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322071 02/19/18
CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 358380` 4 ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL'CITY CENTER LLC CHECK AMOUNT: S""`1,056.31 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 770 3RD'AVE SW CHECK NUMBER: 322071 CARMEL IN 46032 CHECK DATE: 02/19/18 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER JNVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1206 4350900 JAN2018- 1,056.31 OTHER CONT SERVICES VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. Prescribed by state Board ofAccounts City Form No.201 (Rev.1995) Vendor# 358380 ALLOWED 20 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER IN SUM of$ CITY OF CARMEL CARMEL CITY CENTER LLC 770 3RD AVE SW An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show:kind of service,where performed,dates service rendered,by whom,rates per day,number of hours,rate per hour,number of units,price per unit,etc. CARMEL, IN 46032 Payee $1,056.31 Purchase Order# ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Street Department Terms Date Due PO# ACCT# DATE INVOICE# DESCRIPTION DEPT# INVOICE# Fund# AMOUNT Board Members DEPT# FUND# (or note attached invoice(s)or bill(s)) AMOUNT January 2018 43-509.00 $1,056.31 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or 2/8/18 January 2018 $1,056.31 1206 101 1206 101 bill(s)is(are)true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Thursday, February 15,2018 Huffman, Dave Director I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s),is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 20 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund. Clerk-Treasurer CARMEL CITE'CENTER,LLC One Pedcor Square 770 3rd Ave.SW Carmel,Indiana 46032 February 8,2018 City of Carmel: Street Dept. Attn: Dave Huffman 3400 West 131st Street Carmel,IN 46074 RE: Billing in accordance with the Parking Administration Agreement between Carmel City Center and The City of Carmel dated March 21,2012 EW010E-January 2018 Due: Upon Receipt Date Vendor For City Amount 1/9/2018 Republic Services Trash Removal/Recycling $ 100.00 1/16/2018 Maxwell Electrical Stairwell Light Replacement $ 197.50 1/23/2018 1000Bulbs Light Bulbs $ 6.10 1/30/2018 White's Ace Hardware Flood Light Bulbs $ 2.31 1/30/2018 Level 3 Communications Fire/Elevator Phone Lines-January $ 67.60 1/1/2018 Marquis Cleaining Public Elevator Cleaning-January $ 61.82 1/1/2018 Pedcor Homes Management Fee $ 750.00 1/1/2018 Marquis Cleaining Duplicate Invoice-February 2015 $ (61.82) 1/1/2018 Level 3 Communications Duplicate Invoice-May 2017 $ (67.20) Total Amount Due: $ 1,056.31 If you have any questions please contact Kara Drath at 317.705.7908 Please make checks payable and mail to: CARMEL CITY CENTER,LLC Attn: Laurie Siler 770 3rd Ave SW Carmel,IN 46032 VENDOR: REPUBLIC SERVICES-REPSER3 SERVICE: Trash Removal and Recycling PERIOD: 2/1-2/28/18 Acct.#: 3-0761-1145381 Invoice Date: 1/25/2018 Invoice Amount: '$2,151.75 Check Entity Box_ LSF: %Share %Share of Bill GL Code: CCC Rangeline Retail @I 13,459 6.51% $140.14 9411-7615-3333 Condos-reimb: $250.00 9410-1111-0003 Condos Cl $25.00, 9410-7615-0003 Garage 0 $100.00 9410-1111-0020 CCC Offices-Retail D 7,403 3.58% $77.08 9417-7615-3333 CCC Offices-Office D 16,500 7.98% $171.81 9417-7615-0200 CCC Retail 18,656 9.03% $194.25 9419-7615-3333 CCC Residences-Retail 19,903 9.63% $207.24 9415-7615-3333 CCC Residences-Apts D 130, 31 63.26% $1,361.23 9415-7615-0001 206,652 100% $2,526.76 Phase IOnly-No Nash(Acct#3-0761-1145381) Total Coding for%.Share of Bill 9411-7615-3333 $140.14 941 $375.00 9410-1111-0003 $250.00 9411 $140.14 9410-7615-0003 $25.00 9415 $1,622.05 9410-1111-0020 $1000_,Q:: ". 