HomeMy WebLinkAbout322653 03/12/18 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 00350992 i{ ONE CIVIC SQUARE BOONE CO RESOURCE RECOVERY SYSCWcQK AMOUNT: $'**"1,518.00• CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 985 S US 421 CHECK NUMBER: 322653 j ETON�° ZIONSVILLE IN 46077 CHECK DATE: 03/12/18 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 2201 4350100 27410 1,518.00 BUILDING REPAIRS & MA _T VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201(Rev.1995) Vendor# 00350992 ALLOWED 20 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER BOONE CO RESOURCE RECOVERY SYS, INC IN SUM OF$ CITY OF CARMEL 985 S US 421 An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show:kind of service,where performed,dates service rendered,by whom,rates per day,number of hours,rate per hour,number of units,price per unit,etc. ZIONSVILLE, IN 46077 Payee $1,518.00 Purchase Order# ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Street Department Terms Date Due PO# ACCT# DATE INVOICE# DESCRIPTION DEPT# INVOICE# Fund# AMOUNT Board Members DEPT# FUND# (or note attached invoice(s)or bill(s)) AMOUNT 27410 43-501.00 $1,518.00 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or 3/1/18 27410 $1,518.00 2201 2201 - 2201 2201 bill(s)is(are)true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Tuesday, March 06,2018 Huffman, Dave Director I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s),is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 , 20— Cost 20Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund. Clerk-Treasurer Boone County Resource Recovery Systems Invoice No.27410 985 South US Hwy 421 Invoice Date 2/28/2018 Zionsville, IN 46077-8829 Phone:(317)769-4223 Fax:(317)769-4763 Due Date 3/25/2018 INVOICE Bill to: Carmel Street Department Acct#:505 3400 W.131st Street Terms:Net 25 Westfield,IN 46074 Ticket/ Date MC Reciept Material/Fee Code PO Rate Units Amount 02/02/2018 187446✓/CFH/Conc.,Dirt,Logs, $1.00 35.00 $35.00 02/02/2018 187446/ FBC Tipping Fee $0.50 6.00 $3.00 02/02/2018 18745Z�CFH/Conc.,Dirt,Logs, $1.00 35.00 $35.00 02/02/2018 187454✓FBC Tipping Fee $0.50 6.00 $3.00 02/02/2018 187459✓ CFH/Conc.,Dirt,Logs, $1.00 35.00 $35.00 02/02/2018 187459,// FBC Tipping Fee $0.50 6.00 $3.00 02/02/2018 187466k% CFH/Conc.,Dirt,Logs, $1.00 35.00 $35.00 02/02/2018 187466 V FBC Tipping Fee $0.50 6.00 $3.00 02/13/2018 187901^ CFH/Conc.,Dirt,Logs, $1.00 70.00 $70.00 02/13/2018 187901 J FBC Tipping Fee $0.50 12.00 $6.00 02/13/2018 1879071` CFH/Conc.,Dirt,Logs, $1.00 70.00 $70.00 02/13/2018 187907 FBC Tipping Fee $0.50 12.00 $6.00 02/13/2018 187932 CFH/Conc.,Dirt,Logs, $1.00 150.00 $150.00 02/13/2018 187945✓I CFH/Conc.,Dirt,Logs, $1.00 70.00 $70.00 02/13/2018 187945✓ FBC Tipping Fee $0.50 12.00 $6.00 02/13/2018 187951 CFH/Conc.,Dirt,Logs, $1.00 70.00 $70.00 02/13/2018 187951\/FBC Tipping Fee $0.50 12.00 $6.00 02/26/2018 188525✓ CFH/Conc.,Dirt,Logs, $1.00 70.00 $70.00 02/26/2018 188525 V FBC Tipping Fee $0.50 12.00 $6.00 02/26/2018 1885281/ CFH/Conc.,Dirt,Logs, $1.00 70.00 $70.00 02/26/2018 1885281 FBC Tipping Fee $0.50 12.00 $6.00 02/26/2018 