HomeMy WebLinkAbout321478 02/07/18 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 354402 Q ONE CIVIC SQUARE DAVID HABOUSH CHECK AMOUNT: 5"'"'1,397.06' s ;?� CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 1942 TROWBRIDGE HIGH STREET CHECK NUMBER: 321478 s, ,TON, CARMEL IN 46032 CHECK DATE: 02/07/18 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1120 4231400 7.11 GASOLINE 1120 4343002 1,389.95 EXTERNAL TRAINING TRA ,;I- O] L NI-C7.--..--i.--i.--i EO �--I �N U O EV Nal cO.--1.--1,-i cD OI--UScy7 LO •ACV 4J COOl UO --.C+'7\I-I-L- ••C7 •LDZc'+JN COcn •.--�MCO •co CCY7) -6469 crJ C"�ZU •�--� I L Q]LP UIQ •O) LP Ql•--�1.C7(CCO _- NLP � ••O�LC7�K'Y COLL_. 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Weir Cook Memorial Drive Indianapolis, IN 46241 F/C #96 A Payment No.00026777 T/D #37 Ticket No.032584 Cashier ID #101 Entry Time 1/28/2018 (Sun) 12:29 Paid Time 2/2/2018 (Fri) 16:00 Parking Time 5 Days 3:31 Parking Fee Rate F $54.00 DISC Account # *****************************3453 Slip # 15610 Auth Code 002690 CREDIT CARD AMOUNT $54.00 Cash Amount $0.00 ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- Total $54.00 Thank you, Have a nice day! (317) 487-5017 ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev.1995) ALLOWED 20L— ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER Vendor# 354402 DAVID HABOLISH IN SUM OF$ CITY OF CARMEL 1942 TROWBRI DGE HIGH STREET An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show:kind of service,where performed,dates service rendered,by whom,rates per day,number of hours,rate per hour,number of units,price per unit,etc. CARMEL, IN 46032 Payee $1,397.06 Purchase Order# ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Fire Terms Date Due PO#- ACCT# DATE INVOICE# DESCRIPTION DEPT# INVOICE# Fund# AMOUNT Board Members DEPT# FUND# (or note attached invoice(s)or bill(s)) AMOUNT 0 43-430.02 $1,389.95 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or 2/6/18 0 $1,389.95 1120 101 1120 101 0 42-314.00 $7.11 bill(s)is(are)true and correct and that the 2/6/18 0 $7.11 1120 1 1 101 1 materials or services itemized thereon for 1120 1 101 which charge is made were ordered and received except Tuesday, February 06,2018 David Haboush Fire Chief I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s),is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 ,20 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund. Clerk-Treasurer CITY OF CARMEL Expense Report (required for all travel expenses) a �NDIANP EMPLOYEE NAME: Dave Haboush DEPARTURE DATE: TIME: AM/fp DEPARTMENT: FIRE RETURN DATE: TIME: �-\ AM/PM REASON FOR TRAVEL: ALTS/Human Resource Conference DESTINATION CITY: Orlando, FL EXPENSES ARE FOR (check all that apply): TRAVEL ADVANCE TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT TRAVEL PER DIEM Transportation Meals Date Gas/Tolls/ Lodging Misc. Total Air-fare Car Rental Other Parking Breakfast Lunch Dinner Snacks Per Diem $0.00 1/28/18 1 $190.13 $65.00 $255.13 1/29/18 $65.00 $65.00 1/30/18 $65.00 $65.00 1/31/18 $65.00 $65.00 2/1/18 $65.00 $65.00 2/2/18 $167.38 $61.11 $653.44 $881.93 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 Total $0.00i : $167.38L $0.00 $61.11 $843.57 $0.00 $0.00 $0.001 $0.001 $325.001 $0.00 OEM DIRECTOR'S STATEMENT: I her by aff that II expen a listed c�j�form to the City's travel policy and are within my department's appropriated budget. Director Signature: Date: City of Carmel Form#ER06 Revision Date 2/6/2018 Page 1 Snyder, Denise W From: Haboush, David G Sent: Wednesday,January 10, 201816:34 To: Snyder, Denise W Subject: FW:IAFF Event Registration Confirmation From:.donotreply@iaff.org [mailto:donotreply@iaff.org] Sent: Wednesday,January 10, 20184:20 PM' To: Haboush; David G Cc:jdowleyne@iaff.org