9417 $248.89 9417-7615-3333 $77.08 9419 $194.25 9417-7615-0200 $171.81 9419-7615-3333 $19423 $2,580.33 9415-7615-3333 $207.24 9415-7615-0001 $1,361.23 94157615-0001 residents recycling $53.58 $2;580.33 SRW REPUBLIC 832 Langsdale Ave Account Number 3-0761-1145381 W. SERVICES Indianapolis IN 46202-115050 Invoice Number 0761-003792543 y Customer Service (317)917-7300 Invoice Date January 25,2018 RepublieServices.com/Support Previous Balance $3,093.88 Payments/Adjustments -$3,093.88 Important Information Current Invoice Charges $2,580.33 Thanks for being a loyal customer and for trusting us to. handle your recycling and waste needs responsibly Total Amount Due Payment Due Date while protecting our Blue Planet. $2,580.33 February 14, 2018 PAYMENTS/ADJUSTMENTS Description Reference Amount Payment-Thank You 01/19 726805 -$3,093.88 CURRENT INVOICE CHARGES Description Reference Quant i Unit Price Amount Carmel City Ctr/Can Inside Big 720 S Rangeline Rd CSA C000813 Carmel, IN Contract:08frf(131) 1 Self Contained Comp 34 Yd,2 Lifts Per Week Disposal/Recycling 12/26 484607 4.7600Tons $161.84 Receipt Number ' 79202 Pickup Service 12/26 1.0000 $130.00 $130.00 r Receipt Number 79202 c Disposal/Recycling 12/29 484971 2.4600Tons $83.64 Receipt Number 79202 R Pickup Service 12129 1.0000 $130.00 $130.00 Receipt Number 79202 C Disposal/Recycling 01/02 485208 2,8800Tons $101.84 0 Receipt Number 79202 Pickup Service 01/02 1.0000 $135.20 $135.20 2 Receipt Number 79202 Z Disposal/Recycling 01/05 485626 1.9600Tons $69.31 2 Receipt Number 79202 2 Pickup Service 01105 1.0000 $135.20 $135.20 '2 Receipt Number 79202 2 Disposal/Recycling 01/09 485958 2.5500Tons $90.17 72 Receipt Number 79202 z up Service 01109 1.0000 $135.20 $135.20 9 F(Dig nB 17TE 09 ipt Number 79202 v i sal/Recycling 01/12 486359 1.8000Tons $63.65 e ipt Number 79202 i p Service 01/12 1.0000 $135.20 $135.20 2 2018 a pt Number 79202 RIB 1 sal/Recycling 01116 486602 2.2800Tons $80.62 Q � REPUBLIC Total Amount Due $2,580.33 �4 SERVICES Please Retum This Payment Due Date February 14,2018 832 Langsdale Ave Partion With Payment Account Number 3-0761-1145381 Indianapolis IN 46202-115050 Invoice Number 0761-003792543 Total Enclosed Return Service Requested 1 For Bifm;;n,idress Channe.. ::he-c.,Box Lind Comi;letc- �.:•i5r. L2RCFSDTEP 000236 Make Checks Payable To: 1'1"1111,(11'11'1'111"'1111III III Jill 1"'1'111"#"1#(1'1''1111 PEDCOR LAURIE SILER Ill'1111111111"lll#'#"'1'1111"1'111''/#ll'I111'11""1':111'1# 770 3RD AVE SW REPUBLIC SERVICES#761 CARMEL IN 46032-2036 PO BOX 9001099 LOUISVILLE KY 40290-1099 30761114538100DDDD37925430002580330002580332 Page 3 of 3 REPUBLIC 832 LangsAve SERVICES Indianapoliss IN IN 46202-115050 Account Number 3-0761-1145381 Invoice Number 0761-003792543 Invoice Date January 25, 2018 CURRENT INVOICE CHARGES Description Reference Quantity Unit Price Amount Receipt Number 79202 Pickup Service 01/16 1.0000 $135.20 $135.20 Receipt Number 79202 Disposal/Recycling 01/19 486975 1.6100Torns $56.93 Receipt Number 79202 Pickup Service 01/19 1.0000 $135.20 $135.20 Receipt Number 79202 Rental 01/01-01/31 $520.00 $520.00 15 All-In-One Recycling 96 Gal,15 Lifts Per 2 Weeks Recycling Service 02/01-02/28 $53.58 $53.58 Total Fuel Recovery Fee $188.24 Total State Tax $39.31 CURRENT INVOICE CHARGES $2,580.33 VENDOR: Maxwell Electrical-MAXWELL SERVICE: Replace light in stairwell south of Hubbard&Cravens PERIOD: Stairwell leads from garage to Plaza level Invoice Date: 12/14/2017 Invoice#: 28658 Invoice Amount: $197.50 Enfity LSF: %Share %Share of.Bill GL Code: CCC Rangeline Retail 13,459 6.51% $12.86 9411-7875-3333 CCC Offices-Retail 7,403 3.58% $7.08 9417-7875-3333 CCC Offices-Office 16,500 7.98% $15.77 9417-7875-0200 CCC Retail 18,656 9.03% $17.83 9419-7875-3333 CCC Residences-Retail 19,903 9.63% $19.02 9415-7875-3333 CCC Residences-Apts 130,731 63.26% $124.94 9415-7875-0001 206;652 100% $197.50 Total Coding for%Share of Bill 941 $197.50 9411-7875-3333 $12.86 9411 $12.86 9415-7875-3333 $19.02 9415 $143.96 9415-7875-0001 $124.94 9417 $22.84 9417-7875-3333 $7.08 9419 $17.83 9417-7875-0200 $15.77 $395.00 . 