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322267 02/27/18
CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 093000 ONE CIVIC SQUARE FEDEX CHECK AMOUNT: $**....**33.04* a; CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 PO BOX 94515 CHECK NUMBER: 322267 ?y...., PALATINE IL 60009-4514 CHECK DATE: 02/27/18 ., ETON ..:sJ DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1110 4342100 166066408 33.04 POSTAGE VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201(Rev.1995) ALLOWED 20 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER Vendor# 093000 FEDEX IN SUM OF$ CITY OF CARMEL PO BOX 94515 An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show:kind of service,where performed,dates service rendered,by whom,rates per day,number of hours,rate per hour,number of units,price per unit,etc. PALATINE, IL 60009-4514 Payee $33.04 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Purchase Order# Carmel Police Terms Date Due PO# ACCT# DATE INVOICE# DESCRIPTION DEPT# INVOICE# Fund# AMOUNT Board Members DEPT# FUND# (or note attached invoice(s)or bill(s)) AMOUNT 1-660-66408 43-421.00 $33.04 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or 2/14/18 1-660-66408 shipping charges $33.04 . 1110 101 1110 101 bill(s)is(are)true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Friday, February 23,2018 &'" E� w Jim Barlow Chief I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s),is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 20 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund. Clerk-Treasurer FwEx. F Invoice Number Invoice Date Account Number Page 1-660-66408 Feb 14 2018 1o14 Billing Address: Shipping Address: CARMEL_POLICE DEPT HCDTF DOAK 3 CIVIC-SQ CARMEL POLICE DEPT HCDTF ContInvoicet FedExQuest.Rev Contact FedEx Revenue Services CARMEL IN 46032-2584 3 CIVIC SQ Phone: (866),728-8587 CARMEL IN 46032-2584 M-F7-5 (CST) Fax: (877)716-8758 Invoice Summary Feb 14,2018 Internet: www.fedex.com FedEx Express Services Duties,Tax,Customs,Other Fees 33.04 Total Charges USD $33.04 TOTAL THIS INVOICE USD $33.04 Other discounts may apply. FecEx. Invoice Number Invoice Date Account Number Page 1-660-66408 Feb 14 2018 3of4 FedEx Express Shipment Detail By Payor Type(Original) 5hlp hate deb 16,2(iCost ie NDFEIEhIC t (F€1F31V1tT1©1V Ref# Payor Ralplert Ref#3.' • Weather delay-Snow. Automation INET Sender Recipient Tracking ID 771411109375 COLETE DEMANET DAVID KINYON Service Type FedEx Intl Priority DEMANET INTERNACIONAL S.L 3 CIVIC SQUARE Package Type Customer Packaging AVDA DEL GARRAF 40 CARMEL IN 46032 US Orig./Dest BCN/MZZ POL IND LES SALINES Packages 1 CUBELLES 08880 ES Actual Weight 32.4 lbs Rated Weight 56.2 lbs Delivered Feb 09,2018 09:29 Signed by B.FELTZ Air Waybill Commodity Description Country of Manufacture FedEx Use JJ_ DOG TRAINING EQUIPMENT TEXTIL ES Customs Entry Date Feb 07,2018 Customs Duty 26.04 Entry No. 79998130500 Advancement Fee 7.00 Customs Value EUR 876.00 Total Duties,Tax,Customs,Other Fees USD $33.04 Recipient Subtotal USD $33.04 Total FedEx Express USD $33.04 1044-01-00-0057884-0002-0126775 FIMMAG F Invoice Number Invoice Date Account Number Page 1-66.0-66408 Feb 14 2018 4of4 This is a computer generated reproduction of the information document we provided to U.S.Customs to clear your.shipment.This information is furnished in ENTRY SUMMARY accordance with 19 CFR Part 163 QEntry No. Q Entry Type Code 3. Entry Summary Date DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY 4. E7nVyDatey 11 Date 0500 5�PortCode 02/12/16 UNITED STATES CUSTOMS SERVICE 02/07/18 4198 6. Bond No. 7. Bond Type Code 8. Broker/Importer File No. 036 8 666043008 9. Ultimate Consignee Name And Address. 10. Consignee No. 11 Importer of Record Name and Address1Q Importer No. 71-042700700 1 16-080722337 DAVID KINYON FEDEXTRADE NETWORKS TRANSPORT 128DEARBORN STREET 3 CIVIC SQUARE BUFFALO,NY 14207 CARMEL,IN 46032 Q Exporting Country 14. Export Date IN ES 02/06/18 State 1Q-Country of Origin 16. Missing Documents ES Q� LT.No1® LT.Date Q9 BL or AWB No. 20.Mode of Transportation 21. Manufacturerl.D. 22. Reference No. 771411109375: 40 ESDEMINT40CUB Q Importing Carrier 24. Foreign Portof Lading 25. Location of Goods/G.O.No. FedEx 26. U.S.Port of Unlading Q ImportDate 4198 02/07/18 6291 Descri tion of Merchandise ® A. Entered Value 34.Q-T.S.U.S.A.Rate Duty and I.R.Tax Q 30GT.S.U.S.A No. 31.