188530/ CFH/Conc.,Dirt,Logs, $1.00 70.00 $70.00 02/26/2018 188530 FBC Tipping Fee $0.50 12.00 $6.00 02/26/2018 188532✓CFH/Conc.,Dirt,Logs, $1.00 70.00 $70.00 02/26/2018 1885321/ FBC Tipping Fee $0.50 12.00 $6.00 02/26/2018 188563✓ CFH/Conc.,Dirt,Logs, $1.00 70.00 $70.00 02/26/2018 188563�/ FBC Tipping Fee $0.50 12.00 $6.00 02/26/2018 188567V CFH/Conc.,Dirt,Logs, $1.00 70.00 $70.00 02/26/2018 188567✓FBC Tipping Fee $0.50 12.00 $6.00 02/26/2018 188573✓ CFH/Conc.,Dirt,Logs, $1.00 70.00 $70.00 02/26/2018 188573✓ FBC Tipping Fee $0.50 12.00 $6.00 02/26/2018 188574✓, CFH/Conc.,Dirt,Logs, $1.00 70.00 $70.00 02/26/2018 188574✓ FBC Tipping Fee $0.50 12.00 $6.00 02/27/2018 188582✓ CFH/Conc.,Dirt,Logs, $1.00 70.00 $70.00 02/27/2018 188582✓ FBC Tipping Fee $0.50 12.00 $6.00 02/27/2018 1885831,/ CFH/Conc.,Dirt,Logs, $1.00 70.00 $70.00 02/27/2018 1885831✓ FBC Tipping Fee $0.50 12.00 $6.00 02/27/2018 188585,'// CFH/Conc.,Dirt,Logs, $1.00 70.00 $70.00 02/27/2018 1885851/ ;'FBC Tipping Fee $0.50 12.00 $6.00 02/27/2018 1885871/ CFH/Conc.,Dirt,Logs, $1.00 70.00 $70.00 Inv_InvoiceBC.Ip[ Page 1 of 2 Boone County Resource Recovery Systems Invoice No.27410 985 South US Hwy 421 Invoice Date 2/28/2018 Zionsville, IN 46077-8829 Phone:(317)769-4223 Fax:(317)769-4763 Due Date 3/25/2018 INVOICE Bill to: Carmel Street Department Acct#:505 3400 W.131st Street Terms:Net 25 Westfield,IN 46074 Ticket/ Date MC Reciept Material/Fee Code PO Rate Units Amount 02/27/2018 188587V FBC Tipping Fee $0.50 12.00 $6.00 INVOICE TOTALS 1 1,626.00 $1,518.00 Inv_InvoiceBC.Ipt Page 2 of 2 �i�RAS 4MBoone County Resource Recovery Systems, Inc. to985 South US Hwy.421 •Zionsville, IN 46077 (317)769-4223 9Fax(317)769-4763 Ticket : 187951 M-z-w. i. - Oct.31 i Nov. ! - Feb. 28 Late: 2'/16/2018 M-F. 7-5 ?. Sat 8-2 / til-F: 7-4 3. Sat : 8-2 Time: 1-5:311:56 - 15:32:77 Sca 1 e Customer: 505/Carmel Street Department 3400 W. 131st Street Westfield, IN 46074- Truck:: 505 Comment: Origin Materials & Services Quantity Unit Rate/Unit Amount -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HA/Hamilton CFH/Conc. , Dirt, Logs, 70.00 each $1. 00/Each s-70. 00 HA/Hamilton F/K Tipping Fee 12. 00 each TC. 50/Each 18. 00 / Total Amount : $76.00 Driver: ` `' Deputy Weighmaster: A 2al 'CRIB `� Boone County Resource Recovery Systems, Inc. 985 South US Hwy.421 •Zionsville, IN 46077 (317) 769-4223•Fax(317) 769-4763 Ticket : 187945 Mar. ! — Cct.31 / Nov. 1 — Feu.28 Date: 2/13/2018 M—F: 7-5 ; =at 8-2 / tai—F: 7-4 & Sat: 8-2 Time: 14:42:54 — 14:43:03 '7h, Scale Customer: 505/Carmel Street Department 3400 W. 131st Street Westfield, IN 46074-- Truck: 505 Comment: Origin materials & Services Quantity Unit Rate/Unit Amount -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HA/RamiIton CFH/Cone. , Dirt,Logs, 70. LA each $1. 00/Each $70.00 HA/Hamilton F/BC Tipping Fee 12.00 each $0. 