Subject: IAFF Event Registration Confirmation L+� ' A L S Hur�a�l®ales Can't read this message or view the barcode? Visit hfp://member.iaff.org/EventRegistration/EventService/Myltinerarv?meetingid=ALTSHR2018 to view your itinerary online. When prompted for your Order Number and IAFF Id use the following:values: Order Number: 136894 IAFF Id: 1058515 Thank.you for registering.for the Affiliate Leadership Training Summit/Human Relations Conference. Don't miss our one-day Cancer Summit on Thursday,February 1,2018;in Lake Buena Vista, Florida, immediately following the.Affiliate Leadership Training Summit and Human Relations.Conference."Register now. (separate registration is required). US-Members only: US FIREPAC: If:you did not use the FIREPAC option when.registering.for the Conference,but would like.to make a donation.in the amount of.your choosing;or if you did register using the FIREPAC option but wanted to-make an additional contribution to US FIREPAC, please click"Contribute to FIREPAC Now."Please note that you will need to use_a personal credit card to make a donation to FIREPAC and not one issued to your local.Thank you. • 'Event Coordinators: For questions on your registration please contact the IAFF Education Department altshrc iaff.ora.or 202= 82441533. For questions on travel and lodging please contact CEP@iaff.org. • Event Notes: Please be sure to visit the Disney Lodging.Travel and Park Tickets website for important information on'travel and-lodging at the Coronado Springs Resort. For additional conference information please visit the ALTS-HRC website.We look-forward-to seeing you at the IAFF's premier educational.conference. 1 Don't miss our one-day Cancer Summit on Thursday, February 1,2018,. in Lake Buena Vista,-Florida, immediately following the.Affiliate Leadership Training Summit and Human Relations Conference:*Register now. (separate registration is required). Payment Information Transaction Date: 01-10-2018 Order Charge Total: $495.00 Name on Card: Daid G.Haboush Credit.Card Number: *********7432 Credit Card Type: MasterCard Authorization Number: 111111 Registrant Information IAFF Id: 105851-5 Name on Badge: David Haboush Local on Badge: Carmel Professional Fire Fighters Union State/Province on Badge: IN Order Confirmation Number: 136894 Function Summary it�oji Title: ALTS/HR US Main Registration 1/28/2018 7:00:00 AM 1/31/2018 5:00:00 PM $495.00 :Building a Culture of Teamwork 1/29/20181:00:00 PM 1/29/20183:00:00 PM $0.00 LGBTQ Q&A 1/29/2018 3:30:00 PM 1/29/2018 4:30:00 PM $0.00 Community-Paramedic: From Implementation to Legislation 1/30/2018 8:00:00 AM 1/30/2018 10:00:00 AM $0.00 Homophobia and.Transphobia in Emergency Services 1/30/201810:30:00 AM 1/30/2018 12:30:00 PM $0.00 Rescuing the Leader Inside You 1/30/2018 2:00:00 PM 1/30/2018 4:00:00 PM $0.00 Fire and ICE: Building Trust.in a Time of Fear 1/3.1/2018 8:00:00 AM 1/31/2018 10:00:00 AM $0.00 -Getting Real About Inclusion 1/31/2018 10:30:00 AM 1131/2018-12:30:00 PM $0.00 Total:$495.00 1 Q 5 8 S 1 S 2 Snyder, Denise W From•. DoNotReply@iaff.org Sent: Wednesday,January 10,201816:28 To: Snyder, Denise W .Subject: Confirmation n = i►�, - I �i� tit k . l c t � Dear David; Here:are the details of your order/registration. Please retain this email for your records. Order Number: 13689.5 Order Date: Jan 10, 201.8 4:23 PM Bill To: David G. Haboush Order Total: 75.00- Payment Method: ---MasterCard--************7432 Name on Card: David Haboush Item Price Qty Total Cancer Summit 2018- David G. Haboush 75.00 1 75..00 When: Feb 1, 2018- Where:.Disney's Coronado Springs Resort 1-00 West Buena Vista Drive Lake Buena Vista,.32830-8403 _Registration option: Feb.1, 2018- Includes.Reception, Breakfast,,General Sessions and Lunch