9419-7875-3333 $17.83 9410-1111-0020 „$197 50,.50%of lill; $395.00 Total bill INVOICE L MAXWELL INVOICE#: 28658 7A' Electrical Services Inc. EDUCATION-TRAINING-EXCELLENCE 2601 N ARLINGTON AVE INVOICE DATE: 12/14/2017 INDIANAPOLIS IN 46218- (317)546-9600 FAX(317)546-0205 OUR JOB NO: 71380 PEDCOR JOB: 355 CITY CENTER DR 355 CITY CENTER DR CARMEL IN 46032 Description Extended Price (1) Replace the existing wall light in the Stairwell from the main level to the garage Level, south of Hubbard & Cravens ao,,A 1 F3 � APQ 395.00 D E(0 IE 0 VC DEC 2LT2017 CUSTOMER JOB#: 395.00 CUSTOMER CONTACT:Mike Polston CI-T#: 3157 TAX: 0.00 Total Amount Due: 395.00 Net 30 Days,A Late Charge of 1 112%per month(18%per annum)will be added to invoices that remain unpaid after 30 days. 1000 Bulbs Invoice Breakout-1000BUL 12/26/2017 W00820047 #1-Bulbs for.4 Retail elevators-Wedgewood/Wyatt #3-3 bulbs for Bldg2 and 2 bulbs for Bldg 4 on Campus Amount Code Amount Code 16.26 9411-7875-3333 36.73 9405-7875-0020 16.25 9415-7875-3333 24.48 9405-7875-0040 16.25 9419-7875-3333 Total 61.21 Total 48.76 #4-LED U Bend bulb for Bldg.4 #1 -Bulbs for 3 Apt.elevators- Wedgewood/Wyatt Amount Code 36.5.7 9415-7875-0001 16.32 9405-7875-0040 Total 36.57 Total 16.32 #1 - Bulbs for 1 garage&retail elevator- Wyatt Amount Code �6y10:'�_=94'10=111=1'-0020:; 2.03 9411-7875-3333 2.03 9415-7875-3333 2.04 9419-7875-3333 Total 12:20 #2-Bulbs for Bldg. 3-1st floor offices 112.62 9405-7875=0030 Total 112.62 �:$6y1^0`-9g1011110020 $36.73 9405-7875-0020 941 $6.10 $112.62 9405-7875-0030 9405 $190.15 $40.80- 9405-7875-0040 9411 $18.29 $18.29 9411-7875-3333 9415 $54.85 '$36.57 9415-7875-0001 9419 $18.29 $18.28 9415-7875-3333 $287,68 $18.29 9419-7875-3333 $287.68 Total IGOOBulbs. NVOICE 2140 Merritt Dr. Garland, TX 75041 Invoice Date: Invoice 972-288-2277 12/26/2017 W00820047 Bill To: PO#: ccc/campus 12.1 Pedcor Homes Customer#: 1610705 355 City Center Dr Sales Order#: W00823019 Attn: Michael Polston Carmel, IN 46032 Invoice#: W00820047 Order Date: 12/20/2017 Invoice Date: 12/26/2017 Terms: Net 30 Thank you for your order! You will receive an email with tracking information shortly. Please contact our customer service department if you have additional questions.We appreciate your business! RACKING NUMBER: Ship To: TRK#:1: 789096744362; FEDEX; PKGS: 1 Pedcor Homes 355 City Center Dr Attn: Michael Polston Carmel, IN 46032 PRODUCT ORDERED SHIPPED PRICE COST MR11 CG-55134S 20 Watt- MR11 -Tru-Aim Titan- FTD Flood - Glass 20 20 $4.33 $86.60 Face -4,000 Life Hours- 12 Volt USH-3000276 Ushio 3000276 - FB32T8/835/6 -2900 Lumens- 3500 1 1 $100.00 $100.00 Kelvin -800 Series Tri-Phosphors-U-Bend Fluorescent-6 in Snacino - BU-B3321UNVHP-A Universal B3321UNVHP-A-(3) Lamp-t-6z i b- 5 5 $10.87 $54.35 J 120/277 Volt- Instant Start-0.88 Ballast Factor LEDT-10044 1800 Lumens-3500K-LED T8 or T12 U-Bend Replacement 1 1 $1.4.49 $14.49 16W-Works with Compatible Ballast Only- 120-277V ) b w Account Manager: / NET INVOICE: $255.44 Rocky Fenster % MISC. CHARGES: $0.00 Phone: 972-535-0878 FREIGHT: $32.24 Fax: Ext. 230 SALES TAX: $0.00 II r o INVOICE:'TOTAL: $287.68 