50/Each $6.00 Total Amount: $76.00 Driver: Deputy Weighmaster: ,oCRArs `lk Boone County Resource Recovery Systems, Inc. to985 South US Hwy.421 •Zionsville, IN 46077 (317)769-4223•Fax(317)769-4763 Ticker : 187932 Mar. ! - Oct. 31 i' Nov. 1 - Feo. 28 Dare: 2/13/2018 N-F: 7-5 _. Sar 8-8 / M-F: 7-4 -. Sat: 8-2 Time: 13:29:29 - 13:30:09 Scale Customer: 505/Carmel Street Department 3400 W. 131st street Westfield, IN 46074- Truck: 505 Comment: — - Origin Materials R Services Quantity Unit Rate/Unit Amount -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HA/Hamilton CFH/Cone, , Dirt,Log=, 151?. 00 each $1. 00/Each $150. 00 / Total Amount: $150. 00 Driver: 'can, Deputy Weighmaster: A 'A Res OlkBoone County Resource Recovery Systems, Inc. to985 South US Hwy.421 •Zionsville, IN 46077 (317)769-4223•Fax(317)769-4763 Ticket : 1107907 MIar. 1 - Oct.31 I' Nov. 1 - Feb. 28 Date: 2/13/0"018 M-F: 7-5 & Sat -S ;' ire-F: 7-4 & Sat: 8-2 Time: 10:45:49 - 10:45:57 Scale Customer: 505/Carmel Street Department 3400 W. i3lst Street Westfield, IN 46074- Truck. 505 Comment: Origin Materials & Services Ouantity Unit Rate/Unit Amount -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HA/Hamilton CFH/Conc. , Dirt, Logs, 70.00 each $1. 00/Each $>70.00 HA/Hamilton F/PC Tipping Fee 12. 00 each $0. 50/Each $6. UV) Total Amount: $76.00 Driver: Deputy Weighmaster: `M Boone County Resource Recovery Systems, Inc. 985 South US Hwy.421 •Zionsville, IN 46077 (317)769-4223•Fax(317)769-4763 Ticket : 187901 Marl - Oct. .31 i Nov. ! - Feb. 28 Date: 2/13/2018 M-F: 7-5 .. Sat 8-2 / M-F: 7-4 & Sato 8-2 Time: 09:36:45 - 03:37: 10 Scale Customer: 505/Carmel Street Department 3400 W. 131st Street Westfield, IN 46074— Truck: 6U74— Truck: 505 Comment : Origin Materials & Services Quantity Unit Rate/Unit Amount -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HA/Hamilton CFH/Conc. , Dirt,cogs, 70. 00 each $1.00/Each $70.00 HA/Hamilton F/BC Tipping Fee 12.00 each 10.50/Each $6. 00 Total Amount: $76. 00 er ` , a Dray _r : Deputy �Jeighm_.ster: A 10C RI S �� Boone County Resource Recovery Systems, Inc. to985 South US Hwy.421 •Zionsville, IN 46077 (317)769-4223•Fax(317)769-4763 Ticket: 187454 Mar. 1 - Oct.31 ! Nov. 1 - Feb. 28 Date: 2/2/2018 tai-Fa .-5 cSat 8-2 M-F: ;-4 & mat: 8-2 Time: �Sn�� c48 - 05.5?:00 Scale Customer; 505/Carmel Street Department 3400 W. 131st Street Westfield, IN 46074- Truck: 505 Comment : Origin Materials & Services Quantity Unit Rate/Unit Amount -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HA/Hamilton CFH/Cone. , Dirt, Log=, 35.00 each $1.00/Each x:-35. 00 HA/Hamilton F/BC Tipping Fee 6.0 each $0.50/Each $3. 00 Total Amount: $38.00 Driver: 7-eputy lei9hma=ters A Rkv Boone County Resource Recovery Systems, Inc. 985 South US Hwy.421 •Zionsville, IN 46077 (317)769-4223•Fax(317)769-4763 Ticket. 187446 Mar. 1 - Oct. 31 / Nov. 1 - Feb. L8 date. 8/2/2018 M-F. 7-5 & Sat 8 M-F. 7-4 ;. Sat. 8-8 Time: 09.03.1-8 - 09.03.48 Scale Customer; 505/Carmel Street department 3400 W. 131st Street Westfield, .iii 46074- Truck. 505 Comment. Origin Materials & Service= Q!uantit;; Unit Rate/Unit Amount -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HA/Hamilton CFH/Conc. , dirt, Logs, 35.00 each $1.00/Each $M00 HA/Hamilton F/BC Tipping Fee 8.00 each °0. 50/Each $3.MA Total Amount. x:38.00 Driver: deputy Weighmaster. 