Item Total 75.00 Shipping 0.00 Handling 0.00 Item Grand Total 75.00 Transaction Grand Total 75.00 Thank.you, 1 Snyder, Denise W From: Haboush, David G Sent: Friday, December 29, 2017 23:46 To: Haboush,.David G;.Snyder, Denise W Subject: Southwest Flight 2985 Indianapolis to.Orlando IAFF HR Conference 1/28/18 Confirmation#(s):.QZ4R36 Passenger name(s): David Haboush Departing Flight: Sun,Jan 28,2018 Flight#:2985 Departs:2:OO PM IND Nonstop Arrives:4:10 PM MCO Travel time: 2 hrs 10 mins Returning Flight: Fri, Feb 2,2018 Flight#: 232 Departs: 12:50 PM MCO Nonstop Arrives: 3:20 PM IND Travel time: 2 hrs 30 mins Sent from my Whone 1 Snyder, Denise W From: Haboush, David G Sent: Saturday, December 30, 2017 11.40 To: Snyder, Denise W Subject: Fwd: Flight reservation (QZ4R36) 1 28JAN18 IND-MCO Haboush/David Garth Thank you my friend. Happy New Year. See you Tuesday. Hope you have enjoyed your time away. Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: Southwest Airlines<SouthwestAirlines agluv.southwest.com> Date:December.29, 2017 at 11:44:15 PM EST To: <dhaboush@a,carmel.in.g_o_v> Subject: Flight reservation.(QZ4R36) 1 28JAN18 I IND-MCO-1 Haboush/David Garth Reply-To: Southwest Airlines<renlynwnco.com> Thanks for choosing Southwest®R for your trip. x .�. Loa in View my itinerai HotelCheck In Check Flight Change Special Online Status Flight Offers Offers Offers Ready for takeoff! x �.J Thanks for choosing Southwest®for your trip.You'll find everything you need to — know about your reservation below. Happy travels! x Air itinerary AIR Confirmation: QZ4R36 Confirmation Date: 12/29/2017 Passenger(s) Rapid Rewards# Ticket# Expiration Est.PointsEarned HABOUSH/DAVID G Join or Add# 5268797095693 Dec 30,2018 790 ARTH. Rapid Rewards points earned are only estimates.Not a member-visit Southwestcomfraold rewards and sign up todayl Date Flight Departure/Arrival Sun Jan 28 2985 Depart INDIANAPOLIS,IN(IND)on Southwest Airlines at 02:00 PM 1 Arrive.in ORLANDO,FL(MCO)at 04:10 PM Travel Time 2 hrs 10 mins x Wanna Get Away Date Flight Departure/Arrival Fri Feb.2 232 Depart ORLANDO,FL(MCO)on Southwest Airlines at 12:60 PM Arrive in INDIANAPOLIS,IN.(IND)at 03:20 PM Travel Time 2 hrs 30 mins Wanna Get Away X Check in for your flight(s):.24 hours before your trip on Southwest.com or your mobile device to secure your boarding osition. x You'll be assigned a boarding position based.on your check=in.time. The earlier you check in within 24 hours of your flight, the earlier you get to board. X Bags fly free®: First and secondchecked bags.Weight and size limits apply. One small bag and one personal item are permitted as car on items,free of charge. x 30minutes before departure:We encourage.you to arrive in the gate area no later:than 30 minutes prior:to your flight's scheduled departure r_----as we we may begin boarding as early as 30 minutes before your flight'. 0 -- x 10 minutes before departure: You must obtain your boarding pass(es) and be in the gate area for boarding at least 10 minutes prior to your flight's scheduled departure time. If not, Southwest may-cancel your reserved space-and you-will not be eligible for'denied_boarding compensation. X If you do not plan to travelon,your.flight:In.accordance with Southwest's No Show Policy, you must notify Southwest at least 10 minutes prior to your flight's scheduled departure if you do not plan to travel on your flight. Customers who fail to cancel reservations for.a ------____ Wanna Get Away fare segment at least ten (10) minutes prior to travel and who:do not board the flight will:be considered a no show;and all remaining unused Wanna Get Away funds will be forfeited. All remaining unused Business Select and Anytime funds will be converted to reusable travel funds. If:you