17� j� TZITy Mg.N - F i 1000Bulbs.com 2140 Merritt Dr., Garland, Texas 75041 (972) 288-2277 ' I White's Ace 9&41 Retail Credit Card Summary of Charges 12/31/2017 A/C 11906776 Amount Tax Code Amount Tax Code 0.48 0.51 9411-7835-3333 Wire connectors.for 3.62 9405-7395-0000 0.48 0.51 9.415-7835-3333 Total 3.62 0.48 0.51 9417-7835-3333 maintenance at CCC 0.48 0.51 9417-7835-0200 for various electrical Work 0.48 0.52 9419-7835-3333 0.32 0.34 9411-7865-3333 0.32 0.34 9415-7865-3333 0.32 0.34 9417-7865-3333 Aligator clips for all 0.320.35 9417-7865-0200 Sanyo.at CCC on 0.32 0.34 '9419-7865-3333 retailside Total 4.27 .._... Amount Tax Code 8.66 9.27 9410-7875-0003 2.16 t2l315,�94fO--IJ 11�Q020'.'--,Jlood light bulbs for 0.72 0.77 9411-7875-3333 Gainsborough 0.72 0.77 9415-7875-3333 elevators 0.72 0.77 9419-7875-3333 Total 13.89 SUMMARY 9405 $3.62 $3.62 9405-7395-0000 941 $11.58 $0.51 9411-7835-3333 9411 $1.62 $0.51 9415-7835-3333 9415 $1.62 $0.51 9417-7835-3333 9417 $1.71 $0.51 9417-7835-0200 9419 $1.63 $0.52 9419-7835-3333 $21.78 $0.34 9411-7865-3333 $0.34 9415-7865-3333 .$0.34 9417-7865-3333 .$0.3S 9417-7865-0200 $0.34 9419-7865-3333 $9.27 9410-7875-0003 x$2:31 =9410-1111 0020`:: $0.77 9411-7875-3333 $0.77 9415-7875-3333 $0.77 9419-7875-3333 $21.78 Total ftttc's L13srdware « CUT ALONG DASHED LIN£ 41aCrmYlen Center grew!SemlagrMfrRlr WHITE'S ACE HARDWARE-CARMEL WHITE'S ACE HARDWARE-CARMEL 731 S RANGELINE RD 731 S RANGELINE RD CARMEL IN 46032 CARMEL IN 46032 317-846-2311 Statement ;iS'f 4T.E'M'ENT !4ppopylp ::rp:p,G;E, +r T,A M : i. :'i::DA6TE':,?t 7' :•<ri.G:M.Br=:tt`( `'�i,tNri!{f:; ®f Account: iF r +;N { U' r .F..eerUD'i9tTE!, i�,'.M.&E?R;:; 31-Dec-17 1190677 1 31-Dec-17 1190677 TO: CARMEL CITY CENTER RETAIL ATTN: TASHA JACKSON 770 3RD AVENUE SW CARMEL, IN .46032 TO INSURE PROPER CREDIT TO YOUR ACCOUNT ALWAYS RETURN THIS PORTION OF.THE STATEMENT WITH YOUR PAYMENT « CUT ALONG DASHED LINE ALL PURCHASES ARE DUE AND PAYABLE BY LAST DAY OF BILLING MONTH AMOUNT REMITTED .'o:9rE,t•:a;- ''i?!',rYa ;C'Er r.f!y,:;1'a;. E,S '';'1Jt r,i,'r Yer !{,:%4 (• c E:{ji' I i e�^ �/ y(i : 4,•{.tt.. .,i.r.,.r,. a ,. .f, +'.i p.. �ig'•i�I n/1Ti :�, :l:n�{,.'S1!l,M,MtN T�s. 03-Nov-17. 2115080C TERRY SMITH 19.17 19.17 2115080 19..17 O 6-Nov-17 2115178 NOAH tlf•'!.r�:.i•�:v,''r!•'',,,.'.':,.:((ry^y�::.,.1Qn4;4.vr1,.:F..,=",`�,1'.;.°air.,q•`!%Jf,l,�n 2.;,�r d :�r.rJn:s.,.r:•.,�,afr/ !•.,;i<h.':-°(,ijj.',°b<i.1.:l";`�S:(�°+�,�,t�.<{•?,�3<.f'.;;(.:YW•'�:z`,'�,S,t.:T•AtS,FA.,..Lt�f!L).F7.16 a16 r;,t!,ih•iui,'.,,,i i,f rf0Jfw.r,>' 6Y(:..r:7 2,3S;.93r;.�,•!{JF.-;}.. ''u(4rryrf2•�1s, 1:•,15{,..,�.;rt,1,�3r:7:::.�if,f�87�•.:rt F;•.•.,.!.,i4j'.!.,}]j.�uS.p±�'92(t�{^w�a.,7,,.. FQY,i�1`t:,.a6 x •!•f{"T)r<tJ.l,..4;:,ei{:;'�{^,i:Hrs•+ :drO l J{�9, .ov ` J. 1,-- �'I1j ( 4 1,.. 11-Nov-17 2115352 TERRY SMITH 15.99 92.88 2115352 15.99 O 14r-NOV-17 2115429x :3. NOAHWESTFALL 4,6,44139.32 2115429 46.44 E .#{2 . i {"k !3%ti {<,^;)'i�•;r:•r•'mt•a 4jry.{ljtii.'•tp,rr>-s. ,i'Ft`i."r%'.g,�,lt rr,r.. 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"':{::t• iij� ,; PO",�ND.H3?<£S ,�y(( LT,'• 6.J: :, , :,:' . rt:fa r1 .576`fr i;;t,{.:t2FL'1$':=, d•' ..$�;:.�_ �i�.,:. ;?i,: ,.,,, 2�.: r{iy;��i} fi:, {1rr��Q: .�.:. (=.z„,�?:{jt :Q •�tt:.:t,rr o-:-•;Vit.::{4,. :,}'+,i., •s„r. .*t':,:(,;. ..3'.v.. F. ./ji'{1,9{Id.,d4:e..•I.., Jt, {r'r ,,.3,:•' }.:t..:Y,f •:� .l,,r,rr, `d.fi ..N, F :( r.Sf..a i ati'fa ( 4 { : ?<i�(3 t i,G�.- <JJ;�;:Y.tLiri.4`P.Y.J•,V� Ri't�SM�`�'H:,:' 'F {r•�;F: •:l'.. ..u.?,r: iB',. r.' Ir ..... fr:,� 'CI,+,. 06-DeC-17 :f1_164493 NOAH WESTFALL 27 245.72 2116449 4.27 O: 19-Dec-17 2116944 TERRY SMITH 13.89 259.61 2116944 '''1'3y,Btg,,1 O S" '4i:: N: 4,r': 4st., •'P; ,•4•, ,• urr +rwf. 1fa"q• .wP�:N,:e ?p4:e - ,•,r.