14- R- [ 1 o A Boone County Resource Recovery Systems, Inc. 985 South US Hwy.421 •Zionsville, IN 46077 (317)769-4223•Fax(317)769-4763 Ticket: 18'745, Pilar. 1 - Oct.31 r Nov. ! - Feb.� 8 Date.- 2/22018 tri-F: 7-5 & Sat 8-2 i Pit-F: 7-4 & Sat: 8--2 Time: 10:37:42 - 10:37:51 Sc ale Customer: 505/Carmel Street Department 3400 W. 131st Street Westfield, IN 45074- Truck: 505 Comment: Origin Materials & Set-vices Qua.nti4;i Unit Rate/Unit Amount -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HA/Hamilton CFH/Conc. , Dirt, Logs, 35.00 each $1.00/Each x:35.00 HA/Ha.milton F/BC Tipping Fee r.00 each x-0. 50/Each x:3.00 Total Amount: $38.00 Driver: �D�p�_€Ty Weighmaster: H -14r '0cRA,'V Boone County Resource Recovery Systems, Inc. 985 South US Hwy.421 •Zionsville, IN 46077 (317)769-4223•Fax(317).769-4763 Ticket: 187466 Mar. 1 - Oct.31 Nov. 1 - Feb.28 Date: 2/2/2018 M-F: 7-5 _. Sat 8 M-F; 7-4 :. Sat^ 8-2 Time: 11: 13042 - 11a20:00 Scale Customer: 505/Carmel Street Department 3400 W. 131st Street Westfield, IN 46074— Truck: 505 Comment Origin Materials & Services Quantity Unit Rate/Unit Amount -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HA/Ramilion CFH/Cone. , Birt, Logs, 35.00 each y1. 00/Each $35.00 HH/Hamilton F/EC Tipping Fee 6.00 each $0. 50/Each $3. 0 Total t�ma�_�nt e x:38.�� Driver- A"; l�ep,_tty l�leighmastero H G� -VP CK `* Boone County Resource Recovery Systems, Inc. to985 South US Hwy.421 •Zionsville, IN 46077 (317)769-4223•Fax(317)769-4763 Ticketo 188583 Mar- !1 - Oct. 31 ! Nov. ! - Feb.28 Late: 2/27/2018 M-F: 7-5 & Sat 8--2 M-r n 7-4 _. Sat: 8-2 Time: — 08:53:36 Scale Customer: 505/Carmel Street Department 3400 W. 131st Street Westfield, IN 46074— Truck a -� I Comments , Origin Material_ & Services Quantity Unit Rate/Unit, Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------- HA/Hamilton CFH/Cone. , Dirt, Logs, 70.00 each $1. 00/Each $70. 00 HA/Hamilton F/BC Tipping Fee 12.00 each ,0.50/Each $6. 0 Total Amount: $76.00 Driver: _ Deputy Weighmastero A 0��3 `M Boone County Resource Recovery Systems, Inc. to985 South US Hwy.421 •Zionsville, IN 46077 (317)769-4223•Fax(317)769-4763 Ticket: 188587 Mar. ! — Oct.31 f Nov. ! - Feb. 28 Date: 2/27/2018 M-F: 7-5 & Sat 8-2 / Iii-F: 7-4 & Sat; 8-2 Time: 090907 9: 17 - 09:39:28 Scale Customer: 505/Carmel Street Department 3400 W. 131st Street Westfield, IN 46074- Truck- <505-- �1 Comment: Origin Materials & Services Quantity Unit Rate/Unit Amount -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HA/Hami lion CFH/Conc. , Dirt,Logs, 70.00 each 1.1.00/Each $70.00 HA/Hamilton F/BC Tipping Fee 12. 00 each $ .50/Each $6.0 Total Amount: $76.00 Driver: Deputy Meighmaster: N C ,oC R1,4� `M Boone County Resource Recovery Systems, Inc. to985 South US Hwy.421 •Zionsville, IN 46077 (317)769-4223•Fax.(317)769-4763 Ticket: 188582 Mar. ! - Oct.31 / Nov. ! - Feo. 28 Date: 2/27/2018 M-F: 7-5 ? Sat 8-2 / M-F: 7-4 & Sat: 8-2 Time: 08245:40 - 08:45:50 Scale Customer: 505/Carmel Street Department 3400 W. Vist Street Westfield, IN 46074- Truck: 505 Comment: Origin Materials n Services Quantity Unit Rate/Unit Amount -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HA/Hamilton CFH/Cone. , Dirt, Logs, 70.00 each $1. 