(Z)Gross Weight Q NetQuantity in B. CHGS B. ADA/CVD Rate Line No. B.ADA CVD Case No. B. Manifest Qty. T.S.U.S.A.Units C. Relationship ©I.R.C.Rate Dollars Cents D.Visa No. NOT RELATED 001 DOG LEASHES,COLLARS, OUZZ 4201003000 1 1085 2.4% 26 04 26 04 FedEx,as an express consignment carrier,elects to clear shipments.which are eligible for consolidated informal entry processing,see 19 CFR 128.24(b),using a manifest-in lieu of other control documents. Commercial invoices are not required,retained,or available from FedEx for these types of shipments. ®Declaration of Importer of Record(Owner or Purchaser)or Authorized Agent V U.S.CUSTOMS USE V TOTALS ecaret at I am the owner orpurchaser or A. Liq Code B. Ascertained Duty Duty importer of record and thatthe actual QR ❑ agentthereof. 26 04 owner,purchaser,or consignee for customs purposes is as shown above. was not obtained pursuantto a purchase or agreementto C. Ascertained Tax ® Tax I further declare thatthe merchandise purchase and the statements in 0 00 was obtained pursuantto a purchase or OR the invoice as to value or price are agreement to purchase and thatthe prices true to the best of my knowledge setforth in the invoice are true. and belief. D. Ascertained-Other Q Other I also declare thatthe statements in the documents herein filed fully disclose to the best of my knowledge 0 00 and belief thatthe true prices,values,quantities,rebates,drawbacks,fees,commissions,and royalties and are true and correct,and that all goods and services provided to the seller of the merchandise eitherfree E. Ascertained Total ® Total or at reduced cost are fully disclosed.I will immediately furnish to the appropriate customs officer any 26 04 information showing a different state of facts. Notice required by Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980.This inofrmation is needed to ensure that ® Signature of Declarant,Title,and Date importers/expbrters are complying with U.S.Customs laws to allow us to compute and.collect the rightamount J of money,to enforce other agency requirements,and to collect accurate statistcial information on imports. Your response is mandatory. Customs Form 7501 1044-01-00-0057884-0001-0126774 FedEx FecE ® Duty and Tax Invoice Q: Why did I receive this duty and tax invoice? A: Almost all shipments crossing international borders including purchases made over the Internet are subject to the assessment of duties and taxes imposed by the importing country's government.The duties and taxes normally must be paid before the goods are released from customs.A shipment's duty and tax amount may be based on: • Product value • Trade agreements • Country of manufacture _ • Use of the product • The product's Harmonized System(HS)code Customs officials assess duties and taxes based on the information provided on the Air Waybill,the Commercial Invoice and other relevant documents such as a Certificate of Origin. Q: What are the charges on this invoice? A: The charges on this invoice may include: Duties-applied to products according to the Customs Tariff of the destination country.Most countries assess duty on the"CIF value"(Cost, Insurance, Freight)of the goods. Value Added Tax-VAT is a general consumption tax assessed on the value added to goods and services. In some countries,including Singapore,Australia, New Zealand and Canada,this tax is known as goods and services tax,or GST.A VAT is typically assessed on the"duty paid value"of the goods((which equals the cost of the goods, insurance and freight(CIF) plus duty)). Ancillary Service Fees-charged by the broker when additional processing is required by a regulatory agency or our customs broker.We may apply and invoice for these fees which are subject to change,for either U.S:or non-U.S. entries. _ Customs-Fees--A Merchandise Processing Fee-(MPF) is assessed on all formal entries,with a few-exceptions. —- Exceptions include goods that qualify for preferential treatment under certain trade agreements(including but not limited to NAFTA and CBERA)and those entered under special provisions(including but not limited to unaltered U.S.-origin goods and goods of distinguished foreign visitors).The rate of assessment is 0.3464%,(.003464)of the "entered"value on the Customs entry.The minimum assessment is$25.00 and the maximum assessment is$485.00. Advancement Fees-FedEx may be required to advance certain duties and taxes in countries that require the duties and taxes to be paid prior to customs'release of the shipment,or to complete clearance of certain items through customs. In such instances,the party billed for duties and taxes will be assessed a surcharge charged by FedEx to advance the duties and taxes to customs prior to collecting payment. In the event we advance duties,taxes or other fees,including the U.S. Merchandise Processing Fee,on behalf of the payer,the payer will be assessed a surcharge based on a flat rate or a percentage of the total amount advanced.This surcharge will vary depending upon the destination country.