« ••q 3 _ ? '`i{e l• '-S< ::.r .y±.. 'ti'^!{F`N ff f},. .Ft9`js:. ;4T:r.,;€f:i f:3r�=:de�';'1?�i ::,2;����lY e:;�i� .G�� ,,• -�.,.{,,,::. "• f.. , ,.. . .,.. fir: �_..�:9:� „f;.•, ."•�. .r;,,ti:x:2,>,..ha:t�r+3e;;;"•.;I,JJri{.���u..:Gx.�..�....... ',:,.f,:,.,�r4G;8:.:Z{3.::,r.;f>. r=;,211•]'7..4,7.s9�..,ft±t,:,�t..3::.::�:2!:;�.::.:c:'•D;! : JAN 2018 - '+SFT;i� %P+ ,i{t ;s ,`t;o. fF,t:t`i+i`r�.? ',4•c:�Jr,`-' .0?E"�' ..f-L1:itE:� J+.','F, gg�ST'f,DUE' "U:E? , ,T. :(r �., t„ ,i( ,t..:,: ;�s?.,r,f:4,.r'.' +yf�'';{;rl.'t•..,:sH.e�:•i:P� Y:::< J1,194. ff! Ki-d. ::,,{2•� ,hIF':(t S {,+3i+;1 1'0` Tti.'Si '(J.'i{t.s,e.D'U;E.:e:.i;:i=f StG:.a,:.:.f ::.:t{':t;L•.:.a',><.l�i;'ti.H:Is:'.••'AM'I'rt� � w .23 TOTAL > '28�v3 21.7 8 ,Ago 3 �t `�� 263. , ' YOUR RECEIPT GUARANTEES YOUR NO-HASSLE-RETURN. White's Ace Hard ware-Carmet Customer Transaction Detai Ls 04-Jan-18 09=19y: 2000005 Page:! S D T D N E I A E E CARMEL CITY CENTER RETAILAcct#,.11906776Inv-21164493 Term:1024 SaLes Store:1 067Dec-17 15:5 L S Person-200D020 X F T Scan Number Description Part # Qty Price One Sell Price Per Qty Ext L C ':';�-4`i'�'� y.� - Nq;, 'G, �r. .^.,.';rir`�,..,:;:t:=';�+^.�...cam."`i-;�rN.-s�`<�'L',`"•'-�il:.4RFs+ '`Vzti„'r;; -;se. z. .`�Xs4M ,.fit„ _ K c::,. .,a a..,+va.-. .r.� -,�t ;;J �! gam.¢¢ �-',i rrtc_�'L''3`n y MsAa?.,..:,�', �. �. �_ '{... {pF �'1'.._*'""x�c•'�„�'F3`�+ '� ""t";., ,:'SY,".,=',«n a: ,2.y,o0��:e7.�� � ," `e lY. 'A".^�`'D ,�'s�` .Yti.'e at'~ ....'•k,,,::�r�)'l :f..� ��:" - .f..,.��r .,�,�, �i�; :�F�'�, �4„Y� �� Y c' "SN �r�" y,. � 4,p`+ ,d. '#` :_..:z ' v �-¢' _ . 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CCS S D T D N E I A E E JCARMFL CITY CENTER RETAILAcct#:11906776Inv-21174796 Term-O SaLes Person:0 Store 1 31-Dec-17 23:5 L S X F T Scan Number Description Part# pty 'Price One Sell Price Per Qty Ext L C Vrr r.:r..:k.4.�.,.,�., _-�..�.-�m'.,-.a..r.,:�,.�.,C..'i:.'e"fi..�.:_fi-t-Y:",,3'��.a+:.-:•;.+..a,,,F+��..r,rc`'�.<,..-e.:.S.L.�..._r.:�,ic-e�-iv��_-nt�'t;�£ ?x�Yf,p`s�-;.a='�'e%.„urTm`�...�"�`.k':�a.'*'s,�>.?.�fr:"A..' CHARGE .` �3v.i.6fi.1'2' ,.S..�"ub+�+•°k.Tot••,.a;:.w,l.tie.�.„.F<.03ti•.�c64.2 Total Tax 0.00 •:..F.. ..,.;,5td�i'W44;1o.`::_';-axF-:r:`'sa,',aZ•.q..�e... - Grand Total 03.62 Level 3 Breakout 5-GXLSKJNT 1/1/2017 #2b-Internet&phone for CCC clubhouse #1a-14 flr%levator lines-split attached Amount Code Amount Code 76.64 9415-7310-0001 �fi7 60 94f01111 Q020-S� 76.64 9415-7311-0001 27.04 9410-7660-0003 14 lines @$33.80 Total 153.28 81.12 9411-7660-3333 per line 81.12 9415-7660-0001 #2c-wtft access for CCC cameras 81.12 9415-7660-3333 split by elevator Amount Code 27.04 9417-7660-0200 25.55 9415-7311-0001 8 cameras 27.04 9417-7660-3333 _ 12.77 9480-7311-0001 4 cameras 81.12 9419-76603333 12.77 9490-7311-0000 4 cameras Total 473.20 Total 51.09 #2c-valet wifi access #1b-fax line&fax line listing Amount Code Amount Code 51.09 9490-7311-0000 50.64 9415-7310.0001 Total 51.09 Total 50.64 #2c-CCC guest wlfl Amount Code #2a-Internet&phone forCCCOffices suites tenants 51.10 9415-7311-0001 Amount Code Total 51.10 76.63 9417-7310-3333 (paid by 9417) 76.64 9417-7311-3333 941 $94.64 Total 153.27 9411 $81.12 9415 $442.81 9417 $207.35 9419 $81.12 667,',"6 0'!"74.1-75111=Q020s 948 $12.77 $27.04 9410-7660-0003 949 $63.86 $81.12 9411-76603333 $983.67 $127.28 9415-7310-0001 $153.29 9415-7311-0001 941-1111-0020 $67.60 $81.12 9415-7660-0001 9410-0003 $27.04 $81.12 9415-7660-3333 9411-3333 $81.12: $76.63 9417-7310-3333 9415-0001 $361.69 $76.64 9417-7311-3333 9415-3333 $81.12 $27.04 9417-7660-0200 9417-3333 $180.31; $27.04 