00/Each $70. 00 HA/Hamilton F/BC Tipping Fee 12. 00 each $0.50/Each $6.00 i Total Amount: $76.00Driver: DeputyL�leighmaster: A `M Boone County Resource Recovery Systems, Inc. 985 South US Hwy.421 •Zionsville, IN 46077 (317) 769-4223•Fax(317)769-4763 Ticket : 188585 Mar. ! — Oct.31 Nov. ! — Feb. 28 Date: 2/27/2018 tai—F: 7-5 c: Sat 8-2 i M—F: 7-4 & Sat: 8—E Time: 09:27:03 — 09:27: 10 Scale Customer: 505/Carmel Street Department 3400 W. 131st Street Westfield, IN 46074- Truck: 505 Comment: Origin Materials & Services Quantity Unit Rate/Unit Amount -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HA/Hamilton CFH/Cone. , Dirt, Logs, 70. 00 each X1. 00/Each $70.00 HA/Hamilton F/BC Tipping Fee 12. 00 each $0.50/Each $6. 00 Total Amount: $76.00 Driver: _ Deputy Weiq_hma.ster: A `*' Boone County Resource Recovery Systems, Inc. 985 South US Hwy.421 -Zionsville, IN 46077 (317)769-4223-Fax(317)769-4763 Ticket : 188563 Mar. ! — Oct. 31 ! Nov. ! — Feh.28 IJates 2/26/2018 tai—F: 7-5 & Sat 8-2 ! M—F: 7-4 R Sat: 8-2 Time: 14a39a14 — 14:39:23 Scale Customer: 505/Carmel Street Department 3400 W. 131st Street Westfield, IN 46074— Truck: 6074— Tr_+cko 505 Comment : Origin Materials & Services Quantity Unit pate/Unit Amount --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HA/Hamilton CFH/Cone. , Dirt,Logs, 70. 00 each 11.1.0O/Each $70.00 HA/Hamilton F/HC Tipping Fee 12. 00 each `0. 5O/Each $6.00 Total Amount: $76.00 Driver: Deputy Weighmastero A ,oC RAr�.v Boone County Resource Recovery Systems, Inc. 985 South US Hwy.421 •Zionsville, IN 46077 (317)769-4223 9 Fax(317)769-4763 Ticket: 188573 Mar . 1 - Oct.31 Nov. ! - Feb. 28 Date: 2/26/8018 tri-F: 7-5 & Sat 8-2 / M-F: 7-4 & Sat: 8 Time: 15Q0:38 - 15:20:45 �77 Scale Customer: 5�L5%Carmel Street Department 3400 W. 131st Street Westfield, 1N 46074- Truck: 6074- Truck: 505 Comment: Origin Materials €, Services Quantity Unit Rate/Unit Amount -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HA/Ha.mi.lton CFH:'Conc. ,Dirt, Logs, 70. 01 each 1.0 /Each $70.00 HA/Hamilton F/BC Tipping Fee 12. 00 each $0. 50/Each $6. 0 Total Amount: $76.00 Driver: Deputy Weighmaster: A Boone County Resource Recovery Systems, Inc. 985 South US Hwy.421 -Zionsville, IN 46077 (317)769-4223• Fax(317) 769-4763 Ticker: 188525 Mar . 1 - Oct.Cl i Nov. 1 - Feb. 28 Date: 2/25/2018 M-F: 7-5 f, Sat 8-2 i M-F: 7-4 ? Sat : 8-2 Time: 10: 14: 18 - 10: 14:32 Scale Customer: 505/Carmel Street Department 3400 W. 131st Street Westfield, IN 46074- Truck: 505 Comment: Origin Materials R Services Quantity Unit Rate/Unit Amount -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HA/Hami.l ton CFH/Cone. , Dirt, Logs, 70.00 each X1.00/Each $70.00 H0/Hamilton F/PC Tipping Fee 12.00 each $0.50/Each $6.00 Total Amount; 176.00 Driver: Deputy Weighmaster: {-1 �cR 4M Boone County Resource Recovery Systems, Inc. to985 South US Hwy.421 •Zionsville, IN 46077 (317)769-4223•Fax(317)769-4763 Ticket: 1885=0 Mar. 1 - Oct.31 r' riNov. 