no show your reward travel reservation, :the,points will be redeposited to thepurchaser+s Rapid Rewards account. Any,taxes.and-fees associated with your reward travel reservation will be held for future use in the form.of reusable travel funds under the name.of the traveler(s).. Need to make a change? Keep your confirmation number on record. It will be used to retrieve your reservation and apply funds to future travel. Air Cost: 169.76 Fare Rule(s): 5268797095693: NONREF/NONTRANSFERABLE STANDBY REQ UPGRADE TO Y-BG WN Valid only on Southwest Airlines. All travel involving funds from this Confirmation Number must be completed-by the expiration date.-Unused travel funds.may only be applied toward the purchase of future travel for the individual named on the ticket. Any changes-to thisitinerary may result-in a fare increase. Failure to cancel reservations for a Wanna Get Away fare segment at least 10 2 minutes prior to travel will result in the.forfeiture.of all remaining unused funds. IND WN ORL75.98WN.IND55.52USD131.50END ZP IND4.10MC04.10 XF IND4.5MC04:5 0 _ Learn about our 0 -== Learn about inflight boarding process4 WiFi &entertainment:p Cost and Payment Summary D AIR-QZ41136 Base.Fare $ 131.50 Payment Information Excise Taxes $ 9:86 Payment Type: Discover XXXXXXXXXXXX3453 September 11th Security Fee $ 1.1.20 Date: Dec 29,2017 Segment Fee $ 8.20 Payment Amount:$169.76 Passenger-Facility Charge $ 9.00 Total Air Cost $ 169.76 Useful Tools Know Before You Go Special Travel Needs Check In Online In the Ai ort Traveling with Children. Early Bird Check-in Baggage Policies Traveling with Pets View/Share.Itinerarv. Suggested Airport Arrival Times Unaccompanied Minors Change Air Reservation Security Procedures Baby on Board Cancel Air Reservation Customers of Size Customers with Disabilities Check Flight Status In the Air Fli-ght Status Notification Purchasing and Refunds Book a Car Book a Hotel Legal-Policies& Helpful Information Privacy Policy Customer Service Commitment Contact Us Notice of.Incorporated Tennis FAQs BooR Air;Book Hotel;Book Ca i Book Vacation Packages 1 See Soeoial Offers;Manage My Account This is a post-only mailing.from Southwest Airlines.Please do not attempt to respond to this message.Your privacy is important to us,Please read our Privacy Policy. 'All travel involving funds from this Confirmation Number must be completed by.the expiration date. 3 Arrival: 01/28/2018 Departure: 01/29/2018 Dave Haboush Reservation #: 473197281391 Tax Exempt: No Group Code: G0714472 Group Name: IAFF HR and ALTS Conference DVC Member Indicator: No Folio ID: 166990747 Phone: 317-716-4412 Disney's Coronado Springs Resort RM 7332 Guest Pay Invoice Fulfillment Date Description Property Room Charged By Charges Payments Balance 11/15/2017 Visa*******'*'**2027 Walt Disney World Resort Sutton, Sean -190.13 -190.13 01/18/2018 Discover**********'*3453 Walt Disney World Resort Sutton, Sean -190.13 -380.26 01/20/2018 Visa*********'**2027 Walt Disney World Resort Sutton, Sean 190.13 -190.13 01/28/2018 Disney's Coronado Springs Resort Disney's Coronado Springs Resort 7332 Sutton,Sean 169.00 -21.13 Standard View-NA 01/28/2018 Disney's Coronado Springs Resort Disney's Coronado Springs Resort 7332 Sutton,Sean 0.85 -20.28 Orange County Accommodation Tax 01/28/2018 Disney's Coronado Springs Resort Disney's Coronado Springs Resort 7332 Sutton,Sean 10.14 -10.14 Orange County Tourist Development Tax 01/28/2018 Disney's Coronado Springs Resort Disney's Coronado Springs Resort 7332 Sutton,Sean 10.14 0.00 Florida State Accommodations Tax _ _ Total $190.13___ $-190.13 —� \���.,, '� O O�•�„ �'>J�� '°.gip_ \� ` �...