9417-7660-3333 9417-0200 $27.04 $81.12 9419-7660-3333 9419-3333 $81.12 $12.77 9480-7311.0001 1948.0001 $12.77 $63.86 9490-7311-0000 $983.67 Total Level (3Y lnVOlCe Page 1 of 9 Billing Account Number 5-GXLSKJNT N Invoice Number 65077471 Is Now CenturyLink Payment Due January 31,2018 1025 Eldorado Blvd..Broomfield,CO 80021 Invoice Date January 01,2018 ATTN:YONG CHOE PEDCOR INVESTMENTS A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY 770 3RD AVE SW CARMEL IN 46032-2036 How to reach Level 3: 877-453-8353 Billing@level3.com Invoice of Level 3 Communications,LLC Check out the MyLevel3 customer portal! Rill-Ag-A-Glance Learn how to manage your Level 3 services Previous Statement Balance1,962.61 and account online, anytime using the MyLeve13 Payment Received-Thank You! (981.05) customer portal: custom erportal.Ievel3.com. Credits/Adjustments 0.00 Amount Past Due 981.56 Going Green has never been easier with Level 3's paperless invoices. Sign up and receive your Current Charges 983.67 invoice via the MyLeve13 customer portal! It's easy, go to: My.Leve13.com and select Billing > Invoice Total Amount Due USD 1,965.23 Management>Setup > Paperless Billing. If you Your invoice reflects an amount past due. if you have not prefer to receive it via email call the number at the already done so,please pay total amount due in top of your invoice. Thank you for Going Green! accordance with your payment terms. News You Can Use Welcome to the new CenturyLink! Businesses benefit from our innovative technology solutions, secure connectivity, extensive network reach, and an experienced team of people. Combined with our relentless focus on customer e itted to your success. Connect with the new CenturyLink,your link to what's next. JAS! 1 ^018 IG Remittance - We appreciate your business! Name PEDCOR INVESTMENTS A LIMITED LIABILITY oMMur+tcaTtoNs COMPANY C C0Now CenturyLink Billing Account Number 5-GXLSKJNT 2 Is Invoice Number 65077471 WIRE TRANSFER INFORMATION: Payment Due January 31,2018 Wells Fargo Bank Account#4945097467 ABA#121 000 248 SWIFT#WFBIus6s Total Amount Due USD 1,965.23 Pay your bill online at:customerportal.level3.com Amount Enclosed: Level 3 Communications,LLC PO Box 910182 Detach and enclose this portion with your payment Denver,CO 80291-0182 Make check payable to Level 3 Communications,LLC Write the invoice number on the check Mail check to address noted in this Remittance section 180131 000000065077471 00000000000576312152 2 2 00000196523 2 Level (3Y Page 2 of 9 Billing Account Number 5-GXLSKJN7 C e M M U n I C A T I 0 H 5 Invoice Number 65077471 Invoice Date Jan 01,2018 Is Now CenturyLink 1. What is PICC? 9. How will credits appear on my invoice? PICC can also•be called Carrier Line Charge. The Federal Communications Commission Credits will appear in the Credits section of the invoice. Credits are identified (FCC)mandated that all long distance companies pay the local telephone company a with brackets surrounding the amount. monthly PICC on most of your telephone lines. This charge Is passed to you and may Increase or decrease from time to time. 10. What is a Payphone Surcharge? 