HomeMy WebLinkAbout322021 02/19/18 `� ..�,A�f. CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 365844 31 ONE CIVIC SQUARE FUN EXPRESS CHECK AMOUNT: $*******144.98* CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 PO BOX 14463 CHECK NUMBER: 322021 '7„�toN. := DES MOINES IA 50306-3463 CHECK DATE: 02/19/18 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1081 4239039 68825458701 43.17 GENERAL PROGRAM SUPPL 1081 4239039 68825458702 101.81 GENERAL PROGRAM SUPPL ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. An invoice of bill to be properly itemized must show;kind of service,where performed,dates service rendered,by Vendor# 365844 Allowed 20 whom,rates per day,number of hours,rate per hour,number of units,price per unit,etc. Fun Express, LLC Payee P.O.Box 14463 Des Moines, IA 50306-3463 In Sum of$ Purchase Order# 365844 Fun Express,LLC Terms $ 144.98 P.O.Box 14463 Date Due Des Moines, IA 50306-3463 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR 108 ESE PO#ornvolce Description Dept# INVOICE NO. ACCT#ffITLE AMOUNT Invoice Date Number (or note attached invoices)or bill(s)) PO# Amount 1081-2 68825458702 4239039 $ 101.81 Board Members 2/5/18 68825458702 Valentines Day Program Supplies xx6426 $ 101.81 1081-2 68825458701 4239039 $ 43.17 2/5/18 68825458701 Valentines Day Program Supplies xx6426 $ 43.17 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s)is(are)true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except $ 144.98 Total $ 144.98 February 15,2018 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s)is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 Cost distribution ledger classification if 1PAMVM-kKM claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Signature 20_ Accounts Payable Coordinator Clerk-Treasurer Title J -Y 180 Invoice# 688254587-02 FEB 1 2 2010 Dat"-75-4005/20,18- - jy:. Page#: 1 SOLD SHIP TO: G7XC2S00300235 -005340 CHERRY TREE/PARKS&REC g CARMEL CLAY PARKS&REC DAWN KQEPPER TIFFANY.BUCKINGHAM g 1411E 116TH ST 13989 HAZEL DELL PKWY o 'iY ' CARMEL,IN 46032-3455 CARMEL; IN 46033 X '' Il�u�il�lll�lii�il�nillll�llinil�liul�in�li�l,illl�lll�l�lll N N O W N PurchastOrdor.,06mber Date Ordered - Date Shipped Back Orders Terms _-`; XX 6426' 02/01/208 02!0512018 = NO NET 30 DAYS —=Servicea4tepresentatwe .:Number.of Canons 1Meight Shi pec!Via - _- 3a 23 LBS- Item Neat Order Qty Ship Qty p. Ext w cr t e Des � tion Uni is �Amount7 1D-13756226 213Z 2 VALENTINE DOUGH EXCHANGE 9.98 19.96 1D-13756446 2DZ 2 VALENTINE ROLY POLY PLUSH ANIMALS 11.98 23.96 113-13761693 1UN 1 RED AWARENESS RIBBON HEART BENDABLES 11.19 11.19 1D-13723816 2DZ 2 HEART HEALTH PLAYING CARDS 6.39 12.78 1D-13784549 2DZ 2 HEART-SHAPED PADDLEBALLS 4.98 .9.96 1D-12/689 2DZ 2 SMILE FACE HEART-SHAPED SQUEEZE BALLS 11.98 23.96 AO-99/ENVL 113C 1 ATTACH PACKING LIST ENVELOPE Call to speak to a customer service representative: 1-800-228-0122 g M111,erchandise Shipping&Handling Sales Tax Taal Amount Certificate Other Payments Balance IJtr X101.8 � .0.400.00` 181.:814 See Important Sales Tax Information Regarding the Tax You May Owe Directly to Your State on the Reverse Hereof VV PLEASE DETACH AND RETURN WITH REMITTANCE VV 180 a ; Invoice#: 688254587-01 F B 1 2 2010 = Date: 02/05/2018 Page#: 1 SOLD SHIP TO: G7XC2S00300235 CHERRY'TREE/PARKS&REC g CARMEL CLAY PARKS&REC DAWN KOEPPER TIFFANY PLICKINGHAM N 1411E 116TH ST 13989 HAZEL DELL PKWY 0 CARMEL, IN 46032-3455 CARMEL, IN 46033 0 X N coO N Purchase rder fdumbe Da#e Ordered Date$hipped Back Ortle�s Terms ;'- " 02/0112018 02/05!2018 '; NO Servece R resents#ive3 _ Number o Cartons# Weight Shipped Via 3 iPU ' ,.a. fain Num rOdr tty ,Shfip # Descrt #�►n _ � Unithrce �lE =ra�aunfi 1D-47/2001 3UN 3 PZ NEON SOLID PENCILS 14.39 43.17 AO-99/ENVL 3PC 3 ATTACH PACKING LIST ENVELOPE Call to speak to a customer service representative: 1-800-228-0122' r antllse� � Sh�ppmg&He�tll>ng� Sal ' ax otal Amount E�e-��rca#e-0 a M'a meat '�' 431?' as 0:00 B,,:r_�0 00' ro X43:17 ._._-. a See Important Sales Tax Information Regarding the Tax You May Owe Directly to Your State on the Reverse Hereof VV PLEASE DETACH AND RETURN WITH REMITTANCE VV