 of 2 by the billing date.Please contact us with a corrected meter and.we can work with you to find the best method for collecting your meter(s). Contact info:317-813-4662 Customer Service or contractsObradenonline.com.