2. What is the Federal Universal Service Fund Surchargge? The Payphone Surcharge compensates the payphone owner for the use of their Federal Universal Service Fund Surcharge is the recovery of the amount due to the Federal phones. This surcharge is mandated by the FCC and applies to all completed Universal Service Fund. Universal service is a Federal Communications Commission(FCC) calls placed from a payphone when using toll-free numbers or any similar access program designed to ensure affordable access to telecommunications services to codes. These calls are identified with a"H"next to the call amount in the Usage low-Income customers,rural areas,school and libraries,and rural healthcare facilities.The Detail section. Federal Universal Service fund was established by Congress in order to promote and encourage telecommunications infrastructure and service availability nationwide,All 1. What is a Minimum Usage Charge? telecommunications providers that offer interstate and international voice and data,private 1 1 Minimum Usage Charge is the difference between your monthly usage line,directory assistance and other regulated services in the United States are required by Minimum as agreed Upon s our Service Contract,and our hly us usage the FCC to contribute on an equitable and nondiscriminatory bass to the Federal Universal plus applicable monthlyrecurring charges. This charge will only appear on your Service Fund. invoice if your monthly usage falls below your monthly usage guarantee. 3. What is the Cost Recovery Fee? A Cost Recovery Fee allows Level 3 to recover regulatory fees and expenses incurred by 12. How do I submit a dispute? Level 3 such as FCC regulatory fees,federal regulatory fees to fund programs,various State If you have any questions or concerns about your invoice,please contact the Public Utilities Commission(PUC)fees,various state business licenses,and various state Billing Inquiry Department at 877-453-8353 or through the MyLevel3 Customer annual regulatory fees. Portal(https://mylevel3.net). Level 3 must be notified and receive a written 4. What is the Property Surcharge? explanation for the disputed charges within 30 days of the due date, The written A Property Surcharge allows Level 3 to recover a portion of the property tax it pays to state explanation of the dispute must include the following information: and local jurisdictions. -Account name and number 5. What Is the MyLeve13 Customer Portal? -Date of invoice The MyLeve13 Customer Portal provides you with convenient and secure billing options. You -Amount of disputed charges can: -Type of disputed charges • View,download and analyze your Level 3 invoices -Reason charges are being disputed • Pay your invoices easily online with the option to set up recurring payments Upon our receipt of such notification and written explanation,we will begin • Submit and manage billing Inquiries,disputes and requests investigating the reason the charges are being disputed. • Create standard and custom reports Any unpaid charges will accrue late fees and the settlement of the late fees will • "Go green"by turning offyour paper invoice be addressed upon the resolution of the disputed charges. Not a current Portal user? visit customerportal.level3.com for more Information on how to register. For any questions related to the Portal,email PortalAccessOlevel3.com or call 1- 13. How do 1 submit a disconnect request? 877-453-8353. Customer Initiated disconnect requests can be submitted through MyLevel3 6. When is my invoice available on MyLevel3 Customer Portal? Customer Portal at: htto:l/customerportal.leve(3.com or You can view your Invoice in MyLevel3 Customer Portal approximately 3 to 5 days after your hitp:ffwwwl.levei3.com/disco/diseo.htmi Invoice Date. Your Invoice Date is shown on the top right corner of your invoice. The service(s)you request to be disconnected will have an estimated Bill Stop 7. What is a Prorate? Date of 30 days from the received date of the request unless the requested date Some products and services are billed one month in advance. If you sign up for one of these is greater than 30 days from the received date or your contract states otherwise. services