�c�, Thank you for choosing the Walt Disney World Resort! For billing inquiries, contact Guest Services at GUEST.SERVICES.BILLING@DISNEYWORLD.com OR 407-828-5630 Printed By: PROCE002 Printed 01/28/18, 6:04 PM ?s Page 1 of 1 Arrival: 01/29/2018 Departure: 02/02/2018 David Haboush Reservation #: 473641573181 1942 Trowbridge High St. Tax Exempt: No Carmel, IN 46032 DVC Member Indicator: No USA Folio ID: 169157372 Phone: 317-716-4412 Email: david.haboush@gmail.com Disney's Coronado Springs Resort RM 7332 Guest Pay Invoice Fulfillment Date Description Property Room Charged By Charges Payments Balance 12/30/2017 Discover""""""3453 Walt Disney World Resort Haboush, David -161.11 -161.11 01/29/2018 Discover""'""""'3453 Disney's Coronado Springs Resort -492.33 -653.44 01/29/2018 Disney's Coronado Springs Resort Disney's Coronado Springs Resort 7332 Haboush,David 143.20 -510.24 Standard View-NA 01/29/2018 Disney's Coronado Springs Resort Disney's Coronado Springs Resort 7332 Haboush,David 0.72 -509.52 Orange County Accommodation Tax 01/29/2018 Disney's Coronado Springs Resort Disney's Coronado Springs Resort 7332 Haboush,David 8.59 -500.93 Orange County Tourist Development Tax 01/29/2018 Disney's Coronado Springs Resort Disney's Coronado Springs Resort 7332 Haboush,David 8.60 -492.33 Florida State Accommodations Tax 01/30/2018 Disney's Coronado Springs Resort Disney's Coronado Springs Resort 7332 Haboush,David 143.20 -349.13 Standard View-NA 01/30/2 Disney's.Coronado.Springs.Resort--Disneys-Coronado Springs-Resort--7332 - Haboush,-David-- --8:59- 340.54 Orange County Tourist Development Tax 01/30/2018 Disney's Coronado Springs Resort Disney's Coronado Springs Resort 7332 Haboush,David 0.72 -339.82 Orange County Accommodation Tax 01/30/2018 Disney's Coronado Springs Resort Disney's Coronado Springs Resort 7332 Haboush,David 8.60 -331.22 Florida State Accommodations Tax 01/31/2018 Disney's Coronado Springs Resort Disney's Coronado Springs Resort 7332 Haboush,David 143.20 -188.02 Standard View-NA 01/31/2018 Disney's Coronado Springs Resort Disney's Coronado Springs Resort 7332 Haboush,David 8.59 -179.43 Orange County Tourist Development Tax 01/31/2018 Disney's Coronado Springs Resort Disney's Coronado Springs Resort 7332 Haboush,David 0.72 -178.71 Orange County Accommodation Tax 01/31/2018 Disney's Coronado Springs Resort Disney's Coronado Springs Resort 7332 Haboush,David 8.60 -170.11 Florida State Accommodations Tax 02/01/2018 Disney's Coronado Springs Resort Disney's Coronado Springs Resort 7332 Haboush,David 151.20 -18.91 Standard View-NA 02/01/2018 Disney's Coronado Springs Resort Disney's Coronado Springs Resort 7332 Haboush,David 0.76 -18.15 Orange County Accommodation Tax 02/01/2018 Disney's Coronado Springs Resort Disney's Coronado Springs_Resort 7332 Haboush,David 9.07 -9.08 Orange County Tourist Development Tax 02/01/2018 Disney's Coronado Springs Resort Disney's Coronado Springs Resort 7332 Haboush,David 9.08 0.00 Florida State Accommodations Tax Total $653.44 $-653.44 $0.00 Thank you for choosing the Walt Disney World Resort! For billing inquiries, contact Guest Services at GUEST.SERVICES.BILLING@DISNEYWORLD.com OR 407-828-5630 Printed By: MATEA009 Printed 01/29/18, 9:06 AM Page 1 of 1 Snyder, Denise W From: Haboush, David G Sent: Wednesday,January 24, 2018 20:02 To: Snyder, Denise W Subject: Fwd:Your car reservation in Orlando on Jan 28, 2018 is confirmed $167 including Insurance. Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: Hotwire Booking Confirmation<HotwireBooking_Confirmation@e.Hotwire.com> Date: January 24, 2018 at 7:55:46 PM EST To: "Haboush, David G" <DHaboush&carmel.in.gov> Subject: Your car reservation in Orlando on Jan 28,2018 is confirmed Reply-To: Hotwire Booking Confirmation<replyne.Hotwire.com> Review your itinerary hetwire Everything is set for your car rental in Orlando Your Hotwire confirmation number is 4794612620 Pick up Drop off © Jan 28, 2018 Feb 2,2018 3:OOPM (D 2:30PM Thrifty Thrifty Orlando Intl., MCO Orlando Intl., MCO 9302 Airport Boulevard 9302 Airport Boulevard Orlando International Airport Orlando International Airport Orlando, FL Orlando, FL 1-800-THRIFTY Map 1-800-THRIFTY Map Hours of operation: Hours of operation: Sun 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM Fri 12:00 AM- 11:59 PM Thrifty accepts credit card deposits. Debit/check card deposits are accepted with proof of a round-trip travel ticket. 1 Your reserved car Full Size Ford Fusion or similar Features Automatic Transmission, Power Steering,Air 1 x 5 W x 2 I x2 Conditioning,Air Bags,Anti-Lock Brakes, Cruise Control,AM/FM Stereo Get your detailed itinerary online and make changes anytime. bookingView my Add to calendar: Gmail PrinVDownload confirmation ® Share booking confirmation Reservation details Thrifty confirmation # H55638318E1 Contact phone (317) 716-4412 Driver name David Haboush Contact email dhaboush(&-carmel.in.gov Price summary (USD) 5 days x 13.73 68.65 Taxes and fees 54.72 Subtotal 123.37 Discount amount -10.00 Hotwire total (USD) 113.38 Rental car protection 54.00 Billed today(USD) 167.38 Total (USD) 167.38 (Charged to Discover ending in 3453 on Jan 24, 2018) (Rental car Protection is listed as a charge by Allianz Global Assistance.You will receive a separate confirmation email with insurance details, including policy number(s), in 4 to 6 hours). Payment summary Customer name David Haboush Payment method Discover ending in 3453 Phone number (317) 716-4412 Transaction date Jan 24, 2018 Know before you go 2 Payment The agency requires a credit/debit card in the driver's name for deposit.- The eposit.The amount varies and can't be used on your card until you return the car. See important debit card info Driver info Bring driver's licenses for each person who will be driving the car. Drivers under the age of 25 may be required to pay an additional fee, contact the rental agency for details. There may also be a fee for additional drivers. More info Print a copy of this email and bring it with you when you pick up your rental. Supplier terms and conditions Mileage Unlimited Booking rules All Hotwire Hot Rate°bookings are final. No changes or refunds are allowed. Special requests For hours of operation, special requests such as GPS, child seats, racks, and additional drivers, please call your car rental agency. An additional fee may be required for special request items. Prevent theft Remove valuables from the rental car and lock doors. a Live the suite life The sky's the limit Add a hotel room to your trip Add a flight to your trip Need help? Thrifty 1-800-THRIFTY U.S./Canada 1-800-845-4026 (24/7, toll-free) International 1-417-520-1680 (fees may-apply) Allianz Global Assistance 1-800-771-1281 (fees may apply) FAQ Visit our help center Itinerary# 4794612620 Track your trip,on the free app Connect with us Appore •�• Subscription Management You are receiving this message because your email address was provided for this Hotwire account.Only purchase and account-related messages will be sent to this address(unless you are opted in to receive our promotional mailings).You cannot unsubscribe from these messages. If you think you have received this message in error,please call us at the numbers listed above or contact us via postal mail at: Hotwire, PO Box 26285, San Francisco, CA 94126. Privacy Policy and Terms of Use Hotwire is committed to protecting your privacy. For more information, view our Privacy Policy. By using the Hotwire site, you agree to our Terms of Use. tThe makes/models shown are examples only.We are unable to guarantee a specific make/model.Actual makes/models 3