1 - Feb. 28 Date: 2/26/2018 M—F: 7-5 & Sat 8-2 � M—Fe 7-4 & Sato 8-2 Time: 1005a25 — 10:5505 Scale Customera 505/Carmel Street Department 3400 W. 131st Street Westfield, IN 46074- Truck: 505 Comment : Origin Materials & Services Quantity Unit Rate/Unit Amount -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HA/Hami.ltan CFH/Cane. , Dirt, Logs, 70. 00 each $1. 00/Each $70.00 HA/Hamilton F/K Tipping Fee 12. 00 each x:0.50/Each $6.00 r Total Amount: $76.00 Driver: Deputy Weighmastere A Boone County Resource Recovery Systems, Inc. 985 South US Hwy.421 •Zionsville, IN 46077 (317) 769-4223 9Fax(317)769-4763 Ticket: 188574 Mar. 1 - Oct. 31 r' Nov. ! - Feb.28 Date: 2/26/2018 tai-F: 7-5 3 at 8 ! M-F: 7-4 & Sat: 3 Time: 15:30:47 - 15:30:55 Scale Customer: 505/Carmel 'street Department 3400 W. 131st Street Westfield, 1N 46074- Truck. *5&'5 �l Comment: Origin Materials % Services Quantity Unit Rate/Unit Amount -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HA/Ramilion CFH/Cone. , Dirt, Logs, 70.00 each $1.00/Each #70.00 HA/Hamilton F/RC Tipping Fee 12. 00 each $0.50/Each $6.00 Total Amount: $76.00 Driver: Deputy Weighmaster: 611/ A 142 i ,ARRs -41% Boone County Resource Recovery Systems, Inc. 0 985 South US Hwy.421 •Zionsville, IN 46077 (317)769-4223•Fax(317)769-4763 Ticket : 188528 Mar. ! - Oct. 31 ! Nov. 1 - Feb. 28 Date: 2/26/2018 frl F: 7-5 Cr 7.3, 8-2 M—F: l--r Ci •..ra', ¢ 8-2 Time: 10.22e11 — 10;22o20 Scale Customer: 505/Carmel Street Department 3400 W. 131st Street Westfield, IN 46074- Truck: n Comment : Origin Materials r, Services Quantity Unit Rate/Unit Amount -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HAJHami.lton CFHrConc. , Dirt, Logs, 70.00 each $1.00/Each $70.00 HA/Hamilton F/BC Tipping Fee 12. 00 each x0. 50/Each $8.00 Tota'_ Amount: $78.00 Driver: Deputy Weighmaster: �� A ,oCROs Boone County Resource Recovery Systems, Inc. 985 South US Hwy.421 •Zionsville, IN 46077 (317)769-4223•Fax(317)769-4763 Ticket : 188532 Mar. ! - Oct.31 % Nov. ! — Feb.28 Date: 2/26%2013 tai—F: 7-5 & Sit S-2 M—F: 7-4 ,3 Sat: 8-2 Time: 11: 14:25 — 11:04:34 Scale Customer; 505%Carmal Street Department 3400 W. 131st Street Westfield, . !N 46074— Truck. Ali I Comment: Origin Materials & Services Quantity Unit Rate/Unit Amount -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HG%Hami lion CFH%Cone. ,Dirt, Logs, 70.00 each $1. 00/Each $70.0C-71 HA/Hamilton F%BC Tipping Fee 12.00 each $0.50/Each $6.00 Total Amount: $76.00 Driver: Deputy Weighmaster: G q02 100CRA(4,V Boone County Resource Recovery Systems, Inc. 985 South US Hwy.421 •Zionsville, IN 46077 (317) 769-4223•Fax(317) 769-4763 Ticket: 188567 Mar. 1 — Oct. 31 / Nov. ! - Feo. 28 Lutea 2%26/2018 M-F: 7-5 & Sat 8-2 i tai-F: 7-4 & Sat: 8-2 Time: 14:47: 11 - 14:47: 18 Customer: 505/Carmel Street Department Seale 3400 W. 131st Street Westfield) !N 46074— Truck: §115 Comment: Origin 1 Materials R Services Quantity Unit Rate/Unit Amount -----------_---------------------------------------------------------------- HAiHami lion CFH%Conc. , Dirt, Logs, 70. 00 each $1.00/Each $70.00 HA/Hamilton F/BC Tipping Fee 12. 00 each $0. 50/Each $6.00 Total Amount: 176.00 Driver: Deputy Weighmaster: A