in the middle of your billing period,your charges for that time period wiil be less than Any subsequent requests for assistance or questions can be emailed directly to a full month's charge.This partial month charge is called a prorate. disconnectsel ivel3.com. 8. When ism invoice due? Your Invoice is due upon receipt unless payment terms are specifically identified in your 14. How do 1 use the Telecommunication Relay Service(TRS)? Master Services Agreement. If the total amount is not paid on time,your account Is To utilize the TRS system,simply dial 711. For additional information,consult considered past due. Failure to pay a past due amount is considered a material breach of the FCC website: )utnJvom.fcc.govicgbldroltrs.htmi contract and may result in suspension of service and subsequent termination of your service contract. Level 3 Communications, LLC is a disregarded entity for U.5,federal tax purposes Level 3 Communications,LLC Tax ID: GSTiHST#:84539 3941 RT 0001 Into Level 3 Financing,Inc.Federal Tax Id 47.0735805 QST#:1214162918 ©Level 3 Communications,LLC.All Rights Reserved. Level 3,Levet 3 Communications,the red 3D brackets,the(3)mark and the Level 3 Communications logo designs affixed hereto are either registered service marks or service marks of Level 3 Communications,LLC and/or one of Its affiliates in Me United States and/or other countries. Level 3 services are provided by wholly owned subsidies of Level 3 Communications,Inc. Any other service,product or company names recited herein may be trademarks of service marks of their respective owners. Marquis(MARCLE) Invoice Breakout 1/3/2018 $370.92/6 elevators=$61.82 5059 A-1 Elev-Freight; garage to plaza A-10-E/ev-Private,garage to plaza Amount Code Amount Code 20.61 9411-7730-3333 20.61 9411-7730-3333 20.61 9415-7730-3333 20.61 9415-7730-3333 20.60 9419-7730-3333 20.60 9419-7730-3333 Total 61.82 Total 61.82 A-6 Elev-Public,garage to plaza A-11-Elev-Public,garage to plaza Amount Code Amount Code �30;91� 941.0�111?_0020`�• �30':�91 x;9410.1112=0020'' 10.30 9411-7730-3333 10.30 9411-7730-3333 10.30 9415-7730-3333 10.30 9415-7730-3333 10.31 9419-7730-3333 10.31 9419-7730-3333 Total 61.82 Total 61.82 A-7Elev-Maintenance,garage to plaza A-12 Elev-Freight,garage to plaza Amount Code Amount Code 20.61 9411-7730-3333 20.61 9411-7730-3333 20.61 9415-7730-3333 20.61 9415-7730-3333 20.60 9419-7730-3333 20.60 9419-7730-3333 Total 61.82 Total 61.82 $'5:182' 9410=11110020 .' ' Al Private $103.04 9411-7730-3333 A6 Public $10304 9415-7730-3333 A7 Private $103.02 9419-7730-3333 A10 Private $370.92 Total All Public Al2 Private Page 1 of 1 Marquis Commercial Solutions,Inc 11304 Lakeshore Dr W Carmel,IN 46033 317-593-5717 dsaldyk@marquiscs.com gg�� marquiscs.com INVOIC'E BILL TO INVOICE# 5059 CCC Retail(Elevators) DATE 01/03/2018 720 S.Rangeline Rd DUE DATE 02/02/2018 Carmel,IN 46032 TERMS Net 30 P.O.NUMBER ACTIVITY vr�UiJ' Commercial Cleaning 185.46 Monthly Cleaning for CCC Retail Elevators January 2018 Commercial Cleaning 185.46 Monthly Cleaning for SE Elevators Thank you for the business! BALANCE DUE $370.92 0VrE D� https:Hconnect.intuit.coi-n/portal/module/PdfDoc/template/printframe.html 1/11/2018 i PEDCOR HOMES One Pedcor Square 770 3rd Ave. SW Carmel,Indiana 46032 January 1, 2018 CARMEL CITY CENTER,LLC RE: CCC Garage Maintenance INVOICE Due: Upon Receipt Charge Date Item Amount 1/1/2018 Monthly Manangement Fee for Garage Maintenance $ 750.00 Total Amount Due $ 750.00 If you have any questions please contact Laurie Siler at 317.587.0467 Please make checks payable and mail to: PEDCOR HOMES Attn: Laurie Siler 770 3rd Ave SW Carmel, Indiana 46032