HomeMy WebLinkAbout321327 1/30/2018 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 366799 ONE CIVIC SQUARE BROADCAST MUSIC, INC CHECK AMOUNT: $*`***"835.00` CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 PO BOX 630893 CHECK NUMBER: 321327 9;;(TON CQ� CINCINNATI OH 45263-0893 CHECK DATE: 01/30118 v DEPARTMENT _ ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER_ AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1091 4358300 31083412 835.00 OTHER FEES & LICENSES ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. An invoice of bill to be properly itemized must show;kind of service,where performed,dates service rendered,by Vendor# 366799 Allowed 20_ whom,rates per day,number of hours,rate per hour,number of units,price per unit,etc. BMI Payee PO Box 630893 Cincinnati,OH 45263-0893 In sum of$ Purchase Order# 366799 BMI Terms $ 835.00 PO Box 630893 Date Due Cincinnati,OH 45263-0893 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR 109-Monon Center PO#ornvolce Description Dept# INVOICE NO. ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT Invoice Date Number (or note attached invoice(s)or bill(s)) PO# Amount 1091 31083412 4358300 $ 835.00 Board Members 1/2/18 31083412 Music License 2018 50798 $ 835.00 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s)is(are)true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except $ 835.00 Total $ 835.00 January 23,2018 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s)is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Signature 20_ Accounts Payable Coordinator Clerk-Treasurer Title +QElltE1 �+::: 1f8:;.::.::;.::;;.:::.::.::.::::;:.>:.>;: Page 1 of 2 :....................................................................................................... ...... «<< 4EEE111C < :2 5 3647 5 ` `<BiIlE1 f�lli [ _31083°412 < kl it'"`? < 02mJ_A:N=jU,18_ ' 4 ^° ' ' 0 } Q €€ USD 8 35 .0 0 i M.O.U. JAN 1 9 201 Pay Online:www.bmi.com/payments ti BY: Attn:Accounts Payable 02536475310834120000008350014 PO Box6 `0893 r, Carmel Clay Parks& CincaOH_45j63=,08 93 Rec/Monon Ctr d -•.-= A_ .,",. _�... 1411 E. 116th Street Carmel IN 46032 Contact us:(888)492-6264 www.bmi.com/email Please return the above portion with your payment Correspondence written on this notice or sent to this address will not be recognized by BMI entif3ir;:€:i:«:>:?::::: iitf":BIiGe:::::::>::>:::<::::::::::::::::Bflttl:' titl< tit'ti5t'tl:::::>:>::::>:>::>::::s::::>::::<::::::::>'::::::::>::<::::>:t . rtieitfs::::::>::;:>:::>'::>::::>::>::>:::>:<::>::>::>Eini# ....... ..................................... .......... ................................................................ ................................................................ ............................................................ ................... 31083412 $0.00 $835.00 $0.00 $835.00 ::;:::;»........................:::......:.................................:::::.............................::::::::::::::::::::::::.:.:::::::::._::.::::::::::::: .. :?<::::<::>:>::::::sF..:...>::>:»:;::>1k�itt ctttiiti:#'<:>'::>:>'::«::><:><:::<:::t1 s . 'ttdi#:::......:........:::::::«::....<::<:::::::::>:::<:::»:«:::<::«<::<: :<::<::<::<::::<::«::<: >:::<:>:::<::«<:>:::«:::::A#iti l�#i#:6ki ........................................................................................................................................... Account#2536475 Carmel Clay Parks&Rec/Monon Ctr 1411 E.116th Street Carmel IN 46032 01-JAN-2018 INV 9692265 _ Estimated Fee 01/01/2018-12/31/2018 If you are billed quarterly or semi-annually and your payment is 90 days past due,the unpaid balance of your Annual Fee is now due in full. BMI customers have the following online features: Manage your account online using the account and billing numbers appearing on the top of this invoice at:www.bmi.com/ige. For the best online experience,please use the Google Chrome browser. Make a payment at:www.bmi.com/payments using the account number and billing number above to login. As a reminder,we accept payments from both business and personal accounts. Recently held a Special Event with gross revenues in excess of$25,000 or more? These events should be reported within 90 days as outlined in your BMI Local Government Entities License Agreement. Please contact your BMI representative at 877-264-2137 to request a report form. Connect with additional savings for your business at:www.bmi.com/fedex. The license fees and/or balances payable per this bill are covered by Purchase Order(s)29272 Broadcast Music Inc. 10 Music Square East Nashville,TN 37203-4399